A LITTLE DOES MUCH. Boone , Iowa Dec. 14. No tongue can tell what I hare endured In the past ten years with my monthly eick ness. While suffering untold agony, a fr lead. called. and recommended Wine. of Cardui. I sent for a bottle and Ohl what relief. After .the first dose I began to feel better and have had no pain since. 1 M&S. GRACE LAMPHERB. ytoe of Ctrdul not only cures but ft acts AT 6NCE Here b a ease of ten years standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the ptin. The Wine rocs straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs. Its action is not violent, and it does not force a result. It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the Wine cures the,sourc$, all the other lib vansh as a matter, of course. & womaa can; be her own tmysidan and cure herieU aTfiorne, f Local ex; UlllV AoVISptT BEPAITMtl V J Ttrdrice in cai r4hlrlh? sptctel directions; addreW, glrta yiPTtrwi 1 Advbavv I MIBICIXE CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. -7 j ngerri past the obnoxious custom is no lonj is:.tl vegetable Wine made to-day for ecessary, i!y oerfe WinepfjCardiiL andautt- the cure of " female troubles 1 i)riiggists sell. Large Softies for Sl.OQ. 1 - - Boers Get the Better of It. The war in South Africa I has taken a turn in favor of the Boers. An engagement occur r red Tuesday in which the Brit ish troops at Lady smith lost two whole regiments. The Boer General, Joubert, it seems, laid a well conceh - plan to dra w the British forces in to a trap. He withdrew before the British troops till Gen. White sent Xtwo regiments into a position in which they were quickly sur rounded and after fruitless efforts had to surrender.? j It seems fairly certain that Ladysmith will' be taken if not soon evacVated. Gen. Bullers-V troops nrp arriving and though' not intend ed for the army ;ii 'these quart ers may have to gcfcto the rescue. The Boer smnts are now on top; - L . . , - '. .' - - f -. ' t ! .:. ...... ... Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the way. It is timejf or you to lay in a supply for the -winter," isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Blackwelder, . West Depot St. at Store. S'Phone 68. COAL! - Has Bought ,800 TONS JELICO COAL. 200 TONS HARD COAL. Also Yfrgina Split and Biri Eye Camel m fist vm ooalQt Me prises, Good Smith Coal. Call and get what you want. 'IRhone 74. NOTICE To Consumers of 'Current After Nov. 1st, j ill parties using other than Edison amk, will be charged 50 $er ceBt.15 addition to present rates. Concert Electric Li2M Co. . 'PHONE.. .... ... : A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child en and have had a great deal of xperience with medicines.. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. 'We-thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of. I saw by an advertisement in onr paper that Chamberlain s Lolic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at .once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had m the house. It saved mv little daught er's life.., I am anxious for every motner to know what an excellent mediciDe it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal., of anxiety and my little daughter much, euffenng. Years truly. Mro. Geo. R Bnr- dink, liberty, For Sale by M. JuMdrab & Co., Druggist. fellow who has hfipn iii says 11 it remains etf itftf td ! No. 40 Ah a will Notice to Tax-Payers. 