Jm8 pasta sit hi In all it3 ctegcu there horJd be cleanliness. - Ely's Cream Balm cIeanses,soctliesaiid heala tio diseased membrane. It cores catarrh and drives away a cold ia the head quietly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads orer the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug gists or by mail , Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. J ELY BIIOTHZPJS, 6C Warren Street, New York. & Concord -Menial Bao ft Oifera the business public? a reliable, per- aanent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit vour patrGnag with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital and Santo - $70 000. D. B Coltkane, Chashier, J. M. Odejl. President. K. L. Craven Has BoiM 800 TONS JELICO COAL. 200 TONS HARD COAL. Also VirgiM Sit aM BiiG Eye rcamel GoaL Best steam coal at me prices. ' Good Smith Coal. Call and get what you want. 'Phone 74. Winter is Comingo . I ALREADY HAVE ON ' HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal ; And have ten more.'car loads on the way. It is time for you to lay in a supply for the winter, isn't it? I also have on . hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Black welder, West Deuot St. at Store. J-'Phone 68. NOTICE To Consumers of Current. After Nov. 1st, all parties using other than Edison Lamps, Mill be charged 50 per cent in addition to present rates. , Concord Electric Liglit Co. ; 'PHONE. ...... . ........104 Notice to TaxPayers The tax books for 1899 have l)een placed in my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. I will -ho glad to have the pat ronages Ovncord's people when in need vcf any la ad of cement work, placing of grates and brick work in general. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wm. C Dejournette. fiSfT will be found at CB Wag oner's on West Depot street. M. L. Brown & BRo, LIVERY. FEED AND 3 ALE STABLES id Tv-v ci 9t,' Cloud Hot!. 0,.' .4. Inr.'.i? r3Tnisbc U rt-ijuiifih) pries. ::l Tierces 7 hfi Borders' of .tcTw i WANTED -Tft buy io6,0o0 pounda oi old cdst-iron scrap, de livered at tLoi foundry at once, for which we will ray a fair price. No btjrnt iron alGtf, Concord Foundry Oo .y g y COAL! BRICK ID (HIT. A Law Daily Broken. iv gentleman wno came m from New York city this morn ing says he saw one string of 500 North Carolina partridges offered for sale in that city yes terday. The birds were shipped from the eastern part of the State and of the 500 not a single one was shot all were trapped birds. -In this immediate section, hun ters say that the country people are fast getting rid of the supply bymeans of the trap. There is a law on the statute books imposing a severe line for shipping birds outside the State. wnue it is daily broRen, it an offender now and then was made to pay the fine, such cases would not be of such frequent occur rence. The partridge is the gamest bird of this section. Sportsmen derive more real pleasure in hunting them than any other bird and the laws that the legis latures of recent years, have passed for their protection should be rigidly? enforced. If they are not, the1 supply, espe cially in this section will soon be cut off. Charlotte News. . Prevented a Tragedy. Timelv information civn TW ra George Long, of NewStraitsville, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried manv remedies and doctors but steadily grow worse until urged to try ut, Aing'siNew overy. Une bottle wholly cured her, ana she writes this marvelous medicine also . cnrpil Mr Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive , proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedv for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottle free at Fetzer's Drug store. tnry of a Slave, - - -T To be bound hand and foot for years by chains of disease is the worst form of 1 .... slavery. George u vyilJiams, of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He savs: "My wife has been so helpless for five years inat sne coma not turn oyer in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully im prove a ana able to do ner own work." Jhia supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness, meiancnoly, neadache, back ache.faintingand dizzy spells. This mir acle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents Sold at Fetzer'sJPrng jStore. It is said that Havana and Key West will probably be connected by the Marconi wireless telegra phy soon. While There Is Life There Is Hope. I was afflicted with catarrh? could neither taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely 's Cream saim cured it. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J. The Balm reached me safely and the effect is surprising. My son says the first application gave decided relief. Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Do ver, N. H. The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing. Sold by drug gists at 50 cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York. Working Night and Day. v The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New uue jruis. Jiiyery pm 19 a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weak, ness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c(1 per box. Sold by Fetzer's Drug store. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE skit .v-srr?, nrr ViltlH$$ Trade Marks' 9 mm k A mm a. rnDVDir.ure a Anyone sending a sketch arid descrtDtion mnv quickly ascertain our opinion tree whfiwS iSstrI y cona denifai. Handbook on Patent eIef- ?1Sest agency for secntog patents Patents taken tfiroueh Mann &XoTreceiVa toecial nat.irp wift.nnt ,..Titrr'-v'u receive fnniic Mm A Uiuiusuraeiy illustrated weekly. Largest Hr. cnlation of any scientific Journal TmTu STtV!??11118' L SoldSi newsdeall3 mWl & C0.38,Broaay. Hew Ynrk Branca OtT H25 F SU Washington D. C? U . 1 . TT- 1 ..Vyvv.; Will Not Eeturn To Congress. Manila, Nov. 20.