1 1 7 t v; m st it JOHN D. BARRIER and SOmi Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IS TA1 MOUKIS BUItji.. J 1HE STANDARD is publiJied 'every ! day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Kates of Subscription : Uue vui . . . ... . . ...... .v v.00 His. u au s. . . ... . . . ... 2 00 . Thr at yiiihi . . . ... ... t Ov) One manth.'. & Sine - c- nv ......... .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page. eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otherxtpcr. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. .- Advertising Kates ? Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, ' Concord, N. 0. Concord, N. C, Nov. ,10. HIE PENITENTIARY SELF SUSTAINING. It has been claimed that the state penitentiary is essentially an expense to the state and that Mr. Leazer was ill-designing . when he told the fusion legisla ture that no state appropriation to the ir itentiary was necessary ana that he would take it for ten ' fears and give bond for proper conduct of the affairs. Now Col. Osborn who is sup erintendent Day's most active helper claims that the peniten tiary will meet expenses this year and he offers to take and run the penitentiary for the next ten years free from expense to the State and give bond for good faith in every particular. Col. Osborn is not the man to i make empty boasts. It is a fact beyond reasonable doubt that the penitentiary is capable of being self-sustaining. WILL IT REPEAT "8' TO 7 V9 The situation in Kentucky seems much like the presidential affair in 1876 Both sides claim a majority in this case of about 4,000 votes. Fraud is charged by both. One of the 8 to 7-electoral-commission in that famous contest said that probably the friends of the con testants were more nearly right in" what they asserted than in what they denied. This seems probable in the Kentucky case. As a last resort for a decision the legislature will pass open the case. The legislature will be Democratic, so if the voting be a repetition of the 8 to 7 episode Goebel may land in the guber natorial chair. Viewed from this distant standpoint it would probably be a miscarriage of right, reversing the parties gratified. Our thanks are most gratefully tendered to Misses Ellen and Alice Cruse and their brother, Mr. Anderson, Cruse for a basket of the finest Irish potatoes we have seen this season. Twenty three is the number and 19 J pounds is the weight, one of the largest ones weighing one pound and six ounces. The 23 make nearly one and one-third pecks. We are glad to see the success attending their efforts to produce such- extraordinary farm products, we are glad to receive them as substantial con tributions to a not overflowing pantry, but the climax of our gratification is inspired at their presentation in memory of the days when the relations , of teacher and pupils set aglow a flame that yet burns freely on the niter of friendship. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lax Alive Broiao Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Taegennin has L. B. Q. iu each. tablet Gen. Lea Wouldn't Sell His Name. Soon after General Lee went to Lexington, Virginia, he was offered the Presidency of an in surance company at a salary of ton' thousand dollars. He was at that time receiving only three thousand dollars as President of the Washington and Lee Uni versity, "We do not want you to discharge any duties, Gen era," said the agent, "we simply wish the use of your name; that will abundantly compensate us." "Excuse me, sir," was the prompt and decided rejoiner; "I cannot consent to receive pay for services I do not render. " Nearly every mail brought him similar proporfc , and just a short while before his death a large and wealthy corporation in New York City offered him fifty thousand dollars pep annum to become its president. But he re fused'all such offers and quietly pursued his chosen path of duty. Ladies Home Journal. Judge Robinson and the Iredell Bar, Judge Robinson in openiDg court at Statesville Monday in structed the solicitor to draw up a bill against the commissioners of Iredell for not drawing a jury for the second week of court and instructed the grand, jury to in vestigate the matter as it had gone forth that the bar charged him with discourtesy and that t ley therefore caused the com missioners to not draw the jury. This construction was given in the Charlotte News. Judge Rob inson said that Mr. B P Long was the only member of the bar that had written him disavowing it.. Mr. L C Caldwell said that the judge seemed to slap the bar in the face, though 'he hardly thought he so meant it. The judge disavowed such purpose, and the bar generally disavowed objections to the judge as the cause pf their action, but that it was because the supreme cout heard cases in this district at that time. There was an amica ble adjustment of the matter and Judge Robinson withdrew pro ceedings against the commissioners. While There is Life There is Hope. I was afflicted with catarrh; could neither taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J. The Balm reached ,me safely and the effect is surprising. My son says the first application gave decided relief. Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Do ver, N. H. The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing . Sold , by drugjj gists at 50 cents, or , mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York. TheatreUFire. A fire in a China Theatre recently made a record of 50 lives lost. For Ovafiut Tears ; Mrs. Winslow's SoothicK Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens Ithe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieye the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind For Sale. One nice building lot on east side of Union street. Also three houses and lots on Buffalo street. For terms apply to Caldwell & Stickle y. r ?J!lesMft fra mts ass, guaranteed to 8tci U.