MOTH E & TEbLS U O W 6.H E SAVED DAUG11TKUS LIFE. . ii. . .... ti l en ami iv.IhA Mit dual u XDeruru'o with ioodmi. IjJ ...... wm.. imthter had tm rfvnr m irs-worht torni. -AVo thoimbt slio would di. 1 tried c;v,wihu): I foulil think ol. I saw In .n mnvrtirenunt in oar PHtvr time rbmtmHiolic, ChoUra "iitl Pirrho Umnoiy vmb highly recommended ...ami sent im pot a bottle at once. It nrl tn bo one o the very best rnodcw8 we ever bad w home. It saved my little daught er's life. I am anxious for every mother M kno what an excellent u ;o if, id- I known, it at first it" uoiild' have saved me a Wat of auxietv and my little daughter mucu imiiMing. Ycuis truly, Mrs. Geo. F. 13urr V iMok; Li rty, K. I. For bale by Xr Hn Drnfiftrist.-. THE ARM MKAMKO CATARRH ClATRAPr! n fi Ely's Cream mm Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains nu . Drup-. Is uuick- ly absorvtL Gives re- wh lei at once. i. "'"f St nd cleans the Nasal Passages. Allays In tlamation. COLD N HEAD Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Lar size 50c at Drug cist or ty mail; Trial size ice by mail. . ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street. New York Winter if Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OP JelHco Coal And have ten more car loads on the -way.. It is time for you to lay in a Mipply for the winter, itn't it? I also baye on hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Blackwelder, West Depot St at Store. S'Phone68. TCOALl K. L. Craven HasBongM 800 TONS JELICO COAL. .200 TONS HARD COAL. AlsoTirpa SslitaM Biri Eye Camel Coal Best steal coal at mi irises. Good Smith Coal. Caliand get -what you want. 'PHONE 74. NOTICE To Consumers of Current, After. Nov. 1st, all parties using other than Edison LampSj will, be charged 50 per cent in addition to . present rdtes. Concord Electric LigM Co. 'PHONE. ........ ........104 Notice to Tax-Payers. . . " " The tax books for 1899 have been placed in my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, ! City Tax Collector. LOST OR STOLEN. NOTICE is hereby given that a note for $100 dated May .1895 on J W Cannon has been lost or stolen and; parties are warned not to trade for same,- T C Wilson. -V, 15t EXPERIENCE i , 'i i Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &cx Anyone aendlnsr sketch and description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communicn strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents aggttree. Oldest agency forecurlngpatenta. ,1'Menta taken thro ugh Mann & Co. reoetv E icU notice, without charo. In the . . . VB ciennnc American. 1 r?va asr A nandsomely illustrated weekly. 'Tianrest cir ilation of any scientific Journal. , .Terras, f3 - xpw four moths, L Sold bycll rewsdvlero. M t CoejB. Urn York raacli -fH ICS F SU WcfAtiagten, D. C WASHINGTON NEWS. Our Capitol the Convention Waco of Num bers of Organizations -The Results of the Meeting. From our Regular Coirospon lent. Wo had a large lino of confer oncos and conventions in stock last -week. The fact is, that Washington is becoming recog nized as the best place in the country to infest, when any crowd wishes to assemble, and quarrel, and pass resolutions for the general welfare. The wide, clean streets, .public buildings, and dozens of other natural points of interest, all combine to make it the ideal convention city. ; . Masons were very much in evidence, with the biennial ses sion of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Kite. To them va rious banquets and receptions were given, and everybody had the usual good time. . An inter esting and fitting conclusion to the ceremonies of the week, was the initiation of Rear Admiral Schley into the mysteries of Ma sonry. By special dispensation, the naval hero was permitted to take all three degrees of the Blue Lodge in a single night, making him a master Mason, and, henceforth, 'Brother" Schley. The initiation was wit nessed by a ' tremendous crowd, and many delegations of Masons from other cities were present. Whilst Schley is making himself more and more popular, our other gallant hero of Santiago keeps on exercising the gentle art of making enemies. The saying has it, the pen is mightier than the sword. Such indeed seems to be the case, when it comes to getting into lots of trouble. During the eighteenth annual meeting of the National Confer ence of Unitarian and other Chris v HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., - ; ; Toledo, Ohio. Wp the undersigned, have known P, J Ch'eiley for the last 15 years; and,. believe him perfectly .reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry put any 'obligations made by ' their firm. " :' -: ;' ' :" West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, .. Wholesale Druggists, 1 t, ' Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally; acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the 8yBtem. Price 75c. s per bottle. Sold by all diuists. Testimo nials free. lleduced Kates. Account of the North Carolina Industrial Fair (Colored) Ral eigh, N.-'C- Tickets on sale Oct., 29th, 80th, 31st, and Nov. 3rd, at rate $5.50 round trip, and on Nov. 1st, and 2nd, at rate of $3.80 round trip all tickets limited returning Nov. v 5th, and includes one admittance to trie Fair Grounds. Working Nlffht and Day. - K The busiest and mightiest little thin that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weak- iiesa mw Bireugm, usuessness into energy, brain-fag into Rental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box; Sold by Fetzer's Drug store. . WANTED Tt buy 100,000 pounds oi old ; cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No Diirni iron w an red. churches, held here week, the New Englanders had things pretty much their ; own way. Senator George F Hoar, of Massachusetts, was re-elected president of the conference. Dr. Edward Everett Hale created a little surprise by at tacking Presby terianism, and is quoted as saying that that church is the greatest foo to lib erty in all America. If Brother Halo is not careful, he may suc ceed in getting himself disliked by a large and robust portion p? the community. However, those misunderstandings generally smooth themselves out. It is said at the War Depart ment, that Capt. Oberlin M Car ter, long since sentenced to five years imprisonment for robbing the government, will not be taken at once to the penitentiary,1 but will be allowed to await the out come of appeals and his applica