1 - - , . - - : r . . o 0, Arrlral of Trains, The following change of Schedule took Jeci Jnel2. 1899 . - northbound; No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a mj, 30 " " 10 00 am, 12 " u - 7-09.P m, . ; . 3S " u -8.51 p-m,(fligj . 34 " " 9'4Sip;rn, ... i ' 62 " " 2.00 a m(li etw i t) SOUTHBOUND. w.i 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (fln) p ra, ; " 9.20 p'm, (fla) " 7 19 am, 61 " 84S)a m, freight) 13 t Attornmr W n tvt T5i t m7 means went fr SS!868- before. the su- v. i. Williamson Morris, rfv superintendent of public schools I a :more city-like -appearance; iSc now visiting 't ,tbe ' different I Tho uniforms have coine; but "r.v.r.1,. .Ul: a county;;, VTr.d"lUnts are happy the.lothhas come.,; The number exceptionally plenti ful this year, thejhuirter say. ; Thepebple of; Concord are busy these .days ; laying- ih a supply of eatables :,f or ' their rr um Aiig cumerence next ' ,.SM k:- l .... . : ; , they'll Soo;HaTe;Tliem. J' 5 " Ere long our f policemen will be clothed .in- their long uni forms,:.which .will grive our, town Xo. 35. whp'n runninsr ahfead ot !No. 7. is flagged' if necessary for through travel week. south ("f ,1 harlotte, and is stopped -for. pn. Ix some of the fits are not good. Those coats are to always' stay buttoned up, too, Chief Harris says. i .ssengers arriving fr(Jm Lynch burg, or Mt. Jas. O' Fink has' mnvPfl vond. . Ko., 30 stops remilarlv for frnn CASZli ?-aS ?Ve?- nassemrers for aaisbury. Hi-L Point. Aue.0.n:e Street Greensboro, Beidsville, Oanyille- and L"neTnous? iormerly occupied principal stations between Danville and Mr- SH M-Barrow on North Washington. No.37 stoos fnr na. Mam'shroDf rC r'r' r , genders coming ifroni, jynchburg or 1-...1, s points beyond, and to take on pas- .Policeman Johnston arrested senders for regular stopping places a npo-rri TWoi. - - teu aoathof Newells. No. U8 atop to let sday night when off passengers from regular stopping iNo' .: rfy pulled in. The negro pkces south of Ne wells and. to take on was tried and sent to'ths chain passengers; for regular stopping places, ffah0" V;- 1 .f Lynchburg or bevond. - ;f - . ; ' - M, ,.,.::, i NTos. 33 and 34 stop- at Concord for, OElbert Onov ?nTi"rtf 'T?ov W R .oasaansrers to , or from the Q. O. & A, n,vtt u J' ' - division -Chariotto to Augusta-and P Ue' WlU 0 next .M6Jiday com- other points in South Carolina, Georgia nehce teaching ;School at the and Florida, reached through Columbia Patterson : schoolhouse t in. No or Auirusta. ,, ,, a tArrm "' ' 'Mr. M B Sticklev delivered a lecture, "The New State,", be fore the Athanaeum society of the college at Mt. Pleasant Tues day, night, Agood. udience at tended. . .. ' v.. . ; Mr. D B Coltrane paid his monthly visit to Norwood Mon day., He returns' -the" -same day how since the new passenger train has -been added on the Yad km road. M. L. Marsh & Co. gruaranteee very bottle g Chamberlain Cough Rem edy and will refund the money to any one wh is ugt Pati9fied after using two thirds of the contents. . This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe; coughs, colds,.,: croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe t take ; t prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. new york" markets. Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains I and connect at Salisbury with trains -of ! w. iN. . division. COTTON Open Hlfh Jan. . . 39 March 42 45 May :. 49 - . 49; . Low 26 32-35. Closed 26 32" 36, 155f Sugar 154? 