-',- Of i 5V Ayr vViu -m 1 r Ji . . V 'T ! 3 -4 -II I V 1 I 1 1 4 I I V f . 1 I Pkice: '64.00 per year. J TO BEGIN TOMORROW, jhe vrestnr North Carolina Conference jlcgiiislis .Session Tomorrow Morn- lV The Annual '.Historical Society to IIoM Its Heeling? Tonight. Monday evening the ministers - began to arrive for the meeting of the Methodist conference of Western North Carolina and each train brings still more. Concord has thrown open -R-ide its doors and homes are waiting for them. Already it is estimated that at least one hun dred and lifty have arrived and tonight there will be , an immense crowd ci them. Tonight at Central M. E. church the Historical Society of tins con fcronce-will hold its an nual meeting. Fev. PaulJ. Car roway, presiding elder of the Winston district, wilL deliver an address bofcre the society. Rev. J. D. Arnold, of Forest Hill Church, will also deliver an address on the ' 'Methodism of Concord." All are cordially in vited to attend the meetings of the conference. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the conference will open and be ia work. All of the ministers rre expected to be here by that time'. Announcements as to the program in the future willv be announced tomorrow. A Fine I;injo Performer. Mr. W D Raymond, who for some time has-been on the stage with a company, spent Monday night here. His .company was compelled to disband and he is on his return to N e w York. Ho is the finest performer on the banjo that lias ever been in Con cord. On this instrument, which is an excellent one, he makes some of the most beautiful tones one has ever heard on any in strument. - : - Suffers An Attack of Heart Disease, Mr. R H Griffln, who clerks at Allison's stpre, was seized with a severe attack of heart disease to day. It was some time before he could bo taken home. He is resting very well this . afternoon., Vice-President Hobart Dead. A telegram was received today (Tuesday) at 9 :30 dispatching the sad, but not unexpected news, that Vice-President Hobart is dead. The world knew that the United States Senate must lose rts popular, (presiding officer as cancer of -j the stomach had barked the beginning to the end. I , - It has been but a flickering of the lamp of life .by which slight impiovementhas been reported fr some days and weeks past. The An a. lean nation mourns lder this providential stroke. 1 Has a Bonanza.-, Va:1. . oi o Messenger; Capt. A1 A Ki. -m', -,vho has finished rveyjng t;le lands comprising r' Anscin State farm, reports , c L no has discovered thereon, lr: nil1:., -j -t . . ""aiiJ-a .-. Quantities.-- an ilGiit grade of roofing slate: thisbo true, and we -have no -'Orito Houht it, it may be ;iut u; State has come into iv' oj! ? v" "itable bonanza, u U1G Piuchace of this farm. jus was silent. RoR Richardson Taken to the Scene of the Crime But His Attorney Does Kot Allow Him to Answer Questions Put tolling By an order from Judge Rob inson, Robt. Richardson, who since the killing of Policeman Kerns has been in jail here, and who since the preliminary trial has been held as a witness was taken from jail today (Tuesday) by Sheriff Peck to the place on West Depot street where Mr. Kerns was killed. As there was a great difference in opinion as to the case, Rich ardson's attorney, Mr. Luther Hartsell, and also Mr. W G Means, who is an attorney for the State would not allow Rich ardson to answer any questions, more than as to the place where the affair occurred. Measure ments were taken as to the .posi tions apart of the different parties at the time of. the killing of MrT Kerns. CannonYille Presbyterians. For ten days , the protracted meeting at Cannonville has been in progress and the blessing of God has attended the efforts of His people. The meeting is now drawing to a close. Mr. Siler will preach again this evening at 4 o'clock and tonight at 8 o'clock and Rev. W O Alexander will preach the closing sermon of the meeting tomorrow night. Last night the congregation was small but attentive and enjoyed greatly Mr. Siler 's sermons. Everybody is cordially invited to be present tonight and to morrow night for the closing services. Pastor. The Whole Gang Has Skipped. That was an unfortunate trip Deputy Sheriff Townsend made down to the washout last Satur day afternoon when the negroes were being paid for their services. Quite a number have failed to come for their money and the others have left. Out of a gang of forty -five only two have stayed at their work. There's Actiyity In the Philippines. Operations in the Philippines seem to be brisk beyound con ception in view of the terrible hindrance. Rains keep the streams swollen and the roads impassable for wagons and yet our troops sweep on, the cav alry dashing upon towns and villages capturing subsistence and the infantry holding it. While Aguinaldo has probably escaped it is believed that most of his army are inside of our lines. Many of these will hide their guns, doff their war goods and play friendly. ' ' It is different with our lack of compl ete maps to understand the movements but our troops are j certainly, not waiting for the approaching dry weather but are proceeding on the idea that the rain and mud retard the re treater as much as the pursuer. a totPtTTTFOL blndueb Will often cause a horrible Burn, 1 1 n..L -n,-; 'Rn'klpTva Arnica Bucklen's Arnica -TA xttiMI 1HT1 thfi Salve, the best in the world, will kill the aive, me Desi m iuo ' r 4i-o-voi it. Cures Ulcl rnptr Sore bores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, lel- , "n airin Emnhons. Uest UUb. KJVi ua, mix --r-- - illX "r ; orfv fin v CIS. a uu.. Cure guaranteed. Sold Store. