11 ! . nlfte clVmge of schedule took CHICAGO WHEAT. -' ,1 4 Hitfr : Low Closed uuro, .says Daniel Lee, NOKTilBOUND, ;iine 0j 72f arrives at 5 m, 4. -7-l;ftp in, ... man. Both. l s :V,:utiu cnaracters. rs- Wmslow; Soo.thici?, Hyrnp has xxiey were WrestlinS' with n hof i- n U8ed for over nttr ytara bv mii Un ami n v il a bet honji of mothers.for their Children MF ttUU aiSDUte arnsp v while t..Ptl ... 44 2.00 a "id "(tfeutX the , negro sliot - iBows in tho iSu 68 1fo. child, softens . the gums, hnwnk C a the aliay8 all )flin cures wind cplic, and is , ;ee at 8 40 a .n, (flag) - a. 1 i - . . . I tut a aegro and Got Shot. " Adispatch of :the , 6Lh from ss 44 I p.m, . . ; , . 9.20 p'm, (flag) 7 19. a in, " 849 a m,, (freight) i viiT.nlncr nhpoH rt "N r 7 - i V u i cesary for through travel P( . JbAnHw, auu im ftop pea xor pt s'arriving from LyDohburg or bfc Mops regularly for pa i.for. S itisWy, High. Point, Gr. , Rt idsyilie, Oanyilfe aud prii-c : al stations "between Danville and Wft,li:agt( -,!n.-INo. 37 stops for pas sengers column from .J.yncnourer or point hey unt, 'iud . to Jake ou pas gengws ft't miliar "stopping places south of N -wtll No. $3 .-.topR to let oil ps-sen; ere i om regular stopping places Foyt 4 of .owells,.and to take on passenger's for rtular.stoppiog places. byucuourg or oe. omi. , , No.s. Wl stop at Concord for paseugerii o or from Ithe 0. O. ,& A. bivisiou-xOfiuiriott.0 to Auguata tnd other points Hi South Carolina,: Georgia and Floritla reached through Columbia or August : . ' y, Nos.(7T'.8,4t and 14 are, the local trains 4ncconntH t atSaury with trains of V. IS . Division". about even tEe situation. iWh!le There is life LThere is Hope. 1 was, afflicted Mth catarrh; could neither- taste norjsmell and could Jaear, but little. Ely 's Cream Balm i cu ;r itMarcus Gi Shautz,Rahw.ayt J. . i The Balm. reaohft . and;the effect. is,s.urprising. My SOn Sa V3 tha first nr nl i P.n.f inn froTTn docided relief. Respectfully xxa.p. x'laujum JAxeeman, jjo- ver,-N. H. ; .. : fTie Balm doesnbt irritate of cau.se sneezing . Sold ; by drugj Ely Brothers, :56 ' Warren St., New -York. tie. Be sure and ask for f ra- Win. slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind ' There were no quotations on stocks and . cotton, today on ac: count of the elections in several ot the States. 0 els : : u r r ir SixG Their Ovn Praise." The ri.EFF is the iIANp to buy; it has no e&ual lor ttui 'moiley as you save the middleman's Tai'ofits and it will lan t , u lifetime; I b.n t 'M,o. hay Z seyeral largains in other makes. , Ve b'aye akeiu in ichaasre ffqr TIEFP.'p two j Jxf8i f iOiwi j Pianos, TParks&';t tii price. Mr. Alexander -Yost, an asred man who lived near Organ church iHjAwuwttu juuuiifcy , uitJU uuuay m i -Mr. iGhas. A ;Title. bf rCJa- htawba, who some years ago had. ja rocQry , store. n.er.e,.nis now swiuy ing aentisiry in Aiiania. Iiss7i)pra Barrier, ( of TElm wood, spent Sunday at Mr. K O S Miller's, on her way to school at Mont uncena seminary. The attractionat. Parks & Co. 20 ana uress (gooab counter. Mr. Pink Miseheimer and family have moved into their home on Spring street recently purchased from Mrs. Deaton. ,-i;v , HOW'S THIS? , We offer oue : hundred dollars thafcao not IT cuvd byaU's V e n eti e n s , Lad i e s ;C loth , Homespuns, uatarrnvJure. :J C-ey;Xo. Noyelty Patterns, .Black Bilk and Wool Wtt th vundersigud, have r ; Crepons, Plain Black Uuxon Silks and rtillfthlft in nil hriHi'npM!4 trriAA. tions andfinaDmaiiy able to carry p0i r de Soie, Real 'Scotch Plaids and out any obligations made by their " - k ' - firm; .AVst & Truax, WboIe8ale Druffciats, Toledo, O. v Waldibg, Kinhan & Marvin , 1 '. "vl ' Toleao. O. ,Hairs, Catarrh Cure, is 'taken in- ternall v. acts directlv iiooh the - . i '-i t' blQpd and paucoii.Hurf aco pf the ybtem. irrice ,f;M. per pome. 5o.ldvtxy all dfuey-ists. festimo- niafa free. p"1'".' LvjwifT JfJH Arcuey Cannon aeft fMonaay one, the firmest style Jha, firm maRU? . YJ -rT A ,ffy iacturesanditidfe If Vbu ?!ght 'J or Richmond, Va., where want this make here are bargains. Pine Tuning'. Palace OnoAiss! Hi Biglot of.fursfat;Pars p;v?oI Prof. Jas; P Cook has one U ColumDia ' : to attend the -Stato Fair. , ' :" , '' ;!4i.r Parks Co. , are selling rtfed dress goods. Miss Isabelle Richmond has gone to Monroe to visit her rela tives. Mr. Robt. Walthal returned to Norwood Mon&ayafter spending sunclay here. Mr. J M Purcell has moved from Dr. Steven's residence , to Mrs. J S Fisher's. Mrs. W S McDume , and cjiild arrived here Monday night from Keidsville. -Mr. .1 J j T) Barrineer and fam ily have returned to Mt. " Pleas ant from Fate, Tex. Mrs. S V young r and Miss Sallie Young, of " OharlQtte, . are visinng at .Mr. Ails otoungs. Suiting. Don't -fai I 'to see ,-pur Carpets, etca Supr-s, Xolp Brussels, Velvets and Top ...