I'!.! STANDA m JOHND. BARRIER and-SON, ; Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE 1 THE 51 0 II III S BUILb - 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Kates of Subscription .' Six 'jMiiibs. . . ... : . 200 Tnr-- rxiontlis .......... 109 , On in -at h. ........... 35 Binjrl cvdv. 05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-column paper. It has & larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other;paper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Concord, N. C, Nov. 15. SYNOD WILL DSTERiIIjSE. We notice that the Salisbury correspendent of the Raleigh Post says the board of trustees of North Carolina College will meet today (the 15th) and de termine what placo will get the college. The . committee ap pointed by the Synod to invite and receive these bids fixed this as the day for bids to be placed in their hands to be carried up to Synod next May, unless a cal'e meeting of Synod convene and consul er the bids at an earlier day. We hope, too, that committee will extend the time, as we think there are hardly any bids entirely ready yet: ' . ; - , That correspondent announces that Salisbury has an $8,000 site and some $12,000 secured. - HERE HAD " HIM; HERE LOST HIM. The Americans evidently were getting close to Aguinaldo when they took Tarlac and captured the fleeing Secretary, the gov ernment was records, the Inde pendencia printing press etc. but they are completely staggered to locate Aguinaldo and his govern ment base. We have seen the hare chased so closely that it world squat in the grass and be passed over by the hound, there by gaining a fresh start. The Greensboro correspon dent to the Raleigh Post of the 14th, says: . : The holiness .revival at, this pb.ee closed last night. Next week Rev. TO Hodgen, the saucitified evangelist, will begin ar ither series of meetings in Hogan's Auditorium, which will be designated as The Holiness Temple." This man Hodgen is the same chap that laughs the holy laughsaytb.hfiXfin.i5J 15,000 square miles"in size J and ththe.wipra its guiuea & truths, uul mai many other church folks will not be allowed to enter. His intellig ence Is warped, his conceit boundless. IS rom ' tne simess, sanctified, - - ' perfect human beings in ,this worlc tfim 5bB6rdrideHVer us. Memphis undertaker has been caught up with at ship- ping and selling scorpses- cto medical -schools.! Het ships them m meiai nnea trunks not unlike drummers' outfits. Hej says jh& lias been getting $50 to $200 apiece for them. - Now he will oe inmKing: un, wretched, man that I am. Who will deliver me from this dead body business. It is wonderful how clearly the results of the late elections can be read to indicate just what tjie jeadprj wants themito do. To tio wisa RepuhJicans tey mean H ?pubhcan - success next 'year; and to knowing Democrats they . mean 16 to 1 Chicago platform ; triumph. It's the very province of happiness to the predictors. To the writer there is not much meaning in it save' that Mr. Mc: kinley and Mr. I Bryan will be the party- leaders again,: with little light thrown on the path - of either by recent events. The executive committee of the Republican party will meet on the 15th of December to fix upon a time and place to renomi nate McKinlev and attend ' to some other little routine matters. We suppose the Democratic party will not be in any great hurry to attend to the little formality of nominating Bryan and readopting the : Chicago platform. The conventions are necessary as' matters of form without emphasis so far as the heads of the ticket is concerned. Now Russia and Japan are on the verge of war about some ter ritory about Corea held, by the Japanese nation and' wanted by by the Russians. It's all right to stand for principle, but it would seem an enormous under taking for Japan to jump into a war with such a