Arrival of Tram, m,P following change of Schedule' took Jet Jnnel2.;1699,. NORTHBOUND. iere;;are,. some., 300 While There is JLil'e There is Hope. men in I was afaicted ; with t. catarrh; -ii i j ii. j ' j ." ..' Wfl a" arrives at ,5 52 a m , ci .-.rk 4 SOUTHBOUHJX '-. O , K n.nv... - . (t Wa. 37 arrives at 49. a jiv(flag).,; " 9.2&p'm, (flag) 7 19 a u,., 7 35 33 - . " it Sr H?se ' smell is could neither taste nor smell and so.aeveloped that the can dis- could kr but little: Ely's Cream criminate between odors which alm cured it. Marcus' G. oftmvo distinctions an ' , V? cated nn. nrw-s ; The Balm .reached me safely hv tKo n,, H, D1& &ulpllslugt; r' omjuKd cnemists. l iwpprpers;an( the large wine andf: liqupr; estblishmenjbs,, A perfectly - trained , nose , is C neees- Mm 0 son says the first application gave u.ev;iueu renet. ttespectiuily, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Do ver, N. H. ;.' cn.rir-A 1. - ,? . . iiouii uuto iiuu liiitautj -uri -rVwnps Dnsmess, i$ cause sneezing, , ; Sold by drugj! gists at- &u y cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., JNew Yprk. : i V iafl .p-n'tid if necessary for throuerh travel J- mi, ; . . passengrtre urn vj n? from Lynchburg -or tnese poopla who 1 ive thjompow " 8 49 aimfreiht: testing, of, perfumes, and-; es- No. 35. when running ahead? ot Vo. 7, Sences., point-about 1 - p on nassenirers for SHiishuryY High Point . noses, ls: the,m Greensboro, . Renville, , Danville and tally, blmd. The reason i that principal Rtahuus betweeu.Danyille and n . .. , y v Washinston. No. 37. stops for oas- wfte any person loses one sense senders coming froniii J yuchburg or therother senses are more fullv points beyond, and. to.;, take 611 pas- Hoxfolk-i' y.- senffers for regular 1 stopping placeB eFePPed- These- men-travel Boutiiof Ne wells No. Hatops. to let abpul from mercnanl to mer off passengers from regnlar. stopping vr.TV mm '. places south of Ne wells take on- cnant5 generally earnnig, between passenprs.for regular stopping places $300V and $400 a:, year, Strav Lynchburg or nevnnd. ? : o.' - l - ujr Xoh. ud U -top atCo'ncord for, ,bt??f1fes pa-sengei:H:tk: 01 from the QCO. - " : ' ; m . 'V. ' : ' l?ivisicnr-Ghrtrlotto to Augiibitrtr-apd Wr Mother Jlwid - -other points in -South Carolina, 'Qgorgia WSfJj ' and Florid,, reached through Columbia Mx; anMft . JiSr Ioman' fef t NoTllund 13 are the local trains .TuQSdayy mgM v foCr, Salbury, and connect at Salisbury with trains offTlieinews came that-afternoon Aleck Harstell, who was quite Sunday night, is still in bed. s : HOW'S THIS? " . We offer one hundred dollars : 1 t . 