It will rm. Kua uii....::. x . r I w v oui uuhh ill nnv xvrr at 11 familiar itb ood quties of : . Uhmhei-WsOonsb.Remedy, to know The four Sundays of Novem SSK SrS observed as fete days in iv.of bad cold it has cured of the cunous names, Review, De- S cision Purchase and Possession, Jones, the naval hero of the from attacks of croup and whooping ana aU rfer to matrimonial , af- American Revolution, has been 10 " Srro-'d. o-ood rnr1ioir.ii fairs NnroTrtar. in U11oq -1 1 . . ZEor sale by M, L. Marsh & do 7 ' - vxxaaiu. u- iouna oy your special com- ' - mS tne month par excellence missioner after two months' con- NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. devoted to courtship, and mar- scientious search, involving ex The woman who ia J jyelym riages, probably because the ag- tended quest through the records 'lL! tural occupations of the ofthe Hotel, des Invalides and would b ;:Z7:: ZrQOYer ana Psslbly e- manuscript archives in the Li- Per health. If she is weak 8icilf canse the lords of creation, from brary. of France. and all ran down j she 'will be quite gemote antiquity, have The grave of the . American riervnna ATirf irrifoKia it recognized- the -nlpaanTitTi " I- JL ouo lias 1 xr- vj. uwurauu iuu ? present resnng iSrw011 M,kidDey tfonWe, Pavi wives to cook and cater place of his.bones, or dust, is un- impure blOOd Will nanaA nimrtfaa: If nrr tiQTn Trr:A ' ' blotches --tw 15 n f"ter. aer tlie small house at No. 1 Rue 1 wC5 "OD8,aD?..a ,Un Keview Sunday, everybody Ecluses Martin:; in nbrfcheastpm Bitted KTSLr chtocWandafter service Pat5s, back-; of the Eastern Myilu 10 reguiaie stomacn liyer r - T ?VOAJr. -Kauway station (Uare aerJUst);; kidneys and purity the bood. vme when the youths and When the house was built the It. ffivea strnntr narvAa ilif maidens af rmrm oVU vf-V,. . , . . . Rtnootb flf lr ' l J I . greatest care was taKen not to S5 Tfeto: Pn DeJ disturb thee; - i : :: r - . JL If Hill IIIHKH H ITf lilfl I G flTl ' mTTV r r a a m 1 . 1 T I - - Waypf the Dutch. PAUL JONES' GRAVE EODKD. A Philadelphia Times Man Discoyers It 1 in lwthcast Pans Under a House. Thft burial nlar-.o nf .Tobn Paul LrirrnlTlMHini Tl 1 tt: t " i m n mil u u 1 1 1 n 'tH i !i n 1 1 i iu i minim n iu in id n iti m 1 11 1; i, h 1 1 in il i hTTTJ I ? ui'MinM.ttnimMMi'inMiirtiiiMiinMiiiiiiuiiiimuimni.iunniiiiiinUi.iin , ""iii i-nrii-iriruj , similatin lloifxfandBeguIa- UT JWAJtf3 UTJC. I For Infants and fii-Tr The Kind You Have r? Bought mm Dlexion. ; It will ; m'ok o,:foJni'l,:joLj. i , , . ' . fnnu- w WOiuu ouuueacn oacnelor who mn down inHd? ?,?We fPProaches the IWr'. DmK Store. -jmaiaen oi ms ciioice with a cere CUasa! la all its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals tna. diseased membrane. It cores catarrh and drives way a cold in the head As its name : implies, the little street was formerly a sluiceway j 1 . . . . - or open aram tnat carried sur face water to the canal Saint Martin at that noint that is ' . . w aw T 1 ine uai ae Vamey. 