..-. . " price $100FerTewv OONCOKD3. 0.', SATURDAY' OCTOBER 28, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents mini? SEMI-AMU ALBEPORT.A 1 iva -rrnw vvnro fn w . w . i ... ,:'.f&s:. , 11-,:, i rftMSffW State Theeif THfl6n&6 Yiidkiiu .l v AffprAdi -? . - - pr. Sam Montgomery,. Mr, r!W. Alexander, who are appointearr'vlir0.VA ;wln ave oeen onsy froni this county to make aeeinrPlamiAg just how and why the onnual report of the , cHaritaWe : Gf 'wok, and some1 " -c - ? OTilaininy;iiifif Virt-rtT o-r. vtA mstitutions of this, . county, onTiurs ay visi . vpun $ home and the jail and made out nrt .accordinsrlv.- -f rrvm , ..X,. . t,,nu. .nto .f ihQ lowing:' : i: 1 c.c; j. -... ni. . . iV ' Twenv-eignt are now nvins: , at the county; home, which home consists of nine buildings;- Ten inmates are able to do light work, one is entirely helpless and one, Eliz.ij Furr, is insane. The " " i aven-.ge expense of keeping these . . v B , : inaigeni persuiibis ?i &v per.weeK The expense to th county of this home is about $1,500 and has been as much as 2,40Q. ;t , Two veteran soldiers are at the home C D Alexander, of the Seventh, regimentj Co: H,' and Daniel Myers of vthe same regiment buti of .Company JB, The latter receives a ' pehsioh df $16 per year. During., ihe last six months there Has oeen seven deaths four, from old age, one Iroin dropsy, one from p&ralysis; and one from a cancer. Eight inmates, are. able to. as sist iir lights, vork.' vejrfquiid that the sicli were well cared for. In this scope of land, 'UBed for the support of qui! poor . the county has 150 acres. . 4 ;? , - As to the religious welfare of the inmates thy found . that on the third Sunday of each month religious : services -are. held, 'by? Messrs. J H Earnhardt and Thos. Alexander . ? Besides ' the " hum -bers aided by our county at j the home there are about forty paid an amount each month, averaging to each one $1;25 : per. month. The management of the home by Superintendent Sapp well pleased the committee. ;. ... The jail was also visited. Re ligious services, they found, are held once each month by the Ep worth League of Central Metho dist church. Not a death has oc curred dnrinp1 tVip. lnsttrm. Thft committee was favorably im pressed with the management, and the improvements made to the waterworks some time ago was noticed. They made the following sug gestions: "That the county commissioners repair the sitting room of the county home by plastering and - reflooring it. That the county home be insured for about $3,000. That one dozen Bibles be furnished to the paupers at the county home as they have no Bibles or other reading matter given them. The Cheerful Workers. The Cheerful Workers of the baptist church will have their Regular missionary exercises unday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Barron, of Charlotte, will ttiake an address on Missions. All are welcome. . Jthiaus Take Notice! A meeting -will be held of special im portance to Pythians tonight at 9 o'clock h?lry knisht should make it his duty t0 be present. C. L. White, C. C. - uw uoiresponaent. vxreax? weekior it!1 Great-week Shamrocb lnf)t . .. ;j ;i.Theivstreet'' corner 'dioioiiukis'''' , . w uipiwua.w -boei1 .explaining .bpw-4P;:PruupSxnqcommis- Polish off tho'Var in the Trans-, aal; It' . was a "sweot boott" to111011' kindly "explain" why i, ' ' ' ' "' tK.inr. f..i r?, ; . 'ijxW-ir.