OftlLY, STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON; Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IK THE MORRIS BUILDU 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Bates of Subscription : . One year ........... . . . . $4 00 812 months ........ 200 Thief months. ... . , . . . . . 1.00 .... One mouth. . . . , . . . .V. . 35, Sirglp opv. ..... . .05 THE WEEKLY. STANDAED ia a our-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other.paper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Bates ; Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. SALISBURY WANTS THE COLLEGE. Concord, N. ft, Oct. 28. THE FOUR HEARD FROM Salisbury is moving with com mendable enthusiasm for -North Carolina College, and from pres ent appearances is lilrely. to offer such inducements as were con templated by the Synod to effect its removal. It has always seemed to us that Concord is the logical place fox the... College, but if Salisbury, or any other town, offers satisfactory inducements and gets the college, we can but congratulate such; town anaV;e stow the'mlost loyal co-operation in aU the movements for the suc cess of the institution and the working out of te ends for which the college was originally instituted. "Whatever of mistaken zeal to prevent our getting the college, or indifference to its im portance thatnow exists, ', need not be seen wheiT an offer of probably less than could have been made by Concord gets the institution. We note in the Fayetteyille Observer a compilation of senti ment on the matter of the , can didacy for the United States Senate by the four statesmen now prominently mentioned for a successor to Senator Butlerf viz.: Hon. F M Simmons, ex Go v. T J Jarvis, Col. J ,S Carr and Hon. A M WaddeU. It is pleasing to note that each mani fests more interest in the con stitutional amendments than in his individual advancement: JNone would have much agita tion of the matter tiU after the vote on the amendments, i . Fx-Gov. Jarvis, as well as Col. Waddell, favors holding party primaries by which practically to select a senator by popular vote, looking forward to an amend ment to the constitution of the United States to this end. , Now that each of the four men has signified that he would be pleased to serve his State in the Senate, but is more interested in the constitutional amendments and desires that nothing shall detract from this one great end, it seems that the senatorship should rest and is likely to do so till after next August. 7TW0 INTERESTING EVENTS. IT IS TtK) DANGEROUS. There is a notion that drunk men do not ' get hurt by faUs and other means, and it 4s marvelous how they do escape, but if a list of such casualties were kept it would be longer, we fancy, than many think, y A case - recently in point : was a- negro who left States viUe intox icated and did not go far till he fell off the wagon and was killed by being run over by his loaded wagon. It is awfully reckless to deprive one's self of the power of self-preservation. The Salisbury Daily Index, which at first seems, to have over-looked The Standard, has found its way to our desk.; It first appeared on the 24th; It is a seven-column ourage'-vjour-nai, that starts, in ;as an old hand at the bellpws." T'he ; salutatory is lofty, and gives promise that the Index will be a valuable ad dition to high grade journalism in the State. We reciprocate the editor's greeting bow, and shall look with expectancy to the col umns of the Index for material benefits in a field : . where the many roses have each its-thorn. NO CURE. NO PAT , That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in ; a tasteless form. Children 80ve it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau- Price. 50c. "We are advancing to the as "tronomical phenomina that will leatina. Tonics be impressive to many of the Mr DATompki yu . . - lotte. seems to I J1 Mat J w r l-. rV I I about ine xiin. ana ioxd. 01 nu vember the meteors are to fall. HARRIS tITHIA V is the strongest Natural Liithia water on the market and 'Ms the endorsement of the f,m.ost noted physicians of the. country as to its : superiority over all others. Read : ' what -the 'hoted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe ville, has to say for Harris Lithia, springs. , t l Asheville, N. C., April 24, 1893. VAn extended clinical use of Har ris' Lithia TjVateir prompts me to the statement that I regard it as one of the'jbest if not the he$ Lithia Water known to the pro fession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. Its U$ein the Rheu matic and County Diseases afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly '.yours, JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia xarbonated -wafer will relieve any case of .indiges tion in one minute prpur . agent is authorized to refund you the money, or if takeni after each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion Why suf fer when yourv'etheuarantee? j jjjL Sarsh.. Agent for Concord. CURE A COfiD IN Otfp.DAT- Tae Laxative Bromo Qoinine .Tablets. All druggists refund money; if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin naff L. B. Q jn each. tablet FOREST HILL MEETIKCU ins, 01 unar- know riore of matters pertaining to cotton and cotton mills' than anv .orio.. Ra.v.o. uu we. ., w hi his late book that North Car a, w olina ises 55Q;ooo bales of cot- Ttxe American nneoi ton an4 mailtlactures 430i0D0 Ity IS irom lunuin tu tu , W, Wi nnr inorir, ,nf. guix lwrx,D vuuo. "JT ton mills, we will ere long have seems to, place :us m it The to draw OI1 i0me other States to News atfd Observer says tne to- et nnttnn to run thAm Raleigh. That day will have HOW'S THIS? two nights, and well see through We offer. one hundred dollars a glass darkly. The chickens reward for any case of catarrh will shake up their plumage and that can not