1 Pktce: $4.00 per year. . ' . . . . ' ' CONCORD, N. c, WEDNF-ST) A V nCT,;nnn ... , - ' -.-: - , ANNUAL M. E .CONFERENCE. Says, whn c - i .. . on iZ: Sood work fonconi iuu nuimciuua vi iue ministers on sn v 4 - v - good work oMVosteru North Carolina-Proceed-! Rev '-..f?8 aild - trees. In in?s of the Morning Session-The 'referred tr L reP,rt he death of TW m ioss :by report foT h ' Past Tear Tilled with Good Work. just nine years ago the Meth odist conference of Western xwth Carolina was ' nncta.niA iwi'" q uuu XXX Central Methodist church at this place. At 9 o'clock today (Wednesday) the conference - be gan its annual session with Bishop Joseph vS Key, of Sher man, Tex., presiding. After the readinsrof tha turethe. regulation hymn, " Are Vve iei Aiive," was sung. Rev. Wm. L SherrilL nf T noir, is secretary of the confer ence, assisted by Rev. J C Bald win. Rev. Staples was elected but was unwell. Rev. RM Taylor was elected the statistical secretary. The report on books and periodicals was read and referred to Rev. R M Taylor. Report of General Board of Missions read and referred, to 'Dr. Jas. Atkins. Report of book agents read and referred to Rev. R: M.Taylor. Report of Board of Education referred to Rev. M A port of Sunday School referred to committee. Report of Ep worth League read and referred to Rev. Geo. L Hackney. A very bright and encourag ing report from Trinity college was rend and referred to Mr W Udell, who is secretary of the Board of Education. The re port -of Davenport college was read and referred to same com mittee as was also, the excellent report of the Greensboro Female college. At this juncture Rev. J C Rowe arose and spoke of the typhoid fever which has got ten into the State Normal col lege but assured all who have daughters at the G tlat 0oucouraging than of ti;-" 1, " JUrook's, fiT1PofA-n "" me comer -ence lor a. nnnr ni,n - , . n. uu.z aiso a circuit rZ"- v-uvivu at unma Grove, a ouudge .-.ouut in Salis- SfJo an ld debt .had-. be4 paid on a parsonage on the Lin wood circuit. All of the report Zfft d and showed active work during the past year. . The names of the superan nuates were tVion iij uuixicu. vv II 1 1 . r 1 were as follows: Revs. C M Anderson. .T W vtiyt ur tt n er, T H Edwc" "rT?- back, WB T.vHa t? w.ri Rush. M V Rhorvill T.nm ' J C Thomas, T L Triplett, J W VVheeler, J A Wio-o-ins TT 7? ' V. U J.' V Jl ii,VlT f -f I .rt., f n H T Tii TKT .1 rm O ' u x. vv uson. i nese names were referred to t.Wo a A f t wii uomerence relation of sup erannuates. Those of this num ber present rose and made short talks to the body. Rev. S M lavis, who has health, reported that now he is able to report for service. Rev. Lyda said he had been doing some work but was physically unable for effective work. Rev. Pickens was present despite old age and bad health and had been aoie to preach several - 50 o U ,U. tneyear jev7"Z Rush, of this placfi' Iriplet was present too. After t'lic icuK. uiaae oy ixev. Wneeler cut? iiyiiiu, "Jiiessen Assnvn,Tiro was sung. Most pathetically, THE'SESSIOIf OPENS. I Historic Society 0f the Westenforth Carolina m E. Conference Holds a Meeting Tnesday Night-Rey. Arnold Ti-sats Methodism of Concord and Rcy. Carroway Makes Semi-Contenial Ad- . dress.::' '"i ' ITS HAND BURKED. I I Single copy 5 cents. It yili not bo a snrprise to anv rhs . -"fausu , jLiaiiz'g son nana Intiitha unambflrlAin' nn, - , W I . .-.Ui; ire-Tne Public Schools Open in IAP0?1 everywhere take plcn sure in inat uommnnitr. . AVCrr" Written for Th RfaT7 Organ Chuech, Nov. 21.