WW JOHN D, BARRIER and son, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IJi THE TIOKItlS 1IUII.I IKE STANDARD is published evry day (buiitlay excepted) and delivered by rief. Kates of Subscription : Oiie ye r... ........ .00' Sis i nii. . . .. ........ 200 Thr i inuiba ......... . 1.00 On- o! ............ --o Bin ' nv. 05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a oar-pago, eikt-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other .piper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made kuosvn on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Going to Judgment. Speaking about the stars fall ing tonight, an old citizen said thisx morning 4 'I recollect- dis tinctly 66 years ago last night vlien tlif3 stars fell." i : 1 The chickens crowed, the ne groes were wild and thousands American Fish in Paris, The Scientific American ap: I prises, Americans who attend the Paris Exposition next year, that restaurants and hotels will con tain oh the bills of fare the va rious choice varieties of Ameri can fish' fresh caught, and that it will "bo no sham' either. It comes about this way. The national fish commissioners have Concord, N. C, Nov 17. thought judgment day had come. An amusing incident in this con nection, he said, was that of an old woman who lived -on the lot. been exchanging stocks of fish to His family were looking out of the great advantage ,ox. .Europe, lor xmerican iioii ... sliuis. cinu thrive in the European .waters, and surpass in ; toothsomeness the native fish.1 ' America,' how even, has gained nothing by the window at the wonderful1 phe nomena when they spied the old woman coming through the' lot to the house. In answer,' to an inquiry as to where she was go- exchange." ing she replied: "I ' am coming to join tne iamuy to go to juog- ' Bryants Crime Murder. pient.'" une oi me most n luetic- james Brvarit whp killed Bur In Prearirig.fo Ma Need Some .-off. these Art Seles Bleacned Table Damask 52 Cotton 25c; " Linen, do. inches wide 47ic; do. 72 inches wide 85c ; ; Ooodl Assortfiniet of ToweSSo Cotton, unbleached, 5c; Bleached u to 12c: rLiiien 12jc? i CO J .' J I , Blah kets" 50c: per?' p'airu p to i -.,.;.. . i . .es9 Assorted, Mt n.M; w u.?, Home-Made Comforts .zd to i.i5U. SWEEPS GETTIXG C0STLY.I Brooms, we note from ex changes, are bounding up in -price. A fifteen, cent broom is bringing twenty-five cents . and the b ' ' rir brooms in proportion. It is said not to be due so much to war, trusts or the gold stand ard as to the fact that the crop of broom material was short and the price has gone from $60 to $200 a ton. This is calculated to hr: ag a smile to the broom corn rous leatures' was the tact that the old woman had:" a blanket in one hand and held a frying t pan 1 m the other. Times-visitor... . well Shouse in;Salem :two weeks ago has been found guilty of 10-4 Bleached Sheeting7 22 l-2o. per rta hs: '68c to - $2;50 per J Beilections of a Grass "widow. A wedding fee is not wholly wasted. It helps to support the preacher. 1 '' '' ' ". yard. pair. See our Irish point curtains" at, 2.50. -; Curtain materia s : , Scrim 5c; Muslins and'Swisses at 10 to 16c. Printed : ! 7 . , Silkolines 61 to 12b. . . , nounced at date of dispatch on Nide .ssortnien t Fancy Table ? Gover si Scarfs, Tidies, uusnions, uusmon wavers, ecc, in the second degree. His sentence had,not. been ; pro- Marion Butler has announced that he will take the stump Never throw a pair of old against the constitutional amend- shoes after a bride. Save them ment.- This statement takes no- and ?ive them to her ' She will one by surprise. Butler has Special in need them some day. , If you are faithful in sewing the buttons on your t husband's raisers, if it does make the. good trousers he wiU think you ought i,.frt no. o Tf. Vine to be able to make your own been, a question any how if it honnets. would not pay our farmers to Ifyou humbly ask your hus- f invo t,,, cuc v ' rai, o the crop and. our enter- band.for money you. spoil him. Ws wife for a y&u. ghe dig. I . I V A. lb j - i mj home. Let and wants to know if you think, -r. dv Ureorere, . ne is one oi tne Rothschilds. , : 4 in stamped, printed and worked patterns. , Embroidery Silks at i to 3c per skein. Zephyr 5c. per skein. never been on the rierht side of . I I nnPOnmtPn HPrmfln CihinP) anything, and' very few Supposed 1 Three sizes Plates and Sauce dishes at 60c. per set. he would be for the amendments. Decorated cake plates, salad bowls, berry sets, cups and saucers .Newton Hinterprise. and plates. KiHDS OF TOILET SOfiP AT 1 TO 8 GTS. PE Combs 5c. up. Hair Brushes 8c. up. TT?TT!-NrT, Mp.TCinlftv has sent , .n , j I If vour husband turns out to ra request tnrougn ijren. uus auu i . - . , . , A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, Mr. W.A. Hines .01 jnanchester la., .STITI TH -1 II II IKS. II II II II v. 5. OIKS. II II II j itn ef . fti y iiuuk uru. u?t? vyw at s.do. uneaper ones 98c up. Ladies vests 15c up. Drawers to match 18c up. . Men's Undershirts .18c up. Drawers 25c up. Nice lot" of hoods and caps for children. See our 10 cent line of hosiery. , , . n: be the man you thought he was writing of uis almost miraculous escape ne nas sent it mruugu iuo uues . .. , -.- . from deathJ About 500 Novek at 10 nftnt.q pqnh. J; ? iV 17 when you married him, and nev SSKn2T T " " ' . . r , , . ...i to Agmnaldo aslnng at Span- Xcer Cape be ash prisoners be treated hU- . & , ' .J freoaeiit" hemnmSifl -h enninn. Ant. lirA i , w- . j ten any oiner wiie auoub it; one Yt 7Jj J.