i STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IK TII MOItRIS UVIIaDaW 1 HE STANDARD is published every Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Bates of Subscription : One year $4 00 8is months 2 00 T .. uths.... 1.00 On :' .w th. '. . . .35 Single copy. .......... .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD -is a Salisbury voted Monday on the bond question. It carried by a smaU-though sufficient ma j ority. The amount was $100. 000., Jhn objects as we understand ;. n ar-to acquire the water j woks, secure electric lights and institute a system of city sewer age. They are three, splendid steps in urban progress that de serve congratulations. H1111111S UTHIH lillE. Now they have sprung a new ward upon us in the dispatches from South Africa. Jt isLaagar, pronounced nearly like the beer advance. Advertising Rates . Terms for , re, made known on application. Address all communications to , THE STANDARD, Concord, "N. O. and meaning, something like a our-page, eight-column paper. 'It has I fo-rifiDfl narrr rT at. loac'fc fi. P.fl.mn a larger circulation m Cabarrus than any . . r other.paper. Price $1.00 per annum in where the wagons ana supplies Ivertisms Kates : , . are guarded, gular advertisements! r xh inks flini a Little Cranky. A correspondent of the States - ville Landmark pays the follow ing tribute to Judge Robinson : 'Yadkin Superior Court con vened Monday 23rd, with Judge THAT FLOWERY PHRASE, Robinson presiding and Solicitor That is a-pretty phrase and has ush Prosecuting. His Honor the familiar American ring about , dress to the strand lurv UDOn the it that "government depends , .. i rri t . F"-l Y l r 1 J VU .11 I'll III - I ill -n Concord, N. C, Nov. 1. LU . A- -E s.w upuu jib cunni; ui suv" high compliment to this age of erneci' ana it is quoted ireeiy the world because of so few of- now in reference to our Philip- fences punishable by death, as pine affairs. Some how it stag- contrasted with an earlier period ger's us to trace its application of the world's history in which in tho Louisiana purchase in the Anglo-Saxon race has fig- which we never read that the in- ured. Judge Robinson has his habitants of the state and all own peculiar way, I suppose, as a iudsre and as a man. He docs had any say in the matter. not preside like any other judge w. cni Movinn w. but I fail to see wherein any se is the strongest Natural Litnia water on the market and has the endorsement of the -most noted physicians of the country as to its superiority over aU others. Read what the noted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe ville, has to say for Harris Lithia, springs. t . . . . t Asheville, N. C., April 24, 1893. An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia Water prompts me to the statement that I regard it as one of the best if not t the best, Lithia Water .known to the pro fession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. 1 Its use m trie Kneu matic and County Diseases afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry "Waters. Very truly yours, JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated - water will relieve any case of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized to refund you the money, or if taken after each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion. Why suf fer when you have the guarantee? M L Marsh, Agent for Concord. -paid for and took a fine piece of territory with the Very strong implication that those who did nous obiectiona can oe onerea to his manner. I have always thought that a judge was just a man like other men. and Judere no consent w oe governed oy Rohinson sfiRms m think so him 1 1 TT i 1-M1J It 1 I - tne umtea states coma simpiy lf j h ct h ig t- J. TTT1 ! i I get out. -vvnen -commissioner 11Tll., ja RllftTl. a Rfir uauauu auu,Uex cumpxu- fe k j incited to think, mismg snco tne niston an ians to though that Judge Robinson is a little cranky." ''J NO CURE. NO PAY . That is: the way all druggists sell GrovQ4s Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine :n a tasteless form. Children fiove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan- leating. Tonics Price. 50o. Was Sorry He Spoke it was an-open V'experience meeting," and Brother Jones tell us that the consent of the in habitants was secured. We never saw it stated that Alaskans gave any consent to passing from Russian to Ameri- can aomimon. vve even never heard of hand's being .raised in warning that taking possession of Porto Rico was a violation of the principle. But more than all, a part of this great nation ; at tempted in 1861 to withdraw its arose and said: consent to be governed by the "BretherinV-. I'm the man that regime at Washington city and put water m the milk!" . blood, flowed like water till it M 'And,' I'm the man that dr a wed seemed that the flower of Ameri- the water for him," said Brother - can citizenship was to be annihi- Brown, penitently. lated in enforcing the verv on- "An rm the ? woman that posite of the principle, and rel- milked the cow, and knowed all egating the maxim to the ranks about it," sobbed Sister Jones. I ; oforatoric imbellishments with- "An here's the man," said a ,out a feather's weight of meaning, loud voice from the rear, ' 'that Silver-tongued orators may sold 'em the cow an' hain't got cull from a withered bouquet of paid for it yit!" revolutionary rhetoric this once Then Brother Jones was sorry beautiful flower and moisten it he had spoken, and was over- with tears of gushing sympathy heard to mutter, as he reached for a people more capable and for his hat, "Never did believe more needful of independence and m these experience meetin's no- self government than any we have how!"; Atlanta Constitution. enumerated but about the only odor it-will emit is, I want dis- Red Hot Froin &e Gun tmction. Was the ball that hit G. B. Stadman of Newark, Mich., in the Ciyil War it caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment - helped for 20 veara . Then JUST LIKE IT. The Durham correspondent to gXtSr SS? Cuts. Bruises. BurnR. Boils. -tne itaieign ost tens ot anotner eions, uorns. tin juruptions. Bes n v . . , . , , . irue cure on earth, xuicxiu in wiiiu a uruuKeu guaranteed. Sold at Fetzer's Drug negro driving a team from the town was found latter lying by theroad dead. On examination his neck was tound to be broken. It store An Office Established Here. seeing u guiimg a nixie more at, t ' n ' n , .. ? , members of the North Carolina urlw uuwn men to Burial Association will find the go on as mignt De expected. books at the store of Tn nTT I ' iAJ CURB A COLL) 1M ONE DAY ris & Co. