8 Price $4.00 Per Ysar ADMIRAL PFTiTT T.T irTTTi . - T " ? "' " -- ' :r - ' - " :-Single Copy 5 Cents -"Xini I MARRIED. CrtTTXTPWrTnrn ' : - "xmum.xmub.9 JAUUHT. I IN RICHMOND. The Ceremony Performed By Three Catholic Priests-The Affair a Model f Simplicity. ' fral Dewey was married to Mrs. Mildred MHazen, Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock at the rectory of Father MacMn as sisted by Rev. Joseph H -ry and.Rev. Sidney Hurlbnt.' fhJL priests of the 'CatbnliV : ... s..r x-ixxixaVaxX, Father Mackin is the 1CJ Tin- 1 ' ' .-.'- uau 8nQ KeV( Foley is assistant pastor. Asoeciall rii pensation had to be granted? to; nae to marrv ; the Admi! ashe is not a Catholic. !-' The - whole ' affair was v simple. Beside the three nocd the mother, Mrs. Washington McLean and sister. Mrs Ludlow only Mr. Caldwell, ,the Admiral's secretarv wUnoco ;he ceremony which took but W - MVVK, muuumg a most im Tliey Unveil the Statue at the Grave o Miss "Winnie" Davis-Also of her Father and Brother, Thursday, the 9th. was notable day in Richmond, Va., .1 1- X. 1 . - tnougn nuu participated, in so largely as some like events. The United Daughters of . the Confederacy, under whose auspices the monument to Miss "Winnie". Davis was erected,' un veiled that statue along with one to ner lather, "the illustrious head of th cause of which she was the daughter, and also one to J efierson Davis, Jr. in Holly wood cemetery. The X augh ,.rs went to the cemetery in carriages furnished by the Confederate camps. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee beaded the pro cession. The exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev. James P Smithy D. D., the man who being1 on Stonewall .Ta placea himself between the wounded .general and 'the fire of the enemy on that unfortunate occasion. . : . Addresses were made bv Hon BB Mumford Hon Jno TT t? Post Master General of the CW federacy, and Gen. Lee. Dr. H ivi.uaricson recited the ode, "The daughter of the Confederacy." The memorial to President Davis is a bronze statue, and that of Miss "Winnie" is ' a marble representation of the Angel of Grief, with one hand extending a wreath she is . about to place on the grave. The tic-' ure is more than life size. The Daughters elected Mrs Davis honorary president of the A iWr.fi I vuun tU XxXxIIa orgamzanon. They received an When Mr. A JBlackweldpr r iuvua ion to hold their next turned home Thursday evenin annualmeetinS inNew York. after wtMr,. Mold brooks Two Who Escaped Froin the Raleigh' Pen Bagged Again. A Washington dispatch of the 9th says: v , : :- - CAN'T ACCOUNT FOR WHIMS. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOB CHILLS Chief Wilkio. of th St V"Kl. PaPor, and ordered SprviVa , " 1 .. s aa., Decause wo failed to S ? eVGnmg n0ti- note the thatho had-bo7S ned. of the arrest -at. Tiaif ' - . u w"gnu -m , , v -iwwu -j au-u- jmprovea a ten-acrA' t-rf of Frank Morse and Wv LGonH.. Mr . 1 S ee.rt f unterfeiters, ; who sonal offense a .his, local .paper- nave been dm no- Knc'r n , y paper- xW xi vv "" "Pi,eils to miss notinertheifact throuffh the sniitli wuu t,o i s-uoaacx; taken thoir entire omt- a few days. -Mr. Smith,, on., the' s CT umuyf OI coun. oiner nand, is; greatly; offended ; . "ai aoauu Arooa- oausy , yqu ?nave t .the imperti win escaped last August' from nence to mention his departure ou poxnttJULiaiy, wnere 77?? u owru ivirs. jorown thev wfiro sfii-iriniy forme, 4 is deli2rhter?