tion for bail. It seems, that , the right of appeal in such cases is recognized, even by courts mar tial. The first plea will be made to the Court of Appeals, and after that to the United States Su preme Court, ami the hearing of these appeals will consume many months. If it were as hard for some people to get their hands on gov ernment money, as it is for the government to land them in jail after they are proven guilty, there would be more honest men at. large. Maj. Gen. and M;s. Nelson Miles announce the engagement this week, of their daughtar, Miss Cecilia Sherman Miles, to Capt. Samuel Reber, U. S. A. This is about the most prominent en gagement in which the General has participated since the be ginning of hostilition, and, as usual, he plays only a minor role. General Miles, it vvill be re membered, is the gentleman who acted as Chief Marshal in the re cent Dewey Day parade. Dating .the ciyil war, as well as in bur late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one' of the most troublesome diseases, the army badtocontcnd with. in many instances it became , chronic and the old soldiers c stilt suffer from it. Mr. David Tayjoy,-ofWind Ridge, Greene county,,-JPai is one of these. He. uses Chamberlain's Colic, olerrhd-'pjarrbe'tf' Remedy and'ays, he e'vejr! .found anything thafciwjould giver him uch quick elief; it is tor sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist Vice-President Hobart 111 V Vice-President Hobart is seri ously ill at his home in Patter: son New Jersey. While his death may not be just at hand his case is said to be necessily fatal. Millions Given Away; It is certainly gratying to the public to know of one cancer in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at Fetzer's Drug store and get a free trial' bottle, liegular size 50c. and $1. Every bot tle guaranteed, or price refunded. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, livr troubles as well aswomen, and all feel wie resuus m loss ot appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tiredlistless, run-down feeling. 13ut there's no need i to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idayille, Ind. He says: "Electric fitters are just the thing for a men when he is all run dow, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to gire me new strength an good appetite mu aiiynimg j coma take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on I', u.i. Tho Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and sonal Allow H 7 A wf El i I M !7 1 m All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle witli and endanger -i he health of Infants and Children Experience agaifsst Ebcperiment. What m 1 Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, !!' gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and 'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphln nor btJ er Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It lcs',Toys Worms . and allays '.Fcverisliness. .It cures Diarrhav and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regnlates the Stomacb and Bo-welsi giving' healthy and uatural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE Bears the CA The Kind You Haie Always BougM In Use For Over SO Years. TH OCMTAUR COMMNY, TT ODEL L iiiiFscraii cofii n -f-f MANUFACTURERS OF FINE ams, AND Outing Cloths. DEALER IN Genera 1 Merchar dise - BUYERS OF - COUNTRY PRODUCE ef all kind. ...o. . . Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Best Price for same. We inyite an inspection of all thegoods . . . wemanuf acture ... Gingli Plaids Sheeting, Salt Bi ioncord N. a Bought, and which has been ha? borne the signature of has Decn maae unaer nis per supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you in this. S V Signature of MURRM 8TBCET. NCWYORK CITY. outherh aiiway SCHEDULE. N EFFECT, JULY THE 16TH, 1899. This condensed schedule is pub ' Hshed as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave uoncord N. C 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Eich mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk,'. at'Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for AshevjlleV Knoxville and points W'est. l'-7.-19 A. M No. 33, th$ New York and Florida Express, , carries Pullman Sleep ing Gars between New York and Au gusta, New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. . :i:8;49 A. M. No. 37, daily, Wash ington and t Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis,' Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans.- and all points -South J and 1 Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dinihsr car. vestibtilf d na.nh': VAfTD-oow L i. " C--J- w -w -w. wmmmj W V .Washington and . Atlanta; ;, -:- 10:00 A. M,-No. 36, daily, for Wash ington, ; Richmond .Raleigh- and ( all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New? Yoik: .TftnksnTvillo f ,"Maw jti unman tourist cars Irom ban .Francisco via New Orleans and South er a Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Soutii. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. r-7 7:09 P. M.No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8i51 PM. -No 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleisru. ; TTr- Asheville to Charlotte, N. O. 8-51 P. M. No v 38, dailv, Washington ana Southwestern limits woi. mgton and all points North. Through jruiiman car. luempnis to New York: New Orleans to New Ynrtr :a IoA-mo; VeStlDUled COach and dinino- not. m Cl.. VXUOO connection at Greensboro with sleeper 9.20 Pi M. No. 35' dailv f A A I ana New Orleans. ; . AArrica dii. sleeper New York to New Orleans. New JLOrK tO Jackson villa onrl rDaUun Atlanta; dinning ;car. Also Pullnan tourist car. Washington to San Francis co, via New Orleans Tuesday - and Fri- . 9.45 P. M.-No: 34, daily, the New Xork and Florida Express, carries Pull man Sleeping Cars between Augusta and New Ynrlr Tom T71 A Txt York and. Charlotte to Richmond. Car ries. sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk via uiocuouuru. v". First RAftti locar freight trains carry passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. - t mt. . Frank S. Gannon, : Third Yice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man! ! WashinErton. D. C. A R A J ohn M. Gulp, Traffic Manager, . " Washington, D, O W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, " Washington, D. C. Oowah Dasenbery, Local Agent, Concord, N.O

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