HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any cae of catarrh mas can not oy cured by Mall V Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., a4 Toledo, Ohio. i W rh undersigned, haye known F J Cheney for the last 15 yeaxp, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transacr lion's and financially able to carry ontRuj obligations made by their West & TryaXiV u Wholesale Druggists,, . ffr ' JLOieuO,A-fi Warning, Kinnan & Marvin, , Wholesale Druggists, '?' . r Toledo; o; ball's Catarrh teftfalb , acts bipod and ntjcoua evBtem. PricV 7i 8jiq, by all druggists Testimo utotip urn. . Papt. Hollis Dies In Manila. I THE NEWS IN WASHINGTON. A Washington dispatch of th6 ' r 15th, to the Atlanta Journal .The Chinese Question Agitating the says: f x , Minas or tne Diplomats The Presl- "A dispatch from Manila an- dent's Situation. i n ounces the death of Captain From our Regular Co-respondent ' TVTo n T3Wlli -G1,,,.4.U 5-. x 4.' Wa ROTWVPtW . f Thinn. mri. W i-IVy U1CU Ui VI Jf CLl ttJi JT 111 tllU IIOS- I . uuuiu tj.v guiu5 I West Point from Newman, Ga." At ther state department it is 1 f!flnt, TTnilic ic roia u J claimed that we are only looking: i i I for fair TJlav fnr Arrift-rifia.ri zicus ui uur wwn, Demg; a nepnew . , - nfMQ t? t products at the bands of foreign rrr, . , , . ' nations controilm Doris r m . , ne wriier Knew nun person h. . - w . v; . ally when a yoting man devel4- fw xn J ?n5 ltayT chM "wtoristics iput themselves oi record as bo- i before bis' appointment , to ;West li'viir fAvnt- nt :ka rVi ! . ?5or JP ou recentars IProminent ambhsr lm is Sena-M Tfc a n r i nil nnr n n n f I I 1 1 I I . V " I I I I I I I I 1 1 11 Mrs. Window' Soothhr Svrnn W Tain J01 :ulttir rr-rT-:HK JBn mmr'MfSt ' &ity years bv mii. jprodudts ::MeaWhU6V Nothing' 0 fhons of mothers for their oHilren definitA ir aWrfnunV A ' HPhii wmie teetmnsr. tnthDerfebt Aubc6 Tt1 sMth4d the child, softens the gums . Open door" has not yet SWlltigl the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will h I ; ' . , 0AA'h,a TaMSS'0 went to Canton I as is , v w wj. .uwwv vvuu i . -xe sure ana asK ior 'Mrs. Win- fnis usual custom; to vote. 1 JoJy 200 TONS HARD GOAt i - te so.Tirdna Split and Brte 'CaMfl --Bfes. SoSeSS im M nttOailtlM WH. -Sr mo.'' Since thnarf recent t . k. - j i. v term cvc vi w r u m.e . t u v b w r y ' 9oq Omnuoai,,wu and 89;.." ta'b about Ibe harmless nature of hat you want, 'Phone 74. fe. ..r . Wh of raU- ,try ts. tue f hone 74. ... I""JT wuiuu. orancn or raU- tvlAT.A v:i oad; 25 to 0 ' mUes lonE" into EH? aison, Duplin county. tanDine- ,r-- . , , ; ..? , 1 . I Tr 1 IJ.Tt TT I Ql I OTO O rl TT1 r , WW Winter is Cdffiin S t a t tti "nw twifft.- TiTtrerandhad better be thrown I mill nioTiinr nui . j . . j over. HAND THREE CARS OP IZZTtTi:, lbiitldani on thMS voouixj jjpciiu.agt5s, ne capac-l' 1 ; r . . . ity of the mill will inrtnQf M:nat president wilL accent lof lumber per day, employing the. inevitable. . There are many fdbout tnfee hundred hand's1 for nings 16 give color to this re- port, imHlmrnHmMiHiiiMllllHtlHtlWHmmillHlillW p-Mf -""P 8 M p ( Opiuml orphfed tar Jpssial. dbn5otir.5foxiiSjCti.D Worms jCoiroufejons ness TaSimHe Srgnatyrp of CXACT COPlTOF'WHAEEEir. ' For Infant s and Children. The Kind Vou Have Always Bought V y " - Bears the y- Ay Kind W You Have Always Bought. iiiBi THC CKNTAUB COWPtWT, NSW YORK cirTT. Jellico Coal And ti&ve ten morecar load6 on the waVl It li time for you to lay in a supply for ine winter, isn't it? I also have on uuxiu me Dest 01 aaciteoal. . s ; . $A. C. iickwldci( WestlpeDot St. at Store. Thone68. , f ' i mill p.nd railroad. ' Senator Hanna wa,s hnpirinw Millions Given; aWtV rfvOi bva. jL ," W-h-li . I It 18 CGrtafnlxr OTiitv?Ti frt k xt,i: I' '1 -r . . . " ... ' . f O- v HJO MUUUU I 'JTC' TlToyorotA f 'nv,n-,A T to Know of one cancer in the land who I . T - H Vom are not afraid tn Ha oAnAVAni : i I Tnissinno-r tA ' cnckSVT ' ni ig Senitof Cullomfhbr; mption, .Coughs and Colds, have secured the appointment' of ei- ' ODELL nmiuuii. using other than Edison Lamps, will be charged 50 per cent in add 1 ti nn tn nrocori : V - uoncora mmt Mi, ;r ;a 'PHONE ..... . . ; ; . v ZZ-Zz V "tu yne8i ana ljunsrs ua s inenas nave . been- turned axe surely cured by it. Call at Fetzer's ' rpC t , Drn? cifnvh . v . 