'fibie ax books ,'fbr 18QQ ftavii &een placed ,m my hands for requested; to -come forward and - J u . VVllOVUUi LOST-OR STOLEN. . NOTICE is :hereby given Jliat a npxe Tor iuu aated May 1895 . stolen and parties , ' are warned not to trade for saiiie. . ' - :; - T CWiioy. j; WANTED Te buy 100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price; N6 burnt iron. wanted; - aietf. Concord Foundry Oo. AAA 0o YEARS V EXPERIENCE J I .... . Ak j Trademarks rvv CoPYmGm-sS&Qi Anyone sending a sketch and description mar jralckly ascertain our opinion free whether an lanil2.Lis Prbably patentable CommnnlS CtofiS strictly oonfldentlaL Handbook on P&tant enree. Oldest asrency for securing patenSl aenta taken through Munn & Co7iw BUM notice, without charge, in the reoetv Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lareest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms f 3 a year : four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. filUNN Co.3818'- New York . Jiranch Q8- 25 F St- Washtatoo, D, c. tJtt 1 Missf McGlellan's endless rigfit v Wul .be able to buy a Wit F'uu . tt lor --cimirai Sve bo6af j 884, 790, 579, 525, - .TOP V HOW'S TTTTR? We offer one hundred dollars ye twd i for ; aoy Oaee, oJi catarrh that can not py cured by Hall's Catarrh Cufer v ' ' F.J. Cheney jQo.; ProM.j v a Toledo, Ohio.; We the undersigned, have htjXSXnJl'J Cheney for the last 15 years'; an$ believe, him perfectly reliable in all business transao tiojjQ iindl financially able to carry oat any bblkationB made bv thnir firm. - - ,: . West & Truax, -. Wholesale i Druggists, ' " AToledo; O. Walding, Kinhan & Margin, wholesale Druggists; r ii, ' ' ToleddiO. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternals Artta A ji.7 " f rw. wwujf upuu tut) bipod and mucous surface of the eystem.- i. Price old by all druggists. Testimo nials free. Scriptural Application. A clergyman ; and one of his elderly parishioners were walk ing home from church one icy day last winter, - when the old gentleman slipped nd foil flat on his baelc.; The minister, looking at him a - moment, and assured that he was not hurt, said to him: . u ' Barnes,, "sinners stand .on slip -pery places." f ; ; . The old gentlemanf looked up as , if to assure himself of the fact, and said: 4 'I see they do, but I can't." Short Stories. CATARRH tub ; : and healikg ' CUBE FOB ... CIATRARH is Ely's Cream Balm Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains nn in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorved. Gives re let at once. Jt opens nd cleans tVi - aiuiu rassages. Allays In namation. Heals ar inrntprfa i senses of tastVand 7mL. Lar.e,' ft a A-'l Hit During the ciyil war, as well as in our late war with Spaiu, diar rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases i the , army had to contend with. In many instances it became chrpnic and the old soldiers"; still suffer from it; Mr. David Tavlor. of Wind Kige, Greene county; Pa;, is one ui ineBe. ne uses Uhamberlain s Colic, Cholera iand Diarrhoea Kemedy and Days he rever found anything that would gWo him such quick relief. It in for safe by M. L. Marsh & Go.L Druggist Done Up By Mnskrats. A Chicago dispatch tells the story of a hunter and his dog being attacked by a herd of muskrats. They assailed iiid killed the dog while the master slew them squads v when he fired into.theh, ofil? iS fiM the Had nptrresoiiiig: paTtigrea'ce& him qitickly ticfb'tiia flfiv6 c'Siih the way 6j msffiog- - to know otwer confer in fibte land: wE6 Of JDr. KlDS Nfiw Dlanorv nrt sucoption, XJOThsr andr Coia( ' , Have tlej of t.KTae4ieuift: and have the Ta""-""" psomieiy HitSoinettiand all diseases of the ThoAtnhAftma r . x ouxcjjt cur bo. vyrn,r at Jb'etzer's grog store and get a tree trial bottle. Regular sizeWciand $1. Every bot- w Ruaittuiocu, ur price reiunaed. ; ' StnAnottier Trplm v ' . Another of the Spanish: irun- bqats" sunt by "Spaniards near ivxauiici to preyent Dewey from Qoingit, has been, raised. Uncle oam seems to beat Spain at both sinking and raising a navy. Morning Post. The Kind You Hv6 Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 3K years, haff borne the signature of r and has been made under his per sbnal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that: fxifLG with and endanger ,1 he health or Iiiant! and Cdxen Experience against Experiments Casto'ria t& a .istu for Cantor