( The condition of Mrs. Stephens is slightly ; better today. Mr. Stephens returned ,td 'Charlotte lais morning. , ; , Mr. Jas., Hurley is , stiayirig ,.ki Gibson's drug store for f ew months while Dr. Gibson is tay. 4 Mrs. , WV"JIV Pharr and, Miss. Ia Phar r hay e , returned t to Char lotte after spending, some time at rs. Patterson's. ' Mrs. Jno.' P Allison has gone to Kiehmond to attend ffie 'meejb of the Daughters of the" Con federacy. .She. will be "gone about two weeks'. beautiful 12 x 18 inch , picture of he will undergo treatment' for his throat. He will be gone sev eral weeks. Mr. Wesley 'Walter, who some months ago returned to this county from i the West, is ti ' XT TT now employ ea oy wit umuu iews Co. Me is on tnis aivision. , FOR SAUE.-Thoroughbi:ed Bergige J$$$, rjolh' .sex, ,and two -fine JersV Dull 'calves. Will sell cheap quality considered. J. W. OVV1ISK..- V Mr. Ed. Be'yrpl has returned to his placeatiDove & Bost's af ter attending the bedside of his brother. Marion Sherrill, in Charlotte. His Jbrother is , yet very ill' r Mrs. G Lj Barnhardt has re turned to Lenoir after .spendjng several ,weeks Here with her par ents. Her' sfster, Miss Willie Richmond, accompanied her as far as Salisbury. l7 The North Carolina annual conference pi tjie Methodist Prp testaht cHuf ch" will 'convene at Friehdship . church . near Albe marle on Wednesaay oeiore tne fourth Sunday in . November at 10 o'clock a.ni.':" : .Dr. ;JJP Gibson i has Vffohe , to 06idsbor6, wnere he will spend fWftral months .very -probably with his urMrs. Prank KODDins. XjLo auuuiujjauiou. j.. RoV1 t?W?' 1 ' . .; - - - - - - A iNew:Patterns. Can dp you, Good on Prices. mwv &M&MeJfi Co. Prompt attention given to the guests oi me IT . L-fl TaesnpSd ph RatesV.$i,O0 to ;'$1;50. p9rv'dayJ SpecialrateSto regular5 boarders. Mrs. Ei KIMBALL. Iwer. I Why Not let us;be.:y,QurThanks ii 1 1 1' i gs of Beauty fort.ahlft and attractive, and we have the richest. ' designs tb.be found in Concord. pur, prices for, fine Bed Room: onifx! nT-bcciTio' HflsAs.i Enameled; Bed Steads, quality considered, are the lowest that can he found: anywhere. Some unusual values for.this week rniKugs. ItjiviU be a joy for you to see our new brooches, which we have received. Come and see even if you ; don't purchase. i TimrMXXCtA JU HI M 111 U t J" i tsJt F ly? iTw"r TiriiiMMBi ii i in 1 1 iT H - ' ' w. c. W wJLVlJJ THE JE WELEK. rp ill -' TBI 9 We are prepared to give the people Khis1 winter better bargains thanusualcin, all Just received a .now lot of r iur--.-, jt,, , Plaids in SomersetandTenitian JJaVy clothS. Blue Venitian . cloth; FanCW.'???! Brown, Covert Cloth, mall who.esale and jetail. ft wiU pay you to see terns. No two alike. , -. r Htock of io,Itr-,..3.. . . . ... .... " I I i JSm. - giving cakes, we , shoes onoes I : vou the best-fruit cake for, y!f4 v c .;. ' , , 35c per pound; pound cake.at. P9 A 'f ull line of ; Ladies' Shoes ?n "Rnf.f nn and lace. ' w Ypu ta'ke no chances on . ;ompadour : Combs, Empire .&-y j romhs.( Ladies' ppcei uuua. criTTfi iic vour order. c?r,v - ' w. .lrA' Come ana sew u&. .,xx w our best to please you in prices and styles. : give us your order. f Concord Bakery. 'ioe;Fteherf:Proprietor 'PHONE 122 -Tinware," Wdodware, i j Glassware, f Crockery, ' :-Hats,; Etc. before buying. " For Cloyef Seed, . Seed Rye,; and Bock gait go to . i it V Offero the buaineBSPublio a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instntion. s We solicit yonr patronage. -with, the assurance of honorable treatment And ; dne appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS , TO CUSTOMERS. Cajital ani Snriilns - JJOOOtL , D. B Colxbane, Cnashier; - Jf. M. OdeiIi, president. M. L. Brown tBRo. LIVERY, FEED AND 8ALE1 : STABfiES, '." "rZt . Just in rear of St. Cloud HoWOxs nibuses meet. ftlLpecger.traicf Outfits of .all - f mpia wrnisp pi promptly and ai reasonable price p Horses and mules 'al ways on hacd. ro ale. Breeders of jfhoroaghbra. ! Gibson &"Morrison. , q. w. Pattersoh'g. pnlandCmn Hot u giris all for 20c. The Racket.

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