Afrriral of Trains. vhP following change of schedule toot Janel2,1809. " SOUTHBOUND. - . . ' v n s arrives at 5 52 a m, xr tt in, " i)f) 12 3 "84 7-09 p m, 8.51 p m, (flag) 9'4& rnv 11 (l 7 Ml 2.00 a m (lim. YtV SOUTHBOUND. ,: - -: y n, arrives at 8 41' a m; (Amr) ;. ; ; 44 11 28 i in, " 9.20 p-m, (flQi) " '7 10 R Dl 44 8 40 a m, (freight) No. VwhfHi rnTmingihead it iSo. 7, isilied if necessary for "lb rough travel flctnrli of harJjttrt, and is etopped for jrasitferi arriving from, Lynchburg befoiiii- (,,'alarlyvfpr pas'-'enirers for .Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro,- Reicbville, Oanyilfo and priricipal stations between DanvOl and Washington!..'; No. 37 8tops for' paa ecngers coming- from j ynchbnrsr or noir.ts beyond, and to . take on - ims. senders for. regular stopping places with of Ne tolls. - No. 38- (stonfi to let Missing ValisA si : i.: About a wAv , . . w ivrwii-, makkjuTS: nr.i.. "su mr. wade .: i-,oiuoiicord, N. C.. - cotton Walt "1U uiorn depot, passing T Upen msh : Low through the ' citr Hp lol ?n - 31 35 2 ' vali Ue ,eft his March 36 39 30 valine m the, waiting-room and May . . 40 44 - 35 : . " ' fle went; in to. secure' it. Sugar. 158- 153 J 155 CHICAGO WHEAT. 67-J :56-2- 70 J 71f Closed & 32 37 41 Dec! . May ; prior toboarding his traiii, it .was missing. ; He could not find u" C5me one had ; carried it off trough mistake. Officer ; Oack son, . of .the : city police . force. iKter "Mri'-Wrtlf - Monies from Dr. I). R. h-mm ?WashitI .T, He writes: d 1 the , vahse,.t but had not Ues of EI?ctric fitters has' 70 1 'J 7ii GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr -.oun C'irnrila, of 'lonr bot- not I V " 'winc-anierR nas cnred Mrs. c Ci 'UI -HOrOTn ft .. lihtnh h.w . Vi..,,.,1 Anticipating the DenVand w 0 36 -Inch PlaidiYenetieii onl7,15p, ydw x4 cliiu x-iciu juress .yrpqsQiiiy. YaC. ya 0 0 ! f i .' .0; 0 to close out at 75 BEAyER.CAPES, full sweep braided and fur r Cure ,1 fiOiririlfttrf nri -Viof Mr, Walter, Spartanburg "if or Kh exlcelleDfc- This shows that - I V'VrXV - g ' haveproved; that Ittne aiCl.4 s -;0 Bitter? isvthe best blood purifier-known .t r . ; ' T, 1 ' i 1 L " fill Mr. Nftrmnit !fili,ir uv.i - I tettfekrRalti nin-sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys IOO "i.5PeOPiarefflem. na Dowels, expels DoiaonB-.heln 'dia.A. ' . v a 1 ?ntl AuU' rtr :ysr fmm,l.J c- hflrvrM:: tidti. builds' h-n thRtrfv h:k W , '- wwuiowj. vui pnuo u..... i.,Q Drtth .,f Tvr.ii . - mwk3Ucw., .XQe I cents. . Sold Afc-.-TiW;i. n,. tfl5. : - , . ,u . nassenrers ior reermar stoonir n npC i ""."ww opuuioujue.- uim6 ' I . w vu.j.ijiwjjj o xvjjjjji'inxvw-wuiiu e-.vjj ttiiu V 1.1 .1 J3 . t " J -l i . . I I Uin TTT' T1A TTit -T-r-.r-! , ; I R'JJ ij.VJicuiiuis iravnuu.- , 2- . . iu . Ln.Gr'-' intPrccf. 'W I - XMVJai.-lU UUXilJN rjMrS.-- - I Nos. ,..-:aud ,34 stop" at Concord for tTTriioo rf-w t Thn. .w,nin r.:. ;J i.J u, .u W . :VS2.50. Our brice S1.75. division Charlotte to AiKmsfft-oh dav. tho 9Qt,w Af ' , .-iiace, rortii, and 'thinner a ill al ki " . ... . - -j iiu I j j "M ; IIII III p f H , . -. - - I otTr,V ! Carolina-Georgia ftm m' fer- ways bave: friends- but ; tfe, who' or Auirnsta. ' " - 0, - os. 7, 8, 11 and 12 and connect at Salisbury with trains of v. isi. Livi8ion. and all run down, she .will be M nervous and irritable. If she haB . 