155f. 152J ' - " CHICAGO WHEAT. Dec... 66 J. 67f 66f 67i May . 701 71 70. 71 fELKPHONE No; 71 FOUNDED ..1842 "'Sing Their Own Praise." 'Squire Pitts was called upon Under No Circumstances Can a Reality Saturday evening to marry a Be, Disputed; . couple. After the marriage the And it is a reality, that we make strictly couple took a bridal tour on the one enide. A large or small size, as steam "inerry-go-round." desired, but only one grade. ; Why buy an instrument because it is advertised Those who looked for the me- a. civpap? , Purchase an instrument that teors Tuesday night about 10 stands high in the estimation of yourv ii mnr.n tJ2 -u i Y fr end. and the Greatest Musicians all O clock were treated to the Sight oyer the world. A Piano ; with a pure of an unusually .pretty halo tone, delicate touch., etc. In -fact -a. around the moQm&i. least." : , : Piano with every improvement, that is - - " ' . bt-neficial to the wear; and ut one price ' ' Mr. EC Barnhardt has pur- nnSi'0;?'? chased the residence of Dr. JP save you the Middleman's Profit, and it -vr . , , is worth saving, too, t . . ' . . Gibson on North Mam street Old instruments ' taken in exchanged where Mr. Barnhar(tr has. i . fpr; Terms accommodating, Qataloguef or some' months been living." the asking. Some bargains in -squaro pianos. .'. .. ...ft ' Mr. H M "Rnrrnw's troiihlAS For ' months the Factory w& WarerooiiiK bmSxdbui . , : Charlotte, BT. C o . finicbol n.nH Vi liaft Co H. WHmoth, Mgr- M moved ,.mto' it." .-This; is one of the most beautiful homes m our ATwn I1! v.n 1 rt n pirn ii o on tt Vin4- I tVjVVXl. she purposesto .be here only this h week. ' 1 1 " ' . - ,;l 5 Antlclpatin " the Demand. 9 civ 36 -Inch Plaid Venetien only 15c. yd. Fancy Plaid Dress Groods only 71c. yd- 4:1 r Baltimore 91l. W Ml M w . . M NTlPPT r,no J?""I"cl,,r:'. are now o'er. 1 i'll KlUUUll Millions Given Away. 1 : J It is certainlyt gratviug to the nublio to know of one cancer in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suntTing The proprietors of )xt King's New Discovery for ConTJ sumption, - Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousand s . of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lunsrs are surely cured by. it. Call at Fetzer's Drug store and get a free trial bottle. Regular size GOc. and $1. Every bot e guaran or price refunded. r. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, Mr. W.'A. Hines 01 imanchester, la., writing of nis almost miraculous escape from - b!eath, says: 4 'Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent i hemorrhages and t. coughed night and day.. , All ,my: doqtors , said I must " soon die. Then I began to use Dr. ingi's New Discovery for Consump tion, which completely cured me; I would not be without it ven' if ,it 1 dost S5f00 a bottle. 4 Hundreds, have used, it on my recommendation and all 6ay it never.; fails to cure Throat, -Chest - and Lung tro.ubles.."' Eegular size 50c and $li.00 Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug storer :, -, '-y-:-L!