-General Wheeler has decided not to re turn for Congress. He has writ ing a letter to President Mc Kinley with a request that it be forwarded to the House of Rep resentatives. In the course of an interview with a correspond ent of the Associated Press, he said: ' , ' "Congress, if it occupies the first day of the session in passing a resolution declaring in unmis takable terms that the sover eignty of the United states is to be maintained in the Philippines, thus dispelling Aguinaldo's de lusion that the anti-imperialists can assist him, will be perform ing a sacred duty. Such a reso lution woul i save tiie lives of many American soldiers and of thousands of deluded Filipinos; would avert famine, suffering - f and desolation from these islands, and would render ' unnecessary the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars.,, - The people of ,Cotta Bato, on the southwestern coast of the island of Mindanao, desire the establishment of American gov ernment there, and have address ed a petition to General Otis, asking him to send troops. In relating how they had ap pealed to the Dato to protect them against the attempts of Aguinaldo's officials to collect excessive taxes, they say in the petition that the Dato, having compassion for our sufferings and in the interests of peace' publicly beheaded half a dozen of these officials. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others Why Not You? Mv wife has been nsinj? Chamberlain's Pain Balm with good results, for a lame snoulder tnat nan pained her con tinually for nine years! We haye tried all kinds of medicines and doctors with out receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of tryinsr it, which we did with the best o saxisiacuon. ne nas used only on oottie and ner snoulder is almost wei x or Baie Dy m. u. marsn & uo., Lru gist. -' mm Used By Brittish Soldiers in Africa. Capt. 0. G. Dennison is well known an over Africa as command of the force tnat captured the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4. 18G7. fmm burg, Bechuanaland, he writes: 'Be- lore startinsr on the iftsr. .wimimin T bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with Dowei complaint, and nad given to my men. and m everv rasa it. -nmrrnrl o oenenciai." jfor sale by M. L. Marsh 5C JO. Tragic Affair In Mitchell. A very tragic affair occurred in Mitchell county last Saturday in which Senator Poitchard's brother killed a desperado. He and Jacob Blaylock attempted to arrest a man by the name of Honeycntt who some time ago murdered Grier Phillips. Honev- cuii resisted and shot Blaylock 1 A . 1 - . " wnereupon Jx-ttneriff Fritchard t 1 1 "I TTTT Killed Moneycutt. HOWS THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's uaiarrn unre. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo. Ohin. We the undersigned, have Known x? J uiieney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectlv reiiaoie in all business transac tions and finanemllv able to r..-rrv out any obligations made by their . irm. I West itTriidT. WholesaleDruggists, --Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drucrffists. Toledn n Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts directly upon the blood and. mucous surface of the system. Price 75e. per bottle, Rr.Trt hxr oil I . r mu wubbiow . iBumo 1 mals free. . I l U I n irn H i I m 111 'it- AsptablecoaralionlbrAs- similatirig HieToodandRegula ting thstomachs andBowels of ness and BkstGontafas nrittier OpiumIorpnine norlfiiieraL KOT-NAa'C OTIC IlocktlUSJiXl Jppetmmt . JW Apafecf Remedy forCjnstipa tion, Sourtoinach,DiaiThDCa, Vonns;CorrvtilsionsJcverjsri ness andLoss OF SLEER 1 1 .... j ;TacSiniSe Sif nature- of NEWYOHK. EXACT COPT OF WBAEfiEB. pi m n incfiii CO. 4 EAiSFrACTcacTia 91 44 FINE Ginghams, Plaids, Slieeting, Salt Bags AND Outing' Cloths. DEALER IN r'Awl- Tiflr 1 v : ueneral MerchaBdise v . VMMli uwO BUYERS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind. ...o. . .. .... Four.foot Wood always Wanted. Best Price" for same. t 0 ...... We inyite arj'nspection of all thejgoods ... we manufacture . . . iiDfistsfii k Ooncord N. c. itiii,.ijiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiai;iiiitiliiiiiiiiliit!umtiiiiMTn. miiml.iiiiiuiiiiiiuiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ltiii't'iiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiitiiiliiliiiil'iitill. U m IT OD ELL Hell S 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You ii ip nun n 1 THE CEWTAUB COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1839. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave ucnoord If C 5.52A. M.No 8, daUy, for EicL. mond; sonnects at Greensboro for rvaleigrh and Goldsboro; at (4 for Norfolk, at Danville for Wfishinfftoa and points North, at 'Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxyille and points West. ti7- J? Mo. 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep mg Cars between New York and An gista New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. 8;49A. M. No. 37, daily, Wash, ugton and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham Memphis, Mont. Bwmorjr, ououiie ana JNew Urleans, and all DOintH Snnfh on 1 Inrouffh Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, s . r' ,uDuxea coach, between VV ashmgton and Atlanta. 40:00 A. M. No. R AtxiiT woi. meton, Richmond. n points North. Carries! Pnl1r a room huflet sleeper, New Orleans tS New York; Jacksonville to New ork: Pullman tourist cars from San u rancisco via NswOrW em Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A; M. Nn. 11 fQ;i. ai i and all points Soutn. SoHd train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7 K)9 P. M.Nn. 1 9 loiiTr t,v. mona. AsheviliA roitnnAn ti- 1. Norfolk, and all points North. 8:51 P. M. -No 7 ond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, rtaieiarn. lirftATiaHovrt xr :n j Asheville to Charlotte. N. C. 8: 51 P. M. XV . , ,,1 r.,A and Southwestern iimited. " ash- S5n ma m Pomts North, through Es?0?13118-0 yo New Orleans to Naw Yrt a QWvB vestibuled coach and f?ininr - ninaa connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. ; . 9.20 P. M.Xn PS Tleil A1rtT,a ana New OrWo 5 TnT, sleeper NewYork to New Orleans. New Xork to Jacksonville and Charlotte to a.uaiiia: aiiiTnTicr . ai. Tnii tourist car Washington to San Fracis- days rieans Tuesday and Fn- P:No. 34, daily, the New m k S?d F.londa Expresscarries Pull man peeping Cars between Aiv and N ejYork. Tampa, Fla, and , v ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk yia jrreensDOro. First local freight trains cany passengers ? iT P?118 wliere they stop according rru 3 tt. Frank S. Gannon, lnird Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. Washington, D. C. John M.. Culp, Traffic Manager, Washington, D, C; W. A. Turk, Genl. Pass. Agent, Washington, D. C. Gowan Dasenbery, iLocal Agent, ConcordN.O i : Always Bough! I -Bears the $ , Ydir Have p Always Bought, ir- .1 wis

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