0 0 0. 0 f SLE PHONE iVvK' 71 T FOLDED...'... VM842 Fir& Froin Linseed Oil. mi. j. i . ... .... l I cnnoti not irk ti j-v. tri A . n-, . Ul I hi xiiu yieumsnip, jatria, burned "i vi..Cv uuuuIB, in the North Sea on Thursday hZ" . wni u8e .:piaipiefl, - . , , . . xlAUloUdj'y- blotches, skin eruptions and a me remarkable part is that the wretched "cb'njpWiou. - - Electric fire was from the spontaneous Bittern is the hest mrdicine in the W combustion of linseed oil. We regukte stomach, liver W rp.mpmhWr tr n;wo yonri aa; Sidneys and purity the bood. m AN ATTRACTIVE line of Fur Capes and . Cro vats from $1.00 to $2..06 Chaper than can be bought. 0 0 I 51 3 - that a ra. with whiV.h linsPArllri x". "" uw Ui wiv 11: -k k., ,J"r:7::: sootn, yeivet skin, rich com- s?. aFFiiu,. UIUUUOU mtO nlexion. Tt -will .k a trnn. WJ . w "" 1 snavmffs ' nr nth or nnrnVn-ictiKlr I tnnlrimv u..v.;.. I , I o " wuiwuuwwiw luuaiuj, Vfuniujiui' (WUIxlu Ul rti Sixg Their Own Praise." matter is liable to ignite and pro- ran down in valid. Ooly 50c. at P duce a fire. Eetzer's Drag Store. LOOK Under No Circumstances Can a Reality Be Disputed; And it is a reality that we make strictly Seemed Like Prophesy. one prade. A large or small size, as Major Logan said to a friend desired, hnt on v nno vMda WK-rr Vmn 4:7 - an instrument because it is advertised wei e accepted his commission as major to serve in the Philit)- friends and the Greatest Musicians all pines, cIf it ismy fortune to lose oyer the world. - A Piano with a pure my life in the war I hope it twill tone. dAlinfttn fnnnh fy Tn font a , vww. a-u a im i . . . - . , . .- , . : I X. xuillxo "lxl k3UxLlt!l &t5 L rlillll V till I IjirLll nmo with ever v improvement that, is D3 aii in ironD, Jeaamg my . . ' - beneficialto the wear; and at. one price troops." It 4 was fulfilled as 0thsBU HERE! g. 0 Just received a new lot of m Plaids in Somerset and Venitian jfj ai? Ladies' Tailor 'Made Suits 1 S5.00 to S6.00. f'4 - - Full Line of Table Linen ; and Napkins. Can save you money. Cannon fc Fetzer 0 0 0 0 0 0 within the reach of all, because we. save you the Middleman's Pro at, and it prophesy. is worth saving, too. Uid instruments taken in exchange. Terms accbmmodatmgr. Catalogue for Notice to I. 0. 0. F'S. iuo UHKiiiy. niimH nnrraiTin itt Rnnar i . - pianos. There will be a call meeting of Piano BXanafactarer, Cold Water Lodge JNo. 62 I. O. O. BalUmore Mil. xii QofT.1oTT viioVi4-'XT-tr iQiV of X1 . kjcuuux vxcvjr uiguvj xiuv. xuuxj, cut fc- Brown Coyert cloth. Small Plaid wool :goods in dress pat terns. iNo two alike. Shoes! Shoes!! .0 0 0 0: e 0 .0 0 .... : , - 1 i J j" White Enamel and Brass-Trimmed stead Bed- Oi cnas. M. stieef, t aClOry nil WarerOOE TrVi C 8 o'clock. Every member is re thrtriotte, c quested to be present. Wirt. Wilmotn, Mgr. ByorrofN.G, Haywood Dennis. Cotton is down to 7.40 today. Only a few bales were on the market. Secretary. Lovers of music will not -miss the oppoitunityVof hearing the H L Parks Co have a change program will be rendered. '. A full line of Ladies' Shoes in Button and lace. Pompadour ' Combs, Empire combs, -Ladies' pocket books. Conja and see us. We will do our best to please you injiprices X and styles. in their ad. today. Be sure to read it on first page. Fresh fish and oysters . tomor row morning. Earl Hartsell. Phone 41. ' ' Mr. Ed. Cook, of Spray, has; accepted a position in the beam ing room at the OdeU .miUsx Mr.,W E Anderson, of States ville, spent Thursday night here with his son, ;-. Mr. - McCree Anderson.