77 I UOWll. The PrASlflonf Viae oTc. vJQ-fftd $1v E7ey lx- takein occasion1. speak"' warmly iime refunded. of Senator Foral. whof firk&g!it ana Day. ' everbbd ' lows; ".wasf&bzenf rmtmtt&t&z&M. out bv mWji; . -i'; J..f,l ..Vt'jf FINB Jones Offers the business public a re$blet pe Flaids; assurance of Honorable treatintS xi we can serve you auv time va wli fB0M M cleanliness. t i v . . - V!MLi, . .TO 0U8T0MBBS, - - . , - Z GSSS&SSS ltol flfl? tiwnlnf.- -s -i. ' . , ; An. nun. I away a cold In -tifif 'i slated as Senator 'Harina's suci cessor. The members blthedrpiomatid corps have; had ' a busv week. especially the representatives of uuwyuo an wxosieu m une N KFECtT J ULY THE 16TH.1899 :yThis. cqnnsq schedule is pub J Jlsned . as informatfon, and is sflbject tb Chatifce withohf to the, public ,f :, ; , M Trains loaro uonoord ir o.- 5.52 A. M. Nq 8, dailyL "for Bieh lift Nav-VavIt m ; 8;4SLX.JM.4- Ncv 83V4daily. 'Wash ington and Souttiwestem iS? f fla; Atlanta Bwnftlighain; toniphis. H6nt- ?ii 1'- rV"? wMi ewrieans, and hXZTTn u i ana ooutnwest; toough Pulhnan sleeper New York to w?r r leaicoach;: , between AVashinfftonand Atlanta . t Irif 10:66 A IW.-L.VA" Q -l:" , .inRton,f Richmond; ; Bale&h ?ahd aU 5 awato North. Carries Pullnmn dranff liSf'- Pulm tourist cars frpm Ban. a xIr o "-vneaus ana Boutn- W'Ciil V- ATOtSfiiV;-; - TSSS? ewriean and Sout c -H iv -iST0" Wt aaHyior Atlanta ?m6nd to Atlanta i t j t. ' i???7? ?5ds Chinese question! hVVtt-"Rvi fltuw ia itt)- i i - itttDrtauce emoassies 111 T D mirxi rjp,: -D.; J W2f 323? st. tiwiiisar mea wim instructions from livery. FTCRn avtv b a f v : u ififliin frrif r m :?rous the .t- " ' uLx,cjjJt ; 1 . v',- X f - ' :.: f -v,. . i;-vVvo- ju.t7-xo. daily, foi RiVh. . - r .VMid.,. ; haXidW1 ?SKt torn .Rich. . f,ft--V:? ?r&!Vttv L;iif -iilv, Washington Just in rear oi St. Cloud H6tl. Om. . Jlwmerifoavn h nt ' So .0ar 01S6 oiNoX nibnses meef .Sgtptoaiak- ttC&SvSJ ' IJepartmet.-Nfras. ttl?oufri s;i;vi v f Orleans to Ne York. carries'; . VWfl wUThfound at" O'B -Was- , Balm.iWith-.- socxesoSTl 'l.fA. - .f'dintiingi-c" Notice.toTax-Payers ons on West Debt;street.' . ' "Jw vBtoa&S&Z "-Y tiR f - "cre i , ' ,r. T : , .yfWIiears. .Wehayo tried v'V- vT: v'New, Orleans Tneeday ;-and Fn- yopra lorasmHave J. iT : LTMWJW& ; daily, the New ut5wu uxauuu m mv nanris'fm. r.y .""s . WH-Hasi; '.w- 2rr .sirvBaveitiafii : v " , " X" A:"uaJca:Dress. roquestod to como foWard e ! Tork;ahdttfto rn,v thftir tavAs'ftf rxnrto - i. r "terms applv to - I bottle and PT.ahrmA xif "t. . , S. Jv Ervin; - L f. valdwell & Stickxey. - ? Notice to th. Pn. WANTED-Tt buy , iOO.000 John P" Allison says hunterl pounda of: oldr caet-tron 8crap, de. are damaginhisjerbps-and he is livered at tbe foundry, at once,:frir compelled to forbid" the Public nhlch we will nay a fair price. No from huntinkmv Mi .UriA"ti.i? burnt Iron wante - . out a p&CT ?Siraiatt?gS! aietf. CokCobd BIqubdey Co. Vhis notice l be eSed eatsa tend c'oid8 I v v ' xeBuitm pneumonia. a. . between Augusta pa, FIa, and New Richmond. Car- m ranteee : ijottle df Chamberlain's . C6u Re ; : ; One WHO IS Tint cofioo fiii "-.Tw. rilllil ?KSS.J- ad Bate to tekf j L W. A. Turk, Gfenl. lasi; !Aent; .1 ' Washington", 1). 0. uowan Dasenbery, Iiocal;.? Agent. Concbrd.4N.O

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