&.iwkicfr'Z a 2ii i aim ro "--e gt, 0" t ? m mi ii is the strongest Natural Lithia water on the market and has the endorsement of the most noted physicians of the country as to its superio rity. over all others. Read what the noted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe ville, has to; ' say for Harris Lithia, springs. Asheville, N. C. April 24, 1803. An ex tended clinical use of Har ris Lithia Water prompts, mej to the statement that I regard it as one of the best if not the best, Lithia Water known to the pro fession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. Its use in the Rheu matic and County Diseases afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry , Waters. Very truly yours, JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. D, We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated water will relieve any case of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized to refund you the money, or if taken after each meal -will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion. Why suf fer when you havfc the guarantee? M L Marsh, Agent for Concord. Oyster Crop Short. The New Bern Journal says there is a decided shortage in the oyster crop in trie State this fall. Dealers in NewBern have al ready notified their customers, says the Journal, of an advance of from 75 cents, to $1.00 per 1 . 1 1 l 1 'm ' ' r usnei wnnouD promising a sup ply at the advanced prices. Every probable -region of supply is sought but th shortage con tinues.-! Ordinary.; oysters in the city have sold during the week for 1.25, per gallon. The Journal explains several causes, such as- , the very hot summer and severe storms. T h clcc IGH Jolor Plaid Goods for Shirt waists and .Children's dresses: .". ' - 12 H Ladlls,-Capes ;sqc. tp Sa.63. TNFANTS Lon Cashmer Cloaks, silk embroidered at 73c. t0i iJN iUN Children's Short Wraps 50c. to $i.G8. Winter H0Qfls.l8c. to 933. WMte SilS: at 5Q3, to 933 IuMs Zanayr Bi63j io3. Ladies' J ersy tfib Vests 15c. up?. Drawers 25c. - ' f- Ladies, Rib Wool Vests 7c. and 90c. . Ladies' Jersey Rib Union Suits 4Hc. Boy's Under bhirts : v -y id Uents. Men's Under Shirts, cotton, wool mixed and all oo from 18c. for all cotton to L.2'6 for line all wool. Men's Knit Drawers 371c. up. We have as nice line 61 Hosiery as cheap as - V- can be f dnnd anywhere. Light' colored outing, suitable for infants, , Ladies' dressing sacques, gowns and Men's night shirts 6 J to 10c. All fool Flannel 12c. 1-2 np. - - - - Cotton Flannel 6c. ug. Drilling 7-c. Sea j Island 4c. up and Sheet 31c up. Good yard wide Bleaching, worth 6Jc, for 5c. Bleached - Cambric full , yard-wide 7c. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at 22Jc. Table Daejssk, Jf m., . at 2c. Bleached linen, do. 47c. to 95c. Window Shades 10 and 25c. Curtain Poles 22-Jc. Counterpans, assorted. Nice 'lot of towels. Stamped Tray covers etc., well assorted.- - 40 Brands of Toilet soaps from 1c. to 10c. We are headquarters for Toilet Soaps. GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. D, B. Cargile, of Washita, I T. He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brevrer of scrofnla, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent.,, This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supremo remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheumy ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. . Cotv Causes a Fatal Wreck. .A log train of the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company, run ning on the Georgetown (S. C.,) and Western railway; - struck a cow Thursday and six cars over turned. The great logs rolled oyer and ground three meri to a pulp. Three others were per haps fatally injured.- Greenville Reflector. NO CURE. NO PAY That is; the way all druggists sell Grove" Tastelew Chili Tonio for chills and Malaria. . It is simply Iron and Quinine :u a tasteless form. Children sove it Adults refer it to bitter, nau leatins. Tomna Price. 50o. A THOUSAND TONGUES Could not express the rapture of Annie E. bpringer, of 1125 Howard st Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum ption had completely cured her hacking cough that for made years had made life a burden. All other remedies' and doctors could giye her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "it soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I .can scarcely remember doing before. I reel like sounding its praises through out the Universe." So will every one T.-210 tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or liunsrs. Price 50v nnd Ri nn r - v x AC A I bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store: every bottle guaranteed. 4 GLASSWARE. Gobblets 20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per set, 4 pices Table sets 25c, 7 pices Ice Cream set 25c, 7 pieces Water set 25 and 33c, Water Bottles 18c, Vinegar Pitcher 10c, Covered Sugar Bowls 5 and 10c, covered Butter Dishes 10 and 25c, covered Preserve Standi 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10c, Cake Plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dishes 5c, Salt and Pepper Shakes 5c each, Bowls 10 and 24c, Syrup Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one-half gallon Water Pitcher 15c. Full Line of Tin and Enameled Wars QAHES. ' 24 in. Boards with 16 games. . . ... $2.25. 28 in Boards with 20 games. $3,50. Crockinole Boards. ....... . . . . . ........ 1.38. Small games 10 to 48a New lot of Quilts, Feather Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly. Very respectfully, D. J. Bostian. So Large Portrat frames with 16x20 glass at J If you are not a subscriber to The Standard 4. now is the time to subscribe. X t 5- -4' TM ' i Ti. i T . -31. jli ijruu wttutvw .ouy anytninar T 4. you : cancan lor it ihrnn ch v ! The S&Sda1-d!P STANDARD is published every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for dnly 10 c: per week or 35c. per month. . ... . . . . . . .7. .... . . ....... THE STANDARD prints home and other news that is, of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people. -. . . . . . . . .... . . . Giye us a trial when you make your next order for...... Job Work. If you have anything to sell J you can make it known through The Standard. Work ready when promised. t 5 AdvertisingratesI $n The"standard I! made known k '' 15

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