Editors and Proprietor: 1HK SrAJNDAKD is published every day (Sunday; excepted)-and delivered by -ries. Jiates of Subscription : triitt j Wrr; v. : vivr:"-. VvVVi:i30 : 8ix iju )Lvi;8. . . 2 00 Tbn h morithiB . . . . i.v: . . . 100 , Ope aiO'ith . . . . . ...... . . .35 9inc r-Miv, . ..... . .05, THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a ooiLha v.... ;Ul T- Vtao . larger circulation in Cabarruathan any f blessing .to .the peoples .OI .the thcr;pHper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms ' for tegular. ; j advertisements iade known on application. Address all communications to THE TSTANDARD,' - ' r- Concord, ; Concord,. N. C.r Nov. 4. OUR CONVICTIONS CONFIRMED, ve reifiniea anaine isianas AWi)ula vliae beenTismern berea :anS rnledtby the various govern- iUUUbb AV 1 Ut5t lllt iiclllA y f J4". our own. i v-.-fJthe:rep9rt says ,yw;ecn.!t from any point of view escape the jresponsibnities 9 of govern ment which ' " our sovereignity entails and the commission is 1, r I. -if;'. is :ihe;sfrongt strongly:: pesjsui&d duty will prove the greatest . frWe have never seen what ' -' i there .was and is in President -McKinley's course through the Spani sh war and that in the - Philippine . Islands that . would certainly have been improved upon had one of our party been at the head of the governmentr. It is fair to presume that no gr eat political party will readily commit suicide by putting up a bad or incompetent man and if by chance one of great talent but questionably integrity be put up he is apt to be set down. We think tae president entitled to great respect. We take it, too, .that when "beaten (at the polls, the next best thing to getting pur own party in power is in cheerfully ac quiescing in all that we can con sistently 'and in co-operating with those whose efficiencv as public servants is promoted thereby, just as we thinkpatriot ism would demand if situations "were exchanged. While we deeply regretted to see war wjth the natives of the Islands and would rather have had the Americans withdraw if such could have been to the interests of those people, we felt that there was no right nor honorable way left but to subdue the . ele ment that precipated war upon as. , The preliminary report of the commission confirms . our sense of right and gratifies us that we did not fall into the muddy, turbulent current of crimination against s those who liave the responsibility of affairs. The commission shows that in dependence was :ntt expected by the islanders and was never promished except by Aguinaldo who proclaimed that the Ameri cans would give them inde pendence. The commission is satisfied by study and observation that the IFilipinos are not ripe for inde pendence. Besides it is shown Jhat inside our lines the natives liave as - nearly self-government 3ts they are capable of exercising Wnd thaji G en. Otis has' instituted schools in which 6,000 cnildren itre being taught English. : Native policeman keep order In Manila and business is good. The commission is strongly of the conviction that at no period since the great Dewey victory could the UnitedJStates forces liave withdrawn with honor to the nation or safety the natives. For had we; withdrawn after -destroying the Spanish authority it is believed. that anarchy w6uld Philippine Islands." Again the report says 'our control means to the Inhabitants of the Philip pines, internal order, a guaran tee against " foreign aggression and against dismemberment of their country, " commercial , an d industrial; prosperity ana as large a share of government as they shall prove fit to take. ' ' V As to desecration of churches, the murdering of prisoners ant the committing of unmentionable crimes 3r,bur: soldiers1 ;tLat ' it was surprising-- should be repeated withrany credence) the commission says ;t is glad to . ex pTesseimf; aj wai was never more humanely conducted There will be those who will say tHe commission" is Mr. Mc Kinley's and allowance is to be made. In view of the very ap parent unfairness of much of the criticisms we are ready to accept the report of the commissioners rather than the virulent critics. water on the market and has the endorsement of the::most 11 1 T . mm isprr?:: -: -;:; ; : 15c. ufc;rl)rwers 25c. '"yf' xr l-yitt'&cti- r'-t - "Ladies, Rib Wool Vestsocnnayucr -leville, N. C, 'April4, 4893. AfyfM jrhr .