v i . ... Vy-'' v . . .... "... 1 1 " "" . , . ,..;.", i K- J- - " f . " V l , Vw J Frioe $4.00 Fer'tan N., iilDAiv OCTOBER 27, 1899. THE NEWS OF WASHINGTON. inrnnL- on1 "ii . i "i - '" ;- . - Single Copy. 5 Cent' Tfce Transvaal Trouble. . ' eS Ior the promotion of Be a Candidate Under Certain Con- s riiP.T.v n m -v- ... i T Vu&t?,x and , from -1 rafts: v ,T , , From onr Regular Ooi respondent. (litions. Traffic is picking up this week 1 - f f other self-ad vbrtising - M Waddell writes the thank you, and the performance 11 W y ftave "petitioned" r'Sews and Observer as includes an the usuarpopular i, f Sldent to stand Erig- j fWSf , features, together witjii few " t PrPte(? the Boers, to I W-9. 17.To fee new ones. That sterling ' favor. I S Joe - Wheeler against the f one .of the persons ite, W, McKinley, LLr D , has Utfiit and - to lend his wnose names haye been published returned from his tour of the one i ??enancr to the proceedings ; -COniiecti?u ith We United night stands, and will continue i St eVery concei (although the run, ot tne old drama, 1 Wor- , 'I a monocle. V; But -- .'ias am riments of the White House, or the Nation's Hire ; Man. " It " is even rumored on' the Bialto", that Mr. McKinley be 4 asked to" play a return engagement of ..tine i I T 1 . - . ' nne oia classic. .Admiral Schley; too, did a little,, barn-storming during the week) making a brief appearance in ;his . native ; place of Frederick, Mdi, the town of Barbcra Freitchic and- Stonewall Jackson fame: The galknt Aa'j ' An interesting ffeapf; nature we, exnioited at Brown Bros 1 11 m- siaoie Thursday evening; - It is MyihlHSK v a horse mth five perfernied , WslO wvU leet. r Thesupernumwarfoot is WSP?,--1.1 .vyj i iiicsiuo . pi tne Pdhror joint ,of the right, front leg. The hoof and mstor a,r A ' , . . iioc equaim size to the other four are aoom tne size ; of a sij: month's-old ' colt; ; jreV 'perfectly xxc. j. ne animal isa n of oi oatawba" county. , 'He the President ha t iL s cpncernedj I. desire to sav The Preside Has been toW ??f at 1 s to in-1 OI awDacounty. . . r Mtrekking rthrough the -veldt" 1 Cil;Tuals o have spoken to me . eT W, W. J. Riteliie Married. of, the s Northwest, wherft , thesubject, viz: ; ; ; f Rev..W WJ Ritchie, waa hopes his ," Sor": willkeeT) 'i , - lf next democratic -,ried on Wednesday, the' 25th, we -fii-;!- ' - I " "wuw was mar- i m . if the next democratic ried on "VVednesdav. ihti ssfth Ui fresh until the i next national elec- ?W c?nvPn in accordance learn froni Our Church: ; Pafter ; TT tion. ; v - V fth;e resolution' of: the last to Miss Anna, Henkeloi New ; However,' the: tate iert, ' e 'fefoT? Va. Rev; Mr.'RitehJ mff ment famo : : f -'z-n: . lon or senators Kv fi-Q will talro fi, di;l. v r. , - edict-to--tfc. vacated Rev. V? SlipWarqS jtl?Axlomocrafs.iii.the state, -I ex- -'Y' V-U. ri:u , Cleanliness IVext to Gmllfnke i lATft fl.TA TkT"nri TTinpWrv tVwi . "i J-t pays to keeDTvbur :-ftlnthfla Ul'.li . bool during the war will be distinctly ?UU!5 oh", . an announcement turi morn your miial showed to a large busia -.nsable, at the Frederick county fair, a.d f? W V Groat. JJritian, bas nxoibers o ln ?"d Pr5RS?d Alexander iy.f-ff y U UF W8,nt S. "ide4thepublic;,in: terest witn abnormal animals and .rse:pi sued,. I will not. be a candidate -f - ' !. nrnTTrbvc " prize pumpkins. ,r PEESONAL POINTERS. SSJTS, 50 PGr iiut the starl feature' of 