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine. Tablets. Mr. Horace Blackwelder o aumuno-.-- yxj iauaiu riv. ill 1 i . cure. 300. xnegenuin has L. B. O uuuuvme nas oeen appointed jn eacn iaoii eenera manaP.r ' ow- The IGH Color Plaid Goods for Shirt waists and Children dresses... . . . 12 1-2 C. Yfllt HIS LIFE WAS SA:VED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo,, lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it ho says: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneu monia. My lungs became hard ened. 1 was so weak I couldn t even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected soon to die of consumption,, when ) I heard of Dr. King's ' New Dis covery. One bottle gave, me Ite lief. I continned AO use it. and and now am weil'cs hd strong I can t say too much in its praise. This marvellous 'medicine is the surest and , quickest qure in the world for all throat . and lung trouble. Begular size 50o and $1. Ttial bottles free at Fetzer's; Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed - , You assume no rieis: when yon buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M.r L. Marsh & Co. will refund your money if are not satisfied after using it. .It is everywhere admitted to be the .meet aaccesa f ul remedy in use for -oowei com; plaints and thebnlyhe never fails. It ls pleasant, Bate and reliable. r ..; 'V. i. Ladles' Capes 50c. to $2.68. : INFANTS Long Cashmer Cloaks, silk embroidered at 75c. to $1.98. V i Children's Short Wraps 50c. to. 1.68. Winter Hoofls 18c. to 93c. White Silt at 50c. to 93c. Infants Zspiyr Bootees 10a. Ladies' Oersy Hib Vests 15c. up. Drawers 25c. Ladies, Rib Wool Vests 75c. and 90c. Ladies' Jersey Rib Union Suits 48c. Boy's Under Shirts lo Oents. ' : Men's Under -Shirts, cotton,-' wool niixed and all wool ; ' froml8c fortaHicotton to! $1.25 for fine all wool. ; , ; Men's JKnit Drawers 37c. up.-? ; ; We liave as nice line oi Hbsiery as cheap as can be found anywhere. : ; ' . . . , . . . , f -" - " - ' - . ." ,; Light colored outing, suitable, for infants, Ladies; dressing sacques, gowns and Men's night shirts b to.lOc. All Wool Flannel 12c. 1-2 up. - - - Cotton Flannel 5c. np. Drilling 7ic. Sea Island 4c. up and Sheet 3c up. Good yard- wide Bleaching, worth 6ic, for 5c. Bleached Cambric full yard-wide 7ic. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at 22ic Bleached or at '2sc( SMJVC 0ttllM&JR.f . Turkey Red., Bleached linen, do. 47c. to 95c. Window Shades 10 and 25c. Curtain Poles 22c. Counterpans, assort a. Nice -lot of towels. Stamped Tray covers etc., well assorted. 40 Brands of Toilet soaps from lc to 10c. We are headquarters for Toilet Soaps. - " GLASS WARE. Gobblets 20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per set, 4 pices Table sets 25c, 7 pices Ice Cream set 25c, 7 pieces Water set 25 and 33c, Water Bottles 18c, Vinegar Pitcher 10c, Covered Sugar Bowls 5 and 10c, covered Butter Dishes 10 and 25c, covered Preserve Stands 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10c, Cake Plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dishes 5c, Salt and Pepper Shakes 5c each, Bowls 10 and 24c, Syrup Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one-half gallon Water Pitcher 15c. Full Line of Tin and Enameled War ft . oAriEs. 24 in. Boards with 16 games. . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 28 in Boards with 20 games . ... .'. Crockinole Boards. . ... ........... Small games . . . j2. 2o. . . . S3? 50. . . . 1. 38. 10 to 48c. t The Shubrick Launched. Although the weather was un- propitious, the torpedo boat Shubrick was launched on Tues day amid great enthusiasm." The boat was launched si&ewise. ; It was christened by pretty little Miss Carrie Shubrick, of Rocky Mount, :tjT. C. ; ':::S-; The great feature of the day, however, was the happy speech making by President,, McKinley, Gov. Tyler,, and others, - breath ing so much to strengthen v Vir ginians in their proud history, and to knit: the. bonds of union more closely between the sections once alienated . The. president's speech was peculiarly ' happy in its spirit. BOB THE BEST PRESCRIPTION CHILLS and fever is a bottle ci Grove's Taste- less unui Tonic. Never fails to cure; - eiPeri"ieni witn worthless imitation? Price 50 cents.' Your money back if it fails to cure. New lot of Quilts, Feather Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly, ',, Very respectfully, ' D. J. Bbstian. J go Large Portrat frames with 16x20 glass at I Tf XTfm ATA Trvt o. cmVOAiiVnn ' tr ; i ne itandara now Is the time - to subscribe. cni mh If you have anything to sell ii i . yvu uau znae n Known tnrougn j. TJie Standard. $ 5 W-HWHW THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. Is envied by all poor dyspeptic, whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know thatDr ng's New jhfe Pills, the wonderfui Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a regular bodily habit that insnresierf5 fefloh.an re energy. Only 25c. at fetzer's Drug Store. t $ v j . Rum rvd i u ii is published every day Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c per week or 35c per month. THE STANDARD prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people.. .... .... ....... Give us a trial when you make your next order for..... Job Work Work ready when promised. t t I Jlflyou wantto;buy any thins t yon!can;;caH f or it Jihrongh t The Standard. Q 1C 4mHmMmH$ 0 1 The Standard made known' 'on application. m7i V". 1 A '5:44

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