by curwd by Hairs go on perch twice that ; day; the lr"ev . CUWS Will eJi-ptJUU txu. OALia lxxixrv- i TnlaHr OKir mg, nuuiue biuaii uuy wm nave We the undersigned. have A X 1 i ' ' .JS 1 -C I . . W ' . xopic ior ueiore known Jj J Uheney tor the last 15 Sermon to Young Men. Sunday Night. The protracted meeting at Forest Hill Presbyterian church is still in progress. Rev. Albert Gillon, of Lexington) has' been assisting the f jtorj ; 'iand oh Thursday and; u Friday- nights preached two jBXCeile sermonsi His sermon on PridayvnightaS; especially hner taking rUp and ut terly demolishing the practice of "Excuse Making" by -people for not being Christians. The sing ing has been stirring: and en couraging, all taking an inter ested part. The meeting will continue during the next wreek. This (Saturday) evening at 4 o'clock is the time for a sermon to the. children; and; Sunday night a special sermoifi to young men. - Allybung men are cor dially invited to be present. ; The hootbiug and healing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Us pleasant taste and J prompt aua permanent cures have made it a great favorite with the peoplrt everywhere. For sale by M. L. Marsh fe Co., -Druggists. an interesting TSunday school. Won't it be years, and believe him perfectly :jolly? Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver 'and kidney trouoles as -well aswomen, and all feel tne restiits in loss 01 appetite, poisons in the blood, backach, nervousness. headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. Bat there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, ldaviJle, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- a man ww livfiaor dies. It did more ternally, acts direotiv utxm the to eive me new strength an good appetite blood and mucous surface of the than anyming J coma taiie. i cau iiow 8YStem. Jtrice 75. bottle. nt.n.Tivt liner and have a new lease on- oU i. .n . u r " Onlv no cents, at Fetzer's Drus oul.u "J aiA aruggists. TesUmo- Store. very hottie guwanteea. .wuwairea EL PEfillil SOIi! Ordinance No 4: That no person shall fire any kind of fire works of any description with in the corporate limits of said town. Any perons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be finod fifty dollars or imprisoned for 30 days. On the 24th of Oct. the Board of Commissioners at this meet ing discussed the expediency of suspending the above ordinance during the Christmas Holidays. They decided that there should be no suspension, but that it sh ould remain in full force, and effect. I, therefore, give notice to all dealers that they may regulate their purchases accordingly, and I further give notice to the pub lic generally, that the -ordinance wTill be strictly executed and persons will be promptly arrested who violate it, whether the firing be upon the streets or upon private property. J. F. Harris, Chief Police. Tie I0H 3olor Plaid GoodSr for ' dresses. . 'v.. 1 . L'irt'.waists and Children's - 12 1-2 c. Tart. Ladies Capes 506. to 3. INFANTS' Long Cashmer CJoaks, silk embroidered at 75c. to $1.98. Children's Short Wraps 50c. to 1.68. Winter'Hoofei8(b'to 93c. White SUfc at 50c. to 93c. : Infants Zephyr Bootees 10c. . 1 Ladies Jersy Rib" Vests 15c. upr .Drawers 25c. " -: - -Ladies, Rib Wobl VeStfi 75c. and 90c -v LadiesV JerseyibUri Boy's UiiHei'hi Men's .Under Shirts, cotton, wool -mixed and all wool ' from 18c. for all cotton t) $1.25 for ne all wool: Men's Knit Draweis .370. up. . V as We have as nice line oi Hosiery as can be found anywnerer ; Light colored outing, suitable ' f 6 ' infants. Jadies'. dressing sacques, gowns and Men'ScnigWshirtSOJ to 10c.i All f ooiFMnk 12c. 1-2 np. v. '. ; .'. . .-: : : BaiiiiBl 5c. up. ' " -.-- ' - - - :. V i - ' i ' - f ' - ' Drilling 70. Sea Island 4c. up and,Sheet3cup. Goodyard wide Bleaching; ofth 6Jc.V 11 yard-wide 7c. 10-4;Bleaehed Sheetmg at 22tc- v; Tabled Wni'sK, . -B! orTBrken., : ; 25c. f Bleached lineni d0i'47ie. to 95c , ' ' Window. Shades 10 and'!25cV) tiurfeain ioles 22ic. Couhtefpans, 7 assorted: Ni6e lot of towels. , Stamped Tray covers etc. y well assorted. ' ' 40 : Brands of Toilet soaps, from lc. to v10c- We are headquarters lTpileSoaps. Gobblets 20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per sety 4 pices Table sets 25c, 7 pices Ice Cream .set 25c,7-pieces Water set 25 and 33b, Water Bottles 18c, Yinegax Pitcher 10cr Covered Sugar Bowls 5 and 10c, covered Butter Dishes 10 and 25ey' covered Prejserve Stands 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10cy Cake plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dighes 5c, Salt and Pepper Shakes 5c each, .Bowls. o and 24c, Syrup Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one-half gallon Water Pitcher , 1 5c. , Full Line of Tin and Enameled War ft . .. . 2.2o. . . . . 50. . .' . $1.38. 10 to: 48c. 24 in. Boards with 16 gamesV.vv 28, in Boards with 20 games. V v . v ; Crocksnole Boards. . ! . . . ; Smalls games ,y. tfNeyI6t oJ Quilts Feather pillows, Blankets,; etc., ; shortly. J ,- ' : ' ' -Very respectfully, ; . - : J. Bostian. P g Large Ptarfcrat frames . with 16x20 glass at . g T If ycwi are not a subscriber to x The Standard 4. no is the time to subscribe. H'-y't"!"!' .5yu have anything t sell Jou can mace it Known tnrougn . I The Standard. a : t THE STAI is published every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your d,oor for only 10c- per. week or 35c per TnoTtth ........ ..... . THE STANDARD prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make f it grow better we must have the pat- ronage of the people. ... . . . ..... ..... . . . sfi Giye us a trial when you make your next order for........ Job Work Work ready when promised. 5 If lyou wantjto ;bny any thins youl cancall for it ihrou-h , The Standard. Ad vertisingj'rates' in The StanrinrH i made known' on application. 4.