Oil Parrgoric, Drop; and Soothing Syrups. It iM, rp4l&so!Mit.4 It contains neither Qpjum, Morphino .. nor bii er Nareotio oubstaneev lt &$6 is. Its Gruarntee It destroys Worm end allays iPoretiahxsizs, it cures Dlarrhce find Wind. Colic It. relieves ItldxiXildis; cures Constipation and Flatidency; .It. qTnilatea tnfi; Foody iegulates th& Stomach andt Bovfels, 2rvin healthy and, natural sleep. The ChUdre&fli PanacaS--The Mother's Friend. CEWUIME ;CSTRI ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC etWTHOW COMWHT. TT WUHMr tTMn1, HEW YORK CITY. ODEL L , FINE Plaids, bather n COLD 'N HEAD ie membrane, i 11 T ; . ' . . , suiiu.. iAiKc size s WJOl sJ??-ic by mail.5 llinJ1Ki. 56 Warren Street. New York Brarc Men Fall Victims.to stomach, liyer and kidnev troubles as well aswomen, and all feel v i . . vMvuf - J-lOJ. VUUHI1BS8. i. xut tuere s no need feelinj ilKe tnat. Iiisten fr T W nji : " w u f V V J r& II I MMr need to ieel f&?es',,w Wape guarantee J l!e-" TeailacfteiaSO.ininutesrSS Store. j ii - xaayijie, jjid. He Bays: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a - man Jf i!8'?1 rundown, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did! more f Jf?Ye m new?trenffth an cood appetito than anytime l COuTd take. I can now eat any hing and have a new lease ol s 5at Fctzcr;sDniff -yefy uuuie guaranteed. SHeietiiig, Salt Bags AND Outing CI6th General dealer nsr Jffercfiapdise ."; SUYEBS OP , COUNTRY. PRODUCE of all kind. - ailway SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 189SL f This condensed schedule is pub! Jishcd as lntormation, arid is subject td change without notice lo the public : Trains loayo uonoord IT. C 52 AVM. NO 8, ' daily; toi. Eich rnond; connects at Greensboro tot Raleigh and Goldsboroj at Qoldeboro for Norfolk, at TaTlr!lli 1nr3tfnh1tit,nri and points-North; at Salisbury for Asheviile, Knoxyille and points West. MoridaEXpfess,, carries IUman Sleep. m.Oars between ew York and A n JeorkAnd Tampa, Fl., and Norfolk to Charlotte. l 8:49 A. M.. "KTo. . S7 nr Tt7 ington a'no; Bouthwesterri limited for Atlanta. Birminsrhftm. MAmnin'a Kuuiofjr, JU.OUUO ana jxew urieans, ancf an mm -mi- swesf; TtopuPnllman sleeTCrNyor to New Orieans anNewYork to Memphis: Dmmg car, yestibuled coach; between Washin&rton and Atlanf. , . WfSo: Waft MiTiSan DOmtS North. riftrTiAo TVi11vnn JJ.: room hnffet sleeper, New Orleans to Nev ,tJapnyillQ . tbV New w:-i-rT TOunsjrcara irom ban Jiscovia New Orleans and South ern Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. ll!2R A. M. Nn 11 a 11 4w ana all oomtA Rrtntn : ki;i t.-. mond fo Atlanta; " , ? gleyilie, Chattanooga, Ealeigb Norfolk; and all points North: - ' ' f" fS?fl?f WMtpa ; Gofdsboro,- Seimay iTcrTf 8Dcro Jinoxville and Asheville to Charlotte, N. 0. q1 -""x0 Washington and SoutWstern limited, , for Wash mgton ann alTpoints Nerth. Through wS???? Memphis ,to , New York; 2i?fens tow York. Also carries AblT-ed ccxah and dlins car. Close fc?NC Mka Geensbor6 rh- sleeper 9 ..o. Four.foot Wood always Wanted. Best .Price for same. 19.20-. iVf--i?r 2ti- Siev carries Pullman VE?eWi Xork to. New Orleans. New aSSi onville and Charlotte ta tla?a dinning -car; t Also Pullman JSl WgtontdSan. i?aucis- days.-. 7 uneans Tuesday and Fn- Yo9rfr:l,4' da New ma? 35? -lorid Enwess, carries PuU man Sleeping Oars between Augusta YorV ??r,k xxTamPa' Fla and New riSlSd Ch?,ri6tte t0 Richmond. Car Alli Olotte to Norfolk yia wi VbUOUUiU, . . welmanufactnre , . in Maaofattflg Bo. Concord N. c. onl v f i: - t carry passengers toShffif according rp. , w. -rank S. Gannon, -Lhird Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. -ti, , " Washington, D. a John M. Culp, Traffic Manager, to . m , Washington, D, Os W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, n Washington, D. C. GowanlDasenbery,- Local Agent, Concord,tN.O

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