power as that of Russia., In such instances a sys tem of international , arbitration seems greatly needed. , Sharpers managed to pick up a box containing. $30,000 worth of diamonds in a: jeweler's store in Cleveland, Ohio, Monday after noon. It was done by simply being near, "then attracting the owner's attention away and next being absent from the owner but present with the box. It was a dazzling success. Danville had a fire Tuesday night;, in which four Tobacco factories and several dwellings were consumed. The loss is es timated at $60.000. .This : loss is to be regretted,, but .one,. fpur story." buying -full- of K leaf to bacco was smoked to about all the advantage r.that could have Jbeen-probably : y K Now Senators .'ritcliard and Butler are yoke-fpllows again in opposition to "the amendments. "Politics make , strange bed-fel lows, hpttgh nothiig is strange f 6ij ler. Be greatly needs a party home any way, and this feSS?JI yherehe.UJLmake his ' ;Thj2 cairSpalgns1 are pver and Col. Bryan has gone hunting in the Ozark Mountains. j won't be long till time to Jouckie on his harnes's againitomaljS the effort qf his life. 'fO WiU often cause a horrible Bnrn. pam and promptly heal it. Cnrea Old bores, Fever Sores, Uloers, Boils, Fel, ons, JUoxns. laHr Skin ."ErnntirinH . raV tIcurMfceaiX)xU Wit Cure iroATanteed. Bold at Fetzer's THT THROBBINO HE1DA0HE. Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands Of .suerewhave proved their matchless merit tor bick and Nervous Headaches They madepure-J blood,? fetrong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Trv them. Onlv 25 ftnf Mn I if not cured, at Fetzer'a Lru? Store. . We were in error yesterday when we said Aguinaldo's ; son was captured. ; It is. Aguinaldo's secretary and we, now understand the son of the secretory but - we feel a little confused yet by the dispatches in different; ex changes. ' " ' " Fault Finding and Criticising. . ' Criticising : .means' .Judging fairly. The original Greek word to judge means, to 'sift. . One, therefpre, who is .incapable, from ignorance, or . ; pre j udice, of. sifting every matter from every point of view, cannot bo called a critic. Whenever, from some in terested motives or; from other, causes, lie shows bias, - he must not be set down as a critic. Men have attempted to write down a play because they- did, not like, the author pf it. A'bpok has, been abused because pther books by the same author have . won a place which was denied the pro ductions of the critic., War has been made on ministers, lawyers and doctors, because their, views did not harmonize with the ad vice the critic had to give, but, somehow, was not accepted. Fault finding can become actu ally a disease. The disappointed, those of a vinegar temper, the mentally " dyspeptic, indulge themselves to such an- extent that a calm, dispassionate, not to say tender, judgment of men and things becomes an impossi bility. Those who know such people suspect something wrong whenever, the fault finder says something good. It was sakLof one of old: V 'His word were smoothstlButSSr, -but the war was in his Heart." A critic is a necessary and." useful factor in public, and private life. v A fault finder is one who spoils . the sweetness of things. . He is : an irritant; his influence is perni- cious. xie is w oe avoiaea.- TT T : Baltimore American. GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. D, B. Cargile, of Washita, I T. He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brevrer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and thejbest doctors could ive no help; but her cure is complete and her health ; is excellent.'' . . This showa that thousands have proved, that JElectnc Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema. tetter, salt rneum; ulcers," boils and run- mug sores, jsiimuiaies liyer Kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tionbuilds up the .strength, -,r Only 50 cents. Sold at Fetzer?s Drug Store. ik un in. . tt oil: cot' ri'Vfru fwmu is the strongest Natural - Lithia water. pnf . the ,4arket: and jjias the ; endorsement -f:.'ttQ7&Qji' others.! 