4bcSav "- imar ru'wrBBTM monioUS bOW. SinH frnm Vit. mSnher of responding ' judges whether his advances riuV :;t-. v w luo sjuai ae vamey. ceptable. Purchase Sunrlav th mv. , v. , X , : rnnaor, rf ,r. ' i " 7 L110 siumonng diocu: to all pre- H thSJhS P S T?ht yl0US research has been &e con he IT Td dU"ng fusion regarai. th date of tne weelr Not till Pascqoo a t.i t. . , .. - , - jcaui jones s aeatn. This vour iUldeV :d0 th.e twain special commissioner has cleared j- - j ueiore tne world as ar- tt -n i T -.. , eamE ntoae . tual o J-f P; ,Jo?nPanl. Jones died on picicea in a receiving vault, in i Tac SimHc Signature' of ' ; Sears the A ft The Air Kind i V : You Have Always Bought. over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is ill ' 1 V ueuiaie ana a cure follows. It is not fjnTJ 6AVUiu. oeiectea. . I j . . " not produce sneezing tJI0!?0" placed in a receiving: vault- in v "nal Si2e' 10 cent 7 mail. I THAT THROiJBiNG Hjudache. - old Paris, believed to have been . -r,oo warren Street, New York. Would rintoklv ' . , a,ttn oh A tV, TTi t JJT. Kincr'u Moro !.;-. Tjii rrrT ,1 , . 1 1 rf wSuif a that time, where it COAL! K. L.rCravenflaS Boniit oUU TONS JELICO COAL 200 TONS HARD COAL. to Virdna Split and BM Eye Cannel CoaL Best steam coalat mine urices. - Good Smith CoaL Call and-get what you want. 'Phone 74. Winter is Coming, I ALKEADY HAVE ON ; HAND THREE CARS OF 1 Jellico Goal of e oytd11 at. that time, where it re- mh"' zriji c; 01 XUUM neaaacnes. fvou uum oeptemoer 125, of the! Bjlf?6 ,blo5d strong nerves samp vnv u J ' ,1 uuuu upyourneaitn. JMasvtotflTrft 1 ot xx n wao xuuiuvea 4f m' !i 25 ceuts Money b; if not cured, at Fetzer's Irrn Store. A FBIGHTFUL BLNDUEE h Fnoften canse a horrible Barn n9rtheastn suburbs of Paris. SflMt 'le Stad Absolute in state to the Cemeterv nf Fn. eign Protestants.' in tho thon -w vVA od8. iWn oirfi"Aclls' ei. vx was mierrea m Picnus or !i ;!fl 1111 1 ill. 1 11111111 Ml Pile cnre n Mont Pamn n . " " 1 api VV4 J" "" . " V CtWTAilH COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. at Fetzer's The Fragments There Yt. The fragments of "F'nrcroc - o xo,iv &uoW are Here vet. thnn most of the crowd expect to get "wcc tUUIgHU. Omeof tbom pretty bad sha hnf And have ten more rl. ?CO . W1U W ' turn them " uu vuo nav. I I -v r- -v w J l . . . It is time for you to lay in a. supply for AU1 a uay O. two it can be the winter; isn't it? I also have on safelv Put down that they will hand the best of antracif sret out nf r- wituuuL as sistance. -As a set of fakirs fhr vvj U,X C3 - axxeiia, out ne watches them so closely that thev oeen able to turn -. crreensooro'Kebord. hand the beslj of antracite coal. J. A. C BlackxvelHer .West Depot St. at Store. Jg'Phone 68 ! I . r -- : NOTICE To Consumers of Current. After Nmr 1of oil - . j-ou, oixjl- uax tius using other than Edison L'anlps,; Wllbe charged 50 per cent .in addition to present rates. ' uoncortt Metric UgMCo. 'V .iw The ax books for 1899 have been, placed m my hands for 50ll ftp ti on an A all ifav'Vxo'T: v requested, to 'come' jorwrd pay tneir .taxes at once. ;(Sax D vmmm Trade Marks rrdr .PDdIng a 8ketcb M(" description may frulckly ascertain our opinion frea whethi, Scfetififie Jftnericati iiiufjfj g Go.35tafew York HOW'S THIR? wT f aee of catarrh c ;by Hall's 1 , , F. J. .Cheney & Co.. Pror, x Toledo, Ohio. known F J Cheney ior the last 15 yeaand believe j? huff prfectlj reliable aniTusins transac tiona and finanmallv oW A : 99t ,any obhgtion made by their r !?! west fc Truax, V "Wholesale Druggists, w ,,:';T7i; - Toledo; O. .yy aiding, Kmnan & Marvin, - . ; ; Wholesale Druggists, XT ni L s Toledo, O; Hall 8 Oatarrh