-y-A mi ji . i i . . , i xnpn mere arc tno oores tn ; ypflhat. the same mean inW l lisK " atlil. ;wniiti'i.fniInf1 t,i Ti r m,. J- - ' 17 - ry strong on such words as m,ton0r." oj ..hiijcVi laager. Especially strong on Jaae' only, most of them sp 41 it with one t'a". The usual xaija-eLiiiiuusbwriiiK scneme is aiso in iuii nowerj .ynerfcan una, -a man;pn:ialinostl corner,.' who . will exolam (and. furnish rough diagram)'iust'llqw an; '.expedition; may ;.be -landed,: nang arouna untu is a gen- erai ught. ana j&nen.flasn m ana ob?le a few diamond mines. itdQesn,ltmatter;whethep.BQerQr. or JBritish- win, . justso the' police are busy. Sime as syhtax,' an& Sje&olrMngini Here's thexpedition, (W ashing idn has plenty of th em forming) ; tere are the diamond mines, of ,wiic Jheransvaalxhasj; plejty already formed. All one needs 1 4to connect", is the dash- and the cash. li'E'irst h 'Assistant "Postmaster' General Heath , hove in sight on Wednesday and spent, a large segment of the day in explaining his stateinent to - the Republican. Editorial Association of Michi' gan, in regard to the offer of an army commission to Mr. Aguin aldo. . ; Officials of the War Depart- ment say that such an offer was never made. Mr. Heath says ' that he did not choose his lan-'! guage carefully enough; that he simply alluded to the time when Dewey was not yet "our Dewey", and Ag could have fought the know our laws as to peram Spaniards check by jowl with bulating and let his feet tread on the Americans. He explains that ground not intended for donkeys the newspaper men took him too and as a result a fine of five literally. The newspaper men dollars was paid by the pro ought not to do that. , TLey jail prietor for the animal getting cn newspaper men for that sort of the sidewalk, thing, in Germany. - i Another bit of - explaining, which has not attracted much at- tention, but which should be of . i. i. 4.1, a some mteresv m auioiou -rAA-nla. rxTct.G aivpn "hftforft thfi In- FFx, " - dustrial .Commission tnis weeK. It is one of the most interesting little items the commission - has . has- ground 'but in some time.! Mr. James B. Dill, a New .York It is certainly gratying to the public ntWnPv anneared beforev the to know of one cancer m the land who attorney, appeareu UWUiC are not afraid to be generous to the commission as an expert on the needy and - suffering. : The - proprietors corporation lawi of New Jersey: : i.'SSS Mr. Dill explained why New given away over ten -milhon trial bot Jersey is :W popular the corV , Jjll porations. - Briefly sunnned W .VhTS his reasons ar : as follows: - i ne digeages 0f tne Throat, Chest and Lunes fact that the State has a money renred by surplus, making it unlikely that u-Si ze 500. and $1. Every bot- resident corporations wiU be tie guaranteed, or price refunded. X i i t i . Pweyer;;Mi: Jjilj hit, the nail' s "xWf wipuia - cOff pracU ftndrthtif such laws were r.enfrWrtAHfcL'e.tiTn - h - - . nnriifkrafinTifi would.not bo'-ablo to oxist:' All ivf .iowj ana .-(.umnovapie.. rates, wffidi'-se' Tery.: ThibiN6ryropk 'i.'f itwiffHIlficff' . i.,v;., . . ' ic :r ,,sw x tVi.-Sifi.-''i" sion, ; .may hg.. up some, one, niiioWen HartV ; ! m . Casso Watson will on "W.. lgftP, give a ."nauo- we'en" riartv tn W friend r ' She j .i. ; Md well-ffotten-un invitation which is enclosed in .an. English wnutrthePtiti being neatly wrapped with blue crepe tissue: - ; .""At the home of Mr. W A October thirty-first, some ! hlerry friendly, countra folks to gether will convene to burn their Ln.utsapli poii Jthfiir stocks, i an? ,ha;n4 thei ttllow.e'en.. . ; . V- Will fyou ;;ier ,thereL that very .night?.:, . . 