um'm JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, , - Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IN THE BIO 11 HIS BUIL.I- 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Kates ot u Dscripuon Oxitf n ai . ........ . . ; Six muntr s. ......... Thrvrj uiontha . ...... OliJ U'MUUh'. . . ... . . . . if MiV. ... .... .$4.00 200 1.00 .35 .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-paget eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otherpaper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. q Concord, N- G., Now 14. THE PASSING OF TilE HOG PEN. We learn that the Gannon Manufacturing Company, includ ing ibhe Cabarrus mills, will after January 15, 1900 inaugurate a regulation that no hog pens will be allowed on the premises of their tenement houses. The hog pen problem has ex ercised the minds of the town fathens of many of our cities and in some we believe the pens are entirely excluded. In our manu facturing communities, premises are necessarily very contracted and it is not surprising that the management vf our great indus trial enterprises who from hu manitarian as well as financial interest must be the guardians of health and social harmony, should find it necessary to move in this direction before the city authorities do. While a few persons may feel a degree of privation in not be ing allowed their long accus tomed privilege of raising a crop of pork, we doubt not a large niaj or ity will be freed fro m the slcnch and squealing from their neighbors pig s ies. The question of swills comes next into consideration. But the waste from thrifty house wifery and really expert cookery does not contemplate much of value in the swills and what there is is not bad on a little cultivated corner, or may soon fiid a way of heihg gathered up and hauled to an oiit-bf theway pig pen, the receiver returning some compensatory favor. The time is probably not far distant when the hog pen must go from all thickly settled communities.. THE ANTPS TUG HARD. Capt. J B Eaves, in that champion .of -the xtntkatuen Anient 1 journals, the Ashevule Gazette, gets' to he; e$ Jj pushes so heavily up hUl. What a strain it is to find some excuse to oppose the amendments. He seems to see in a vision a whole trqppfhitg.mener that will be unable to vote be cause .they.canlt xead. .and -they will fee blaming their fathers for voting forjthe amendments and instead jca oing aiiRtaiAajrrx will consider themselves on a level with pemten$aiy convjcta ana . win uaerexore ,urn xnem - seJvjesQOsa avett a dangerous element. Whjle all this is goingneSees lnTHaiiV fax, for instance, the negro am bitiously meeting thelrequire- ments of the v law and polling a majority vote. According to Capt. Eaves, white men must be made of very poor stuff and the negroes, in' the east-of ' the very kind -of material f orVgoofcitUens. ( it seems erynqi lil?e white parents i who will nbf senaj tHeir children to our free school exiough' to read and" Write are very destitute of parental 'ambi tion and would most likely rear sons not very desirable 'r for voters, and if a - boy" be an off shoot with m6re;...than;i inherited . nobility the world can hardly keep him from getting enough education to vote. There will be" hard tugging to find yalid( obj ections to the amendments. Tney are a gooa long step in the right .direction. They are perfectly justifiable for eliminating un intelligent , voting and are .one of , the; best stim ulants to intelligent citizenship. THE TROUBLESJOF A TEACHER. Tlie .trial of Prof. Coon before the graded schpolhoard of Salis bury: is so characleristic that were it not a real trouble one, touched with : a feeling from similar experiences could' smile: This particular case' Only sur passed in magnitude not hr es sence the very common ' experi ence where people are not loyal to those in authority and are quick to set themselves up as judges of matters about which they know less than-those they would condemn How. quick too are people not noted,, for their piety and their' genrdl . upright ness to catch on toc sbmetliing heterodox in those whose piety monitor against error. It would seem that when lead ing spirits wih their . energies and their wealth provide schools in which the children of the less fortunate share equal chances of an education, it would be iac: cepted gladly. It :is surprising too that any are so igaoraat as to not know wnen you try to help and benefit them.' But thus it is and it is one of the crosses of teaching. "H ' ?" 7 v : " V -" We admit that there are teacli ers who are in th neld or the. bread and butter Tthl re is -m it. These are justtas apt to. please; the class thfcis t&ffi'$pf c)bet( as ooe whose ver, soiil is in the; work. ButsucliJ' lechers yie th'nk are not very common and: are generally ' shelves pretty soon by the proper authorities. NO ittJer pjan we think is be or! parents than to presume that the management of our schooB is :n the hands of people who Joiow beoJj along their time. Get such books as are called for, place your in the hands of the teacher, sh6w . an Apprep uyjpj,uueirefit.i.u Ahe school and the teacher, seek pleasant without too high opinion of your self ;or your chUd, f ind we -war ? rantTiew troubles wiljiisey and tl;e Xa-thCul .teachprcan; put in rf ull'time an ges at' teach auu juuu iictvo ui uiviue mese labor ' at ' trying to get along wjtb liinrjEiy cwldreii ; iand cruelly turbulqnt parents. WiU often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cuor Bruise. Buoklen's Arnica ajnana i)fdmFlUf heatlr Cures" Qia lores, 3Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Fel ons, Ubrns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile, cure on earty. Only 25 cts. a box. iaraed4 f$jjL at "Petzer's jTJAT