1 m 1 1 rewaru : ior.: any ; case, 01 catarrn 1 i- 1 11 Catarrh C uret , "edohto. Novelty, Patterns, Black SilK and Wool Wv th v undersigned, have J S:SK.S5 Crepons, Plain, Black Uxon Silks and reliable . in;: aU.ibusinjBft transao- : ' tioue. ad finHDc1)y,H)ie,.tp cay Poir: d.e Soie,. Real Scotch Plaids and out any .obbigatioivs mad.e by . - ' ; ;; , . arm. f thaMrs. Lftsother, Mrs, J Wholesale Druaists; Eag), died tternpgn, ! r ; : ; . . TdieidoO; FOUNDED? ,7. v;;v 1, iW . ; : rplM- i h inA'a ktuw w ,lin - wiiitrr 1 enftM I l tiii m i iH.iH.rni iiirM'iM i.h k hfi ills l pi. puuerers proyea ejrmwimessJternaLiy, acts directly upon the :jto$forljto aiae6uM fiUrfaceoP tlSfeT Suiting. Don't faiJi ip; sea QurvCDarjD.ets, extra . Supers, Volo:. Brussels. Velvets., and- Try-thfemf u Oii v25-ceat8r Hcney-baek' Sidiby,-aU.;diuggUt, , 8tim.i). 11 not ourea, at j? eizera isrug store. I niaj iree. " To p N e w Patt : Gian r you Qopd 'Sing Their Q w& Praise; "v A FRIGHTFUL BLNDUEB J Will often cause' ar horrible Burn. Fcald, Cut or Brriise. -sBucklen;s Arnica Dave, xne, ine.wono,. wui nui me The S II EFF is the. PIANO . ta buv: pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old it-has m equal; for f.tht -rupntfla you bares, Fever Sore:, Ulcers, Bcils, Fel aave the middleman profits and. it mil ons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best la.t h -:lif etime; butt' we. navi. several File cure on earty. Uniyaocts. a dox. bargains in other makes. - -r Cure 'gnarnnteed. Sold :at "Peteer!? HTiEFF!Swo4er:r?pndpak - . one, the .finest.; style .that, firm imanuril ; Etery Word the Truth ! rerarS i Adam Bede (notGoorgoEiiofs - - . . . . . .. I t. .t 1 l 1 1 J? . T J) If Qtfbof itiM;3a:uJHctd i Auam, dui xne - eauor oi neu b uuuvi, r. WH?.W.k,MrtwfTlwfi''f .tVio iTiirkn that WwwiJ'; i 'i Ltti;y;"i" fcwnsf. ?tAllrr V taltr too much. ft Iru VIA 1 ITU tW lrir fur VW I w - r Fine TuX3 RAigftOGAi. Vovornors govern too much, : .x f A . '; ' - -- - - ; ; - " governors govern too mucn, ptompt;atteati6nf,giVen- to- the s - v ;.,r: fflost partners part too much, and; v? 'atv,. r o H . J .mW on. Prices; ,: J r - (-.! Is rt .-i , ... -. . ..... Jas W Day v now has f MWv'P PSvMr w fact, the jhMssfc oi wniiiii nwtfi fcl ualt, of No,;4( township Mn apsitwHat Dayvault rlXlTi CTL Xxil-J- - .xZ TaKIa 11 fr'bm Hest on ' Missn .B,taltei?tla?; r(H iweet fields beyond life's turbid -!?-ei l?f itniontate. 1 I l" 1 - - s , . It - . - . . - t; it will not do a BuruTioo mj uuy wuu Mr "R fi- W!liiain-'''XEhQ'livc a'aU miliar with good . qualities of Tv S. Ohambeflain8Cou?h Remedy. know -Licoa wcjbw,. ,.wA....yu. that people every wnere iaKgvpisnTOfin Tuesday nights It is thoUght He ;fliating theiftexirlenpe iittnthe4u?e of Mr,: LUther HarUtWe ftiof bad , colds ; it has cured,; ol State ORair.' Hemtenda to go f0pm atScki 6fT croup and whooplmr W ILU ivir JaS. sr- XJUOti, uuv tuoj-cougn. A is a praau kuuu iuouioiud tram beat him to the depOK ; " ' Ftesaie by m, Ji.jiffg. GET YOUR'piano tunedlripwv ' GLORIOUS NEWS n t 'TriYnVral f v Hotel: 1 flomes from . Dr; D. EL . Garirfle, . of - r ?nr?rj.iT?T-r...r. o ties of Electrio Bitters nas curea mrs. taction guaraneedj. , brewer of scrofnlar- whioh thad caused W. S.