. : . . f : - - - - - ----- " - w - . A teSUttor lnanj NEW YORK . MARKETS. effect Janel2ie99v; .;;::v ; : f; NORjTSBOJJNp. i . .. vTuuunu '-- v. . ,ui:ovis:one :iaw in the StAiA rfmn gqtton,.,: .. if 5Mt is DractipalW o. i Vj Ppcn? i!Hitt t Lo closed 5(0. ,8 &rriveB;M 52,am, - ' : ,: 84 44 9.45 po, SOUTHBUUND.-' : Vo. 37 arrives p$fp&fcfj Mii IrTlw e oae, ma?cri 'S3 540 . ,83 33 . iluW muaard keeper - o . 3ajtk statement. , ;. ; 7 " " b.oi p m, as t 9.20 p'm, (flacrV Stftmpcsijl. ; -ie Section imposes Segals pecfeasb.' .942,800 vm-tem-toi. fei?:p?;.: - r 224,800 u ftl .". 849a1m; (freight) 0 No. 35. when running ahead ol No, 7, isfiagged if necessary for t&pug-h tray.el fioutU of harntte, and is stopped jf or passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. M stops regul&rly for passengers'. or Usbury, HighPoint, Greensboro, Reidsville Danyille and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. "No? 87 stops for pas eengexfr coming; from lnchburg or points beyond, anJ tg -take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south 'of Newells. No. 'titops to let off passengers f rorni- regular stopping places south of Newells and ip take pn passengers for regulaf Bt9prttsg pJaoe?, Lynchburg or bevond. ; ' ."i 'Nos. Hd iJ4 stop at Obncord tpx passengers to or from thePvXJ. Jb;A: Division -rOarlotto to Augisjta-and other points in South Carolina, e.9rgia und Fi(jrida, reached through Colombia or Aii?nsta. - , l v i Vn! 7. 8 11 ATA 12 arA then InnoJ fiaina nd conue t at Salisbury with trains of Hr. iN. i;. Division. n cpiipiy , out jioMdy. ;See)ns eve tpe fiixedv . ;fee lwerd arkeeer pe ja plu tocrat in sKnrt; nrrloV ' A Tf '4 c 4' ;good Jajy, tpp.Greensboro ot. - FOUNDED...... . .......1842. 3 Si - Just Too Appropriate 7;? young hUr;-recently pftoented His youijjg Vtfe-with i hidspine lamp. He Iwas . much f ttreff -wlie jfol :aim e n:d given -it . his name; until he d'1ier-teason f or kuch a pe- KiLiuuL- proceeamg. .yyeu, ' she sai$, you fenow, my dear, it has 4 dt of brass about it; 'it is hand some ip 0pjf ; t requires a great )ieajL pf Attention; : is : re: mrkably brilhahtV it issom'etimes Unsteady qn its legs; it ftares up 6cps.ipnally; it is bound to m pke . ? WAQder son Intelli gen- cer. ; -'ThVaii;'wJioiiiyfiutjBd' .a per fect method 'for the culture of the memory forgo) his :iiat! . :The jnan who wrote a book instruc ing mankind bow to live ;4 'him- dred years died at ;88. THe: wo man who Wrote a boot to prove that there js no jleath has buried two Husbands. Jthd ihus it koek showing the.i.vagaries of life. Durhaia Suu. i eti ens, Ladies GI oth, H o rnespuns, Novelty Patterns, Black Silk and Wool U1 Crepons, Plain Black Luxon Silks and TTT t TTTT? OUR fWfl U w AhAnnTj' Would quickly leave you, if you used Poi T QB S6B. Real SCOtch P lai CIS ail J Dr. King' New LiH Pills. Thousands , ' . 7 ' of unerer have proyd their matoniees mem for bic-afiu N-ervous Headaches j Qniinrr They mad e ' imre blood strong-' nerves O U 1 1 1 M g Try, them. Only 25 cents, Money back ;i not cured at Jeetzers irug Htore. A FRIGHTFUL BLNDUER ! . . V ....... . ' w . .1 .. . i . ' Will often cas,ft horrible Barn. Fcald. Oat or Rrniaa'BUcklen'H Arnica Salve, the best m the world, will kill the pam and promptly .heal it. Cures Uli bores. Fever Sores. Ulcers. Bcils. ;.FeK ons, Uoms, all Skin .Kru tions. Bett File cure -n eartv. Onlv 2a cts a box Cure guaranteed. Sold at Fetzers Store- 'Sing Their . Own Praise. " The sTIKFFis the PIANO to buv: it has 'Ho -equal for the money as you save tlie middleman's pronts and it wil laiit a lifetimes but we havo" severa Ityrcrains in other makes. We have ; taken; : in exchange . for STJEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, one. the finest sfvle that firm manu facture and it is almost new. If you want this make here are bargains bild. M. OliUl'lj Baltimore Sid. Factory Branch f arerooi. "vv,!!- f A tifarlotte, N. C. Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. An exchange tells us that the proper method to keep apples in winter is to wrap them in old newspapers so as to exclude the air. The newspaper, however, must be one on which the sub scription has been . paid, other wise dampness resulting from what is "dew" may cause the fruit to spoil. Rocky Mount Motor. It will not be a surprise to any who fttft At all familiar with srood Qualities of fJhamberlain'sOouerh Remedv. to know that people everywhere take pleasure in rftlatiner their exDerience iu the use of that splendid medicine and in te ling of the benefit thev have" received. from Just received 200 select JNovelS threatened attacks of pheumonia it has at 