BAM STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. UFFI'JE IX TIIJE SXOBRIS BUIl.liiX' IBju r-jrAaJJAK-D is published every day uuday excepted) and delivered by ries. ' liates of Subscription ; One var . . ...... . .. $00 8i 'I' litbe". 'i . .... . ... . 2 00 Thr months . . . . . . . . . . 100 O t oil f ii ............ . -36 Si j j."" "iv. .... .... .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, etehtaolumn paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other;; Price $1,00 per annum in advanc. Advertising Bates: Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. ' Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. C. LOVING SYMPATHY FOUND. CONCORD,-N. C, Nov. 3. THE SEASON AT HAND. The season 'for operations in the Philippines is approaching very closely and with sufficient force with which to hold the territory gained, affairs are apt to wear a new; phase. Th natives after attacking our troop, last February and suffer ing defeat have carried on a very annoying mode of warfare, ap proaching within range and picking off such as they could hit. This was so exasperating that our soldiers preferred to ad van no and drive them off. In every engagement the natives were defeated by very inferior numbers. They were unable to stand before the American troops. Having taken every strong hold and capital city in wh U Aguinaldo fortified him self txio Americans were clearly invincible to the natives. This demonstration it was vain ly hoped, would aid in terminating the war. The rjolicv of takine . . . - and holding the territory won willjdoubtless be pursued now and will most probably bear wholesome fruits to the natives whose welcome to American gu ernment was restrained by fear of the insurgent raids. We expect, a very material change in Philippine affairs by spring. JUS IICE'S INTRICATE PATH. Justice has a diffiicult path to tread in su ch instances as that at Salem last Monday night, when James Bryant, in a state of intoxication, applied for and obtained admission to the room of Burrell Shouse, a young man of 19, whom he quickly shot in the abdomen inflicting a fatal wound. Shouse. is dead and Bry ant in jail, claiming that he did not do the deed on purpose. His being drunk we suppose will be -plead in extenuation of his violating the law in earring a pistol with which he took the life of the young man who be friended him. For the protec tion - f society, justice should not lean too heavy toward mercy and sentimentality. No. 1 of Volume 2 of Elizabeth Chronicle has found its way to our humble sanctum. To say that the Chronicle is neat, well gotten up and ' throughly enjoy able is putting the fact without ornamentation." 7The Chronicle is a credit to Elizabeth College and j ustifies' much pride in all concerned in getting it up. r Mrs, "Stonewall" Jackson has returned to her homev ih;Cnar lotte'and we are sorry to note iroaithe 'News' that she has made little if any improvement under medical treatment. Everyf- Confederate .; veteran feels a loving, tender interest in Mrs. Jackson fuUy warranted in veneration for the memory of her illustrious husband. Now that the lot of an invalid is hers, not softened by abundance of the necessary means to amelior ate, to the fullest extent, life's cares and burdens, it is pleasing to note the following from the Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer of the 2nd: "Nine chapters of the Daugh ters Of th,e; Confederacy today sent, through Mrs. John W Hindsdale, treasurer of the State society, to Mrs. Armistead Bur well, of Charlotte Chapter, 284 for the love and sympathy fund for Mrs. Stonewall Jackson. Henderson Chapter has raised $700 for the fund." We are pleased to learn that in the movement the Dodson Ramseur Chapter U. D. C. took the substantial initiative step and made the first contribution. Though the sum was not large compared with that of the Hender son chapter, the treasury was practically emptied in making the bestowal. The Dodson-Ramseur chapter, indeed, never makes any great ac c lmulation of funds, for objects soliciting their zeal are ever pre sent and engaging. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Wptild quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Idle Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless nv J'or bickand Nervous Headaches. Ther made pure blood strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured, at Fetzer's Lrus Stoi e. High Point refused to vote $50,000 worth of bonds last Mon day. There must be something bick of thisi as High Point is one of our very progressive towns. I A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, Mr. W. .A. Hines oi Manchester, la., writing of nis almost miraculous escape from death, says: 4'Exvosur3 after measles induced serious lnng trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug Store The Commissioners Susiain the Presi dent. Admiral Dewey was promptly assigned to a department of duty soon after his grand recep tion in order that the nation might have his , , service on the Philipine. commission along with Prof. Schurman, Prof. Worcester and Col. Denby, This commission will make a report during the term of Congress. It waited on the president recently at his request to give a perlim i aary outline to the report for aiding the president in making up his message to Congress. The commission is unanimously in accord with the president in his treatment of the Philippine subject. It will not be a surprise to any wl o are at all familiar with good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in te ling of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured , of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It isa graud, good , medicine. For sale by. ML. Marsh & Co. is the strpngesCNaturalLithia water on .the market and has the endorsementof the mo&t noted physicians of the 'country as to its' superiority , over all others, feead wliat "' the noted Dr. John Hey 