-finits ar- I . 1 iM.II IMN .IHI ISHV 1LLU : U UiVU Itf W..V.V . The Southern Cotton Spin ners' Association met in Char lotte and fixed a schedule of prices for their goods, advancing rates' to suit the advanced prices of cotton. Are we not passing away from the survival of the fittest idea and the cut-throat competition rivalry into broader and more humenc "live and let live'' policy ? We wonder if trusts, combinations and or ganizations for aggression and restraint, by which we seem about to be absorbed, do not mean the development and the outgrowth Of a system of higher socialism by which humanity, while bowing to the inexorable decree, -"By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread," shall yet be freed f ;om much of the solicitude which too often discourages youth, opens the door to disease, prematurely frostenes the locks and multiplies the cemetery mounds. A-When the train pulled into Charlotte Friday night with Ad miral Schley aboard the hero was discovered on the rear platform looking about. He asked sooa- one what place it was. On being told, he ' repeated the name "Charlotte" and said': "Why, there is quite a - little crowd here." It is quite apparent that solid roads : and historic tablets cut no ice with a "sea lion. " In reply' jto an earnest query regarding the good luck a'rab- bhVs f pot is supposed to bring," we would say that this special charmin the hind foot particu- iriy, is aemonBtratea when it helps the rabbit to get away from the dog. Ex. Millions diyen Away. It is certainly nratyingto the public to know of one cancer in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and : suffering. -I- The ptoprietors of Dr. King's New ..Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs' and Colds, have griven away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing: it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis,. Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Che&t and Lunss are surely cured by it. Call at Fetzer's Drug store and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50o. and $1. Every bot tle guaranteed, or price refunded. dresses. u j) n yM hotediaians-of, the Country s - .i ,-t , jLadnes7 :vapes wo. ao.;w..-:Avo-- nuu?iwwigr;.i v-f jY ,: -r TKW A NTS LonfiT Uasnmer Viuaii&, oiiix omuiuiuoicuoi to S Qq omers. v iBaA wnat we jiuju. "?Umlaren'snor yvrap&.uvo. vw.M..yu. iiiHe:. has-tosav or; Harris micrnuu40uiujy Jjitiria' Asi Anextenaedchnicaljase of Hart l V;.r it :r4muten LflJ 'lil.'iL TT'X L-JvJJiiiJL'-i'ii,' '-.-U. 4-. I ' ' - - a 1 m t-m - r xiheTbf heestif nbft r.ithi'ji, WatAr ItowiiHo fession. Inftbe ;conditioti of ; .:Men:s:KmtrPrawersf37cup. We havens nice line of Hosieras .cheap as SSwH ; ght colored fflglS JOHN -HE-Yi WILLIAMS, .M. :D. -All WOOlFlaiUiel 12C.-1'2 flft - : r.V ;.: ; : COttOIl YMi 5C, 11 we guarantee tnat one glass oi f , . - ' ;ou : , 1 ;t.: yard- B ov's U nderS m rts & : lb u e nts. hb'tthe l) - J fenriQer'rrtsic nHo;ie--pf6- ri8c; XT, ft-;-r"a --j 'mdBIeach AUamhric full wjU-reliemapy. --yard-wide ic; 10-4o Bleacli:SHeetih: at22Jc? , ' tioh in one minute or our aorent LL ; d -iV ':"l-:;""?:':''' ":'r:J : A c. . i ll jntL Ibcv II II 1 m as m II is authorized : to . refund youth U lU2MOi&9 : - v- , ; Turkey Ited., money, , or -if - taken after , each ' - Bleached linen, do. 471c. to 95c. mal wHl cure the most stubborn Wdes-ip and 25c. ; Curtain Poles -22ic. Counterpans, case of Indigestioh. : Why snfM- ;Al' . ,7(.vy. ou x va, fer well assorted. 40 Brands of Toilet : soaps from lc. to 10c. vve are neaaquarters xor i oiiei) ooaps. GLASSWARE. . Qobblets 20."and 30c 'set, Tumblers 15c per set, -4 pices Table sets 25c' 7i5ices IceCream set 25b;-7 Dieces -Water set 25 and 33c. Watp.r youtaye'the guarantee ? - Agent for Concord. 