. Arrival of Trains, .... ' ' ;U Anticipating following change of schedule took Jnnel. 1899. NORTHBOUND; Ka 9 arrives at 5 52 am, 7-09 p m, 3(5 12 3 34 62 IC 8.51 p m, (flagj. y.4f p nv 2.00am(lieijt) SOUTHBOUND. w0, 37 arrivea at 8 49 a (flag) V n "11.23 a m, ; . it . ri d . . . o.oi p m. 35 61 " 7 19 a m, " 8 49 a m, (freight) No. 35. when running ahead bt No. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel south of charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 3G stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro," Beidsville, Danville and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. , 37 stops for pas sengers coming from i ynchburff or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places Bout't of Newells. No. 38 etopw to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers -for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. "Tos. J and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the 0. 0. & A. division Chariot tu to Augusta and otber points iu South Carolina, Georgia bu'.I Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains tnd connect at Salisbury with trains of W. M. i.. Division. KLKPHONE No. 71 FOUNDED ;1842. "Sing Their Own Praise." Under No Circumstances Can It Really Be Disputed; ' ; And it is a reality that we make strictly De grnde. A large or small size, as desired, but only one grade. Why buy an instrument because it is advettied as cheap? Purchase ail instrument that stands nigh in the estimation of your fr ends and ithe Greatest Musicians all vyer the world. A Piano - with a pure tne, delicate touch, etc. In fact a Piano with every improvement that is beneficial to the wear; and at one price within the reach of all, because we save you the Middleman's Profit, arid it is worth saving, too. . ' Old instruments taken in exchange. Terms accommodating. Catalogue for the asking. Some bargains in square pianos. ' , " : Piano Mnnnfactarer, - Baltimore Sid. AO. 213 N Try on St., Charlotte, X. C .M.Stiee factory Branch f arerooi C. H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Mr. Alex Hartsell is again able to be out. Ladies note change in Cannon & Fetzer Co.'s ad. today." The condition of Mrs. S F Stephens was slightly better this morning., - ' Mr. C P Walter has returned home from a trip to Salisbury and Gold Hill. Mrs. J G Lippardjias returned home from Salisbury where she spent several days. ' " Our University football team was defeated in a score of 30 to 0 in its game with the Princeton boys. ', : -' Dr. J B Delveaux, of Concord, has been in this city prospecting vvitn a view to locating m balis bury. Salisbury Sun. Mr. J p Funderburg and Miss Omie Yates, both of Cannon ville, were married Wednesday right by Rev. T W Smith. Mrs. J B Douglass and child, who have been visiting for sev eral weeks at Mr. Jas. W Can non's have returned to Winston. GET YOUR piano tuned now. Leave orders at Kimball Hotel, prices very reasonable and satis t action guaranteed. W. S. Atkins. Our cotton market has for sevt ral days been high again. Quite au amount of it today brough- -oo but this afternoon it declined to., 5. The New York markets uoppedxonsiderably today. The Umberger-Eudwig Weddi. At 12 O'clock Tinnn ' (Thursday) at tb0 Co no0iT .Mr.Baspom Umberger, of Vir' gmrn, and Misa jennie Ludwig were married. Rev. V R Sticks ley, assisted by Rev. C B King, of Charlotte, officiated. Mrs. C1 B Kmg and tess u Meta Umber-' ger, of Charlottfi . 7 ""UVUUCU tllt3 marriage. -Only a few relatives mil tw XAltiUUS were present. The newly wedded .couple will visit Charleston and other south ern points. Miss Ludwig is one of our countv's mnst,-.inf0n?A young ladies and is from one of our best families. Mr. Umberger is a traveling : man and boias a popular position with his em ployers. With numbers we ex tend our congratulatic.is to the newly wedded couple. Love Laughs at Objections. Mr. Martin Lefler, son of Mr. Henry Lefler, and - Miss Nettie Smith, daughter of Mr. W T Smith, all of No. 2 township, were united in marriage on Wednesday evening by Esq. W J McLaughlin at his home near Bala mill. The young people had to surmount some objections and as the mill closed its hum for the day, they took up the sweet song of matrimonial bliss. Let the hum of this new tune' cease only when life's day is over. ------ -, i i They Pay Concerd No Tax. ' The steam ' 'merry-go-round, ? which struck our town some days ago and which puts joy in the hearts of children, seems to be exempt from tax for our town as it is not included ' in any articles of taxation. It pays the State $20 and also the county $20, but our town makes nothing from it. A Protracted Meeting to Begin. Beginning Sunday night a protarcted meeting will be held at Cannon ville Presbyterian church to last ten days. Rev, Jesse W Siler, of Davenport. N. C, will be here to assist in the, meeting. . TO CJURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to oure. