ArH1 train. The following change of schedule took SOUTHBOUND. vn 8 arrives at 5 52 a ni. M it U 12- 34 62 44 4 4 14 44 m nn a in 7.l"iO r m 44 ti 8.51 p m, (flag) 9.45' p m, 3,00am(lieii t) SOUTHBOUND. Ko 37 arrives at 8 49 a Ji, (flag) ii "1123 a ni, " 8.oi p m, " 9.20p,m, Xfla) f; " 7.19 a in 8 49 a m, (freight) 7 35 33 61 it 44 THE METEORIC SHOWERS. NEW i ,Y0RK-: MARKETS. Wlm4 rv. v. : " vnerrom the Lowe Cont ".--i'-M 7 Them-This flonth the Open TimcforThem. . .; ; ' : .. Jan... 23 la speaking of 'mete'Hai.:' showers which can be seen on ofc $ tHe mghts of the 15th and 16;h Sugar 157 T H"tu, xne ioliowmg is 4 ; , taken from a member of tVm DV- Lowe conservatory. Of one of : LJS ?2 COTTON .High 27 , CHICAGO WHEAT. 69 J 69 J 68i Low 37 42 31 Closed 35 37 41 . 31.. 15611561 68J, 72J No. 35. when running: ahead ot No. 7. is flagged if necessary for through travel sonth of harlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Eeidsville, Danyille' and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38. stops to let cu passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or bevond. Nos. o3 aud 34 top at Concord for pa.--seugers-to or from the C. 0. & A; L'ivision Charlotte to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached'through Columbia or Augusta. Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and conne t at Salisbury with trains of W. N u. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED...... . ...... ..1842 . ... i fumy -3 "Simg Their Own Praise." TheSTlliFFisthe -PIAKCr to buv: it has no equal for the money as you save tli'j middleman's profits and it will iat ;). lifetime; but we have several iiLraiiis in other makes. ve have taken in exchange for fuiEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, me, rbe finest style that firm manu factures and it is almost new. If you want this make here are bargains. Ciias. M. Stieef. Hory BrancK Warerooi t littrlotte, Jim C. C. H: Wilmotfa, Mgr. Fixe Tuning. Palace Organs. a . tue periods in the past he de- : Critical Now in South Africa. scribes it thus: j : There is a crisis in the South "Not one was seen to reach the 4f rican sea of war. News dis earth, though many ' were yerv Patclies a somewhat conflicting, bright. The sky was very clear but they warrant the geatest and the moon absent. It was a Enlish solicitude for General rain storm without a cloud j - He is greatly outnum- 1 1 . . I nnrflrl n-nri U ' ?J ngntmng without thunder; l r- s aro almlni What made the1! deepest im. I Sf in. the , 'eed, com cr Piriuo Haisul'rtcturer, ' Baltimore 9I1. o. 213 Tim i m oil niM a The Concord Bakery has change today. The condition of Mr. DP Can non is much improved today. Mrs. H C Owens, of Salisbury, ,Vno has been visiting at Dr. J E SxXLOot's, has returned home. Thursday was a splendid cot ton dav asrain. One hundred and fifty-six bales were weighed. Suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed for $1.00 at the Concord Steam Laundry. Let Alexander & Hendrix clean and press your Clothes atisf action guaranteed. Mr. W A White, of Mill Bridge, spent Thursday , night here with his father, Mr. C R White. LOST. One tan overcoat on the streets of Concord. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Morris' Hardware. f T i . ' r , H L Parks & Cor have a new double-column ad today and are ottering some rare bargains.. Uead it on first page. , y Have your last Winter's suit cleaned and dyed at the Concord Steam Laundry. They guarantee this work. Prof. Coler addressed the teachers and students at Sunder land hall Thursday evening on uie "Mother Colonies," or Ya. vs. Mass. pression upon my youthful mind was1 the death-like silence above and around me. Seeing such a display of energy going on and hearing no noise JL,he silence wts as depressing ana solemn as in a room of the dead. "The shower was not visible in this country in 1866, but was on the eastern continent. On No vember 15, 1867, . while the earth was passing through one end of the dense swarm, having the previous year passed through its- center, I expected something of a display, and was not disap pointed for I counted nearly 1, 100, the greatest number was seen in the southeast and northwest ! with very short trails. The line must be sharply drawn between shooting stars and bolides, from some of which heavy masses fall to the earth called meteorites, or meteoric stones. On the other T -1 T i.'