- - : - jw5V; - - . , - : Mrs. S E Allen returned here Thursday mght from Winston to attend the bedside oi ner motnerr Mrs. Lnn:Link.. , ' .w -s;-'- Mr. L P'' Hudsneth,: of Rich- niond, Va. s arrived : here ; last night tv have a position in; the ueignx, ttepartment at tne t aeppii. J P Allison is over-stocked with apples and will sell cheaper tnan they can be brought here, until he can dispose of his stock nands. Mr. W G Means and Judge Montsromerv returned r. home Thursday night from Raleigh where they attended the Supreme , Alrs. Sam Caldwell, of, Meck- ienDurg county, and her father, iVlr- H M Pratt, of Erie, Pa., spent Thursday night here 'on their return to Mecklenburg u7 Pennsylvania. Mrs. Cald-11- was formerly Miss , Pratt, iaugnt school here a num Der of years ago. Gibson & Morrison Mme. Elrado will be pleased to read your palm today or tomor- St. Cloud Hotel. Day hours irom hn O"C HT 10 to 5; evening Irom 7 to 10. 1 1,1 bO- V You; can Find them at It will be a joy, for you 6?see buf Jnew; brooches, . The elosrant oolsters and :"win: dow cards of theBrehany:Comr nanv. now to be Seen in thecity, are a true index of the treat; that those attending mm emoy : Wednesday evcitjng . Tickets at 9.30. Saturday Drnmg.; ruw nieW, vyKj 'V,i hrfl rAcflivfid :pgramk inclumgx the gar fmlfi Qom andsee eyen if :you r coind spedS'scf dStfWdiase: ery; Seats on saie 6 TT Saturday t jGibon'sJva - ay i TO OIJEE AOOliUlKOiqS 1 nnVA TrA(i Broxno Oninine Tablets. All druggists reiuna money u w im w cure; 25o. Tne genum naa xi. n each tablet CORRELL ;i ir. l i. k vTCHB JEWELBK. Why v Not-' T AjJ CO YEARS' J rvppmrzNcri let us bake your Tlianks eiving cakes. We make you the best'f ruit cake' tor 35c per pound; pound . cake at 25c. ' You take no chances on ; getting a good cake if you ; give u 3 your order. Concord Bakery, Joe Fisher, Proprietor. : 'PHONE 122 A. X uJM3m I I X r4 Trade Marks 'rywiM Copyrights Ac. Anyone Bending a skatch and description may n.i.ifiv tumertain onr opinion free w nether an invention Is probably patentable. Communiea wmSStly confidential Handbook on Patenta ww fur -A a X. - a AAH . : it.i?Ji.M tM t ..... 1; Prnm n't -attention sriven, to thej d3 guests of thb - : Kimball-Hotel TahlA suoolied from the best on aiHAtlfltir HtllWiratl' - thft market. Polite servants. i-m.Mt0fl iriv- TATireBt it- I Rates: SI. 00 to SI. 50 rfree. Oldest agency for securing rpatents. Patents taken tnrongn jaunn rvuturv tD&ial notice without charge, in tne Mimir wniPriCtili:; ' the marKet. jroiue 0inou?ne?lorb 2SSSaiS-; ; Specialrates to regular boarders. 1UIIN M0!Sjm-; I Ml E1MALL. "ttDDUBr. iM&iicn us 0'.'r r fi25 F BU Washington, D.C. We 'are prepared to: :eive the people this winter better bargains than usual in all kinds of Heavy airad Fancy . 1 .QQroceries At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of I " "J. -; Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Crockery, f Hats, Etc. before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed Rye, andRockSalt go to G. W. Patterson's.