ArrlTftl of iraintl, The following change of schedule took .effect Juneia.-1899. .; NOHTHBQUND. j iNo. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, . ". MOOO.ata, 12 u p m, 3s v.;8;5fp.m, (flag) .2.00 a m (lieiuj t) SOUTH30UND. v0. 87 arrives at 8,49 am, (Hag) 11 " 44 11 23 a m, , , 7 " 44 8.51 p'm, ' i . 35 ' " " 9.20 p'm, (flag) - 61 " " 8-49a m, (fr ?:-. 35. when running ahead ot lo. 7, is flagged if necessary for through tray el south of tjiarlotte, and is stopped; r-tot. passengers arriving from Lynchburg' or beyond.'. No. ;8(J stops regularly for passengers .for! Salisbury, High, point, Greensboro, JVeidsville, Danville aud principal stations between Danville and Washington. Nb: stops for pas sengers coming . from iynchburg or points beyond, "and , to .take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 3S stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newell a'nd to take on passengers for regular stopping places,! Lynchburg or bevond. ; ? j NTos -oVi and M stop at Concord jfoi passengers to or from the C. C. fe A.' L'irisiori Charlotte to Augusta and other -'points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta. v b, Nos. 7, 8; 11 and12 are the Jocal trains and connects Salisbury-with trains "of W. N. v.. Division. 1 . A D Oowles bcad) Gen.. -A.J) Oowles died at ltesviUe at 1, o'clock a: m; last Satoday morning. He wag 4g years of age. . . . VP11- Gmvles timely death is a second stroko'fpr Stdtesville in quick feuccesslonVf .BeXoro the romaiasbfyoungMrJLo wore buriedthodath of Gen! Copies deepened the pall 6f:gdoin. ; Ho was: popular -dria bloved and imsscd over , :the state in : .Walter l1mk,;Spent 'Sunday at homer ; -He atWalter i Hopkins auteting'a.fruit and bandy stand ar Gold, Hill., y NEW -YORK ' MARKETS. , COTTON V ; , Open High Low Closed 1 A Jan, 35. 37 : 26 "27 March 39 42 31 32 May . . . 44 46 35 36 a Sugar 160 . 161 . 1591 160 ; ' CHICAGO WHEAT. : : iC Dec. .. 67i. 67 ; 66J- 63 May , . 71f 71f 71J ;71 - w rSo ? 4 -'CaDnon- returned home Saturday night. from Char h)cte after spending several' in It i - c cr. W C Correlirfe fixing his lotn South Main'., street pre paratory to; building his" house tit. .?t1 -la,st ? at-Rdck 7' ;ra";We 7 Wspn - college iootball team . - f ,QSer fnendcjJihbe. glad to mac ivxrs.-ovotepnens is 4 5SlNO THEIliQw.ERAISEi. Under No Circumstances Can a Reality Be uted: And it i a realitv'tat U-e'Tnalie "Strictl ne rade. A i large or small size, as desired, but only tmeffrade. - Why buy n mstrumenl becanso-Ut is Advertised aseWp?,;tu vtaiiJs high in the'-estimftHnn nf mm- tr ends ad.ilielGreatefit) MttsiMans all1 "'"i wwufvrMno wiiq: a pure tne, fdeIi(tt;tQu6ft,rteto. ,14 fact a, Piano with every irhpfoVement .that" Is beneficial to the wear: and at 5 ona-.-nrfaA within the, reach of vail, -because ;;;wh save you tne Middleman's Front, and . it is worth saying, too. ' ' . ' ' l" Old instruments taken, in change. Term s accommodating. fc Calalogxie f or the asking. Some bargains, in t square pianos. '! ' :,;" ' Piano UAnnfaetnrer r Baltimore JUd. Factory Brand ; tiESS C. n. Wilmoth, Mgr;.1:1 H L Parks & CotaiveXaV new ad. today. 7.. Craven Bros. are advertising carpets and rugs--see; ' i u- iMrs.- Bivens, of -Albemarle, is visiting at Mr. Ghas!