4 rrhP following change, of . schiulettpok- H 0 HTH B() UN D , v rang is now.; 62 jereu m Mr,- Earnhardts lmnK naWnic.-u..,,-- Vin w-if r. easl of hore ' 18 boginning well. A very , .Pj.; - otffafrdoriiiioii assembled last worn there.-They;have. reiiair niT. tota . .'I ,;,'S;(fla8) J"? ucthadepot. After and, all 'seemod to enjj- the t) v , "P r ' -Pab vjoia meeting. -We; want i vo 8 arrives, at 5 52 a;m. "1000 am, in ' 7-09 p-JUi, " 2 00 a SOUTHBUUND more singers - - v Kn "? arrives at 8 49 a (flag) Tin . in inat part of the county and aU; christian workers. 'Come co-opera will: then move, to: No. 3 town-1 ion of 7 61 (i ' 3ii town- up to the help of the " 8.5lpm, snip near . Mr, Ed "'JohriRV noiriot i-v 7 19 a.uVr .p ace. The chainga I Preaching every day ' Mya m, ireigut) . uiuu always. Lord e - at 4 p. I Anticipating ', ::.-... ...... ,,,....; M., w " . ... . .. -,; v0 35. when riiDnjn ahead ot.No. 7. C -ni " . .. cnr.th of harlotte, .and is gtODoed for . Tjast -rooQlj- ,T7tr.C! v. t '.i-Wo i TmnWAM x-. r Severs arriving from. Lynchburg or n ' :ui xucn- .-fP! v.g j ; LmTid. Not 3G-stoDsreriilarlv for ananias called to tha bedside of All will be erlad to know-that X panpers ior odusoury n,ffa Komt, nis iatner m Ro wan COunW Who little Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. vX npnsooro. AvtiiuBYiiie. iivanvi a anri . - -.".-fa:'- . ;r I . ' ; - - - -t-:t Rra 5 ft -Tn oh PI p i rl Vati f :i An nn 1 tt 1 n . vrl . m. and 8 p. m. 'V W ' v : - ; , . c. Preston, Pastor. FaiiQK Plaid Dxes3.G"Oods ciily 71c. yd. A BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth $1 - J ; J ; WJ, UlUoO UUl Suffered a Stroke of nnmlvsiQ nital in Philnrlfilnhia, nnrlprornino' een-ers for regular stopping places Mr. , Buchanan received: a telfi. treatment oh one 6f his' limbs: is f 1 off passengers from regular stopping ,gam-today (Tuesday) - that his improving each day and is now ar, ied out ".I .a. m: His able , to walk by the aid; oi his l-g Lyucbburg orbevond. - . 1 ' fathers name was, Mr. 1 John brace.'- It is thought that he will JZSSrJ M I: .TJ? Buchanan and-he was one of thei be home ere long.; ! - v m foKra lewa YORK MARKETS. , ONE LQT of Black Kersey Capos, tailor n through Columbia - .' , ; ' J ' seewp braided plaited and plain, worth 5. . i x iu. jj. uiarsn jo. guaranteee verv I hottlA of Chamberlam'lv-Gough 3em4 Open u.uuui Vikedy,flnd ill.tefnndthemonevto anv BEA,VER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur trimmed, worth $1.75. Our price $1.25....'. CHILDREN'S REEFERS worth $2.00 and ) ' . - .... . .. $2.50. Our price $1,75. . .... ...... division Charlotte to other points in South and Florida,, reached throu or Augusta., Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the and connect at Salisbury with w. X ;., Diyisijon. r-EUEtlONB, ,Nv?. 71. cotton Hijarh Low kedyahd wilLxeituni? the mpney to any Jan SO; . 1Y. ! ?na who is not eaUafied after. using two-1 Mamh 1K qr if; third i. nf ih nnfc rm,;a ia f hi K.cf MarCn 6b 15 remeay . ithe . wrloV- forJ: 2riDn4'1 May r. . 