'y '' -j;!: The :5 lads sae trig wi wooer- baha veel knotted on ,,their 'gart.ers.ll -hifi . L:.: bct. Hoge's aemccs Appreciated. v Th& TStanly "SnterptJ sev in speaking of the protracted meet ing1 tljer ; has v the ;f olling : A' a n. rofiii 1 f. f.Vi Arfi ' Ti avft hfiPTi about sixteen confessions and three baptisms. r Rev.. lacy Hqge of Concord, assisted Mr. cfiughan in thq work,' nd his sermons" have called; forth 1 (ion-; s4e:raDle' f aybrablej ; .comment: He! is a good preacner, and is a vigorous apponent of air that hje regards as wrong. We .trust tbat much lasting good will re sult from his work in our midst." - 1 It Was Fun at First. : There- was a scene on our street Friday which attracted the attention of numbers. A very sman child of Mr. S Goodman was riding his donkey through the streets in a very don't-care way. But the donkey didn't ; Red Hot From tse Gun q W-all. 0BC$ it caUsed horrible UlceTR that n i trat-' ' mATifc helped for 20 yearn Then ; yearn . --v, Arnica salVe cured him. : Ptitas Huts , ji. - Bruises, Burns, Boils, e nn:Skin Eruptions. Bet iee 0n earth. 25cts.aW. Cure guarantefd. Sold at Fetzor's Drug store mti - Millions Given Away. reeuiany rrom uct..ztn. us additional tram will prove f of h nu ua1luu1,ivf)u' t-M excivwnneyeSaiu each morning at, 1(1:5. arnvA at Albemarle at 12:it. andi reacH 'r ; oa at ..arjiveat a at 0:20, roach Salisbury .at.:7:i3.5. .The schedule Of the .regular. xeguli : train, which : is ; a; ;mix0d,7ain, will continue the -same, leaving Norwood each morning at 5:307 xivixig au oumx -":- then leaving .. Salisbury: at. 1:80 in thA nftArnnnn.. and , .arnrinf at, worw?.0(1. at.0-vy?..,. .! cleanlin'eSS Next to Godliness. .'!; if-pays': to" keep yoiif clothes clean and pressed byn Alexander & Hendrix. oatisiactipn -always guaranteed. : ' - PERSONAL POINTEBS. Mr. W A' Wbdd" is spending today m Uharlotte. - .1 : i' f Mr. B F.Rogers went over to Charlotte, this morning, : r Mr. A Hartsell arrived here last night tbpend' Sunday.' ! Mrs. L, K Pruett and chil dren, of Charlotte1 'are ' visiting; . r- Mrs. w jr.r iioshamer re turned home ' Friday riight : from Charlotte after -spending .two days there. ; 1: -w .-iHi uir " Mr. J W Brown, of Clinton; S. C. , who spent several' days here last week, is here, agaip'to- day. He returns hprne tonight. OF AT ... . u. tl. Mattresses. -i -t .'.in') Ary'ii I tali Worlds of Matresses in stock and a solid car of 100 on the way. Like Zeb Vance's whiskey all Matteresses are good-but some are better than others. See -our Royal Felt, Acma Spring, Perfection, Sea Moss, Pine Fiber, -Curled Hair, Cotton, Cotton and Husk last but by no meansjleast our "Rice Straw with cotton top, the Mattress for the millions. We have Mattresses to spare. Con ferenceis coming. , Don't forget us.- We are unloading ; a solid car of Beds today Solid car of Springs last week. We are at your service. Take a look at our line of Carpets. We are agents for J. & J. Dobson, the largest Manufacture of the United States-q If you haven't time to come, 'Phone orders No. 12. Bell, Harris am few tipn NHfRI I 1 I !liU nr. cool morn ing-- 7turn: your gmsto.wards Underwear and we are prepared to fill yourwantsr sand drawers 50 per ? t fx .m f f , wool,! only suit. Fine 95 c Woman's- union 98 c; All kinds of;r r ChiJdr: ren s union s and -c separate suits in! a wool or. cotton. JW& have - diir able tin derear and. very our We our 15c. and careful in selection. ! 1 boast about 10c; and children's 6" 3"t JL' i K, q n u I "oed Jk. AJ ' W JUL, bse: there are ho better to be four d. Drop in hd see them. H. L. Parks & Co. attresses! id C Pie Merino vests 98c Ribbed suits 4 . M t i I i ', s J 4 i

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