Woman's. Crowning Virtue. Beltojt, Mo., July 27. For years I suffered terrible pains every month and my doctor told roe I could not be cured except by an operation. I felt I could not submit to that and was so des- Sondent I had given tip all hopes of a cure, ly husband insisted on my trying Wine of Cardai and at last than God I Hid try it. Last monthl did not have a pain, and did all my work, which I had not done in seven years. MBS. MINNIE LITTLE. - ! f . mm Bill Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women. It is the trait that all mankind admires. A modest woman is the most pleasing of all created things. Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a physician, and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt ing. They can't get their own consent to an operation. Wine of Cardui permits sensitive women to retain their modesty. With it they can cure " female troubles" in the quiet of their own rooms. If special treatment is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta nooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly answered by women rrainpn in th rur nt M A St womanly weaknesses and irregu larities. There should be no hesita tion. Delayed treatment means a chronic condition. The longer postponed the harder to cure. LARGS BOTTLE OF WINE OF CARDUI COSTS $1.00 AT THE DRUG STORE, UBIES' ABVISSRY CEPABTKEHT. For advice in cases' requirinu special direction, address, givinp: symptoms. Ladles' AdUoiIep,t, Tlie CHATTANOOGA juuutiA. vu, cnattanooga, Tenn. CATARRH RaLVt ?fcCOLD in urn J:.,, the cl.ea swing and uealisg CURE FK CAT RARH IS Ely's Cream Balm Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorved. Gives re lef at once. It opens nd cleans the Nasal Passages. Allays In-THl r I. UPAft namation. WULLS fl I.HU Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smelL Large size 50c at Drug gist or by mail; Trial size 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street. New York Winterjis Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OP Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the way. It is time'f or you to lay in a rapply- for 'the winter, isn't it? I also have on hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Black w elder. West Depot St. at Store. JBPhoneGS. COAL! K. L. Craven Has Bomt bUU TONS JELICO COAL. 200 TONS HARD COAL. Also Virglna Split ani BirflS Eye 'Cannel uoaL uest steam coalat mine Mces. Good Smith Coal. Call and get wnau you want. 'FHone 74. HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for -any caee of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. i F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. W the undersigned, have known F J Chenev for the last 15 j ears, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts directly " UDon th blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 75c. ner bottla. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials iree. NOTICE 5 To Gonsumers of Current. After Nov. 1st, all parties using other than Edison Lamps, will be charged 50 per cent in addition to present rates. : Concorfl Electric" Mt Co. JPEGlN. .... 104 Notice to Taxpayers. The tax books for 1899 havo been placed in my hands . for collection ana all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay tneir taxes at once. City Tax Collector. vrA" 50 YEARS VEXPERIENCE - - - THE SINGLE GANDER FEATHER. Full proud the ostrich plumes inau once O'er woman's bonnet danW fTM I'm i.- C-' ' ne aamty Dira of paradise, Or plumaere newer fan f?1prl a t - y But now to fashion's limbo straight All these must sro toerethpr. As kneel we to the girl who wears The single gander feather! More tempting badge was never aonnea By sweet and saucv maid on. It's like a challenge to mankind, With taunting: lausrhter ladon- But comes it on - our ravished sisrht In fair or stormy weather. It's victory for the girl who wears ; The single gander feather! bt. JUouis Eequblic. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Otters Why Not You? Mv -wife has been nRincTh . - - iMviniu O Fain Balm with good results, for a lame shoulder that ha pained her con tinnallv for nine taath Wa .- j - .Tuucyv U1CU aivm vx uicuiciues ana a oc tors "witii- oui receiving any benefit from any of them. Ono dav wo conrn ment of this rmedicine and thought of tryinar it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her frfmnlrlAi io oimn n Ior sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Drug gist . , ,. . . .... . " ) Mistakes of Life, Somebody has tabulated for an English paper what it calls the "fourteen mistakes of life. ' and if you feel like taking a little time for serious thought, you could not do better than to give them attention. If you do not feel inclined that way now, put them away until you do. Here they are: . - 1. It is a mistake to set up our own standard of risrht and wrong, and judge people accord ingly. '.V 2. To measure'the enjoyment of others by our own. . 3. To expect uniformity of opinion in this world. 4. To look for judgment and experience in youth. 5 . To endeavor., to mold all dispositions alike. 6. To look for perfection in our own actions. 7. To worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied. " . 8. Not to yield to immaterial matters. : 9. Not to alleviate, as far as lies in our power, all that needs elleviation. 10. Not to make allowence for the infirmities of others. 11. To consider- everything impossible that we, cannot do. ' 12. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp. 13. To expect to be able to un derstand everything. 