'tygiiu m v ,"T Utllt WOOl, OnlV :rius " charge d'affaires. hT il1 th August ""uc iBuum, as. .me ; late la- . ... r Tv"v!,,r'? wwon, ,ana not before. ' mented A. Ward would have -put le visiting to the State y:,&j That Lam-not makins j Marshall Mabery isat home CkKr v,?4 7;-W for a two days vdcation. OC. ' SUlt. -Fine i Mr. Henry. McAen of CharW MGrillb " V6 S t S Auiro ojjuuu last nignt nere non TBT ) , Mr. and Mr.4 ' "R n returned homfl ln.Rt. nirv VJ. vx vrjr oiwr jooy, Aa-Li,oMi, . r. j n, , - 7 v r, w pi HHivyiii nox; ao so until! - - . COU. W CITY & n G mirai '1' tS1i - that there is an -iinflArlof t i tAi.. . : mw" tv- w Wr- - vv VIaaU. S . yiSp wey, on wnemi frt 1,of be"- A vrvarnnarat rD;,Ll., j Woe.V?i 110 tnat effect bfitWPftn fnA" A,s .r retlirnfid homo locf v,i.ii -P T1jI II flAn 11nM right. The Admiral is feeling ' .. ' r': I .;4.ThatIwm cheerfully unite 0 :v ' : ' SUlts, 48c ?.5f too "poorly" tp; take, any: more .. .Uur console will. also,havo Wth all. other .aspirants in n. , Robt- LaAerty and Sam' "r rxo '' " I'V; jaunts just at present, and,-as somcUlmS to' d looking' after .jSfidwi to solicit,; directly, :!-ff!.:..Sr.TOre. 54 OG. ill I L u unigomery returned WA'' 1 i ' . LJV home this morniner from -Rhplhv TGli S UlllOn statenthear and separate , .-C, wont over : .t - to Charlotte 'this morning to ISUltS ; ,111 WOOl vi,io ner iainer,: mr. k M White, OF COttor1 " ' - . - - i - . . i-.i - Kwio jajr nun. ina little do o imo,- rT?-"-' uvucuiiorwouia they ' 'begrudge" himr vby the men of large affairs, represent-" ld. that office contrary to the way. His future work will be ing American manufacturing and of a majority of his own 1ot..i Vi-:'--' l .f-5 eTnortincr Tmnnn wv.3 bartv. . . .. . m connection with .the 'r'"' ciuo, uaiues m: p PhillinninA A' vestments in the . srold and dia. - I W there is auy more candid gard to the Dewey homethe mondfields. :, RWmwyito state my . position committee in charge,' after iniich Hon A1rnri Sartorisflate'V ?he, matter than this, I do. not T :i r . -2 . r. Pant TT R V T a t n knOW it. avui, nnauy selected house i r;-1--' V.,v-ipa . .; , , 1747 Rhode Island Avom,n- Bnt,sh dson of Gcneal h -. . AlfredMooro Waddell. Northwest,' knwn as th'e Fiteli fcrrant IwW'wri td m-p6ip6vb The Tacancic, Filled. v . r mansion.' It is a verv satisfy several times this week, staking 1 A meeting o the directors of i , . . . J oouauK,- un tbfi nrnriiTnonoi.r J; l : the Bala Tnilfmrna ViolI rpv..;j wiycnoice, and, lor a wonder k rl 71; f SD . rm,' - v -'ii, : "uluaJ' tho ; ' V .Tn.Qe' behalf' of dear , old England The office of secretary andtreas covered hi post p l shington ' society girlies say W bas 'been vacant since the OnThY , that y's contributions JjotUr. Geo. W Patterson, atwi I 7 venmg Dewev equal to anything that Jo6 ;Jham- Mr. W R Harris was elected to attended the performance at the berlain ever dreamed of doing fiU the vacancy. - Mr. Geo. L wiumbia Theatre, and made his They are reallv too cute for Jt'. I Patterson was elected to fill the "'ol dppearance on any stage thine. . vacancy as director. "u iiu went oenma the scenes the invitation of comedian Francis Wilson, and met, the Rev. J C Da ,V1 Si ". i. TO f.n rn ol home last night ' from Monroe, where he attended the Convo cation. "h::i have We A W Line derwear durahl W x have heen careful in selection. boast about 10c. and members of the