- ATKINS.;, her great suffering for years. Terrible ' , . ;I u-'t t'Vi-- sores would break out on her head and On thft S2-nd of this month Miss ; f,wL ft7Ui the best doctors., cottld give no T.iiii sc khtiwr.te-- hialni -hnt her cure Is complete and her , ' oa- 'rim rhlth..-iscezeellefiL'L..Tbj9 sbAWja-tliatl uia.OTe5k.i 9 jynvfUU- tvV.j Baxters is the best blood puriner Known. Charlpgte. IKe tptW bride;, IS.- a . irs the supreme-, remedy- for- eczema, nieceof Mr. Jno.. AtSimfef of this tetter, salt rhenm, ulcers, boils audrun ninpo 5 l niiig sores. It sUmjOatTerr kidneys pif -. ' . !and bowels, expels poisons, help diges- lotte, .who took part, inAthe; band concert, here Tuesday; nightv andf who received much praise furHiS flute selecti.on, has gone to, KiQli Biond to fill an engagementtin.iTO orchestra for.,- several , monthsi under the leadership ' of P.tof .. BrockmanV. fwti;..' ducted the Brockmah schooji ait OreensboroA ' - . ' i : ' " tmmp Mil " . Miss Jennie Ltidwig toTe3; On Tb ursdayt aftarpaon ; Mr. Bascom . Umhergery bi Virginia and Miss Jennie Tiudwig, daugh ter of Mr; WiVv'Tiudw-ic of HtstW: 4 townshm. will ia by Rev. V RvStiOiey1." Miss uuwig is ,one ot our, county's ac; (3 12 SC kt) 3il r 1 R 1 tC -sail- . " " . Thin erf 4 4iiw J.- Beauty, " ;Makfea cia m and have the.ricliest suit, Dressing Uas Jasnameieavjaeq. oteaas, quanuy consiereu, 1 Krp the lowest that canf b'e f oiinS anywhere. Some' unusual . values iior mis ween in isugo. 1 .Witoy raw. let us bake- your Thanks givi you It will be a joy for your to.sgQK newbrooclies, .. icfe w haye; - receive CJome and see even if you f don't purchase.' i it i I n I i)fi aia mi JttSTr receiver ar nnw-iuu Uil- ; tljt Plaids in -Somerset andVemtian f ' cloths Bluejf Venitian - cloth? r Rrnwn, Cdvert. cloth;" Small Wpiaxpi to I gfc the ; iBSWjjp txetterr AareamaxnavMuaiiixj -I t ii m :ru'f r six. drdobries. two alike.;- - . w 0'to, giving cakei. We,ipake kpc!'j nP u .oy. foule best; fruit cake for Qn.v Titiwarei inBnttoB-ana'iace; r Olassware,' padtr v;. (tii;. J ; Crockery : combs, tadies' pbccoks,; i SflOS, 1 ,, . Wfi.' . , Hats,' Ete.. bur best to .please you in prices! before buying. ' Por Qiover anrl styleA, ; ' - Seed, .SeedBye anch Bock Salt VjllUovJIiluc -ivi.yi i louiii i 35C T)er POUDttJ; You take no chances on ; gettingTgoboi'bake if you give us your order. Joe Msher, Qi Wi-Patterson's. Ofifia the business publio a reliable, per rnanent, conBeryative and accommodat ing tanking instuUdn. '' ' ' f ' ' '' r;7AsoHcit your ; patronage witb th3 assuxince of v honorable.: treatment) andi dtle appreciation of your patt onage 1 " ' U we can serye you any.ume we wju be 'lad'to bye you coiae and see us. TO CUSTOMERS., -r-i - 1 QDB&t. 'iesie) v LIVIERY, FEED AND:8AJji;i' aast in rearot Bp pjouHpU OjtjfL nibuses meet aUpiageX tr Outfit.: At all ' kjAclft fornishcQ Al .J -J. ....UU W.. proinpiviy uu u y . rptas yuaut, jxiw" r Horses and. mules aiwave on bfli rd sale. Breeider? ofiUhoraunhbra inland ChiinaHc w .' J' ruu;jfyWUg jiaaies.