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1899. SPECIAL VENIRE DRAWN. The Trial of Edwards and Carr Eised for Thursday Ed. Bost's Case Triei To Pay the Damages. The Salisbury, correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says: 4The November term of up me ureensooro JNor Rowan Superior Court convened mal llege. Miss Abbie Dean, Monday morning, Judge ! of Wilsou and Miss Daisy Cald Robinson on the bench. A'-lame!we11' of Davidson College, have part of the morning was con-, died. There are now four pre sumed in drawing a special Ve-1 nounced cases, while there are nire of 75 for the trial of Will J f orty-eight sick in the institution Edwards and Tom Carr, the two j with much fear that a large per negroes charged with the murderment, will develop the disease of Policeman Kerns, in Concord, rhe young ladies not sick are of the case having, been moved to!course all gone home and the this county upon,proper affidavit ' greatest scientiflc research will m behalf of F,lards, It was : be exercisedto find the cause, pointed out by Messrs. John S It throws a goom ovor the Henderson and A H Price, community. - Every effort is be appomted ,to represent Carr, ing made by the citizens to render that he had never made the aid and comfortto the patients. necessary affidavit, but the court t - . found, as a matter of fact, that PEESONAL POINTERS. he had adopted .that of Edwards and was bound by it. Messrs. V TMr- Zob.Meore, of Charlotte, PB Means of Concord, and Lee ,:i h(!ro today S Overman represent Edwards. 1 Rev. N I Bakke came over Col. Means moved for a severance from Charlotto last night. of the codefendants, stating that! Miss Blanche McAllister and Edwards' line of defence was ' Mrs. D H Corzine, of Mt. Pleas incompatible with that of Carr, ant sPent today here shopping. who had done the actual shoot ; w insr. as he would heahlrf tn nrnvp This was refused by the court, i tend the conference. He will be The case has been set for trial ; the guest of Mr' W R 0delL Thursday. Solicitor Rush will j Mr. McCree Anderson re be assisted in the prosecution by turned this morning from States Mr. W' G MeaSsy" of Concord. ; ville after attending the funeral This will be the first of the three murder cases on the docket of this court to be tried. All the defendants are negroes.' EdBost, the participant in the fracus at Concordia church, near Enochville, last spring, who did most damage, splitting a man's skull so Jbadly that for a while he was expected to die, pleaded guilty of a simple assault and judgment was suspended until the November, 1900, term of the court, upon condition of his giv ing a $200 bond do pay the in jured man's doctor bill and the costs of the action before the court. ' ' A Shifting Engine Here. , The Southern Railway Co. is now beginning to realize each day the volume of business don here at their station, more espe cially in the freight department. It has now become necessarv to place a shifting engine here in order to ulace the cr z ' 1 z different parts4 of the vyo ids. The shifting ocars delays the local freight - train for hours each day. The placing of the shifting engine here is only temporary, but probably the plan will be made permanent. . ' . m For ow.wiirr Tears Mrs. Winslow's' Soothicjjc Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lisvno nf mnihfirn for their fthildreu I liUUU V " " rwhile teething, with perfect success. It nnn hfis thfi child, soitens me erums. allav's-all pain, enrep ind cob'c, rid j the best remecty ior jLiarmoen, xtrm relieve the' iwor little niiercr mimedi - atelv. Sold bv drugreists m every part of the world. Twenty-five , cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup' and, take no other kind Notice to the Public: John P Allison says hunters are damaging his crops and he is compelled to forbid the ..public from hunting on his ands with out a written permit from him. This notice will be enforced. I GREENSBORO NORMAL CLOSED. Two Deaths From Typhoid Ferer -Forty-S Eight Sick and the Others Gone Home. - The typhoid " fever. . epidemic has uite for the time being, Dr. J C Kilgo, of Trinty col- . uti j - xxiijU) jx j-ixj-iuy vwi lesre. will arrive tonifrht tn at , OI. ms uncle- Miss Nannie Archibald is ex pected home tonight from Dunn where she has been spending several weeks. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. Thegenuin has L. BrQ. n each tablet line OF iHomemadel V ' ' Jt. MincMeats4 AT i J. it's ' : : Afe Iras Bell, Harris You want to see before Conference week. j.- .--. - - - 1 Q flaV S Giie . w . . w v . furniture, Pictures, Stoves, in town. Beii, Harris & Co. Residence Phone . . . . 90. Store 'Phone . . . . J 9. Single copy 5 cents. j It will not be a surprise to any -who are at all familiar with crr,r,il nnoii't;00 Chamberlains Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take r? ensure in reJating tbir experience in..the use cf that splendid medicine acd in v ,; of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds : it has enred, of threatened attacks of phenmonia it hfai averted and of the children it ba3 saved from attacks of cronp and "wf "Jopitig congh. It is a grand, good medicine" For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co. cunro Orsif0. its. UfiULO. FOR MEN: Im S3.50. $2.50 AND $3.00 AED $3.50.- $ $2.50 and $3.00 and $.50. $ ' The bR;st in the world for the money. The Proper winter shoe in light-weight or heavy-weight and all sizes. H. L PARKS mTfZG& b L OCK OI O v - v a Tables, etc. IS. $2.50 ft GO. Yours to please,