.i. nana no snooting star nas ever been known to reach the earth; the encounter with, and friction of the atmosphere, in tan tly re ducing them to vapor. "Many meteoric showers are known. , Prof. Denning, of Eng land, our best authority on me teoric astronomy, enumerates some 200 or more. This Leonid shower, as it is called, will re peat itself again, commencing a little after midnight of Novem ber 15, lasting till dawn, and not on the 14th as some have pub lished. There is a bare possibdity that it may be on the morning of the 16th. It would be well, how ever, to begin the watch on the 14th. y Lewis Swift., "Lowe Observatory. Cal. mumcations were ' cut oft about 2:30 bri the 2n41J , 3 The Boers are said to be bending their efforts to destroy the abridge at Colenso, which is General White's only means of retreat or of reinforce ments. ; , Important events are probably transpiring today. . A FRIGHTFU L BLNDEUR Will often cause a horrible Burn. Fcald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best In the world, will kill the ptvin ana promptly Hal it. Cnrs Old bores, Fever Sores, Ulcers. Boils, Fel ons, Corns, all Skm Krut tions. - Be&t Pile cure on eartyr'Only 25 cts a box Jure guaranteed. V Sold at Fetzer's btoro. Prompt attention given to the guests of the KimlbaLlll Hotel. Table supplied from the best on the market. Polite servants. Rates: $1.00 to $1.50 per day. Special rates to regular boarders. MEA. KIMBALL, Manager. - A gentleman from Rutherf ord violated our law this morn- db to riams: 7 nis Dicycie on our pavement. It cost him two dollars. FOR RENT. A good six room uuuse, nicely situated for a Dleas :.lilt home. Owner will sell. If interested, call at once at this uiuce tor particulars. Don't forget the 25 per cent. discount on all dye work, also remember that our dyes do not rub off. Concord Steam Laundry and Dye Works. Mr., Buchanan Miller, of Row an county, who was recently srranted license to practice law and who took his oath at our last term of. court here, has located m Salisbury. The remains of Mrs. Sarah Montgomery were taken to Mecklenburg county for burial. The funeral was preached at Back Creek Presbyterian church where she was a member. Why - Not lintel? Q 00 Venetiens, Ladies Cloth, Homespuns, N ovelty Patterns, Black Silk and Wool Crepons, Plain Black Luxon Silks and Poir de Soie; Real Scotch Plaids and Suiting. II it is your watch that is troubling you bring your troubles to us. ' if it is a watch that you are- wanting we have them from $1 up to $60. Or w CORRELL THE JEWELEK. let us bake your Thanks giving cakes. We make t,h a best fruit cake for 35c per pound; pound j9, at 10c. cake at 25c. You take no chances on getting a good cake if you give us your order. For Sale. 5 dozen Ladies : Linen Hand kerchiefs at 60c. doz. Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher,. Proprietor. 'PHONE 122. 120 pairs Misses Ribbed Hose, two thread, 2x2 ribbed, sizes 5 to Ladies Black Hose with white feet for 25c. tTeadache stopped iu 20 minutes toy Dfc Clilea Pain Pills. "One cent a dose. Ladies Black Hose with split feet for 25c. - Shoes! Shoes!! Don't forget us on Shoes. We have the best in town for the money. ... '"-.- . Gibson & Morrison. Don't fail to sea our Carpets, extra Supers, Volo Brussels, Velvets and Top New Patterns. Can do you Good on Prices. ' ... f Cannon & Fetzer Co . .... - . f Make home comfortable and attractive, and we have the richest designs to be' found in Concord. Our prices :for fine Bed Room. suits, Dressing Uases, Hinameiea uea oteaas, quality consiaerea, are the lowest that can be found anywhere. Some unusual values for this week in Rugs. Also Undertakers.- JHL 7 o We are prepared to give the people this winter better bargains than usual in all of ' Heavy' and Faecy - At wholesale arid retail. It will pay yoa to see bur Large Stock of il lici 1 Woodware, ; . Glassware, ' jCrockeiy, Shoes, Hats, Etc, before buying. For Clover Seed, J3eed Rye, aud Rock Salt go to Q. W. Patterson's. tiia ail Ouero the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and dne appreciation of your patronage. If we can serye you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS) TO CUSTOMERS. ... - . .. upi ana surjuiis - - mmL D. B Coltbane, -Chashiejv ' . J. M. Odejvl. President,. M. L. Brown & JBRo- LIVKRY, FK&D AWU SALE STABLES, Juot in rear ol Si. Cloud HotflL Otcm nibases must all pasiecger train r Outlita of all kiada farnishtd oromptly a id at reasonable pricerw dorses and mules always on haD& f o sale. B fe6pxaoft noroughbitf.

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