- SreateH JKifc JS?. While playing near the fire ?7teai f the children it has saved last Sunday, little Orin. th 1 S ?bW The public' flyPTYMcne nf fi,n n stus 1 - , -vw;ittiDou'.uuui,;iou mCo xne nre. burn- iai Convention nf -fii' ?ti'""U5 i v . 1 L1 1 n ii . isuidie coiiege mat there is no brinnn tea to tho danger of the disease in this in- S rlirl T? T P yGS f stitution. dldx?Sv- 0 Try sPeak A ;Tippini nnmn,ifA -x 11 " "iy ior service on ac-in- of Revs J W ll countof hls Pical condition Bfiir n T Tiw Jones, H M and also of the recent loss of his Assistant o11T, , . m Grace How Sweet the Assistant Superintendent Sound" wanrur tW evUTCIwas'caVdTut 2' aV ntroJ ef d, to.the since the last meeting of'cdnfer- SfttoriThl'bein?de ence he has answered death's a patnetic appeal to the confer- can thTs Slum "the iD?lateS f Tile following statistical secre Rfv w v"rru,- Itvt ' tanes were appointed: Finance, Rev TJ8011!11?' Revs- W F Womble and C A Mo - tL fFm Tf Marsha' Wood; Statistics, Revs. R G reTr'pJI" n Jurney, who Tuttle and H K Boyer; Sunday aHPri i?raV m0nal sch0l' ReVs- M H Vestal and R uill, Were introduced to tno rnr. r en. ' n rpi1Q fltTr ,. .. iuier me ciose 01 me morning all the miniZiZJ- ses?10.n tn.e appointments were thpir Hf- " j T j ."7" ' Feior tne ditterent committees tion" s Twwr' ,mIJ1G --i-'ovenc parts ot town. Kov Irt" K ".."""Vl' To ai.-i it there will be a meet- sid mo. niY Tu m, mg nem id me interest ot edu- siding S " rr"" "?r, ca?n- 'ev. Hammond, AtWns' nti. a .,T - ot Nashville, will deliver an ad triot &"rc.1ISleAsl??vllle.d,ls- dress in the interest of. the Charlo te ' SiS6 n twentieth cetury movement iH rn f mil n . , - j mi r -r-v w - a. i r i va XT j v j , ;0;..--wiu xxuiiiu quire oacLiv iNortn Carolina Oonfprpno Tlr , J Tvr4.v . i -r-, . . -uj v was canea and the Methost Episcopal Church, dressed the hand. The child' is ooutn, began with a ineetmct nf dnincr ritrhi tne Historical Secietv. TupsHt i tv,o gi 1- , .. i , mv- , " 7 l J ".tucjr csuuooi au urffan Sherrill :Wh-- aJ; " " aeciaea to 7 v',-"jv ill mi r lj 1 1 1 1 1 . I , H,vu a. xmnn m . vrt. , . , v " -" tx uu jnristmas wuHimxug, vuiuuiitry dv a nuar- . nav. tette choir a hymn was sunc and ! rp lnA. . Rev. Dr; Pritcha:,H: t ' Jne Mary , ' oucieiy are going to sell a line Tvr rA; , y ;umixix qmit at Urgan Church on Christ- , " T , mfcls ua,y aTJ -1 P. m. vout prayer. The president an -5 ; Thon n-m,. . , nounced that .the Drosrram for tUt1 o 4.x. v . aaa6 ocrviue at tne Lowpt ololA vjx twu tone Uliurch on Thanksgiving ArnolrT11! 1 ?5UQe J P day Revs. Cox .-a'iid" IVxTairy Arnold to read a' na,npr rn ,-n i n-, y tiTkt i v ,. -- .-x wxiiiiiaiie aaaresses. Methodism in Concord " rni,A , t a J I The public schools opened un ik--111 Monday- Mr- David iLte :n teaches at Kluttz school TT w-"'" , House, Augustus Kluttz teaches He took up the historv steDbv nt TD,W Ti. T . . p through the ds of 'SdSS . rt w ..oFxoxxuiiii jixtn. waiter Sifford of Mm showing of about 1,200 MetHo- fin. i.0, dists in t,hA wr, t TT?