- A. Dry's. ! Miss May Ivy; of New Lbiidon',; is visiting friends at Forest; Hills' Mrs. Yiola and two v children, of Raleigh, arrived here Sunday L M. SM 1 . . -' T Mrs. J L Peck i spent Sunday with her relatives m Noit7 town ship. ' . -r- s?. -- i - Mr. D P Dayvault spent. : Sun day at his father's : at 1 Barium ,her SQc6nUaclflfever,V liM- .I fQvriadi casesaarays ? were i: tried "at ' the "ma vorys "offi pa" thi r 1 The Louise Brehany company U.JLWW igh tonight. Mrs. Frank Mab'ery, of .M(cAdr svilie, is'' visiting at Mri J M Iaberj's at. Forest Hilh' - 0 u- f, ' ; .". Miss '''Jinn flonlr nf , 'Wnrntzt, tfill, spent Sunday in : SalisburV With rolnf-iNrc ' - Dr. H 0 Daniels who is ' at present practicing at-Gold Hill, spent Sunday .here.--- ? h'-y mohiingiTiThey itadded Vatlittlfe uiu' w ufiw Luwn xreasurv. t7Wssa-(3aii3tt re turned home from the State Normal. college on account of thft typhoid fever there. Miss-; Dora Guff ey, who has been5 - at - the 'bedside of her brother, has returneed to her home in Kowan county. Bishop; Joseph jKeyof Sher man, TqxU arrived" Here ; today ivj.uuuay:jLi,u laiwna' wie comer ence. He is the guest of Mr. M J Freeman. Miss Irma Kimmons returned home Sunday night from school at' the Greensboro State Normal. She wilVnot returtf tintil' the 2nd' day of January. ; It is hoped that -the new uni forms for our policemen will ar rive soon so that our town wilj. make astHHbettei"appea'riLnce to ; : Mr. Rhodes Guffey, of Salis bury, spent Sunday here at the bedside of hia roher,!Mri' Pay rtbii Guffey,;.wno j-is siok with tyfl phoid fever. Mr. Guffey's mother is at his bedside. ; Mrs. Ramseur, . of Charlotte and MrsxL ) Pujval,. pi jCarcK leen, have1 "returned v'td-"theirV homes after spending a week "here with their sister, Mrs. W G BoshamBr i ji ' i '" , !;Miss Lillie Nussman left Fri day nisrht for Clinton. Mo., on a visit. Mr. ITU 'Cress, of the county, also Friday for the same plaice 'last nighVSalisburySur Mrs. Laura Misenheimer, of TiAar Rim or. "GabarrttScountv. Jib has been visiting. at.Mr. W Saturday- -afternoons-Salisbury. bun. ; Move on! ' Brown, " saia the partner oi thecorner office, "you put thatife xxuLiue on ine wall, 'JNo loafiner.M m ana, tnere are now actuallv five b men:lounging directiyr under it. ; IjQ out and tell, them to move i --mmmmm ' I . .... if AntiapatiRg f 1 on. 'No,? responded Brown, . by : the way of a joke, "I. won't do- it. i ney are- beneath my no tice r' ; Masonic Notice.' :A There ? will be a special ; V Lodsre No. 32. A - F A' h l M. Monday night, Nov. 20, at 8 o'clock: ; , : 'R H Griffin, "j : Secretary. " jvjo iAwgocro ugliness. iThe woman who , is: loyely-m tace, ''form. and tern per 1 will al ways have, frjencls, but , otie, who iould . b'.V attractive ':must keep her- halttii ;If hjs;wak;8i6kiy, ati alt- run neryo'uB and irritable. If she has constipation f or Vlrtdneyf; trouble, impure blop wUhcanse piniples, blotches, skin eruDtions arid a I wretched cDmplexion.- u Electric f world tP regulate stomach, liver and -kidneys and purity the bpod. It gives strong rieryea; brrht1 eyes, smooth; vijflitf iiinj' tichQomr plexion. . Itl will make a e;ooH lookin Qharmjpjp ran down inyalidHDnly: 50c. at Fetzer's Drug Store.