10c. . The Racket. averted and of tbe children it has saved , from attacks of croup and whooping For nice select oysters and cough. It is a1 grand, good medicine. quail on toast, go to Boger's or u ' r18" resteurant tonigni. The three train-beaters cap T.ot. Alovnnflfir & Hendrix tured Friday morning have been clean and press your clothes taken to the chaingang, as they satisiaction guaranieeu ueu w. ck uuj. v. . Rev. J W Lacy, who is visit- " 3 Cakes Egg white soap and a in Rev. Preston, will preach at beautiful 12 x 18 inch picture of itocKv xviver tomorrow. uuuuw guw.au Aui J : ; " ; ; j v The Racket. pressed f pr $1.00 at the Concord FOR RENT. A good six room 7 ' house, nicely situated for a pleas- . , ant home. Owner will seU. It Even the dress-makers of Con- interested, call at once, at, this com are, mse iuan,y utnoi office ior particulars., - - nnccoc l-i ava rTrxrrl Afl 'With WOrk I last ' Winter's suit. -L cleaned and djred at the Concord. rright Tucker, son of Mr. Dan Steam Laundry. They guarantee' rpuCker. He has. a. nice crop of this work" - ':.,r:l':':;J-':: unrioe ones yet. , : ) Mrs. Chas; Caldwell has re-! sMeV deliver 'His turuea. w oa W3 VAv-y v u, lecture, V iXg.wa .VS. . ivxassa- tending the ' funeral of. s .hu setts." at Mont Amcena Sarah Montgomery Friday; Seminary on FridaV night to the LOST.-One.tan overcoat; on delthaaudiecea the streets of Concord Finder ins;by 'pbone,message this morn. will be rewarded by leaving at m5- ivi.or.ris' naraware., 1 Don't fail to se'3 out Carpets, extra , ;., . ' ...-- - - . ; ; ' Supers, Volo Brussels, Velvets and Top New Patterns. Can do you Good on Prices. Cannon Feizer Co. Prompt attention given to the guests of the KSmlball Hotel. Table supplied from the besi on the market. Polite servants. Rates: '$l.TO';torf $L50 'per ' day. Special rate's regular boarders. Mrs. E i KIMBALL; Manager. Things of r . m : Mr. Chas, Seaborn has, gone tb, ! niimwooa wnere ne win worn an. the lumber business. for Mr.' Will , Dayyaulc; , ! ... .. . TV i i : ei. . J.T. L" . Of? 1 '.."". 1 i i discount on ' all dye work, also remember that our dyes do' not rub off. Concord Steam Laundry iina juyeyvorKs..; v . ; . . . . The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the First- Presby terian church will hold its No vember meeting on next Monday! evening 3 o'clock at the home- of Mrs. H G Herring. Why Not Beauty. It wjllTbe a joy . for .you to see our new brooches, 'which' we have received. Come and see . even if you don't purchase. f t W. GvCORRELLr ' TUB JEWELEK. For 1" v':il-:.. Sale ; ?5,dPzen - Ladies Linen Hand8 kerchiefs at 60c; doiJ ; v I I I I I Make home comfortable and attractive, and we have the richest designs to be found. in Concord, i Our prices for fine Bed Room Tirocfiiiio1 fiasrts; Enameled Bed Steads, quality considered. are. the lowest that pan be found anywhere. Some unusual values for this, week in JKugs-, . t o- -Also Undertakers. ft'. ft .- . . .. 11 Concord Sa tetter- barin til.'bisnal'tIr.alI, OI 5 120' pairs- Misses-Ribbed Hose; -wwiwi 9v9 rihhftd. sizes 5 to lot us bako:, your Thanks- 9f aflOc. , . : .; fflVinff UttJttXJO. - . . you the best fruit cake for 35c 'pbr--pound; pound cake at oc. ... , 'You take no chances on getting a good cake if you give us your, order. Goncord Bakery. Joe fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122. . Ladies Black . Hose with, white feet for 25P. r Ladies Black Hose with split feet for 25c. Shoes ! Shoes!! Don't forget us on Shoes. We have the best in town for the money-; Gibson & Morrison. . Faecy -. - - m ana Qrbceries., . At Wholesale and 'teU;f;tfciHtt''Siy; you; to see :bur JiargetiSfcack of v Tinwareif- Wbddwire", Glassware, - Crockery, Shoes, Hats, Etc., before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed Rye, , and JKock bait gO tO' . ' : v ' i.: W. Patterson's. LI Offero tlie business pnblio a reliable, per manent, oonseryatiye and accommodate inarfaanlring lnstntlbD.; J : . o i j iWe solicit, yonr patronage with the assurance of .honorable , treatment- and rdue appreciatipix of Vjdur patronage- If we can serve, you anjr time we will "be glad to have you cdme ahd see'naT liberal acqommodatios to customers; . - - - - - D. B CotiTBANB, Uhashier, - M. Odet-Ij. Yt e8ident. . " i " M. L. Brown: & BRo'. -, " V. ' '..'"...- -4---- v;-v:.v..v--; LIVERY, FEED AND SALE. STABLES, ; . i Just in rear oi St. Cloud Ho tL Orr. nibuses meet- all passenger traicr. Outfits of all i kinda -furnishftt promptly and at reasonable pric pl Horses and males always on bacd to 8e. tf" d ' if uoroaghbro .. 41 liinds of Toilet soap at 1 to ? cts. per cake. The Racket.