PLY TAfJOfO JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IX THE MOKKIS BUIL'l4. 1HE STANDARD is published every uty voumuij excepted ana delivered by ries. Kates of Subscription : Une y Jdi . . hix in d r . . . . 00 Thre- months .......... 1.00 0'?i i..r, n ............ . 35 Sine p -o'm.v. 05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-pige, eiht-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otherpaper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates r . Terras for regular advertisements made &jiown on application. Address all communications to , THE STANDARD, L Concord, N. C Concord, N. C, Nov. 18. Situation in South Africa. What news we get from th e seat of var in South Africa indi cato that Ladvsmith, thoueh sur- rounded, is holding but satifac- j torily. . Tab , Boers dare not mako an assault on the city, and the English cannot drive off the Boers. Botfl use long-range heavy smns with fearful accuracy " - - j Gen. White is reported to have made another sortie,,in which he punished the Boers severely. It is said, tnat the Boer commander, Gen. Joubert was killed , on the 9th, but it is not confirmed. Indications are that reinforce ments will reach and Save Kim -berly. WILL NOT BE VACCINATED. Americus, Ga., has a goodly number of the persuasion called Christian scientists. Ordinarilv it is all right for people to be A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT; Mr. W.'A. Hines 6t xuaii Chester, la., writing of his almost nfiraculous escape from' death, says: 4Exposurd aft r measles induced serious - luhgr trouble, fent dorSh1 standing the insurance com Life Insurance and Suicide, v The decision of the United States Court of appeals that sui cide .does not invalidate a life in surance policy unless it can be proven that the insurer conterii- plated sucideat the time of tak ing out the policy, is sound sense s well as sound law. The lower courts have often held that the suicide clause is void because suicide is presum ably an insane act, and no man can; by any cdnt ract inake him self responsible for acts that he may commit when insane. Moreover, nearly, all the boli- .- . ...... cies m which suicide is made a: cause for refusal to pay were taken out long years ao, for the reason that of late years this pro- vision has not usually been in cluded in life insurance con tracts. On these policies of 60 L. j tin -r I vvoninn I- n fr. I . juave otjuu receiving pre wvv. j.uju ixicau ll list J. wvi-i. xvwviiliit; Til. TrinroMmT4.V- x tt - I '. ' ' ' 0 miums tor many years past. In would cot be even if it cost perhaps a majority of cases the ih is ail rierht tor neonlfi to Va a bottle. Hundreds Wa ukaI it . . .., liev, as they please, but at times! " such creeds run into conflict with funs: troubles.!' Ecgular size 50c and f., f n , , i the laws ner. fwtwL, If-00 Trial bottles free at'Fetzere Drug fe of the pohcy and m allcases .v;".-' c ; : v to a considerable part of the in- nity. Now the authorities want Uelief to the Uate City. do nnxty promised, To refuse the citizens to wm . .The holiness meeting which T lulura sncn cases merely natud. This these devotees re- has been conducted in a tent on Deausf' uner some mad im fuse to do. They will probably the of South Elm and P-thepohcy holder has com- suffei themselves to be impris- Lewis streets was brought to P, smcide. would be most oned or quarantined at their ?lpse last Sunday night. Revs. i, .' - , homes, but their religion seems cil and ?ypes,:. theevangelists ' ln,ia pointis now to admit of no snbmisslAn j Wbo conducted - the ritink ff6. and settled right. New HOWArs that. Vd viAi J. claim that abniit nrio . 1iiiIy.i rK orlct' - r.,r ai, ji-1 persons rrnfpsRA "hA r.4 lira Preparlegfor Coofereirnce You i. Need Some.