ArrlTfti of Train. r-.f MARKETS. j .; nuu a IWE. x , ....... : . che following cnange or scnedule took NORTHBOUND. 'NO. 3 12 4 .1 arrives at 5 52 a m, - "10 00 am, " 7-09 d m. v " u 8.51 p in, (flag) " 9.45 p m, " " 2.00am(lreiit) 11 I.) 1 1 ' SOUTHBOUND, jiriives at 8 49 ft m, ''flag') u u t 1 Of) (4 1 4 8.51 D Ul. 9.20 p'm, (flag) 7 19 am, . S49a m, (freight) T Open Jan.'.; - 20 March 22 Mav 9; Dec. . . 17 Sugar 154 COTTON 20 . 23 27 18 ' Low 15 18 22 14 153 155J CHICAOO Winj1 a m -l-y "UAJ., -DeC. . . 695- 7rt r nr. .. ,73f 73 Closed 19 q 23 '27 18 i 153 69 73 BYO.H. - '.. . . t " u v.- when runninf ahpoH Ai r, sii'il if necessary for through travel .ill oi jmrppie, ana is stopped for pusfcours JMiiviu iiuui ijyncnDurg or -btr1- 1So 8tI)S regularly for jviuffcrs. for Salisbury, ilighj Pointy Crciisboro, lveidsville, Danyilje and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops fcjr pas wnrs coming- froni j ynchburg or points beyond, -and to take oh pas iiuiirs for regular stopping f places .riiei Nowflls. No. 88 stops to let issengers from regnlar stopping plucoa fcouth of Ne wells and to take on jttssenjrers for regular stopping places Lyii-cuburg or bevond. ' 'So. and 34 stop at Concord for paeuers to or from the C. C. & A. otter points in South Carolina, Georgia sua xjonua, reucueu inrougnUolumbia cr Augusta. New. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains 4sdconue' t at Salisbury with trains of H . tit X'. iOlUUa . V Tl t. each tablet S B- Q TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOLDED" .,1842! 5 . .-V ' Their Own Praise." 'iSflEFFis the PIANO to buy; Jf -.(3 no equal for the money as you w the middleman's profits and it will , a. lifetime; but we have several wains in other makes. ' J!'nrtejve takTen in exchange for xU'i'S two Iyers & Pond Pianos, ?&e. the finest style that firm manu Metnres aaH it is almost new. If vou iuia aixe uere are uargams. HT f!fi'nr llanM lfn..r...4. .Ui 1UU. J JBaltimure M1. lo. 213 X. '5uSt M, I i I fl I : I II II I i I I It I 1 1 1 wm. . -liVrlotte, Ar. C. C.'H. Wilsnoth, Mgr. Tuning. Palace Organs. t Alexander & Hendrix i and press your clothes -faction guaranteed. hisses Sallie nnH Annio i-khcad spent Sunday in No. 5 1 iouviiy lived here, spent Sun Liy !n our city. fountain Buckwheat, Apples "cabbage fresh at Jno. P bison's. ' - u- Parks has returned u-oiu Ncnv York where he r - pui-chase goods. i.Il1'; !-,' !-!, Tii g -kt . i-tiuara rjcimes, oi.ixew Morrison Caldwell. t-'n. snunf Q,,j -ii i . UL -ir. Jas. vV Cannon'; a. 'ot Geo, Rutledge, of Char- brother, Mr. Jno. Rutledge. ; -EO Anderson,, of States- ,l?er, Mr. McCree Anderson.' it, : ' 1 P D fS sorry t0 learn that Mrs. fiat im;v , "x AVAt' -f ieas- Uu'lay. &wuoxjr. in re twelve-months old child of ivpqf n. .uees, ,wno , - the Bala, mm ni c,,, . Ma;- i,;r.v , f iou wuu- 3Mi From the CottoTPlTtin: Forty.five more bales of cot ton from Matthews wftm woi arly- last Saturday morning. 3-uoluii irom that whole neignoorliood about there is sold here. One year aero from Inst, Rninr.. . w NUIVUA dry, Cotton Weigher Propst occ, tiidLdu Dales were weighed. On last Saturday onlv 121 hnlp ft "- wuiu weigned, yet this was an unusually good day. , -' Jas. Bosiinn. snn tTv. " t Bostian, of Albemarle, has re. turned to his home after spend ing several weeks here. The first meeting of the Julia Magruder Book Club ivill be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. W C Houston. ' ' Miss Patti Ivy, who some time ago moved to New London, is visiting Misses Daisy Purdue and Pearl Ingram at Forest Hill. - Mr. Davis Barrier, of Rimer, returned home last Saturday from Connelly Springs, where he is having a quantity of timber cut. , Mr. T H Cook, of Sal who reeentlv moved from Tioto has accepted a position in mill 1 i r i-i i : superintendencv of Mr Robbins. Rev. Albert Oill Lexinertoh last Satnrrlnx- nio-Vif. after spending several days here assisting Rev. Preston in his protracted meeting at Forest Hill. y , f Mrs. Sam Carroll- returned home last Saturday night from Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. unson, ot Charlotte, accom panied her home to spend Sun day. Not until the 15th of Novem ber is any person allowed to shoot quail in our county. Any person falling to observe this law lays himself liable to prose cution. The Young Ladies Whist Club reorganized last Saturday after noon. The meeting was held with