- ' m w w m m m m 200 IOO BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth $1 to close out at 75c. . . . . . . . .......... BEAVER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur trimmed, worth 1.75. . Our price 1.25.. ... CHILDREN'S REEFERS worth 2.00 and $2.50. " Our price 1.75.. w LOOK H Probably We'll tfolose Him. Miss Kate Garrett, of Kings The Carolina Pythian Mountain, is. visiting at Mr. H has the following: "Rev. WC M Barrow's." : ;4 . ; , , ; Alexander, of Concord, has ac Mr. Sdndy Boslaia, who lives ceptod aajUto a. Prbsbylcrian on Young-Avenue, ' is in very bad church in Baltimore. We regret health'teajj;:;s -'; :;V.,i;h 'k lose soused a man frpm MrsRbb'inMrf Charlotte, thespf ;c u:'u Ja r- a the Carolina Pvthian will foUow Mrs. G' R P Miller. .IhiiL v: t Jchim to his new home" Alex' Hartselriseht . SundaU-o CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY and Monday at Misenhotoer Jfake Laxative Bpssap Qninine TaMeta springs. He is yet, very UttWeUr drnfoneUl Mn-V J-Hsom-bf'Rei ml 4 teblpt 'VI arrived here- Tiesdav!:niaBttjD T - '. V i ' - - - 'a. ma J3 I j 'Mot Miss Grace fisher iseltMiig !; CtllI1ll lWAFe. t.tj;h .4.,!. uuu'.niw.i.itD, :!! il !r Little t iVIlss Julia'aravi- i d Charlotte, who has been ill withM typhoid fever for more &an inalj' let us bake 'ybW Thariks giving ,feeAr$We; make you the best fruit cake .for cake atraoc- . ' v You tajoliaaces on getting a good cake if you give fl yj??t : v 4V Tk fS W.-rt- 'rl -'11 n o xi ecK, xne jnarioixeH y Optician, will be in Concord at the" k Concord Bakery Joe Fisher, Pro Just received a new lot of Plaids in Somerset and Venitian cloths. .Blue Venitian . cloth, Brown Covert cloth. Small Plaid wool ' goods in dress pat terns. No two alike. ,; Shoes IlShoes!! A full line . of, ladies' -Shoes in Button. and, aqe,., Pomj0Ur;rC -Empire Uome ana see us. , we wiirao our e,st tiqjpleaseyou anpricesi anft styles. ij-.': ONE LOT of Black Kersey Capes, tailor made, 135 p seewp braided plaited and, plain, worth 5.00 and 6.00. We are going to sell them at 3. 50 and 5. 00. j AN ATTEACTIVE line of Fur Capes and Crovats from $1.00 to $2.06 Chaper than can be bought. - " Laaies' Tailor Made Suits S5.00 to $6.00. 0 t':, infiiiiiiiti Full Line of Table liinen and Napkins. Can save you money. Cannon fe Felzer g . You're Losing Money gdod-is necessariiy high r'Blllto.Oto .08, Every time you buy a so-called , ' cheap" chair, or table, or couch -or anything'. Outward appear -ance'fion't count a wash of gold often covers brass a pretty look ing chair often covers hard lumps and lots of profanity. It doesn't ,1 V- ; pay to buy 4 'cheap" things, but -t r '1. . .'t i J ' .i i" ' -. . ' .; . J i . of urn V .V. It will be' a joy for you JtoslTburVnew brooches, me AjkUU. OCO O V 'a Jr w on UWJ vveanesaa7;com'.pue i; .i itiiiajlit 'PHONE 122... 3usted. Saiisiacnoh guaranteilt 1 , Jwo foreigners - with tKdifU r - fa Dears hQirK HcfMnyiVr 4-w "u,,- n 1 r 1 x Hor thetown didhbtcare ito' mm One niduddhiadt in eal cn amusenientffieffeUowshave, fid Ww--le.ft town. ; yhey' werV 'a ' soured houses anE lots on Buffalo street. ? truble oh' accpuht. of scaring .or terms applyto Worses.- . - ;v . ' - &i SCaldwell & Stickley. 'V uuu w j. --------- r' WANTED buy 100,00 burnt iron waniea. - .-, ; a!6tf' Concord Fousdbtvo, o (0 1 k "" ' .. mcnl Prompt attelitibnf given tO: the r . i . ' hum ill .ijiin - Mffl Table suplied'from'the-best-on the; market. " Polite . servants. featesiSllOO to $1.50 per ' day. Bpecialrates to regular boarders. 1 lHm 1A: HHBALL Manager. ? ! We are prepared give t the . people jihis .winter. t alter bargains than usual in all loidsof & ri!f r.,,. Heavy Fancy i it vt At wholesale and retail. It will pSjr ypu to see our'JLarga 5tock TInwaretWb6;dw r -Glassware, Hats,Etc; before buying. For Clover Seed, Se4d Rye, andRpckSaltgotoj G. W. Patterson's.

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