MISS TT.rriZn tt . : " The following change of schedule took NORTHBOUND. . ' j Mra. . T r rr i . :.."-" . i . COTTON No. 8 arrives at '5 52l a m, 36 M "1000am, . H 12 7-00 pm, . 3 " 44 8.51 p m, (flag) 34 " . ,,'i0.4 tm. Moridav TeIr.eihome' Open . Hleh Low chaJi' . if6 sne sjent. several days. ' March - 34 31 .? JW Arrival of Trains , - - . , j , . . - ...... . - . . , Anticipating 1! n Mar i&y 159f 155f 156f W vthA1 Hi 7 ' W x " - - - - - - , - - vs it passengers 4o r or from the C. O. l;ivision--Ohriotto to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia "ui i"uuo) icttoueu inrougn uorambia or aususw. h .i-itf ,v Nos. 7. 8. 11 and 12r th j.j!L and connect at Salisbury with trainav M W. a;.' Division. ! ' FOUNDED 3V Sixg Their Own Praise." Under No Circumstances Can a Reality e Disputed: And it is a realitv that one grde. A Jarpre or small size, as ucoireu, ui oniyone grade. ' Why buy an instrument because it is advertised aselap? PWchasiBi instrument that Piands- mgh in ifthei estimfttibn of your f- nd and the Greatest Musicians all 'Ver the orldAtPiano" with'a'riure utJiiraie toticnc.ieMj. In fact a rlinO with evflrc im nrnroTnon f beneficial to the wear; and at one price witum the reach of all, because " we ayeyon the Middleman's Profit and it ui lu Buying, too. . 7 ? 1 Old mfitrnmontfl' fo'lran in lerm s accommodating.. Catalogue for tae asking. Some bargains in square 0a M. Stieef, Piano MannfAAfnr. Haltlmore Jtll. ty Branch farerooraiiM Co HWIlmbtlhio Mgrl ; Tote change in Craven . Bros, ad. pTho cotton market is off. The .best is bringing 7.40. 1 Miss Ella Graham, of Rowan county, is visiting Miss Annie wkhead. 7 ' " ': ' 4 . - ... '..-. ii:. . i Mr. Jas. P Cook left Monday nigt for New York on a busi ness trip.;. ' . : : -.j,:X GOOD RICH CREAM every Jjorning and evening this week. ? L- - Riviera Dairy. '1 Leave your orders for Oysters or Thanksgiving at Boger's Restaurant. ' .' - ' - i ' i Fresh Fish and Oysters every this week. Thone 41... EAiElL PARTELL; i r . Miss Bessie LitkeVJ&acto'ryf visilln Mr. and Mrs: R: K; , Harry Fryling returned larie - where she spent several pi. and Mrs. F A Coble, of the postal Telegraph Co.. spent iKlay Wit.h Mr. and Mrs. J, A Sachem. ; ; ., : : ' ' Abram Paul, who has been hlklllg for Mr.;S. i M Gaskeh severed his connection with nat Position. ?ice esh, Select Oys&s av ,7 By tne quart or any ayyou want them. . -7 ' J P A ik . i than Sples and will sell- cheaper iim !hey can be brought hv Mth n is over-stocnea on bAascan disPose of his stock SOUTHBOUND. . ;7 k0. 37 arrives at 8.49 a ai, (flag) A 11 " "1123am,. . , u 7 " B.fil p,m, : 1 35 14 .20p'm, (flag) 33 " 44 719 am, 61 " 44 8-49 a m; (freight) No. 35. when running: ahead of Nb. V" '.jsflagsed if necessary for through travel fioutU of . harlotte, and is stopped rfqr passengers arrivingfromi Lynchburg-or beyond.---. No.' 30 Stops regularly for passengers' -for Salisbury, High Point Greensboro,: ReidsvilleV Danville; ' and' principal statibns between Danville and Washington, v No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming-from e J ynchburg or points beyond, and td take on pas sengers for regular stopping places son t a of Newclls. No. 88 stops to let off passengers f ronr regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places Lynchburg or beyond. Nos.' J3 "and 34 utn Mrs! h n wniu'- , i t Mv; Q thi fornierly of this ! "nlaruv K,i Ju - .v.. V. a . y? 4 r v M v ; - w o js no w a ern stiftnt. t"hia xj ut" . beerj attending school i" at. tlie otate, Normal. hasrAtnrn.ir ori.;account of . .the. typhoid fever Miss Emma, flnhia n;i, ' of.Mr. C M Cohl tne graded sob nni i , "t - - 1 fli.cuuium i nome. fro m schoril nt vn. 7 CorlX olMfbuhas under! BPrance, ,,He , Jiaftit ence-comers to.see it, - i iey. U LrT-Fisher- ratnrn . . Messrs. Brite and" Dees iSd Sheriff Dunn, of New York, who have been here on a bird-huntinft night iw1, ki :i: Rev. J S' Dunn has gone to Stanly county where he attends tne Methodist Protestant confer ence at i Friendship church this week. ' ' Mrs. J F Smoot and Mrs. T A Smoot, of Salisbury, accom pained their husbands, here to attend conferefice I: They are stopping. at Dr; J E Smbot's. " Miss Laura Wheeler, of Wil mington, who has been spending a while with her brother, Mr. Rbbt. Wheeler, has returned nome. ' Dr. W H Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C. will be in Concord at St. Cloud on Fridays Dec. 15th one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 7 - .7 7v ; J s . Jk ' ' I v. ... . " . t Mr. Wilson DeArmond, of Charlotte, committed suicide Monday morning by shooting hirnsplf with a, -nistol. "FTA-Wns: a. father of Mr. Eugene DeArmond, who fnrmftrlv ramft hpm Aa.p.h day for the Wads worth Transfer wilJ be rendered by tlie Brehany Uompany tomorrow evening mental, , of' Jha-' very highest not' miss this opportunity of a life. time. New songs7new scenes and hew faces. ' I 7' ill., xj. axaxeiJL vju. guaiauraco cijf edy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after rising two- remedy irr4 the rotld'olorIa grippe, cough's, Scolds, erdup arid fx whooping WUfU UJiU AO j;igaoaui auu oai iimhv 1 1 prevents any tendency- Of ia- cold to XCDlUIllXX pUCUlUUXlXCk. ? . 1 1 ... let us bake your Thanks giving cakes. We make ; ' ydu the best "fruitcake for 35c per pound; pound cake at 25c. " ' ' 1 You take no chances on ' i getting a good cake if you give u 3 your order. Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher.,' Proprietor. 1 'PHONE 122 , - to Charlotte Wbha.ni. Hejl 7 r r -- r&Xxw&r. futijeran TrrortTV-NrK-fi-' ' t : n .TT I r TI 1 T T yv iniy li on . ; CHICAGO WHEAT. Uec... 66J ; 67i 66f f 67 J- r0f 711- iay. 71 71J , 70 The Trial Set for Thursday tnesses '''oth.: forvthe ate and for the dofoT.rfofo ; and carr -ate notified tb be ii Salisbury Thnrs.1 The trial is set for that day. , 7 ;. .: w: "g;mm for State and P. B. Means v u.oxcuuaui. i HE POOLE D THE a CTBGEONS. All dnnf nia f rlA TfzL-C : trl' ;u L" I told Renici Hamilton, months from Rectal FiatnU. hA wnn 1 A . wt cuof buu, ii , alter RnffrtrtTio' ti vvotiij upemuou was per- formed; but he wed himself mth Ttive boxea of Bucklea's Arnica Ralve. the aie unless a costlv ' r jKarrir, ana me Dest aivo m me world, 35 ce oold at Fetzer's Drug Store. , . .. . 1 K0. RIG HT. TO UGLINESS. - ( The woman .-who . i .-1 tape, .Jpvm- and ,nmiier ill al ways have friends, but one r u lr -. u rafju ve ! must keen hehealth: :if she-is eaksickly, and ail run-down : Uni J , . 