" ' Arrival of Irnlntt, ij i , , 5!g'"' . - " " The effect No. o arxic piiv ,Jtn w . .... . 81 'mMp;mV(fiaj -tfiSS Manv are the cases : of mntnal IE? 11 H fl0: 37 rriWiAj fig9jflafj 11 , V 11 23 a m, u 7 "V.- "'8.51 pin," Mrs WaHenderson i and ife 1 1? .ful,'.m.?u's T t." 1 ' t .mniVo i Fmvr1 axwia-r strange, i nw.u- - WMmmmmS : Manv ar tTi oN xtfo. ;v M LI IC OF 11 I in j-l-- tt tt " 9.20 p'm, (flag) .. 7.1ft ai. 35 33 h 61 when Tnnnmc nhoorJ xr r Isflagged if necessary for tbOugtravel goiiiu ' -""Tj uu jut Jcoppeai,ior j)assenraarEvinfrom Lynchburg or ieyond:; i 0.,30 stps regularly for passengers , fr vSjilisb.ury, Hig'Point, Greensboro,, ReidBylll Danyllfe and principal fitatL$n teep Danville and Washington. tQ 37xBt9ps for pas sengers coming from juchburg or points beyond, and;; to take on pas sengers for regular stopping .places BOUl'iui xiowtiia. nccffcecops to let off passengers fronj rlar stopping plapes.sbttth of jNewellsTand to take on pasuger for regulartojp(pipg placIS :os o. siop at CJiiicordftir pan?er or from the C. Wt DiVijaon ifCirJotte to Aifeupla-Sfad otner points in South Carolina, QeotMa and Florida, peached through Columbia orAugus,-Uv ,rV yos&fa an4 JL2 arithe local tratna and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. U. Division. 01 j? ? A J, spent Saturdavniffht hfirii' 1 Went to the havlof t. refused fond W ma figlnth his disiijictures ?s gaiiery acoi-alidiHl coriit PRve it at'- nottdistanWay, we m& Tvith t6e $BotoQf Ms son phttlograpfi -BarHgg hitfi "Sing Their Own Puaise." Under Ko Circumstances Can'-a. Reality . Be rifsputed; Aud it a reality limt we mako strictly ooe i;rUfc. A iarge- or small size, as .-Vsired, bat only one grade. Why buy a:i Histruinent because it is -advertised a- cs!t:ap? Purchase aa instrument that f iiiuds high, in the "estimation of your friends and the Greatest Musicians : all rerthe world. A Piano with a pure tne. delicate touch, etc. . In fact; a mno with everyr improvement that is beneficial to the wear; and at one price withm the reach of all, because we save you the Middleman's Profit, arid it is worth saying, too..,: f, , t , r , Old instruments : taken in exchange. Terms accommodating. Catalogue for the asking. Some bargains in square pianos. . ' ' - - ' - iV. 5j Z.r'v t Mff.". w.v ou ins vv l fivp,yuryvWuere cben a eallrV fc w Open Hlrli Low Closed March 41 42 12 21J Hiao; mi 11. :24i Dec. .. 28 28 Sugar 151 154 1501 153f CHICAGO WHEAT. ' Dec... 66, . 67 66J 67 May . . 7QJ ' 71i 70 71i M. Stieef, Piano Manufacturer, Baltimure Md. PPPtnrv RPQnnh WonoTinnm 213 ,N c. hit Tryon St.. CnWlotte, Jf. C Mrs. . W; A Pattoqn, .gpae to Salisbury tp;visit her children. Thejcbilditibhbf Mrs. Stephens is no worse tQday. , -ti . - : The cotton market is slightly off today.. It sold at 7.60. - Only " six marriage-' licenses were issued last Saturday eyeri- i - , u;; - -.4:: X -it mgr. Li-' Mrs. F V Barrier, of Salisbury, spent Sunday here with her. rel atives. ; . , - . r,,, ; - . A' Mr. M J Freeman returned ho'no Saturday -night after soyi. eral weeks' stay on the road. Mr. M Jj Buchanail ;-was called to Kowan. county last Saturday Frank Brumieyhshe. to GainesyilleJ .GaMwhere Jfcie .has.4ft position ia a newspaper .bifice t be hrra soon. . For.-Tickets and particulars, see Prof." 'KeesleV: Dr. S R PeckHhe Charlotte ptician, will be in Concord at the Hotel Wednesday. Not. 15thi one ay only. Glasses'acculately ad' Justed. ; Satisfaction guaBhtedf Two of ; Concord polilar young people have almost ucprii:r Pleted their tarrahgements:V5t6 Wed. ' ' -. n it --i rr,- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ervin and -iiss Sue Nicholson have je rned to Charlotte after "spend- 6 ounaay.nere. , Dr. N D Fetzer has returned iiome from Winston where he I s cale on account of the. ill pSf Mr?; RA- Phifer. Mrs. ifer is suil very sick. A THOUSAND TONGUES Could not express the rapture of Annie. E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st,, Philadelphia, Pa.?, when. she f ound that Dr. King'ri sNewiPcbvery for tJonsum ption bad completely cured hor backing cough that for made years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could giye hfcr no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "it soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep ,. soundly, . something can scarcely remember doing " before. I reel like sounding its praises through out the Universe..','.. So, will everyone who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store; eyery bottle.gnaranteed. , ' r i Masonic Notice. There will be a regular Communication of Stokes Lodge NoV 32. A F. & A. M. Monday ' ifehtV Ifbv: 13, at 8 o'clock. RH Griffin, Secretary. JHUlidnven' Away. It is certainly gratying to the public to know of one cancer in the land who arenoi afrai(J to " the generous, to ? the heedy andsnSfeHg. ThD jpfoprietors of Dr; Kings"!New "Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over teiv .million trial bot tles of this greatTnedieine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands, of hopeless, cases. Asthmafpcclntis, Hoarseree and all diseases2 of -the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at Fetzer's Drug store and -gets' free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bot e guarau 6t pfioereiuttded. let us bake yoiir; Thank's "giving bakes: " We" make you thegst frtiit cake for 35c per" pound; pound cake;a &5cv, . , ... . You take no chances on gettiiig a;good cake if you give us your order. Concord Bakeiy. A. -r. -H' -J '"J 1 ? Joe Fisher, Proprietor. ''PHONE 122' F7j X)iLQ fiicMildmg4oi on east side of Union street. Also three houses and lots on Buffalo street. For terms apply to" fS Caldwell. & Stickley. aW rbed againsj; v ; his . Jet s m clucgreelang 9 herr friend . ; M cases ;the v friendship is;, some-1 S6 . i i .:n. 7,7- ' 'tnr - l " f: f? I WO V"1" pjiwu A mere roiera-1 rvvf y ?Sf an WftH"W4"i. .ftireifwypr. .aog, to wM?t . te; Ayas oxcoodingijr., at- .T7vTT -ikKritt iiii "MR m aosr. was. . waiting tor his f ri aym r mastiff picked a quarrel with him rf wxiiuu euueu m a. nernt. xne a: mastiff, sjp.be, supposed, had 1 4-U A-J ? X 1 i J 1 -I , 1 T 'fill retriever wasv severely bitten. i 1 T 3 msjjiriena cry, - broke - trom the $s man who was hnlrlino him W. 'A ried to the rescue, and after kicking the mastiff across the street, ireturned ; to the trough r ana nmsnea ms , drinking. St. ijouis Kepublic. O A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, Mr. W."A. Hines or Manchester, la., writing of nia'almost miraculous escape from' deatti, .' says: !;V .'Exposur3 after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ,ende4, in Upusumption. I had frequent . hemorrhages and- coughed night'and day. All my doctors said J must soon die. Then I began to .use Dr. King's New Discovery.for Consump tion, which completely cured me. I would not be without it : even? if it-cost $5,.00 a bottle. ;rHnndredSi haveused it n my recommjBndation: ahdr all -feay it never c fails; to cure .Throat, r Ghest and Lung troubles.'- Regular, size 50o and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Fetzers. Drug StOrC Jj .... LOOK HERE! Shouldn't be without 1 Just received 'a new lot of PlaJdS: in , Somerset and .yenitian Aloth s , Blue . x Vfinitian . .cloth v Browni, Covert ilothu SmaU f me' tneye mo oejt,!;- rg Plaid WboP 'goods in-dress pat terns. No two alik; - ;-: " j: t;S hoeslSho e sJ ! r injttpnand lcUX- wzh! j Pompadour Combs, Empire cpmbirLadies? pbeketibooks : iComeand see us. b-We wilF 36 our rj please you , n. .prices aha styles ' Wi j "GTbso n & M orriso n Th ines of t crj Hill iU3 iei''li.l;.X' 'J Beautv It will be avjoy for yon don't purchase. v.v G0RRELL THB JE WELEK. 36-Inch Plaid Venetien only 15c. yd. Fahcj' Plaid Dress Goods only 71a yd- -i BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth $1 iiv-to close out at75c. .... ..v.u V ' w J VK UAPIUS, fiiU sweep braided and fUr . XJ af iirsiD 7 trimmed, worth $1.75. Our price l.25. . . . . ; 12 El w v OHntfmEfr'SEEFERS worth $2.00 and tt y ,'- y ' r , " i . v--? . . .... . . . ........ . . , - ..... ONE LOT of Black Kersey Capes, tailor made, 135 in seewp braidediplaited and plain, worth $5.00 and $6.00. io.wiaag iu sou meiaai $o.ou ana ano.uu. . . . . . ATTRACTIVE line' of Fur Gaoes and CJrovats f mm .uvu. wj .uo unaper tnan can be bought. s 23 , ... ..... Laaies' J Tailor' Made, Suits-. ; S5.00 tb 6700. - t) 1 i &lP3ebY Table Linen and- Nabknis. 1 5 '-' 1 "i i Can save you money. Cannon & Fetzer (s - . -i - .' i - -.: , " ' . J 4 f'J'tt 'It! A PROPERLY EQUIPPED HiL" . r.,, ' ' rJ;.. ., -r. a.,. . .. .... v ; . , 2sr ithout!" 'oneof our-efficien efficient BUCK ranges or BUCK-cook stoves, your cooknig .and: baking,, to :be first-class aepenas largely upon a gooa-ranges or. cook, stove, anu 3wse. nave theffiscof cqbkins&fs; iiiall th upito-date1 designs and;imtorbveinbnts,-ti .Buck's ,g:reat White. Enamel j-v" vy.'.. i .. u'-. - ;.,! n;.c .... ,1AW.? j Hi V- T -tT Cr" , T i-t ..... ,. i . t to see oiir new . brbbches, Prompt attentidri' given to the Which vwer have received. 1 ff. - - ntl fl Come and see even it you iiliiv jx --u the market. Polite v servants. Rates: tOO'lb $1.50 per day. Special rates to regular boarders. ' Mrs. E 1 KIMBALL. Manager.' 1MI 1 ' 1 V v 1 ' We ' are prepared to give the people thjs, winter better bargains than usual inr all kinds of ! 1 , " . Heavy smd Fancy -f Groceries-- ' At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our. Large Stock tp ' - .. OX- ". . . . i I.: ; J j js t ' Tinware, Woodware, i Glassware, Crockery, pv;-:'-; ; ;!r fiatsJEtc before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed Rye, nd Rock- Salt go to 'G. W. Patterson's. r 1 i V s...,f . - f v . -M