'Williams, 6f Ashe ville, has to say for :l Harris Lithia, springs. ' ! -' Asheville, N. C, April 24,-1893. An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia .Water prompts me. i to the statement that. I regard, it as one of the best if hot the best, Lithia Water known U the' pro fession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urinei its action: is marvellous. Its use in the Rheu matic and County Diseases afford me more comfort tneitner the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours' JOHN HEY- WILLIAM Si M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated water will relieve any case of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized to refund you the money, or if taken after each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion.' Why suf fer when you have the guarantee? M L Marsh, v Agent f or Cpncord, CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tbe genuin has Ij. B. Q n each tablet ' 'f :: - While There is Life There is Hope. I was afflicted with catarrh; could neither taste nor smell and could hear but little, Ely's Cream Balm cured it.Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N: J. ' The Balm reached me safely' and the effect is surprising. My son says the first application gave decided relief. Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Do ver, N. H. ; V The Balm doQS not irritate or cause sneezing. Sold by drug gists at 50 cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York. ' Doctors and the Morphine Habit. Dr. T D Crothers, of Hartford, Conn., read a paper before the New York Medical Association recently, says the Philadelphia Record, in which he said that he had found by close study of the medical men that 21 per cent, of physicians have the morphine habit. He strongly urges against beginning, it for there is no cure.. Prevention alone is the remedy. He says the doctor that is a victim of the habit is forgetful, uncertain in his diagnosis and liable to make unsafe ventures. He may make a success, but is too liable to fail. He urges that no doctor take morphine in any form save from the hand of a trusted brother physician. Ihed By Brittish Soldiers in Africa. Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as command of the force that captured the famous rebel Gali$he; Under date of Nov, 4, 1897, fromyry. burer. Bechuanalancl. ' he writes? ""Ra- fore starting on the last' campain I Dongnt a quantity of; Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Which I used myself when troubled "With bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every , case it proved most beneficial." For sale by M. L. Marsh &Co. " , . : Grip onesIcfc weary and resUess, Dr. Ikxiles Restorative Nrvir.e brings rest. BE III 10 II OLD CO! We keep the ideal feed for the cows. The very thing you need; COTTON SEED HULLS. OTTON SEED MEAL. OTTON SEED PEED. The latter being meal and hulls mixed in proper proportions for cow feed. Send us your order. Prompt delivery. en i im co. The Racket ry .;.;1.t...- 1JT IGH Color Plaid (xops for. Shirt waists and ChUdren's dresses... ... Vi;-- " v""-; U. laTt , l!ad5esvCkp INFANTS Long. Cashmer Cloaks, Silk embroideipd at75c. togl.98. - - nhndWs Short Wraps 50c. to 1.68; Winter Hoofls 18c." to 93c. mite Sitt at 50c. to 93c. Infants ZspteBootees k LadieJersy Rib Vests 15c. up, . Drawers: 25c. Ladiest Rib. Wool Vests 7oc; and,90c. Ladies' Jersey Rib Union Suits 48c. Boy's Under Sh i rts - 18 Cents. - Men's Under Shirts, cotton, wool mixed and all wool from 18c for all cotton; to $1.25 for fine all wool, i Men's Knit Drawers 37c. up. . , We have as nice line of Hosiery as: cheap as can be found anywhere. ? Light colored outing, suitable fori infants, Ladies' dressing sacques, gowns and Men's night shirts 6i to 10c. ; All Wool Flannel 12c. 1-2 np. Cotton 'Flannel 5c. nj. Drilling 7ic. Sea Island 4c. up and Sheet 3 Jc up. Good yard wide Bleaching, worth 6ic, for 5c. Bleached - Cambric full yard-wide 7ic 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at 22c. Table Dkinrissk, ;B,eached orxnrker Bed.,; at 25c. Bleached linen, do. 47c. to 95c. , Window Shades 10 and 25c. . Curtain Poles 22c. Pounterpans, assorted. Nice dot of towels. Stamped Tray covers etc., well assorted. r 40 Brands of Toilet soaps from lc. to 10c We are headquarters for Toilet Soaps. OLASSWARE. Gobblets 20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per set, 4 pices Table sets 25c,, 7 pices Ice Cream set 25c, 7 pieces Wateri sef 5 and 33c, Water covered Butter Dishes 10 and 25c, covered Preserve Stands 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10c, Cake Plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dishes 5c, Salt and Pepper Shakes 5c each, Bowls 10 and 24c, Syrup Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one-half gallon Water Pitcher 15c. Fnll Line of Tin and Enameled WarR QAHEB. m. 5oaras witn id games $2.25. 28 in Boards with 20 games N. : ... ... . .... $3,50. Crockinole Boards .. . . ....... . . ... . ... . . . . ; . ... $08. Small games . . .............. .... ..... . . . . . ..... ..... .10 to 48c. New lot of Quilts, Feather Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly. Very respectfully, D. J, Bostian, P. Large Portrat frames with 16x20 glass at 98C. 5 If you are not a subscriber to The Standard now Is the time to subscribe. ' 5- is puUisJied every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c per week or 35c per month.. . . ...... . . ..... THE prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people.-.... ... . . . Give us a trial when you make your next order for.............. Job Work. '. Work read when promised. If you have anything to, sell you can make it known through I The Standard, f t STANDARD 5 . Adyertising;:rates"Jin if If lyou wantgto I buy- any thins you canTJcall : for it ihrou-h The Standard. The Standard 4 made known on application

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