Price: 4.00 per year. jilt: CALL ACCEPTED. Kev. y. IV Alexander to Leave Con cord To lie Pastor of Maryland Avenue Tresbyterlan Church. On Sunday morning Rev. W C Alexander made public his decision in regard to the call ex tended to him a short while ago from the Maryland Avenue Presbyterian church of Balti- more. After deliberation over the matter since he was there two weeks ago he has decided to accept the same and will take charge of the work in . his hew field about the first of next month. ,A congregational meet ing of this church will be held next Sunday. ambers of people, besides the members of his congregation will regret exceedingly to lose Rev. Alexander and family. He is a minister who is popular with his people as well as an able minis ter. - - A Good Day.- The special services at Can npnvilie Presbyterian church are still in progress, and yesterday witnessed a good day for its peo ple. Mr. Siler's sermons on Saturday night and Sunday night were pure, plain and powerful expositions of the plan of salva tion. Good congregations assembled and all entered heart ily into the services. At the morning meeting on Sunday the session welcomed seven new members, into the church on profession of their , faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The meet ing will be continued and Mr. Siler will preach this afternoon and tonight 4 and 8 o'clock respectfully. Read This. Miss Brehany was immensely popular and as soon as she appeared and sang there was a general reluctance to let her go. Mr. W Gallaume Sauvet, the pianist, was a favorite from the moment of his apparence. Kind liness and gentleness beamed from his face and his playing won everybody. He was greeted by a round of applause when he appeared to play his last concert number. . . Something now and extra ordinary for Detroit was offered V the young violin virtuoso, Miss Olga Schmoll, who electri fied the public, so to say, by her fruly artistic playing. Detroit free Press. ' Entirely new program. Tick etsnowon sale for Wednesday next. 'as Jcb a Pfeist? Madame iJlrado's hand read- mg is exciting no small degree of Merest and is proving to the comrrmity that palmistry is a scieru full 0f interest to the in estiu - - mind. Whether or t0t reerre(l to palmistry in e 37111 chapter and 7th verse is m so-clear as that the hand is adable ud that many, charac- life denoted in the hand. ) ":e'lsant words are as an y.ccmb, s-eot to the soul horlth- to the bones.-Bible. DWELLING BURNED. The New Home of J A Lankford Burned Completely Last Saturday Night-No Cause Known for the Fire Unless It was the Work cf Incendiary. Last Saturday night a short while before 9 o'clock numbers noticed a fire oyer in the direc tion of the Coleman cotton mill. Numbers of persons watched it before the alarm was erven i The alarm was needless u. was too far away for' the fire companies or others to reach in time to save anything. The dwelling belonged to J A - MfM AW Lankford, a colored man who is a machinist at the Coleman mill. It was a two-story building and had been finished Jbtft a short while. He was using one room in the building where he slept. The building was on the road leading to the Bala mill not very far from the Coleman mill. No cause is known for the fire unless it was the work of an in cendiary. The owner of the building didn't save anything from in the house and the build- ing burned completely. It Is a High Class Company. The Wilmington Star, speak ing of the Louise Brehany Company, which was there last week, says: "The entertainment was distinctively -a high class opera and ballad concert and not a selection on the programme went without a most hearty encore. Miss Brehany well sustained her deserved reputa tion. He's Calling for Taxes. In this issue Sheriff Peck , is calling for our tax-payers to please come forward at once and pay their taxes, as he will be compelled to meet his bills the last of the year and unless there is a big increase in collections he will be not able to do so. Read what he has to say in his ad. Trouble at the Flying Gallery. Last Saturday night there was a trial in the mayor's office of some trouble at the "merry-go-found" between a small white boy, and a negro woman. As a result the white boy was given a genuine whipping and the negro was con fined in jail over Sunday. His Uncle Dead. - Mr.. McCree Anderson, who handles the ticket department at the depot, left Sunday night for his home at Statesville. He was called by the death of his uncle, Mr. Morris P Anderson, who died Sunday afternoon. Con sumption was the cause of his He has been sick sometime. for.! . I Mt. Pleasant Has a Scare. Last Saturday the news was heralded about that there was a case of smallpox out at Mt. Pleasant. By that time the scare was past there as the ' ru mor had been investigated and amounted to nothing; - The vic tim of the supposed disease was a negro. CONCORD, N. C., MOFDAY, NOVEMBER THE FUTURE OF CUBA. Our Government Has a Heavy Responsi bility with Many Difficulties The question - of when the TTnU ciA j. i , , united States troops shall be JV ?