'Reatdfrwhat the .noted Dr. J ohn Hey Williams,, of Ashe-. ,viller Ms tQ,r say tf for Harris ris Lithiftater wbBrpts ine to the statemtmi ifegaitf ohe of thel?estVff nHhe best, marellQusiAIts use iii thd Rlieui- EuSaioSorido& i tr. virYexy.'tiily yoursfi: J0HN HWIIi3JAMSM; J). . ,!We guarantee that one glasfc of Harris Lithia" carbonated" water noted physicians3 of 'the v country as td m 4ue'M6rii Vover 'all AsHerMeV f vArils24; 1593 ' "'An extended cliiiical bsdiffa Hatic;iandotttDiseWerf will relieveahysindi tionip, 6n;:tn) qrrn$ is f authorized v rto, f ref undlyotlhd mpny, meal will cure the most stubborn case of !indigestipnj",(S7hyH suf fer when you have the guarantee ? Agent for Concord, Tie Racket. flGH Color Plaid Goods for vr --dresses . n .. ; Ladies' Capes 50c. to $2.68, INFANTS Long Cashmer Cloaksr silk embroidered at 75c. to ri 9R , Children's Short -Wraps 5Qc..-to &1.G8. Winter Hoofls 180to 93c: TOte SM at 50a. to 93c. Mants Zepliyr 5 Ladies' -J ersy Rib 'Vests 15c.' up, Drawers 25c. , Ladies, Kib. Wool Vests 7oc. and 90c. ' ' '-' 1 "' i taoriesf Jersey; Rib Union Suits 48c. Boy's Undr Shirts v ; 13 Cents, Men's Under Shirts, cotton, wool mixed and all vrc j from 18c. for all cotton to $1.25 for fine all v;ooi. , t; .,.;. wv..; Men's' KmV Drawers 37c. up. We have as nice line 5 " can oe iouna anywnere. Light ' cblprdcl outing '-suitable . for infants,- Ladies' dressing sacques,-gons and Men's night shirts 6i to 10c: All- Wool Flannel 12c. 1-2 np. : : ' : -Cotton Flannel k Drilling tc. Sea Island 4cl up and Sheet 3ic up. Good yard wide Bleaching, worth 6ic, for 5c. Bleached Cambric full -yard-wide 7c. 5 5 10-4 Bleached5 Sneeting at 22ic. TableDamask, BIere-orTrkey Bea., at 2$c. A -r-; -v. :? i r Bleached linen;-. do.v47icV to 95c;' 'oounterpitua Window: Shades 10 and 25c. . Curtain Poles 22c. covero UuCj assorted. ;J , Nice lot-of towels.. Stamped Tray ' wellassorted. ' 40 Brands of Toilet soaps from lc. to lOo. We are headquarters for Toilet Soaps. GLASSWARE. Gobblets 20 and 30c set, Tumblers 15c per . set, 4 pices Table sets 25c, 7 pices1 Ice Cream set 25c, 7 pieces Water set 25 and 33c, Water Bottles' 18c, Vinegar Pitcher 10c, Covered Sugar Bowls 5 and 10c, covered Butter Dishes 10 and 25c, covered Preserve Stands 25c, covered Comports 25c, Cream Pitchers 5 and 10c, Cake Plates 5c, Pickle Dishes 5 and 10c, Calery Trays 10c, Olive Dishes 5c, Salt and Pepper Shakes ,5c each, Bowls 10 and 24c, Syrup Pitchers 10 and 25c, Spoon holders 5c, one -half gallon Water Pitcher 15c. Full Line of Tin and Enamele d War ft 24 in. Boards with 16 games. . . 82.25. 28' in Boards with 20 games . . . . .: 83,50. Crockinole.cBoardSi . . . ; . . ..... 81.38. Small games . . . . . . . . . ................................ 10 to 48c. New lot of Quilts, Feather Pillows, Blankets, etc., shortly. r ' Very respectfully, D. 4 Biostian, :0 Large Portrat - frames1 with 16x20 glass at . - ' If you are ' not a subscriber to J I "The Standard now la tKe "time "to subscribe. ; X nl is published everz ; for-(My 106. "per t): month. ;Jiir$&:?. v ...7;r' : ? J'ti id 6ix ill UfmiiiO c znveresv mour i! uglf j yfturantrto Jbuy anything i Won' dan) eaU for cn cUi; f 1'"" r Shirt waists and Children's - ! " " 11 1-2 (ji of Hosiery as cheap as 9c If you have anything to sell -: l ' J ' , you can make it known through The Standard. t v S - s-; -j . weeh or -$56 per t:. -. , ; .' J;. news that is , readers amWmaJce - Jri-.- r; 1 ' X ArftrAvl-ioimw MtAO in 5 Adyextisuigf rales in f rft -Thtanafara 4 t4?mada knbwn tin -application. 2 . 1 4