- Iii j r t-? t xuxc ojlxj. wui xiuc inanely and Gen. Cronje held his . . , , mgm and day. All my doctors feaid II . ! :r v r fee two hours in a battle in front i7Tt-Z-, very respeciiuny, D. J. Bostian. rrhagfes 'and ccfuehed mupt soon die. Then 1 besran to use Dr. KiDer's New DiscoVjry fox Oonsump- of Lady smith to allow the Eng- . . . tion, which completely cured me. I i i si i i, ii i i i mi 11 i i ui in i i iinuu. uiiu i. i arrz lui M -1 aai i lj j j . i 3 c -jt .:4- j O Rnn nrn nnn c-w uunita. xxuuureuo xiave usea 11 mounded.. Such manifestations lJimtuu dUU BU1U dW'wuwh'ii my recommendation and all say it t -j-i folTrtff otv, nf two-cent stamps, enougn wnen never tails to cure rnroat, Chest and Of kindly feeling takeoff some Of . , Lung troubles." Regular size50o and the borrows of war and seem fto 6 " 91.00 Trial botUes free at FetzersDrug earth at tne en uator ana ro over otore est me pubdiuiiit.y ui cfcuuiioii- - , at nan-warv aruuuu imam. lvxuru v ' - . - I -x " ..... . . inff Star ? jne sona tram, containing ten QJ ciirrrr ing war. The New Bern ' The latest from Manila says the Third L Cavalry cattured twelve barrels containing the would: have us not say : wardrobe of Aguinaldo's wife on the 1 5th instant. It looks like getting too intimate with; a: fel lows "OldQiiilt." ' ' 1 Twinkle, twinkle little star, How: I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky: but say, :r-:v - - -':. cars of chickens passed through Journal Lexington Sunday en route North. Yesterday a car contain ing 1400 turkeys went through. Davidson Dispatch. I T If Von are not a subscriber to 1 The Standard noi la the .time to subscribe. I ' -5-! .... ' JL JUU UCtVU . UUUXUI- vW ecu A 4 you can make it Known thr ougn 8 The Standard. Resembling; a genl) coriiscent, carbonaceous'. ' The Southern j Messenger ser vice of Atlanta advertised to serve possessors 61 phones by waking tnemi Tip V ; Wednesday night to see the meteoric dis play, charging ten ents each, but the stars refuse to fulfil that is written - .concerning opnuoi uiarnis tuittj giu&. yivific He can imitate any bird, fowl, or Wonderingly contemplated by beast and make you think you men scientific, : j -tar surrounded by doers and: cats I Elevated and ipoised in ether ihting. Also he is a pro- - vrrt-u 1 f e-isional ' boxer, and pranks ! -Which he can perform very easily yet attempted by others they are found to require a muscle which but few contain. He may be seen : ; performing his wonderful pranks, tc., at Dr. J S Bryan's drug stbre any night from .8 to 12:30 p. m. Salisbury Index. which A New York lady who wanted them. to do something nice for a bachelor friand, presented him pytMans Take Notice! Tmlth. a beautiful amber-stemmed mmbersof Concord Lodge pipe, "which happened to be a No. 51 Knights of . Pythias are base celluloid fraud. 'The thincr requested to meet in Uastle Hall exploded while he was smoking "w LWhite C. C. at and tnat bacneior -iriend in dulged in. some explosive re marks, which would have greatly ly shocked the lady if she had .heard them. rEx. KO CURE. NO PA1 . That is the way all druggists sell '-Grove Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Materia. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children covert. Adults refer it to bitternau ieatins Tonics Price. 50o. Used By Brlttish Soldiers in Africa. v Oapt. C. Gi Dennison is well -known all over Africa as command of the force Scintillate, scintillate globule that captured the famous rebel Galishe. unaer aaie 01 ioy. 4. ibot, irom vry burg. Bechuanaland. ne writes: "Be fore starting on the last campain I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's J Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,' which I used myself when troubled: with bowel5oniplainlrv afijmad giveA to m' men, and in every "aM proved ' most beneficial." For sale by M. L1. Marsh & uo. . r. STA mm It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience ; in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured,, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. If is a grand, good medicine. Fortyr seven , twp-horse wa- gons arrived at r;the; depot this ! morning " loaded : with white acorns and; dried food fojr ship ment easshejjUle Citizen of v Vila t v . A lmfiHfJ?D L BLNDTXEK Will often canse' a horrible Burn; Fcald, Cut or iiruise. Buckleh'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cmrea Old bores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Fel- Pile cure on earty ; Only-25 cts--a box; uure guaranteed. ... - Store. Sold at "Petzer's Marion Butler: is against the amendments Another argument in favor of its ratification. Wes tern Sentinel. HE fOOLED THE aORGEONS. .- ... ( All doctors told Renick Hamilton, nf West Jefferson, O , after suffering 18 rtn -A X months from Rectal Fistula, he , would ? 14 ?! xn uuicosn uoBiiy operauoa was per-1 " Tho C4-m formed; but. he cured himself with five v "6 standard. boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the suresx irue '"urer on ii:artni and tne best 4-WHM44MMM&AJu Salve in thA Wnrlrl. -Off -romta o. Kr.-v frW Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. t t published every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door Vor only 10c . per week or 856 per i jitfOnthf . ., ... .... , , ; . .... v. fyw d other news that is ll interest to our reorders arid to make ty&pw better wt must have the vat- lo of thepeopfa I . ... .? ...... -.1 m .v t" Giye us a trial when you make your next order for Job Wo rk. Work ready.when promised. t :f t t If youant to buy anything ! mwm fx . 5 . Advertising rateal in J I The Standard $ made known on application. " ... v for sale by M. u. Marsh & Co. I

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