- , "luuuitiwu iruin. jud& is ob- a o fmniu it -m . I sPent Saturday afternoon down trudmg itself m Washington I i : . , . . xru T ' ' , 5 4 at the washout, m order to view with more, persistence each sue-1 oe , J . w entertained m some quarters that ! aWt, n , President McKinleyintends soonin "ZTtK to recall tteu.Brooke, the mili tary governor, and place Gen. ttt j . . Wood m Charge Of the island as . " , civil governor under the control of the War :Der,artmt Th. visit nf tto T .L t UIUU XiUUlUVV l)J this country is supposed to be for the purpose pf allowing the .f resident and his advisers to as- certain their views of the situa- tion. To nnWWVii. uU Huwiviw i ciatmg iw vuua cannot be decided off hand. This country,' ; when it wrested the island from Spain and assumed j the guardianship of the Cubans until they are able to care for themselves, took upon itself a heavy responsibility having manv diffiltiPs. 4 1,,. will be before Cuba is capable of anything better 'than the opera bouffe style of self-government that is seen in Hayti, Santo Do - mingo, snd the small South and Central American republics no one can tell. America has made herself sponsor . for something better- than thtitT Eighty per cent, of the Cubans are utterly illiterate. The .establishment pf a school system will be slow and the effects of that system will be slower yet- The Cubans, as a people, have no conception of self-government such as exists in the United States. The Latin mind comprehends readily the conscience and self -restraint pf the ( Anglo-Saxon. ; It would seem that this nation must lead Cuba by the hand for some time to come. A great improvement . has al ready made in Cuba' .under States military control and the question now before the President is whether the time-' has arrived to supersede military authority with a civil form of authority. The country -has no doubt that his decision will be that of wis dom. Cleveland Leader. The Child Found Dead in Bed. The two-htonths-old child of Mr. Jason Furr, of No. 9 town snip, was found dead .u. . bed to day (Monday.) ( The little child was wfill nn Sundav afternoon and no cause is known for its)-; death unless it smothered. The remains will be interred after the preaching of the funeral at St. Martin's LutHeran church. - - - . - i The Trial Set for Thursday. The witnesses both for the ) witnesses both lor tne and for the defendants in) IkJ WWW uv the case of State vs. Edwards1 and Carr are notified to be in Salisbury Thursday . morning. The trial is set for that day. . W. G. Means, of counsel for State and P. B. Means counsel for deiendant. THAT THEOUBING HKADACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Lile Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proyed their matchless . . . . . T IT TT JI 1 merit for oick ana meirous neaaaaues. They made pure blood strong nerves I -A VTiiM Tin wwrrhpalth- "Flsv to tftlc. ! Try them. Only 2o cents, Money bacK t if not cured, at Fetzer's Lrug Store. - ; 20, 1899. I An Evidence of Their Guilt. The officers are still on the lookout for some negroes who took such an active part in the ACOljlva'i uvtu wwaras wmte Mail ioof tv m ; .last week and Deputy Townsend festival over towards White Hall money. One negro, Henry i u uxiiiBuxi, was arres , ; , A . Johnson, was arrested and . orougnt nere, but he was not LJL'' was not i ?he Piaster has saea ine railroad company some money by the festival. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR j CHILLS aild fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste- less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure: .rh.en. .whv experiment with worthless imitation&y Price 50 cents. Your back if it fails to cure. PEESONAL POINTERS. Mr. Joseph Jackson spent yesterday m Salisbury, J 1 7M. S McDuffie spent rday m Salisbury. Mr. Penick Quary spent yesterday in "Harrisburg. : '-Miss Margaret Cannon went ! over to Charlotte this morning. Mrs. Chas. Kimball and Miss Belie Eddleman, of China Grove, j sPent today here. -.Rev. J R Brooks, the -n siding elder, arrived here -this morning from Salisbury. Mr. Fletcher Smith, of. New York, spent yesterday here with his sister, Mrs. M L Brown. . Mrs. Ira Miller and children, of Albemarle, arrived here this afternoon to visit at Mr. Chas. A Dry's. Attorney M B Stickley went to Salisbury this morning to at tend curt there. He is inter ested XaX the Ed. Bpst case. OF on)e- ince AT u. It'S V:- Be Alee lii ' madei Meats Mi , , . . r r tou want to seQ oetore Oonference veek We have the largest stock of Furniture, Pictures, Stoves, Mirrors, Tables, etc. in town. Bell, Residence Phone... .90, Single copy 5 cexts, It will not be a surprise to any wha are at aU familiar with good qualities of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience iu the use c i that splendid medicine and in te'lin of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of phenmonia it has averted and of tne children it has saved from attacks of croup and wnoopicg cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co. This 'of nin We had a great rush Crowd after crowd come in, and to a great degree of satisfaction, found things just as represented. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock wwill put on sale another bar rel of good glass tumblers at 6a per set of six. They were s-n n'p ped up in a giffy this morning. A few of the $8.00 tea sets, beau tiful decorations, 56 pieces onlj $6.90 for Tuesday; $25.00 dinner sets, Tuesday only, for $18.75. Cups and saucers, cake plates, celeries, cracker jars, cream pitchers and 3 piece sets ; 1 moderately priced. The Bleached Tovets will be on sale one more day at 2c. Our Dress Goods' at 25 and 39 cents are attracting attention. You should see them. H ft M M iarris Yours to please, Harris & Co. Store 'Phone.

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