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q, in each tablet GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. D, B. Cargile, of Washita, I T. He writes: 4 'Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofnla, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. Reduced Railroad Bates. On account of the Floral Fair for the Rescue Home, Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 9 to 10, tickets will be on sale on above dates limited to Nov. 11th, at rate of 85 cents for round trip. Why Not let us bake your Thanks giving cakes. We make you the best fruit cake for 35c per pound; pound cake at 25c. You take no chances on -. getting a good cake if you give us your order. Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122 j COTTON p Open High Low Closed Jan... 55 65 46 51 March 60 67 - 50 54 May.. .66 72 - . 56 58 -Dec., v ; 53 ; 59 47 . C 48 : Sugar 156! : 157 y 153J 154 CHICAGO KHEAT. Dec... 68i. 68J." 67 68': May.. 72i.' 72Jvt: 71 . 72.. A Smile in Each. : A dressed turkey typifies the naked truth. , . : Some men are too stingy to en tertain a doubt. . ' The man who mounts the pin nacle of fame leads a lonely ex istence. . Coal dealers ought to give "fire insurance policies with each load. The fellow who-. doesn't blow his own horn usually: goes with out music. ; A highwayman shouldhave no difficulty in supporting a wife, since it's right in his ? ine to 4hold up" people. v ... The more a mauf. -.tries to prove that he isn't a fool the more he proves he is. When a man . 'Can borrow an umberella it's pretty good" evi dence that he is holiest. . The dressmaker : can help' a woman out with a wedding gown, but not with a divorce suit. No, Maude, dear - you could scarcely refer to the cornet player as a hornyiande'd son of toil. -Daily Reflector. Prompt attentipn vgiven to the 1 guests of the , - Kimball Hotel. Table supplied from the best on the market. Polite servants. Rates: $1.00 to $1.50 per day. Special rates to regular boarders. Mrs. El KBIBALL Manaser. Th mgs of Beauty It will be a joy for you to see our new brooches,, which we have received. Come arid see even if you . , don't purchase. . " , ; W.: Cf CORRELL, ' ; JE WELEK. HOOK HERE! Just received "a new lot of Plaids in Somerset and Venitian cloths. Blue Venitian cloth, Brown Covert cloth. Small Plaid wool goods in dress pat terns. No two alike. Shoes! Shoes!! A full line of Ladies' Shoes in Button and lace. Pompadour Combs, Empire combs, Ladies' pocket books. Come and see us. We will do our best to please you in prices and styles. Gibsonl&IMorrison. j the Demand. 36 -Inch Piaid Venetien olny 15c. yd.. BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth 1 , to close out at 75c. ............. . . 3 d -Uw1, BEAVER CAPES, fall seewp braided and fur mi AS trimmed, worth $1.75.' Our price $1.25... .. . CHILDREN REEFERS worth $2.00 and $2.50. Our price $1.75., ONE LOT nf "Rln.P.1r TTo W seewp braided plaited and plain, worth $5.00 aad C6.00. We are going to sell them at $3.50 and $5.00. AN ATTRACTIVE line of Fur Capes and Crovats from y 81.00 to i.06 Chaper than can bo bought. Laaies' Tailor Made Suits $5.00 to S6.00. ItnfiflliHln w 0 m & Full Line 6f ; w Can save you money. Cannon & Fetzer THT Make home comfortable' and attractive, and we have the richest designs to be' found in Concord. . Our prices for fine Bed Room suits, Dressing Cases, Enameled Bed Steads, quality considered, are the lowest that can be found anywhere. Some unusual values for this week in Rugs. w V Also Undertakers. o TSL V- We are prepared to give the people this winter better bargains than usual in all Of ' . Heavy and Faecy -Jiir: : At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of Tinware, Woodware, j ' Glassware, Crockery, . Shoes, - , Hats,. Etc,, before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed Rye, and 1 Rock Salt go to- Q. W. Patterson's. I tow d Mini limit Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instatloD. We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and ' dut appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye yon come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital anfl Snrplns - - $70000. D. B CoiiTBANB, Chashier, J. M. Odemi, President. M, L. Brown & BRo. V LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES Jus; in rearoi St. Cloud Hotfll. Om" niosjsee meet all passecger trainee Outfits o all kiuds famished promptly aud ai reafoaable pricfF. Horen and mnl-8 alwva on hard faie. - Br " ofjMioroaghbre po'nnd 0 in? Ho3

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