- 1 flKMWI fflWRMW mm SI ANDARD mi i r "i " "i JOHN D BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. They Raised Cain. A Des Moine. Iow'a, dispatch of tho 23rd. tells of a revolt in a State reformatory for girls that 'is the strongest Natural Lithia II UTHH 11 1HK bTAVDARl) is published every day (Sunday excepted) uud delivered by rit. ilutfS of Subscription : On -tr . . :$4.00 Sis i.oixUie ............. 2.00 Tbv: iniitiis .......... 100 (rsOs. ......... -35 . Sirig c 07. ........ . .05 . THE WEEKLY STANDARD isj a our-page, eiht-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other.puper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements ma.de known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. is not a very fair sample of what we are wont to term the gentler sex. . The State Boards in its senti- offii s iri tk morkis nt'iM , mentality, had ordered that these girls should notbe whipped un der any circu instances, that is corporal punishment was abol ished. And here is where they blew out the gas. These girls concluded to imi tate their original grandmother and "raise Cain." Some of the 'bell wethers" were locked up in their rooms, but broke out and gathered unto themselves certain other lewd female fellows of the baser sort and sniffed the breeze of genuine rampage. They broke up furniture, broke out lights and even the verv win dow sashes were jerked out and thrown down by them. Crockery was smashed and destruction went with the .petticoat storm. The townsmen were called on to help against the mighty, who hurled stones and broken crock - CONCORD, N. C, Oct 31. HE SAYS GOEBEL WILL WIN. Mr. Charles P Sapp, the staff correspondent of tuo News and Observer, writting from Louis ville, Ky., under date of the 26th says Goebel is sure to win in the race. His correspondence is truly bold, confident and racy. He se-jms to have taken in the situation very rapidly. He ex plains the nomination of Gov. Goebel without leaving a stain on his integrity.-. He says the Democratic revolt in Kentucky has boon greatly over-estimated. He attributes much of the oppo sition to the Louisville and 'Nashviir.? railroad which has it in for Goube whom they dread. Mr. Sapp has gone to the field where tho. fight is thickest to take ground views and it is a little striking to note how his views conflict .with dispatches. If Goebel wins it will be a good long feather in Mr. Sapp's cap. ery till men's "noggins" were too much cracked up to ring when hit. . Finally the chief est of the clan yere driven into a basement, where they were kept all night by guards at all the doors and windows, while they gutted the inside. They swore, they wrote ugly things on the walls, and they exhibited themselves largely undressed. At this point the State Board was being assembled to consider how much of the gentler graces and the sweet femininity had been inspired with the legitimate use of the cudgel. ,: water on the market and has tho endorsement of the most noted physicians of the country as to its superiority over all others. Read what the noted fDr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe ville, has to say for Harris Lithia, springs. Asheville, N. C.. Anril 24, 1893. An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia Water prompts me to the statement that I regard it as one of the bests if not the best, Lithia Water known to the pro fession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. Its use in the Rheu matic and County Diseases afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours, JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated ; water will relieve any case of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized to refund you the money, or if taken after each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion. Why suf fer when you have the guarantee? M L Marsh, Agent for Concord. TIGH Color Plaid Goods for Shirtwaists and Children's It is painful to note that , the Asheville Gazette stands so strongly accused,, and. so far as we know, not the ? east vindicated of fthe charge, that it has been subsidized by the Republican party to oppose the constitu tional amendments. It has . a perfect right 'to its views and a right to express them but it should not profess v to be :a democratic sheet and work under that garb to effect the injury of the democratic party and the whole State to meet the partisan ends ' of men that would be president and let right go to the winds. It is due the Gazette - that it - should make its base ' clearly known. It is doubly due its readers tnat its standidg be known. ' NO CURE. NO PAY . That is the way all druggists sell Grove" Tasteless Chili Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine iu a tasteless for in. Children sove it. Adults refer it to biUer, nan leating, Tonxca Price. 50c. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less Chili Tonic. Never fnils to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Mr. Battle Near Lady smitti. A sharp little battle took place near Ladysmith, in South Africa, Monday morning. The dis patches indicate a victory for the British with losses of about 100 men killed and wounded and d battery of six guns, and proba bly 35 mules. The latter hap pened after darkness that day in a British attack. The Boers were driven somewhat and it is be lieved with greater losses than the British. Gen. Jtsuller has arrived at Cape Town. Gen. White, it seems, is able to hold Ladysmith and dis patches say Maf eking "and Kim borley are safe. CURE A CQL.U LN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 5c. Tne genuin has Ij. B. Q in each tablet - HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. J. E. Lilly, a nromiuent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says; "I was taken witb typhoid fnver that ran into pneu monia.. My lungs became hard eneJ. whs so wea V I 'fnuKln-t even ' ;t un in n,. Norh.Tnr helped .me. 1 xp! I so ! r die of iVij-lli Dlio;. ;:ei! T heard "' D . Khii?. . Now.