A LAXDMARK REMOVED. jlr. Jli11 Misenheimer Passes Away Friday' Evening Aged 73 years. '. Another one of the ladnmarks of St. John's church and com munity was removed at 6 o'clock Friday evening, the 3rd, when Mr. Jno Misenheimer passed away in death at his home. His failing health had ad monished him for some years that the end was to be looked' for at almost any period. But what is in death to be dreaded by such ! a citizen ever firm in faith,1 patient and persevering in trial, conservative, genial and kind in all his bearings? He suffered much and death is to be looked upon as a friendly message. Mr. Misenheimer had passed his three score1 years and ten. being 73 years of age. He leaves a wife and five liv 'ing children, viz:. Mrs. G M Moose, Mrs. R C Boger, Mrs. A S Day vault, Dr. C A Misen heimer and Mr. W N Misen heimer. The funeral rites will b ob served at St. John's church to morrowT at 10 o'clock and the re mains will be laid to rest amid the fathers. Warren Coleman Interviewed. Col. Fred Olds, the' Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer, has the following: - . ...'' President Warren Coleman, of the Coleman Cotton Mill at Con cord, is here. He says the 7,000 spindles and 150 looms 'are in place, -but that it will be six weeks before the mill begins operations.- The delay is due to the incomplete t shafting. The man who hadthe contract to put this in broke the contract be- cause 01 the advance in prices and another contract had to be made. The mill will be operated entirely by negro . labor. Cole man says the employes, 350 in number, have already been se lected. He has employed two white bosses and a negro boss. One of the white men is from Lowell;. Mrs. Jackson's Trophies Overstalled. 1 i A rumor having gone abroad over the country that Mrs. btone wali Jackson is absolutely pen niless, in want and hopelessly ill and blind. . Mrs.. Jackson stated yesterday to the Observer, in re futation, that these statements are very much exaggerated. - It is true that, sh is hot in affluent circumstances but she has a com petency and lias- always been above want. , Her health is some what improved arid she is not blind, though, still suffering from a painful disease facial neural gia. Appeals having been made all over the South for her relief, 'Mrs.- Jackson is anxious that the true state of the case should "6 uiown. as she is unwilling -in accer- any donations except those offered . as testimonials of kve and admiration for her hus band. Charlotte Observer of ov. 4. ....... . . , , . , - NO CURE. NO PAY , V That is the way all druggists sell .J?vSca Tastelees Chill Tonic for; chills Ml . av-i.. vuuau i mnme in a tasteless form J Children tie. 7 Be sure and ask f or "Mrs. Win ?ve it. Adnlts vcta v.u-a ; I oi, ' 'sitin"THT snn ,? nv.A take no wuyitu, jn. U., The Band Concert Tuesday Night. Next Tuesday night is the date for the concert of our band in Catons hall. A good -program of music has-been arranged something that will suit every one. The lovers of quick and flashy music .will have their de sires gratified as will those who wish soft, sweet strains. There will be several vocal solos rendered by our home talent with an accompaniment by the band. v ' Besides the band music and vocal solos, our people will have a chance to hear one of the best of flute soloists Mr. Harry As- bury, of Charlotte. Mr. Asbury is highly recommended by his instructors and the Dress and will please his audience here. Remember this program is for the benefit of - the band, which organization has for months been endeavoring to become a band of which Concord could feel proud, and so let the peo ple lend them encouragement now by giving them a crowded house. 1 Six Sew Cruisers, v Washington, Nov. 1. Bids were opened at the Navy De partment today for the construc tion of six sheathed and coppered cruisers authorized by the last naval appropriation bill. These vessels wilL be of about 3,200 tons displacement, a little larger than the Raleigh and Cincinnati class. The.srjeed is to be not less than 16 knots. The new ships will have twin screws and a battery composed of ten 5-inch guns, eight 6-pounders, two 1 pounders and four machine guns. The limit of cost fixed by Con gress, exclusive of armament, is $1,141,800 each, and it is pro vided that not more than two of these vessels should be built in one yard. Among the bids were the following : Wml ; R Tragg & Co., Richmond, Va., one vessel department's plans," $1,027,000. Same company, bidders' plans, one vessel for $1044, 000 speed guaranteed 18 knots. Two ves sels, same type, f or $937,000 each. Same company, bidders' plans one vessel for $1,073,000. Same type, two vessels for $1,027,000 each;' Same company, bidders' rdans. guaranteed speied of 19 knots; one vessel for $1,059, 000. Two vessels, same type? $1,039, 000. rU s THE BEST PRESCKIPTlON FOR and fever is a bottle cV Grove's Taste less ChiH Tonic. Never, fails to cure; Then why experiment "with - worthless imiffttimi.? Price 50 cents. xour money, back if it fails to cures. ' x ' V. ' Donation to Catawba College . At a recent meeting of the Po tbmac: Synod Kof ' the Reform church at Baltimore, $5,000 was j'jonated to Catawba college of this State. Tor Ovr Fl tv Tears. 