-t,h -? ViQtrA in- ilWii The Newspaper Cannot Hope to Please arid f , . , w x icase ana feyer is a bottle iWfl'q mex ETerrhodv. v : less fiMn ta5-T r: iu9,ve? J-aBte- , TTrTv v u .yer iana to cure: We knew a man nn,0 experiment with worthless ww 11 in r a a. crm a I -, uv. cents. vnni "ioaey pac if it fails to cure. " Biioi ires! they were serving - terms of im- 1S dellgoted to ' have her after- pnsonment for counterfeiting. 110011 tea written- up, smiles Morse was arrested at Mobile feweeuv ancl -orders 50 cents January 13, ,98 together with WOr of PaPers, if :you give i David N. Pierce, 'and something 7. of the guests and a descrip over 2,500 in counterfeit $10 X 01 ine decorations. -. Mrs. vxaj, iiuwever , regards any at ES, tempt to find,out about her soiree as meddlesome and insulting, and iius me aoor m the face of your society reporter. JNow it: is tolerably plain, even' pressive address by the priest from him. Morse was convicted before tli a ' r wicmunyi. . uu. atJULtjncea June uu, lby, to .Breakfast, was served at Mr3. a-term of ten years in the Kai: McLeans and ; the r bridal; eisrh Dfinitftntinr.Tr party went to New Vnir . . ; Sn. nnn - "iK", vyv , ( t ' " miuui, VjLL Ihe whole affair seems t6 have' : " Goodwin was .arrested at At- v a layman that no paper can lanta July 22, 1896. with o P1 T .wnauciea. so as to please all ITTiric oii o w,;uu -l such parties anvm or a thnn if A.aiaieKest. , - , .-.at thesamn t, mo coic u j rhe funeral of Mrs. "FYHaiwv. J o '-LLi ers who want f nil Qy-.h Gibson was held at the PiVct o: -10 n..: the murders and . sMnnio o,i Presbyterian church todav YWi. Rt in v, o.-, tnose who think ava? p day) at 11 o'lock bv Rov "wnn I tW 'fen'r t i,?c. , t. tna,t sort should be omittoi - ot,i iaauer, assistea by Kev. :J;G nut when hisq aalled at -- ine space devoted to Davis. A lare WtifcU r-: ;v reports of sermons. W n m tt o ( wi w vwuiuoivu lU lioWlS "t'lai " friends attended tbo meetings, church social The Pall-bp.nrprs wnro fo I hnnrl wad Vlloi V ICUnd editorial dismii si tinnc : nn tne merits of theosonh v JMOdell, Jno. P Allison, Frank uPon whicn he was shortly after - of warring; factions of Smith, and A RTrtnnff. ward arrested, and on .Tnrm 1 ltne nristian Scientists.. j. vujusL. , v. i mi aoyo, was sentenced to a term of tu do only one three years in the Raleigh neni- course for the legitimate news- tiary. . rrv,A. w pu10Uu, ana ttiat is to puDiisn the news and publish.it on time. : If you wait for. the con sent of all parties interested bp- fore publishing a good item, it will be mustyJbefore , your read ers ever seait t Every well reg ulated newsnanpr rffiro good man to kill items, ds1 well -,wf. o . . uaacixx, ; uui in SiipP Wo Two Freights Collide. A V. n J ji ' '.m o i-i I . uu- iewuLion, was -. . given him by his children. Quite C 00 me 'boutliern at Toc a number were present including 0a' Ga- Thursday night between pt t, ... .,. . r rui ranacnuaren, ,-We consrratu- Y.r , vYin iiuxu us annual mpfit. iii. ' , a . -w ' fD wow ttto 1,,, ui . inn. m... v . , . . liio coupie m tneir hamw vx0 uu.i uut no one uesaav niht hofrvr fi . . - berinnin Z- unlon Ior m.e remainder of Jife. 0 Q ux wuiciciiuoufl wea.