20, 41 20 Closed I 29- 34 40 made, 135 in 00 and $6.00. "We are going to sell them at $3.50 and $5.00. AN ATTRACTIVE line of Fur Capes and Crovats from $1.00 to $2.06 Chaper than can be bought. ". : . I innwhu orilrl a . nrnnn . ' on1 ml AAvi-r n. I n -i r? a f i w nt - re I ' vixwsss:, ,usar . m 1004 w : JtpreWnHaOT.teoaebov ol a cold'U i " CHICAGO WHEAT. I n. fQ'JNDSD .........1842. .iai'monU ; ::. Doc... 66i 67 66J 67f , . . : m &mK 3 Mrs. S'MeDuffier who has; t .vt I Laaies' Tailor unlade Splits been spending, a whim here with Millions Given Away, Mand irerned tQ ;herJ it is certainly gratying to the' public W home at Keid sville Monday to kno.w of one cancer ia the , land who rM niffht. lare not t alma v ,pe generous tp the tfts no to fi no 6 . m m .vwJv -vvvN.VtNX n-n-XW?SVWN TVryVr'WV VXVCVVNS TOWNym VXtVTVl . . . . . t . . . .. the needy and ; suffering: The proprietors Lovers of music will not miss of lJrr King's New Discoyery for , Con- W: nWrit.v nf TionriTicr t.ho sumption, uo.ugns, ana uoias,.. nave "yr1"1 j v-. j-, v...v , oriven ftwav over ten million trial not-1 Company next Wednes- ties, p(tbis great medicine; and have the MM "SlNG"THBIR;OWNPltAiSE,"' Under No Circa mRtisrrM r?in nlitv Ee Disputed; Brehany fld " realtX we aj5? urogram will be rendered. f4. th8anaV oj hopeless , cases, vuo siuo. . or, Bmaji sie, as, x -o - Asthma,1 roncnitis, Hoarseness ana .au tiear,. but only one grade. -Why buy Q p -pv fh n-rloff diseases'of the Throat, Chest and Lungs X an instrument because it is adyertised u to K.J;C.' f16 narOTCe are surely cured by it. Call at Fef zer's m v.iijpr- x uiuuase u mmruuieub-mail wjj uivioju., wxjj. mo ajj. vuuwiu tu wxx jrug store ana 2 a iree , trial -POttie. ijWi ynds lughin the .estimation of your. : Hotel- Wednesday ?NoV.il5th Olie Regular sizeSOc: and i. "Every bot- iriendandithe Greatest Musicians, all -i; 7 tixr, -.lAVir o i l a ffaaTan; ; or. mica refunded. - : T Kti& oyerthe world. A Piano with a pure, 7" J a q UV." , tVV toriP riftiiVaf fnK tw husted. Satisfaction eruaranted. I ,?:-r-.-.--.--- . . tja Full Line of Table Linen and Napkins. Can save yon money. Piano with every improvement that c , . fl , V A beneficial to the wear j and at one .nrice Mme Elrado IS COSlly fixed up Mr; W. a Binev oi juanchester; la., yauux ne.reacn, oi an, qpcause ..we m ner panor ana js pieaeu writing of his almost miraculous, escape U 5? m w m W w w w m m w LtfLl lU'VlUiOUfc j. 1 1 . fiJV Three ladies' Misses Jll..PV0qi, ,,T Brown, and Mary Ella Cannon tlon- wtuch completely cured mevl ) taCUHT Men WarerOOirTfryo""1 stayed awake faU, Pf --tiMaapy ! Mr. and. Mrs. 3iliv uook nave nn , rrwoi vftioa r wTaTimff See Craven- Bros.' adJ' today; f moveo- ironitW?i Wy tore yVOl lUCIit Q IJUP UI UU . VUO I QOiuu vu Wm u rf r: j it t 7m t wio mill Vine -rr-Qrfl -tr I TTT-o- T-vv--k-f of rQ-f. frTmcTltr VUUUXI Ui9 IUUI UUO 1QVDUUIT I VJXX f f U XCIJVU