-' Picai cnair TTcofw at the Fisher school house. He said that sevices had beenl am. t. , ' - , , , . , , , . . aimui JDUSU leiL last WPP W for held m an old W seKnni.incn ' - . u iaau ; weeK.ior 2 JLALfcJ3VJ lU "1 a - fin 1Q9Q ,oo xx.: , . oximu, irove, where he has ac- wasibuilt that was- but; recently if Pions salesman in torn down from- Us site on fffds ,dePartmelfcf Church street. F. W. Bost. : m, - I , , ' For OMr rutTTears . The present church was built Mrs. Window's Soothin Syrnp has inl860-'61, on the very site that rSeen us?d forAfver fifty years by mil was wanted but could not be got- SSSJa tlSh Ms ten when the old site was ob-, s?.othes the. child, softens the gums, 0. T 1QQO - allays all pain, cures . wind colic, and is SIS SIS. SIS 7 po vxicstxiut, xvev VJ 1V1 ' ev. Prank TT Wnni rvf .o t t n mL c W al:sTtricV Rev Jno W who is here attendinsr confer tt lile Morganton district, , , , i -x HM Blair of the Mt Airy ence' and who each week writes Ul strict, Rov'Jno JR Brooks of in the Charlotte Observer over --;ibyury district, Kev Wm the signature ot "Trojan", will Wet r iir,e QeiDy ms- about the first of the year start a the siX;JT, W,.Bays.' D- D- of naner at town. The name Mo ravme aistrict, Kev. T F A . , ,.m . , a' lV th3 Waynesville district, o the lpor will be "Trojan's tT. -x i j uarrowav of the xuliuu. . the "Ullug some f untoMi ceodrt C:,' U1,'U was suc- irhn V ii,uv- w rissom, o mado the report. Rev. H of ill I V?s aDsen on account offeli ta, a3dHs report was During wv- r u -Lownsend. BuS T,LU1S .Part of the work ! K ..it -. . . . l ho luuulsea joningly, t w taccasionally to the - wioci , xvx , VV VV A Clif sgc of Schedule Kext Month. On - the 10th of December a new schedule will go into effect the Southern" There will be on a change in time of arrival of Nos. 35, 7, and 36. TO CURE A COLiD IN ONE DAT xaKe xjaiaiivo xruxuu vujjjxuo xnuiow. All druggists refnnd money if it fails to cure. 2oc. Thegenuin has L. -B. Q. n eacKtablet : tained. In 1883 it was re-covered and modernized at a cost of about $3,000. He told of pastoral ministrations from the occasional preaching of one, the Rev. David Derrick, i through the struggles incident to growth up to the present "with its tnree stations, requiring the time and labors of 'three pastors, each church having : a good and suitable parsonagre. . He reviewed the branchiner-out from Central in 1982 by a Sun day school, which was organized at Forest Hill, superintended by Mr. W R Odell from then contin uously on till now, which led to the formation of the consrresa- tibn there and then the erection ' ot the church m 1888, also the building of Epwo -' h chn ch at Cannonviile in 18 i.'. : ' , Pastors and presiding elders in chronological order were noted, and; the late sainted Dr. Creasy ;was called the .father of Forest Hill church and Dr. H W Bays of Epworth church, as thev were the instrumental causes of the enterprises. H He recounted labors done and the development of. benevo lence that gave the splendid j; shoving Gi 5j,C00 ceatributed by the Mqthodists of Concord dur ing last year to the various causes of the church. A number of prominent ' lay men, males and females, were enumerated both living: and dead. Conspicious among the latter was that sturdy yeoman, the late Willis Elkms, whose life work. .. in the church began in the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi- jr . ou u vy aruggists . in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. -Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind FOR MEN: $250 $31 line OF iHomemadel ince 0& m Meats! AT Or I 12.50 AND $3.00 AND $3.50. $ $2.50 and $3.00 and $S.50. $ The hRst in the world for the money The proper winter shoe in light-weight or heavj-weight and all sizes. t It's (Continued on Editoral page.) You want to see before Conference week. We have the largest stock of Furniture, Pictures, Stoves, Mirrors, Tables, etc. in town. Yours to please, Bell, Harris & Co. . Residence Phone 90. : Store 'Phone . -. .12.