- uesaay here. Rev. ' P : J We have a new line of House ers for men and wo- - - K '. V .. ' .... ... men. aii's storm ed, trimmed, quilted satin or felt tops, sizes 21 to?, $1.25. Men's Juliets shap fur heavy Hulifier wasvkilled. n The engines were -asa man to gather them; but in praically now and ero ruined. SSfel1 way will deliver his semf-cenniar JT" address, Eev. JD Arnold wili ' -eleR-1 ?4 uthev, thirteen read apaBeron 'T.nnnn,A m.. muul" .la aaugnter oi Dr. and dism and Dr. Hoss Koi M L Marish' ha"8" athome able to be here also. : The meet- l, afternoon, from 4,80 fco 6 ncriii v. - ; : . r: Z. o'clock for her " "-tot" frionils. -o ue nem in uentra, ma. . odist church. - ' J . ? e s .an ffls.will; en- juy uuemseives witn games and neisllwavS w.wm. rs' nave refresh- . ; meAts for tIiem An ever welcome visitor to " Monroe is T)r fiT.vMAtif". li . - -x Vxxu&vnxcAy, wm Build Next Sprin - n - 7 ii xx uuim xicAi; springs .vx. xuimg Aviuuu-, v vii:. ranK jamer, who at gomery's stay in Monroe he Present lives several miles below Gndearpd Kirodrti. n j! Mt. . Pleasant., "hns xxxxxjosjix UU aU Ol Olir ' 1 ' --irj "iuxmoov. tixo citizens and whenever he returns y?.??nt lot nexc to M R P S the oW hIi! . ver nue.returTs Miller's rhome,o South Main ' 8 7en He ?treet: e jmrc&sed it from - weunesaay. Monroe Mrs., Alida .Burkhead and in- nquirer. tends to build in the snri no- To Open a Grocery Store- Mr. V D Sikes, of Bikes Mill, near Monroe, has rented the va nt roomin.the Litaker row just .,xty oxiu. win run a groe ry buiiliess. ' We welcome cno merchant to our town. a ton r.f.N D Petzer went to Wins- 11 this morn i no- .1, Q TT1 1-1 Oo: , xxmvxxxg ved a telegram that Mrs. R A IU- Mrs. Pi ... . J clrs.Fetzer Smemther tends to build in the spring:. Good Enough Plan. The company operating; trolley car line between New Britain and- Berlin Conn., has put on a "iag' car. It appears that there is nothing to drink in Berlin and citizens who sro to . ' New Britain to quench -their: thirst are apt to take too much. The "jag" car ' leaves 1 New' Britain every evening at 10 otclock and drunken men are not allowed to ride on anv other. This scheme is said- to be work ing well. Greenville Reflector. 1 news, that : -thetiubl ir. is t, f u ested m and has'a right tb know -vi4 1), ' oiiouiQ. oe published, ho matter if itrddes 6ccasidnalVv viic. please people: If a newsTiarftr It I is said - that the engineer on the south-bound was asleep and running5 at the' rate of 60 u . - . i i J i ri,H i iur mm t o m . mlle an hour. : It was far fromjis acraM fair liiWS the-worst that might have been, reports, it rfafFn Jt ..: . ;- i . ill. .,. ' L 7 v it5uf" me laiosyncracies of human na- 7, T, r,Tr ,&r v1 j -t ejoicine; that theoeonle will rtWa trprismg paper, .-and that the m ".Riverside (Cal.) Press; M j i?EI0NAL POINTERS. -Mrs. E C Earnhardt returned hohie -yesterday 'evening from Charlotte. - - - - . P. A here Messrs. O 1. ttlo Austin 'of Alcemarlo, ure this atternoon. . . . Mrs. Frank Patt'firsrvn rf China Grove, was here this morning6. Everett or Shippers lished, ize 6 to 10, at nicely fin 98c and 01. S5. i i is! In ... of - ': ; iiM it rift m i -x - k a m ib m s a r..t i 't Don the lamous Leader line, Gate City. Iron King, Happy Times etc Wood Heaters and Coal -Heaters 'ill bout & car tots S give us a chance tv will soli If time is monftV V"ouV.eKer ? best.. Furniture of all .kf toSK' AT 11 el H arris o.

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