1 Mrs. Winslow's Soothic Syrnp has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success; ; It soothes the child, softens the gnms, allays all pain, cures w ind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.' It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedl-nifilv.'- SnM hvrlfnpists- in every part j - j r-'z. , -i i oATUliOAx, NOVEMBER 4, With the Churches Tomorrow. 1 Regular services will be held at the First Bresbyterian church tomorrow morning and. night by Rev. E E Gillespie, of Greens boro, r , : ' The pastor. Rev. C. B. Miller, will hold regular services tomor row morning and tomorrow night at St. -t James - Lutheran church. -. v'- . Regular services both . tomor row morning and night at Cen tral M. E. church by the pastor, Kev. J . Hj. Thompson. Rev. J. D. Arnold will hold regular services at Forest Hill M. E. church tomorrow morning and night. Rev. T. W. Smith, the pastor, will hold regular services at Epworth M. E. church tomor row. Rev. W. B. Oney will hold services at bt. Andrews .Luth eran church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, - . There will be regular services at the Baptist church tomorrow morning and tomorrow night by the pastor, Rev. B Lacy Hoge. Subject for U , a. m. ; Does the Christian's Soul at Death" go Directly to Heaven." Subject for 7.30 p. m., "False Gods." Rev. Cochran Preston will conduct services at Cannon ville Presbyterian church tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night at 7.15 o'clock he will preach at Forest Hill church. The session will meet at the evening service to receiqe new members. Study It Out v I Here is a higly interesting par ad ox, which may amuse or be wilder, as the case may be. It is supposed to have been in vented by' Socrates: A. says that all Athenians are liars. A. is an Athenian and therefore a liar. Therefore his statement that all Athenians are liars is not true, and consequently all Athe mans tell the truth. A. is an Athenian, and hence -.tells the truth. Wherefore his ? statement that all Athenians are liars is true. Therefore he is a liar and his statement false, and so on. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. (jus- Martsell came m this moriing to spend Sunday. Mr. Will Holt, of Lexington, was here ' a short while this morning. :: Mr. D J Weisiger, represent ing the Old Dominion Line, is 'here today. -t ; .. ; , - C Rev. W C ' Alexander, : who left last night for Baltimore, will return about the middle of next week, : - - 17 r 7 Rev. ,'E E Gillespie, of Greensboro, arrived this morn- ling to preach at the Presbyte rian church tomorrow. OF A fen . . AT " i J. fnisV 1899. ' up to $7.50 we show you unparalelled values. Then comes Jackets Our Jackets fit and are one-third less in -price that other dealers ask, or we do not say buy..; Fine Kersey Jackets in blue, black or tan; $7.50 ones go at $4.98 nicely lined and well made. We have just received a large line of " Furs ! . 1 Such as Collaretts, Muffs, Scarfs, Boas, and clusters. They are all fine goods and moderately priced. self. We can not describe them but there is not a pk-ce but what isworth60cand 70c. Your choice 39c. These are plumu for you, the bargains are here. Large line of velvet and Silk widst in black and colors. H L Ooe'f Bother ! Our cousins on the other side are able to take care of themselves just like Bell, Harris & Co. are for all your wants in the Furniture line. With three 'solid cars of Furniture, two cars of springs, two cars of chairs; one car of Mattresses., -you need ot worry about high prices on furniture, and as for Stoves, ,v v"p the f amousXeader line, Gate City, Iron King, Happy Timtv s Wood Heaters and Coal Heaters all bought in car rots.- aiic : pu give us a chance we will sell you. - Clocks, gcVd, better a ' -'ot. If time is money you should have a clock. Office and I vb ry Furniture of all kinds. Hall Furniture, Kitchen Furniture To sum it up we have anything you want. Pictures , or frames we are strictly in it. Call and see. Bell, Single Copy 5 Cents The Leading Style Is capes or jackets whichever you may prefer but if you want to be real swell give Jackets a little pref erence. - Our buyer has just re turned -from his second trip to New York this season and here is the re sult. You will simply be aston' shed at the showing. We never saw finer capes and jackets so cheap. We show a fairly good cape, iur trim med collar, only 29c, worth double. One hundred Plush capes worth $1.50, as long as we have this lot, -only 98c. At $1.48, $1.98 and $2.50 and $5.00 ones at $3.98. They are Fine Dress Goods ! Have you any dress goods wants? Well here is a golden opportunity. We have iust , two -prices to make special mention of . At this price we have about 20 pieces fOr a great variety of col ors in solids and Plaids. They are 36 and 40 inches wide and every piece is worth 35c and 40c. All will be placed on the 25c counter. A 1 . J -1 f 39c 2.DOUb 10 pjet.ea very swell plaid effects, tail 1 or made suitings, black crepons, etc. Come and see for. your Parks ;.& Comp y Co arris Tomes Trice. 50c. ' A li I. II Kill, IX I I I I I :1 IT" - W V V M. U ' i other, kirfd .4&. t-mx .