- D;. covery. Oae fcottie kwh me re lief. I -cnnnnrd o utje it., and and now .huj weil nd stronc. 1 can't say to much in its praiEe.' This marveJl' us medicine is the surest and quickest cur in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular size 50a and $1. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug tore. Jbvery bottle guar mteeri GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. Df B. Cargile, of Washita, I T. He writes: 4 'Four bot tles of Electrie Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows , that thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, Bait rUeum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores." It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store! Tribute to Gen. Henry. The. Philadelphia Times pays the following tribute to the late lamented G en . Henry : 'The death of General Guy V Henry is really a great loss. He was one of the j best officers in the service, and should have had some years of usefulness still be fore him. He died from pneu monia, but it is known that he came home from Porto Rico in ill health, and there is little doubt that his life was really cut short by exposure in the line of dutyy. ' 'Henry was a iypical army man. He was the son of an offi cer distinguished in the Mexican war, and was graduated at the Military Academy in 1861, so that he entered immediately into active service, and with such de votion and bravery that he came out of the civil war with the bre vet of brigadier general of vol unteers. From that time until the Spanish war Jie served almost constantly on the plains, gaining a reputation in the army as a courageous and resourceful soldier and a good commander. ' 'When foreign war brought its opportunities, Henry like all of the regulars, who had not been put ou loo their places by irregu lar assignment was equal to them. He was one of the officers who helped to make Miles' short campaign in Porto Rico; the model that it was, and he showed co much individual force that he was with general assent put ,in command of the island, where his good judgment and well poised character won universal recognition. ; "It is such men as this that our army procucco and has ready for every emergency, if only it be given, the chance. He was not only a famous tighter. JEe was a broad-minded and clear-sighted gentleman and .. his country should keep his memory green." " dresses... .7 :. . 12 12 C, TiUt Ladies' Capes 50c. to $2.68. INFANTS Long C.ishm er Cloaks, silk embro idered at 75c. to .1 . lis Children's Short Wraps 50c. to $1.68. Winter Hoods 18c. to 93c. Wiiite Sffi at 50c. to 93c. Iaiaiiis ZeBliyr Baotses lOa. T,adifts' Jorsv liib -Vests 15c. up. Drawers 25c. Ladies, Rib Wool Vests 75c. and 90c. . - . Ladies' Jersey Rib Union Suits 48c. Boy's Under Shirts 18 Cents. Men's Under Shirts, cotton, wool mixed and all wool from 18c. foi- all cotton to $1.25 for fine all wool. Men's Knit Drawers 37icf up. We have as nice line of Hosiery as cheap as can be fonjid anywhere. Light, colored outing, suitable for4 infants, Ladies' dressing sacques, gowns and Men's night shirts 6 to 10c. All tool Flannel 12c. 1-2 up. : - Cotton; Flannel. 5c. up. Drilling 7c. Sea Island 4c. up and Sheet 3c up. Good yard wide Bleaching, worth 6ic, for 5c. : Bleached Cambric full yard-wide 7c. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at 22Jc. Table Dams' sk, Itlearhcd orTrkcr Kea., at 25c. ' Bleached linen, dp. 47c. to 95c. Window Shades 10 and 25c. .Curtain Poles 22c. Counterpans, assorted. Nice dot of towels. Stamped Tray covers etc., . well assorted. 40 Brands of Toilet soaps from lc. to 10c. We are headquarters for Toilet Soaps. GLASSWARE. Gobblets .20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per set, 4 pices Table sets 25c, 7 pices Ice Cream set 25c, 7 pieces W ater set 25 and 33c, Water Bottles 18c, Vinegar Pitcher 10c, Covered Sugar Bowls 5 and 10c, covered Butter Dishes 10 and 25c,. covered Preserve Stands 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10c, Cake Plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c. Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dishes 5c, Salt and Pepper Shakes 5c each, Bowls 10 and 24c, Syrup Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one-half gallon Water Pitcher 15c. Full Line of Tin and Enameled ... Waro a Aries. 24 in. Boards with 16 games. . $2.25. 28 in Boards with 20 games. . $3,50. Crockinole Boards. ........ A ........ ; 1.38. Small games 7 ........ . . 10 to 48c. New lot of Quilts, Feathejf Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly. Very respectfully, So Large pof trat frames with 16x20 glass at p)5C. 'a 'iroiiiinpnf.lv i,0'd f 'Drifter uc. eve cay is Kiod' Satv:i...i Thereforn x;x Hood? acfj, QUI f WaO'Q. XT' ior aujiio no rink whftu yon buy Chamberlain's Co;icf Choiera and Dianhoo ; Remedy. AI. L. Marsh & i. . wiH refund your money if ;vo are not satisfied after using g . It i evervwhro admitted to do the most- tnucccss fui remedy m use for bowel com plaints and the oulv one that never faii It i8 pleasant, safe and reliable. f J If you are not a subscriber to J t The Standard t ' now Is the time to subscribe. X X v '4 is published every day Simday ex ceptd and delivered at your door i or only 10 c - per week or 35c- per month.. ........... ,. ST All prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must Jiave the pat ronage of the people.. . -. ....... ... . ... Give ua a trial when yon make your next order for.......... Job Work. .5.4..$. ...........j.... TIf you have anything to sell & you can make it known through I The Standard. Work rea4y when promised. - t If bou wantto Ibuy any th I you can:icaU for it 'through The Standard. I Advertising' rates ;,in 4 V TThft ff5iMrlo-4 !' 4 "" " feiSST zL made known ; on application. 4

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