Miss Nannie Cannon and the members were delightfully entertained. Concord had the pleasure Sun day night of hearing two of Charlotte's able and eloquent ministers. Dr. A U Barron preached in the Baptist' ehurch and Dr. R C Holland preached m bt. james ft L, Uhurch. Their stay was brief but it was long enough however 'for a first rate sermon from each and in lieu of a more satisfactory stay we'll take more nf the same kind.; Behold another man there is who wields a hoe, And as in honest toil he paces to and fro. . , , . There is no -emptiness of ages Uf ' Planted brow," or -brutal . jaw" there is no trace, noi bowed by weight of centuries of care, k A creature dead alike to rapture uu. uespair." What though he - lO KJX. CCI VX oy ton i That does not mar xu mcinnooa. All the while he worirs lie sings, nor. deems "imocu siave, nor plots in f e verish rl yon m e 1 CiXil Against his brother man, or vet iusc,xne cnoice that God has made for him. He lifts his voice And still repeats the praver anismotnersknee. 4 'Oar Father God" he says, and ws lo Ine ecree That destines man to work. And thus from He keeps the simple faith of vnuuuuwu vviliiuul iear. He is not wont to call that rap ture that ha fooic When the first flush of rosy dawn in ueauFy sieais Above the hill-tops, but within his heart th erp is A sense of freedom. All this lovely world is his Because God is his father and He made it all! He is not ;tongued with censure of the world 's blind greed. " That world is far bey on d his ken ; and he is freed From bitter envy, his quiet lot exempts Him from the .constant sight of luxurv that temnts And so, he lifts his head and iooks you in the eyes a man! A man immortal, and a part of God's eternal plan! Charlotte Observer. Chronic Nasal Catarrh pois ons every breath that is drawn into the lungs. There is pro curable from any druggist the reuieuy ior tne cure of this trouble. A small quantity of Ely's Cream Balm placed' into the nostrils spreads over an in flamed and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful in flamation, cleanses, heals and cures. A cold in the head van ishes immediately. Sold by druggists or will be mailed for 50 cents by Ely Bros., 5G War ren St.. New York. A NE W LOT OF 9 LADIES . AND MISSES, Uptodatr; CASTOR BROWN BLUE "AND BLACK- Cannon & Fetzer Co. " rets?) BID IIB f.Ir Peratnr. mume,-wno is the v-. undav o v,?-' i -lyvillQ . : . xiuiuw in Su5'Jay faf ter,Ni;holson . - spent , M;" P? with her. s attendiZ lson, who scho01 in a business FOR 1.00 AT They Are Beauties! Every one of them will pltasw you. Come and see them. A fine lot of Opal Rings. W. C. CORRELL, THE JEWELEK. Makes a happy home for all the members of her household So make her happy by sending her home one of our handsome stoves. IBBthiosIIs:9 Stoves Will save her a world of worry, to say nothing of the fuel "A. Word to the wise is sufficient. " A few $ $ $ will buy them. For Sale Concord Bakery. FRESH iFISH -AND OYSTERS. u ii . - Joe Fisher, Proprietor i 'PHONE 122. 5 dozen Ladies -Linen Hand kerchiefs at 60c. doz. . ; 'v!;;, 190 nairsi Miffoa' Ribbiftd TToit two tnread, 2x& ribbed, sizes- 5 to 9J, at 10c. :. ? . Ladies Black Hose with white feet for 25c. - ; r ; Ladies' Black Hose with split feet for 25c.:- a ' ; u: v ... Shoes! Shoes!! ; Don't forget lis on Shoes. ;We have the best, in town for the mdriey. Gibson & Morrison. o Also Undertakers.- -0 1 C-crc!rlfer Dener uargains u.un usual in au T H E Heavy fiaecy Qroceries. . retail.' f tfc .wiifrp:y -ju to see our Large Stock of f Tinware; Glassware, ; " . r L ( Crockery, , ... :: ;? : ' Shoes, ; : i'"; - : : Hats Etc., Seed, Seed Bye, and Eock Salt goto Q. Patterson's, t Concord National Bank OiTert; tlic business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. . We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patronage. If we can serve you anv time wa will be glad to haye you come and see us. ULBiiKALi ACCOMMODATIONS i TO CUSTOMERS. - . - - J Capital ani SnrBlns - $70 000. u. B Coltbanb, Chashier, J. M. Odell. President . "V' M;L;MownBRo.vv LIVERY, FEED AND 8 ALE. STABLES, : J Jast in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. 6m .r--v,gv4 uauiot Outfits of all kinds furnished prompt iy ana at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand ro sale. - Breeders nfa .hnrnnliK,n vAWMbAO Poland China Eraa. rtr V r

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