1 1 " 1 - A,' . . ii X CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT All druereists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The cenuin has Ij. B. O mntf.los Vinoo-o-t. "PifrKor.1 hrk fliiiav "RvnrioVF; rtv,i in a eaCU laDiet - ; l I J r..i.x t:t ia n r . ' -,,.,.sr -' .n -i uuvt;itna. -outLtjr iisues j.u a.uu 2:0c, coyerea irreserye pianas zoc, covered Comports. 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and:10c, Cake Plates 5c. While There is Life There is Hope. Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, r Olive Dishes 5c, Salt I was "affliritpfl with'vrni.fi.rriHana.ePPer'oJ3aKes oc eacn, Jtsowls iu and 4c, byrup Jfitchers 10 . ' I OSw C1M 1 1JJ : ("T' T 1 i , 11 TXT i T-k it -t could neither taste nor smell' and I y .f? ...i?P..OUIf ,I1V..u?rs oc one-nau ganon w ater -itcner l&c. Sh"SSSre?! Lme of Tm and Enameled Wara Shautz, Rahway, N. J. . OAHE - r I W it" gUIJXI.C7(9 . ................. . , ..... i i ... . ).60. 1 ' V J . . . -, uuutuCC(i00uuBmg. iy Zti m .Boards with 20 games.... .... .V V S3.50. WV aPcation gave; Crockinole Boards;. decided relief. RespectfuUyj Small games . . . . . . ver, jn . H. The Balm does not- irritate bit cause sneezing. ; Sold by driisE J i. L (TA 1 -1 -1 iisis ub.ou cenis. or mailed oy iiy Jtfrotners, 5b Warren St., JNew York. P. 10 to 48c. New lot of Quilts, Feather Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly. Very respectfully, , Large Portrat , frames i .with :." -.1626 glass ; atf ; 'jgg NO RIGHT TO.UGL1NESS , The ieoman who is lovely in you are not a subscriber to T lace, . form and temper will al X 4 way 8 hfkiejx$ridsl: but one who T If yo would bv attractive must ktep Vii o2 Li :V her health. If she is weak, sicklt, t l $e Standard and ' all wrun down, she will be X now fi the timft to finhh f - . " -wwIWW o udiuud uuu iniiauie. J.I sue nas T . . 4 i Ll. J ill ' I lujjjuio uiuuu win cause pimpiep, blotcheF, skin If you -have anything to sell a 4 ' ' " """" " ' ' 4 j. you can make it known through f The Standard. eruptions and a wretched CDmplexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to reerui ate stomach, liyer Hud kidneys and purity ; the bood. It gives ptrqng nerves, bright eyes. smooth; y el vet skiu, rich com-! plexion. It will make b. good -' looking, charming ' woman 1 of a run down invalid. Only 50c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. " ' Ui ed By Brutish Soldiers In Africa. Capt. 0. G. Penniaon ' is well an over Sirica as command of the force that captujred the famous rebel 'Galishej Under-date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vrf burg, Bechuanalaiid Che i writes.1 ;..B6., iore siarungon tne last campain X bdught a" quantity of "Chamberlain's LJonc, unoiera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which 1 used my self when troubled with1 bowel complaint, and had ariveh tn mxr men, and in everv5 case it nrairpA m Ant. utjuenciai. rorsaieDy m, Lt. Marsh & uo. t 5 -4 4. 4 In mm published Wery day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door tnonth, -. r -. . . . . . . . . . . D D 4. t 'f 4. 4 4. t 4 it grow better we Truck he iHe at- I rpnage of the people. . . . i v r v . ; , a .1 .$ II I III I Giye us a trial when you make your next order for.v.;..t.. THE STill prints home and other news that is us Pnresvpopur re Job We keep the! ideal feed for the cows. Tne verv thine vou noprl rl OTTON SEED HULLS. OTTON SEED . MEAL. xieiaLier oeinsr meal and nulls I T mixed in proper proportions for -If fru Fantfito ;buy anything' prrar Toon VJ--m-I Tfr.,, j 1 v Prompt delivery. Work Work ready when promised. 4 4. 44r4.44.444444.4.444?;4 fill X FETZER CO. ycujcanricali for it;ilirough? I The Standard:!- 4 4. Adyertiaingrates; Jin TheStandard made known 011 application.! 1 1! HHH'J444' 4444.445"4'i'

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