THROBBING HEADACHES. oul4 quickjyjeaye yon, if you used Dr: Kmflew-KtPilij; - Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They made pure blood strong nerves and build up vour health.' Easy to take: Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured, at Fetzer's Drug Store. It is a genuine pleasure ' to note 1 hat the' Louise firebaney Company is to be with us . soon again. ; That troupe '"gave us some of the finest music to which we'have'beehtfe'ted'm ihany- a lay ar Kupe: ' We' "under stand the pretty little violinist girl has been replaced by one still more skilled than .she in handling that' queen of sweet and path"etic; instruments. Other improvements ? are ' promised while to our senses little' im provement was demanded. Listen for the Bell.1 ; At the request of , a number the court liouse.bell will' be rung to niglit or f trie succeeding nights in case the meteors blegin to1 fall; Nightwatchman Biles will1 sound the :' alarm, for us; When ' you hear the alarm look to the north- t ; east;near ;tne horizon It isprob able that tne shower will! last for' several hours is the strongest Natural Lithia water on the market and has the endorsement of the most noted physicians of the country as to its superiority over all others. Read what the noted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe ville, has to say for Harris Lithia, springs; - - Asheville, N. C, April 24,. 1893. An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia Water prompts me to the statement that I regard itis one of the best if not the best, Lithia' Water known to the! pro fession: In ttecondition 1 of Phosphatic Urme, its action is marvellous. Itsiisemhe Rheu matic and .County Diseases afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours, r!:'-,; JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. "D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated ; water will relieve any base of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized to ' refund you tho money' or if taken- after each meal 'will cure the most stubborn case "or indiestionf Why v suf-" ier wnen you nave tne guarantee f Agent for ;Qpncprd. , It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with pood qualities of Chamberlain's Oough JRemedy, fto , 'know that-people everywhere take pleasure in reiatinff eir experience ?in-1thjerufle' pi that splendid !medi(tfne' ad in teilinr of the benefit they: have receiyed from, it, , of rbad , roolds it - . hp$ cured v . o threatened attacks Qf pheuiqonia t has a verted .and di theclUldren itihas saved frppa ttacia of croup and. - whooping cough. It is a ' gran; good medicine." Edtr,BalebyIi- IXtMarsh.00. ukttnh x IO.JUOT AO COOp.FQLRADUlpTC; raris Medicine CoetviuisMp. gentlemen : We sold -last year, 600 bottle of QBOVB'8 TASTELESS CHILIi TONIC and -haF bought three gross already; this year lxx aU qw; perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have IieTer Bold an artlcla thn chta mirti nnlvArnnl am uc wiww as your 'r.SDio. Yours truly. VAT1 .'111 H I I I CTFI T7TI 'rTl! JlTr The IGH Color Plaid Goods for drosses... a ' Ladies' Gapes 50c. to $2.68v INFANTS Long Gashmer . Cloaks, siik embroidered at 75c. to 1. 93 : " " ' Children's Short Wraps 50c to $x.68' Winter lofls;18c.; to :?38. WWteSilt at 50a. to 93o. MantsZsjiliyr Bootes 10a. 1 - CadiesVOersy Rib Vests lb? up? Drawers 25c. 'Ladies; Rib Wool Vests 75c. and 90c. - Ladies' Jersey Rife Union Suits 48c. Boy?s. Under 'Shi !8 Cents. ' Men'siUnder Shir!ts';cottori, wool mixed and all wool from 18c. for .'.-all cotton to $1.25 for line all wool. "': : Men's Knit Drawers 37c. up;. We have as nice line of Hosier 7 as clieap as : r,-,-'. can be found anywhere. Light colored outing, suitable for infants, Ladies' drcssiaa sacques, gowns and Men's nightshirts to 10c. v AUiffltf Flannel 5c. nj. Drilling-7c. Sea Island 4c. up and Sheet 3c up. Good yard wieleaching; :5c; f' Bleached- Cambric full yar3.-wide 7ic.. 10-4. Bleached Sheeting at 22Jc. r ! iiawe lu' sk, If " t! t! T7"V "' tl Tlloanlicul nr '. Ji iieacnea imen, aq. ic .o yyc.. Window Shades 10 and' ''25c. ' Curtain Poles 2!2ic. Counterpans, assorted.1 ' Nice lot of towels Stamped Tray covers etc., well-assorted ' ' 40 Brands of Toilet We are headquarters GLASSWARE. Gobblets 20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per set, 4 pices Table sets 25c,- 7vpices Ice Cream set 25c, 7 pieces Water set 25 and 33c, Water 1 Bottles 18c, Vinegar Pitcher 10c, Covered Sugar Bowls 5 and 10c, covered gutter Dishes 10 and 25c, covered Preserve Stands 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10c,, Cake Plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dishes 5c, ) Salt and Pepper Shakes ,5c each, Bowls 10 and 24c, Syrup 1 Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one-half gallon Water Pitcher 15c.1 Full liine of Tin and Enaineled Ware 244n. pards with. 1Q games. . .'. : $2.25. 28 in Boards with 20 games. . . . . . . . . . ... . . ..... . . . $3,50. Crockinole 1 Boards . . . . . v. ... . $1.38. SinalFgames v. 1 .. . '-. v . 10 to 48a : New lot of Quilts, Feather Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly. Very respectfully, P Xiarge Portrat frames with 16x20 glass at I ' 11 L' sWriber toT lneotandaru k now Is the time tO subscribe. 1 cepted: and: delivered at v Mg,Mi,m month...........:...: 'tfO ilOCfiJ ItA&rf WJ T, - ' " I. V - ; . ronage of the netmU. - - Give us a trial -when you aFl TTTTTTT 5 i ne otanaarq. Shirt waists and Children's 12 1-2 C. f$l Bleached or 7 TarkcrKcd., ait 25c. soaps from lc. to 10c for Toilet Soaps. , Xlf you have anything to seUj you canmake it tnown through 4. I Tlie Standard. 4 ' . 4 I r vour . . c...S ... OT UC-'n . .fill week or. 35c, per ; aS mak( e v madt known on application. $