7. "x" MW constipation or kidney trouble, imbtire hlnnrl will nana lmnnrfl nmnn Tin i i anc,n -z. 1 blotches; skin eruptions and a wretched" cbrnplexioD. Electric vuuu tu reujue stomacn, liyer and kidneys and purity : the boodi lt ficives Rtropg nerves, bright eyes, luuKing, cnarmmg woman of a run down invalid. Only 50c. at FetzerVDrugStere.:;; - ' 7 T CALL lo THE PETERS OP GlBABRUS OoUNTYt " Carolina Ravs that ih a i'hofp oK n , - ; uuutiu .OUWl OC 1 .la fha aithnnl tv 1,J. - ii : vw wuw wuuui JLUi. Alia ,UUUIHV (JQ . QT uciuio euemoer oisi;, or - eacn year and the law also sas - that the sheriff shall settle the State tarprs'htrtliA-fifet -loTr At J anuary in each year. .T -r-. ..., m wuctiiuuu tuis x win nave io follfifit fthont. ifts non the 31st of December, This is no idle w KJVUAW 1U comings inaand settling up but if yort havent Daid vour ta-r this f t.n t7l VY1 ' A I that you must do so at once. If I have to visit yon it will be at youi,jetensei so please attend to it at: once and save cost.: ! '-,: " '" r - Very respectfully, - ' J. L. Peck, Sheriff.'' Both of these occasions' will call for carvers and we have just wnau you neea. . jome ana iook at tnem. 1 5 v - . W. C. CORRELL, y I THE JEWELEK. LOOK H .-j. .... . Just received a - new lot :of Plaids in r Somerset and Venitian cloths. ; ; 5lue v enitian ciotn, Brown Covert ;cl9th. ., : SmaU Plaids wool goods: in dress pat terns. No two alike. . ' ShOGS ! SHOGS'! ! : A full line of Ladies' Shoes in Button and lace. 7 ; 1 Pompadour Combs, Empire combs, adies pocket books, 1 i ;. "I. -. i ,. Pattid anrl cap ns. Wa will dn our best to please you inj.prices and styles.- '. .: ...... , Gibson & Morrison. nervous ana irritable. Jf ah bnahflv 1 I ereDce ;ilii c. . , -i i..r . ' - 7: ' - ... - .:.v. .,v.u,!; -4 .... .. "' " 7. VP W Q Tlinv -di TT. -. , 7, 7 . oo-lnCJl Plaid YenGtlfin rml v 1n V M Fancjr Plaid Dress m 30O M0' ..- 7 ' - -. lOO lOO trimmed, worth kjti W CHILDREN REEFERS worth 2.00 and $2,50. -Our price 61.75.. . . . ONE TjOT VSf Bim; TT ; I . , . L1-Vyl 00j 1 tttSf -rrr -tvicivx jjxcutou. diiu. W ' ' S u uiom ,-ra5f 4" A TsT a rinnnT? a rimTTrxn i :7 7. J gl.OO to S2.06 Ch.Pr ih.n '". ms awiffiM ortipci' Tnilnr- m j acLies lauor . X r $5.00 to X i " T7in T A ; , Ull JUme OI y f W - ins. ) g Can save you . JJ lw M Gannon fe t v 15 m I'm L' Vt A Ml ;T 5 ' " ! ' and .Wm-57, 'j'MI l7 PICT0RE8. :GllRS7flflD LIBRARY glad. Our prices are sure to please you. ft J- o- Also .XJndtakers. TEL to give ine people tms winxer Kinas oi OeaVy aMO f , (Qrocerggg . l ; - , T-- " ' '- " " At wholesale and retail. It will rf - 7 v: - - 7 Tinware; Woodwre,- 7 7 Glassware Crockery. ;: 7 ;2"t" '7'7 ;';Hats,.:Etc; before buying. For Clover Seed ' .... t - i peeueuuo. ug . rfCn v Vf G; W. j Patterson's. Haecy Goods onlv 7.1c. Vti. "0 0 BEAVER CAPES, tur trimmed, worth 1 to close out-at 75c. !i . . . . , ; . .... . ... BEAVER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur W $l;75.i Our price1 $1.25. . ... Vi'oa, unvji mat-it;, oo in plain, worm o.uu ana SO.UU. ai. ou ana 'i7i77 W7 J ' (: -i 74 - ovats.irom , IVTao Q,-,o Maae buits - $6.00. I 7 , 0 0 - m money. 0 Fetzer ;0 0 DON'T t i -j To seloct your gifts until the usual Holiday rush. is on. ; . 4 imd'Sfilpft, thftrri a,h 'your leisure. We are showing T J auiiiw uunusome Vli j 'that will make vour friends: Prompt attention given to 1 they . guests of the - Kimball Hotel. fTable supplied from the best on the market. Polite servants Rates: $1.00 to $1.50 per day. Special rates to regular boarders. 7 7 Mrs. E A. KIMBALL. Haiaier. Grip makes one sick, weary and restless. Ds. Miles Restorative Wrvine beings rest J . 'J- . - 1 ...... .. '. v . ' T- - .. . . - . - ... . . cv WAIT Now LAMPS ! ; ' ii' .7 ' 1 3

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