r!n ; iUui : i - xd tajiun in ternal Iv. flM1si1lT.onf l ,n r DlOOd an1 msnrna'"oi. -ie v 1 extern, ce :75c. , per bottle. Wpid by all druggists. . Testimo nial a frAfi WANTBD-x6 buy 100,0 f."""0 Ui 4. caswron scrap, de hvered at the foundry at once, for burn t iron Wanted. - aletf- Cqcobd Foundry Co. act of placincr the remains tm. porarily in a vault near or at the TT A 1 i -r -. i -cLotei aes inyaHdes undoubtedly explains the misinformation that uao tJ-x-isiea on tne subject. The American nayal hero was a pet of France and WAR. rri-7-r-n ' ' -4-. i. V VJJ. t uauonai luneraL one . of th peripa, M . Marron, delivering la DUiUn.y u-l tne erravesid a utation of the National a.uwsimeu, ana its membprs nn. - M . M covered when the bodv was Ihw. The grave is distinct! v m a,rW Paul Jones was ' buried A with a b wora ana tlie accoutrements" of nisiranu: as an admiral Several urine swords given liimare lnl tne; united States, lut thisoneHs dfW ir-k A !1 . i '"A j 1 -- vix iwura as oeing5 inscribed.1- 3 'An application from"tn Amo . - -wioi - ican ambassador, to th nc IT lixuperty, f jno. ,1 Rue EclUSGS 1 'MaW-n- , i VJ- wmv secure prompt, permission n nTionr 4v, i - vuuu 6ao.v. cyneoia f laKl kt, . x a vwwiOi."' UULl. !LO xiiiiciueipnia Times.rv r - ; - r 4 HAnrFACTcnciuj ? 444. FINE Plaid r AND-- " -o Glof he ailway N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1899. "This ilisncd, as ; informat rrtn SJ subject to change without notice leave uoncord H", C 5.52 A-'TVT "Kn Q m -r. . d 1 , r'0 UL wreensDoro fof for Nnrfnlb- of rvin Ulu and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Xnoxyille and points West " A,v- o. ma Jew xork and . Pl?da ?ress. carries Pullinan Sleet ' ?X4 been Tew York r and An- Norfolk to cwTnrfT ana ; &49 A. M. : No.' 37, " dailv Wash. Atlanto RT,m;r "o0',eJn for all f pohts -S??Sdy'SwStf car, vestfbuledooaoVM be?weS -Washington and Atlanta. uelween SStoiinn1 SS" ' and aU York PtillrW J IQ ; 0 JXew fa SFoSMaaysad etoesdays: ' anflifeNP- dafly for Atlanta OC3,O Sarsapaiiiia Has over am 1 Taa pivijarauona faiJofl. th " yJhn 1 inn ri - . .. Chamberlain's Pain Baim Cures Others wnj not YOU? s 1 lame .houlder that" 552" all kinSa of SSS mert of jSUTO bSE one. For Bale br M T7 -TlfftroK . we edy and will TAfnTTul 011. m- one who is noiaaSw.JRS?My , tnirda ofthe content 1? wo" remedy in tbft t"AVa Dest General DEALER COUNTRY oongh and is pleasant and if irr001? J t prevents anVSi 6 to ,teke i esnll in SiSXiS?611- of a coldl to fc Mi I 1 I I f to I 4 -nond.;WashinfnTS:mlc r;:--v.waShinStoD Ilea- nh toV '..u:.; terrrL iff. tr.a:,r-j ffd ?a0d dining. Close oi ail .Kind. - M Attk.rrt,1ile -S1"1 Unarlotte to Ponr-foot Wood always w.. Be8t Tod0 dail -. . Price fpr same. : S,d ? fcvk?8 tween AnKnEta Greoniw to Norfolk yia Iooalnhri??! .:gnlap' through or to schedule. cure cause 4jeOnene BLOoe nn I - Eft aViiV - i- W iJl" . ....1 tt.. . iC JL- We invite an'mstjefttinn t-rl" , i - t - oil LiiH crnnna wai j mifrnr " - i,-'"" utains carry nassfinwrfl ...womann- ' to Mr Whcre tteWacoordn,ff Thii :'xr r5nk s- Gannon, Ahird Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. Washington, D. C. 111 laoi bncord N. 0. Johnl. Culp, Traffin W a rr Washington. D. 0, W. A. Turk, GenU. Pass. Agent, n ' , - Washington, D. O. QowanrjDnsenbery, "LochI Agent, Concord.N.0