- ' ' it 1 r. Jas. Watson, of Salisburvl spent Sunday 'herer withL ; : his x, iul o. J JK OILlOOt. i r- Quint Smiths is-at i woi- J-hese days siirveyihg th& cofpo late limits of ourtown. DEZD jir. B C Griffin, whose home is "ear Monroe; 'has a-position as a cerk in Marsh's drustbre. - Judge Montgomery has gone to ,LK county to attend court. .He s GlnPloyed to defend a negro' in uiuyr case. - -i . Iq the Payees or Cjlbjlrkus Ctotsjf if : V- Carolina .Bays" that thaVsheriff shall Tset-, tlelthe schoorta!t6r hirf ;cbunty 6h;br beforeDebemVier S 1st. of each vpar &nA thd law' also says ""that i the 'sheriff' Sliail setue uie oiai laxes Dy me nrst Jay ot Now in order to do this I will have to collect aBout $2,000 J)etween-ithi&':Bnd th0 31st of December,1; 1 'rhisis no idle talk bnt it is solid facts that are looking ns sjiuarelin, . the : face. -y Some j.are coming in and; settling , np but if you hafen't ipaid your tai this is' 16 Hell you that you must do so at nce.; ; I have to visit you it will'be at your expense! so please., attend to. it at ohoe : and save COSt. . '- : Verv resoectf ullv.' t , v!i J;L; Eegk, Sheriff.1' l i - i i . I ,1. , i t . 1 mmm let us bake your Thanks giving, cakes. , .We make you the oest fruit cake for 3c iSperf poiind; - pound cake at 25c. You chances on getting a good cake if you give u your order. Joe FisheiJprietor 'PHONE 122 .'..1 Both of these occasions4' call for carvers and we have just What jrbu;need. Ceanlppk; at xnem. w V fttTTQJ J LOOK B ERE r-. . i ircures bvllood's Sarsaparilla, be- causc n masres pup-, si' fife axid .heaiih-(fvinjir. QLOO- ' I :Jit,;'''rejfeivj3d. vaf new riot-Jof PlaidsinfeomersetT- and, fVehitian! cloths. BlueiVenitian cloth, RrOwn Covert" cloth; Small Plai wool gpods in -t dress; pat terhsLNo,two alike. : . ' . T phoes ' ihoes ! ! ; .: i Ai f nll lWe: Of Iiadies' ; :Sho3S pur best $p please and styles. ' ' i ;; ; Gibson & Morrison 36-Incli Plaid Venetien: only 15c. yd.' Fanc7. Plaid Dress Goods only 750. ycl- lil: BEAVER d APES, far trimnied, worth 1 to close out at 75c. ............. .. .. .. tt BEAVER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur f0 c" trimmed worth' $1.75. "Our price 1 $1,25. w CHILDREN REEFERS worth $2 CO and ' S2.50. -Our-price 1.75. . . . . .... . . v . ; W ONE LOT:ofBlaCk,Kersey Qapes, tailor male, 135 in seewp bra ided'plaited1 and plain, worth $5.00 and $6.00. We afe going to sell them at '$3. 50 and $5.00. Ktt AN AT51R AQTIE lineotFur Capes and , Cravats from r- .i. t PQ-to $2,08 Ohaper, than, can be bought : Ladies'; Tailor. Suits i ' $5.00-to S6.00. 1 t . t . .KcWNXfo wsxxrvT ivwycvrx, wrwfww vfsvowN.wN wwiiiwiwwwwii . I Eull ijine 01 aoie ianen. ahd .11 Can save you money. Canttdft t .'4 f. Fetzer l'! ave you seen our NdWjStQckpf, : h - I'll uHiirn 4 and take a look at our'iBed dRobmi; Furniture, Parlor ; Tables , and Side Boards; jWe think we can pleasWyouiets try. L; I ; : 'f;U;;n;-;-LlD 4 - ' t;-- fct' :j-z,v i a iwuizYi i'L ,"4- ertfiiiii -Drfx iniO' oi 5l;Also; TJndert akers. -.if i r ... : ssr i r ' 0 to m'vfi ' the beorjle this winter better bargains than usual in all Heavy aed ' -1 1L-!" !.Tx'';v son :; v--- At wholesale and retail.? It will pay you to see ourLarge ' Stock OI- I -" :... .,.it"-'' ' Pompadour Gombs; mpireT combliaiespbckeiv boo Come anu see us. we . win ao you inj.prices oetore ouying. .r urwaou, .v. - - 1 Seed e, and RockSalt go to c G. W. Patterson's. Prompt attention given to the vi ; guests of the .; KambaSI Motel. Table supplied, from the best, on the market. Polite servants. Rates: $1:00 to$l,50 per day. Special rates to regular boarders. . fc E A. HHBALL Manager. Grip makes one slckd, weary and restlesa Miles Restorative Nervine tcfas resV

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