companyTiei-; Alus an operatic version on the half -shell of "Cyrano de Ber- Cousin George told Mr. Wil son that he envied the latter A in his ability to make a speech, thereupon the funny man hu morously. offered to write, thenar VU nero a hnnV rf apted to all possible occasions. Vlew of the misfortunes of. "tuyr mous mariners, . who A Keck on the i adkin iioad. . WIIson-GoIdston Marriage. - At v Wooclside; a station on the , 0n Thursday night at the home ! there ; was ; a of Mrs feoldston on l' North ine engme was derailed;: and teaBsehgerg failed to-Aacli of Mrs. Goldston on ; North Church street Mr. j R Wilson, of 8 un and verv , our We our "15 c. Misses' F a s t )B;i:a' e:k.;' .Kibbed ' Hose; there are nb better to be found, and see :rii:;iLii- childreh ...-.I- - arrived at 9.45 nVW.lr that nitrlit 1 Rer uodzerto be TnstAlIpdl cxxvx ouuu oiwi waru ine marriage r'tjr.CDv" ...'.'vuzor win , oe in 'TO-wwreo. xne t ??n ytr UU?J: 4npng ? at-1 groom has for some time been an : St.j Paul's JB L cturch, as suc- oixijiuyo mw vaeii- miiis j voooux viu iw3v,'- a xusu as pas- here. f . . Miss. Goldston is well i tor of that charge; Rd v. C B Mil- known in that nnrt nf nnf trvnm ler.as "nresident of 'thrt TnrfTi lVQ recently tooted their iiesra Ld hafe mdfny friends. SKe is ' a CarolmaSq ' iuo meioaiously it is dif -1 srer.)! ivir. njii ijoiaston. xne Parks & Co. ''ji j :5ri vdwMt " ' -v-- I" 1 Phones too melodiously," it 'is1 'dif - S0.e why Dewey, "should it k iiio pieseuo secur- y y mastering the art of mak- &6echefc : Fae : &fte !a utble but it is not the hardest Wowerthatttainit:;;:; V THE TliAXSVAAL TROUBLE. ' . identSiT-011 known that th'e Pres . u iias recfiivod q ri. tv ; i Petitions ccmcerning ' annual inspection the T. "Fieasamness in r - I couple has gone to his home at j- :i tKe way all druffgiste sell Rnp.lr TTill v I Grove V'Tasteleka Chill Tonio fnr nTiTTa iiuiual inspection Koifce. The members Ptthe -gabrru ) viutc lootucoa xixx .uxixu xux vxLUxo and Malaria. is simply. Iron and ave it; Ad alts refer it to bitter, nan leatini Tbm -Price. 50o. svaal. They have come T?ioi - -i-x - " i ' Kea not i-rom tne bun . 5 . . " '? tt- JhrFJ,.l 1 Was Ihe ball that hit G. vB. Stadman are urgently requested to be, at 'NotrNewark, Mich., in the Ciyil War their armnrtf FmvAWkifi.. lit caused horrible Ulcers that no treat- .xx.v.xxv, rment elped., for 20 years. Then xxwxx au u u uiuck io suiiiu wio i5ncK:iea's Arnica. oaive enrea mm. nrinrifil idfV" , . - '' Gnres Cnts, : Braises. Barns, Boils, annual inspection. i p.io nrtJB Ktin Timnfinna -Ri Pile core on earrh, 25cts. a box, Care Eli Goldston. j jriie cure on tjuxiu, mvu. auui. . uure I gnaranteed. Sold at Fetzer's Drag STOOCl hilt, snma aro hoffov 4-hn'i'ifHl,,' c ju- -r. . . 7, .7." y rxw?r vtuB oee our ixovai .f elti Acma Sprinsr. Perfection Rfta Mnsc -TfnT?iK COTdiottonC6tton Husk-last - butby no fPst our;Hice Straw with cotton top, the Mattress . for the millions, .e , have -Mattresses to spare. Con - :f erenceis coming. Dorit f orgetsi ri We are1 unldading a solid car of Beds todays-Solid car of Springs last ' week iV6' f6 tfyur service.- i Take, a look at bur line of Carpets.. We are ; agents for X & J. Dobson, the lamest Manufacture of the United States- If you haven't time to come, 'Phone ordersSTo 12. Bell, Harris & Co. 1 t i Captain.

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