JUVJ. U1UAJ i ".'W f 'Commencel weaving at night: ' I occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Pink II , f v if s, 1 A , UCDC it Every time you buy, a so-called ycheap'1 chair; or table, or .couch Whing; -Qutwaxd appear ance 4on-t count- ;a wash, of gold oite Qpxers brassa in& ch,abr; pf ten coveys hard lumps Col. Paul BMeanshas returned rADCiA"- - iMu-oio nopae from Elkmf ; - i,,k'" . Twq, pftifp werAfely g Dili con tKo f fn . Mrin -1 toxicateo. ' ounaay aiwrnouu ; r hi m 7 -0 -5vT- ' Tii' about tne depot came to Mayor Tust y niglitf- About foufeUr - . laT,c tihmittAdPto their Slljlfr d lots otrpf anjty- . dpes (that ; doesn't, mean . eyerytrgr day received , a now lof pf n( nessS hish priSed. Woj'are. selling Cou9hesXor $9f98, , .mSonwsetan - Blue Penman Vclofii,. I so, uTaDie,nu ux,; mvsrnix r ' store. I "KoVI irtHTKinn.f,.'" Tn a v. iiWAr tinea. - .-Trv5t"- , QTYiAntif. fnr a dmnlr and dis- Clptns, rnone 41. .. iiAcvi,? orderly case. ; Hu cvv : r, , .,i Plaid iWOQl fSooas inv.aress Wr. Jones Yorke has gone, off I The Brehany Company will W! Q on a business some FOUND Two white feet and tQ ellbw e spots over $r tf :f5s office. s,L.A Bikle, .who has heeri visiting her. daughter' 'Mxs. i GiBD W-Means, .has retnned Kinjs rVtiT7T" Also Undertakers. Wftd tQ Elizabeth iiblleS e ,af tex iMH y'WMW- i Gibson &JM0rrisanj giving -caKes; - we- jnajra ; t feP6nClinfir . Sn n c air. and r rMnrwlav ere witn nferi paTantsi i,v ' f - J ii ' Ii 4. - ; ft rUIecfl?ranx5h railroad ugo hero, iSchley;; Is aVI - h.j Rev. Ji C Davis xeiurnedi home Mond av nisrht from Linon agements- S.un4ay. d There will be a watch party on etzer's' cornel: tbni6rH tlie guests cf Leonard fBpyd, No beats willj .grjdedl 'y: 5,1 . The footali game which was! ,ALl' m unariotie oe- v. uo .a. , oc lvi. ooys ana tne avidson boys, has been called . Seats on sale at 9:30 Satur- in Button anlaoe- " f atGibsdnf? I PomnadaP M&mbs, ; ' Empire K M' .' ' " Ill.w Iktfff . - f .111 - i IIL I B t t.S-r . . 11 ill w- A k m- nil ' . - 1 a m . -B I" HI rj ii '- 35c per pound; cake at S5o f i i v . You take no chances on give us yyxpraBTT- Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122 . t .nil! .ir til Mr " '. i One nice building lot on east side of Union street. Also tnree houses.ajid.lpts ouJa,sJxeet. For terms apply to Caldwell & Stickley. v nieandseeetftif- :;ilir THEIJEWELK f: Prompatjencp groa t ithe Table? suppUedfrom the best on tha market. 1 1 vPolite - servants. Rates: 1.00 to $1.50 per -day. Special i?ates to regular boarders; MEiKniBAU.iiaiiaer. We are prepared to . give - PPPte this wmter better bargains than usual m all khlds of' -al,XE: i' .. : '' - ' -- i JlesLYy ainia.J Partcy At wholesale and retail. It will pay-youtasee.oji3:tLarge .Stock of ;':''&4'fuT iv Ain Tinware, Woodware, lassWaire,':Grockery, before buying. For Clover Seed Seed Rye, -andRockSalt go to ' ; ;G. W. Patterson's. i 1 J- is i 5 .

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