- of 'these Articles : Bleacned Table Damask 52 Cotton' 25c; Linen, do inches wide 47Jc; do. 72 inches wide 85cl Qood Assortroeot off Towels., Cotton,- unbieached, 5c; Bleached up to 12c. ; tinea 12-l- Blankets 50c. per pair up to $1.25 Cokiniterpaie'es, Assorted, at $'tik to $n. ig : . ' Home-Made Comforts SI -i in nn ' O1 lU: Bleached Sheeting 22 l-2o.. per yard Lace Ourtains 68c. to $2.50 per pairi See our Irish poinf curtains at $2.;50. : Curtain materi a . uuukjvviowis aili xU LO J. DC. Mrintorl ; ; ' : Silkolines Oi to 12.?c. Nice Assortment Fancy Table Covers, Sorfo iicties, Oushions, Cushion Covers, etc., r. , in stamped, printed and worked patterns. Embroidery Silks Special in , . f Pnyr per skein. Undecorated German China , , - " uu toauuu uisnes at due ror SE Plates' Sa,ad bo-ls -ts, cups andPs 'Ofi.'.V - y-.' t-, ,vvo ym , xu ctJiiL ime.oi nosiery. bolit 500 INlbvls at 10 cents each. oiirline: u- Very respectfully, D;- Botran. Thft Nattc oni hwi.A- "which v uiuu vwoci VtJi UUieS I , th a t t K j' ' I tVl OAT V0 "-aouicwi matier .yjjfH's n soilness diseases of thVThV7V"'" o :o:"vubi. w"H:ff5i;posr J." ""r.."MWUU pxacjuers py -iw:tu at'Jjfetzdr! amuuuiijQ witmn tne last u exciuaeairom tfrens- Keular sizeloo T and il e " c year to 433,491 pounds for which boro in the future. Grednsboro tlearanteed oi price refund? r the- office collected 84,334.91. Patrio, ; " T1 ;,; .- J - u .. s. There are seventeen publicktic ! niZ. Tr : arSSSM in thecity, but the News , and Capt,0. Gem - vvmuwuv oeixuis out a v,u "MW'w vauu ui .ineiorcfl. reatinc thp flYr,! k.. l - - rn I " JY1? not a subscriber to t f t u I ,d ? " :-. 4 . Xlfyou have anything to sellf .We rnnh ..r Fmo A used myself hferi troubled with o.uffh. -It"&SV-S55. t The Stands rrf :S t --1- ;f " : I the sentiments of the News, and St wped most v T70? ; nowlsthe time to subscribe' I x $ Thi: CV. t Observer, but we envy it for the Icf01 For . Marsh '-T'TZTr .c:ji TheStandard. , Sr0 "-r t , AiiotherEditor 'Loose' :A JSWax w.. v ; . : ..u: ; xuuuuiitaoie.pusa and enternriso ' ,-v" ... - .. v I ---v-.y which keeps it in the lead in cir- T)r orfc;, culation of all North GarS lil Me. Jas. LHarrislwfe .Qu'cht . from ' Th abova' the Snriiia- Hnn Vl'J- .IVJiU thW.ycaV. bnt.n nt. Fas suggested Ofi. Sndfne.. a weMdy . Journal has . puUoi' fPm WS ' the Wilmington anaiWaMhrt road.- ;He;-haV tfU'g f - . - - ... . . ' - . ' 4 r v . i f - "f ' tepteilf and, deiir il v - "V ... aiuon to our excha .?U??e sea Jwrrible. . Burn caiat. viwrniw? BucklehV Arnica ;SaIve. th- best in the world, will kiU the uiupuyueai u. uures Old 'boce. j ver Sojes, Ulcers, Boils, Fel wul Corns,, aUJ?SUn Eruptions. Be$t -Pile euro t eartyf Onl 25 ctsa box ' gura grnarlnteei5 Sol at Fetzer's - 11 doctors told Benick Hamilton, of West J efferson, O ; after sufifenng 18 formed; bnt he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklens Arnica Salve, - the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best 'Saive in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold at Fetzers Drug Store. . . ! . w. JT w : T JX1UX1 I wen itfitmaineo. , ; 1 flOTy :TflIS? days; when it was the custbif tdii mar, cxn nnt ho a i n.m i rrpxv.? Tt . I JAt.flT'Vh.llnvA ...v, .. . . .. J,. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Prons.. xoieao,-omo TiiH there is Life Ther,., tfope,. WANTED Te. bay, I(X),0Q0 ounda of old cast-iron sera 0, de 4ivered nt the foundry at once, for vhich we vill pay a fair price. . to burnt iron wanted; dietf Concord Foukdey Co,' Tfe the Mdfl' u' -t was afflicted i -fcp.B.ivu. iin v n i ij . - ... i known F .F nhAnfA -i UUU1Q neitnei taste nor small Qr,A years! and biSSW 29 hearfittleMv reliable in aU busia itMaVcus tions and finanerallU Zl fe Mi-- - , out any obligatiorS th7?hVt J firm. y 61r and efect is surpsiriff, kv Wf m son says the first apnli 25-'" your next orer'f . Job- Work. ; WalHin fflntmn v" ' m; r V G ' - 1 ; v, : , r i 7 ..-aen promised. Tri;r " aoesndt1 irrit&r h,W su: .1 ,k TTfliVo nn .:?x?1fao'.u- sS5eents:,x . R.r"?'"" .vf taKen in- w brothers. 5fi Wo oIJ w thin ?y limnn o i- r- m.-. i . ... - uurciTTiypi x s1t- , Price 756. per bottle. -Mr A F ffaU77 The Standard. Spm by all drnggists FTe8timn: thi lJtse1 0 returned T - ; v U f The Standard 4s , - ILU! Li'v 4. on application.

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