14. To live for time, only, when any moment j , may launch us into eternity. : ; inow, tnat is about as near preaching a sermon as we have ever come, but is there anything m it that you do not approve? It seems. to us that it pretty nearly covers that comprehen sively thing called duty, The Daily Record. i i n 1 1 j 1 1 : i , j j , i : 1 1 1 : i ; h 1 1 ; i 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 n . i ' i . i : 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 : i L 1 1 u n ; m ' 1 1 ; " ' ' ' iiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiii.'ii'tiiiiiniiiiiiii.'i-iiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiimi'itiif.ti!. Age lablcPreparatioiifor As similating UieToodaadEegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels cf ImoteslScstion,Checrrul-nessandBest-Gontains neither. Opmmlorphiiie nor Hineral. KotNarcotic. Rcape oTOldStSMEEIIllUlLa. dlxenna Seed,. Jppt-irmitt h (jjriHJna&Satltii " ffcrm Seed - Ciarifi Sugar Uatpyrn Heron A perfect Remedy forCoftslipa tion. Sour Stomach .Diarrhoea, Worms Xorrvulsions .Feverish tiess and LOSS OF SlR TflcSimHe Signature of NEW YOHK. EXACT C0PV OP WEAFFES. ftflOT Hi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have s Boughs Alwav Bears the j9 W You Have Always Bought. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. CD EL L HCTURIilG COO Vt GLORIOUS NEWS Comes' from Dr. Dt B. Carfrile, of wasmia, x . ne writes: "Jj'our bot tles of Electri(5 Bittern h Brewer of scrof nla, which had caused ner great sunermg for years. Terrible sores would break out 'on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no neip; out ner cure is complete and- her health is excellent." This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric! miners is tne oest blood pUriner known. It's the supreme remedv for tetter, salt rneum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores, it stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents, ooia at x! etzer s urug Store. HE POOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Renirtlr TTainilf rr. nt West Jefferson, O , after suffering' 18 xuvubuo Hum xveuMu. xisiuia, ne would die unless a nostl v nnAmf i IOrmed:but hfi oxire.iK KimRolf ra'tli r boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the j ouicot jriie cure on niartn, and tne best ooia at i etzer's Ding Store. ; FINE Gingh ams, Plaids Sheeting Salt Bags AND Outing Cloths. iA Trade Marks w.. ,ui Designs . ' ;JV Copyrights Ac. L?1?8 a Bkech and descripUon may ent free. Oldest apency for securing patenta. Patents taken throuph Munn & drecelY Tptcial notice without charge, in the .Scientific JIiMcan. AttEndsomely illustrated weekly.- Lnreest Mr. halation of ary scientillc journal. Termi ri'' -aVfift?r J?CthSt U SoW b7a.ewsdler? ' t Uracch QfT - -25 P St Ti'ashintftou, D.C- Z M. L. Marsh & Co. guaranteee verv edy and will refund the money to anv 7, . : "v tuusucu aiitr usidl' two thirds of the contents. ; This is the best remedy in the world for la griper, cbughs, colds, croup and whoopir oough and is DleaRanf t prevents any tendency of. a cold to Jim Jeffries is Still Champion. The great champion contest came off last night at the Conev island club and ended -.with the 25th round. " Victory was de- P.l n Tori in -f q TrTVi-P T.-flP-i' tt - x jla ami yjj. vjjl a OliX ItJft. JDOIII I ,fH wore pounded up and it. is said that ijeiierai luepchandis CtT T 1 -. . I ' - onarKey naa two ribs broken and also one hand injured. Jim Jeffries is still champion. DEALER IN BUYERS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind. outhern IV ailwav SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. 1899. This condensea schedule is ub Iished as information, and is subject to change without notice 10 tne public: Trains leave concord N. C 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Bich. mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxyille and points West. . 7. 19 A. M No. 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Cars between New. York arid An. ?J?N??worf and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. 8:49 A. No. 37 msrton and Snnthvpstm 1;.-. Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest, lnrough Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans andNew York to Memphis, Dinnig car, vestibuled coachy between Washington and Atlanta. A. M.-N0. 36, daily, for Wash ington, Bichmond. Rntitrii oa u pomts Nortb. Carries Pullman drawing room . ffet sleeper, New Orleans to Eiew Yoik: .Tftr-frnrmll xt I I OrK: FT! I ImftTl fnnMet J- Francisco via New Orleans and South- cru xraoino oundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M. Nn 11 A and all points Soutii. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7.-09 P. M.No-1 mond. AshAviiiA r?Viorr., t 1 Norfolk, andnTteCT wMC 7 Eich- SSli,v7au,si?1' Goldsboro, Selma, cialeirb. irpAnc.lir xr- -n ! Asheville to Charlotte. N. 0. A: M.iNo 00, oauv, Washington ana ooutnwestfirn limif -r-- u- ggton and all points North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to New York; New Orleans to Mro vi. ai jf vesiiDuied coach aud dining car. Close forTorfo With dew' . ...o. ....... WAN TED Tc bay 100,000 p jomls of old cast-iron scrap, de- i vjid .at the foundry at once, for wo ten we will pay a1 fair price. No barat iron" wanted. altf. CoNcottp Foundry Oo! uues - Am rir.ia. "Qno cent a dasa" A LIFE AND DEATH EIGHT Mr. WA. Hines or 2uanchefiter, la., writing of His almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after mcasiCH uumcea serious lung trouble, which ended in UonsumDtion . T. hoA lAiv vicfu luio eauu J. n T- , t tnen 1 oegan to use iJr. Jiing sJNew DisarviMW f-.-r no-r, tion, wbich completely cured me. I wouia Dos pe without it even if it cost a bottle. Hundreds' have used it on my recommendation and all 6av it "c,Ci uure mroat, Ubest and ., regular size 50c and gx.w xTiai pouies free at EetzersDru btore Price for same. We inyit annspection of all thergooda sT v wemanufacture . . Cleanliness Xext to (Godliness. ' It pays to keep, your clothes clean and pressed by Alexander & Hendrix. Satisfaction guaranteed, , " Concord N. c. 111. ;MntN' dan7 f of Atlanta and New Orleans, carries Pullmayi fee ewvYk to New Orleans. New I SSi?. ?nville d Charlotte to fotttrr' ulIf.car-Also PuUnan noS t? fgton to San Prascis days? W rleans ey and Fir Iwprf' the New man R?f ?orid Pf ess, carries Pull man oiefininc roa . . XCrk and Chatlotte to llichm-ri. Oar- lc8ections of regular through or' rvuT eih cany passengers tk;. tt- FrDkS. Gannon, Xhird Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. T . ... , Washington, D. C. Joha.Mf Culp,: Traffic Manager, . m , Washington, D. C, V A Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, waftjDcfionbory, Local Agent? ' nit. v

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