"ft - J -If A ROLLER MILL. -a ' Woman's. 4 Crooning Virtue Bklton, Mo;, July IT, M I suffered terrible pains erery month and my doctor told me I could not be cured except by an operation. I felt I could not submit to that and was so des pondent I had given tip all hopes of a cure. My husband insisted on my trying Wine of Cardui and at last thank God I did try It. ist month I did not hare a pain, and did 11 my work, which X had not done in seven yean. . i . MB8) MINNIE LITTLE. tfltEtnt ea mn - . Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women. It is th trait l ri ""a admires. A modest woman is the most pleasing of ail created things Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women - prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their trouble tor " physician, and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt- " ing. They can t get their own consent to an operation. Wine of Cardui' permits sensitive women to retain their modesty. With it they can cure temaie troubles" in th rm?t nf hr - l w will n JUMel ey wrLtfi to the Aory Department of -the Chatta nooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly answered by women trained in the cure of it L i W . A IT ft LADIES ABV1SCSV IfMOTj?rT HVT a1r4AA tk - . AiZ.i ' lva i, requiring gpeclal krities. There should be no hesita tion. -Delayed treatment means a chronic condition. The longer poiiponea me naraer to cure. A LARGE BOTTLE OF WINE OF CARDUI uuoia $i,ug Al THE uRUU QTORE K. L, Craven Has BopvH 800 TONS JELICO COAL " 200 TONS HARD COAL. Also fsm Sit mi Kris Eye rcannel CoaL Bsst steal coal at mine pnces. Good Smith Coal. Call and get wnat you want. - 'Phone 74. Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAKD THREE CARS OF V Jellico Coal A.nd have ten morecar loads on the wa v. It is time for you to lay in a rupply for the winter, isn't it? I also have on hand the test of antracite coal. J. A. C. Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. E'Phone 68. HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any caee of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Wo the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him nerfort.lv reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, wnciesaie druggists, " Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free. NOTICE To Consumers of Current. After Nov. 1st, all parties using other than Edison Lamps, will be charged 50 per cent in addition to present rates. Ccncord Electric Light Co. 'PHONE 104 Notice to Tax-Payers. The tax books for 1899 hbve been placed in my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin. ' City Tax Collector. .. NO EIGHT TO UGLINESS. Mil i to have the nnt- Tonage of Cor, urd's people when in need of any kind of cement work, placing of grates "and brick work in general. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wm. C De3JQUrnette: 21 will be found at C B Wag oner's on West Depot street. M, L. Brown & BRo; LIVERY, FEED AND 8 ALE STABLES r ' Jpet in rar ol BCOJond Hotl, Oro Outbttf of al) kinds furnigfc' promptly and at reasonable pricetr. fioreeo lxlH mul-s always on bfts ro f 8)f. Brff dereof .noiouprbr. The woman who IS lnvfilv in face, form and temper will al -ways have friends, but ono who would b-i attractive her health. If she is weak, sickly, and air run down, she will be nervous ana irritable. If she has constipation or kidnfiv fmnhlo impure blood will cause pimples,' vvtvxicc, bjuu erupuons ana a wretched Mmnl Bitters is the hflf. mpHiftina iv. uvuiviuv AU ViiO world to resrulate stomftp.Ti 1i ana Kianeys and purity the bood. It rfves strong nerves, bright ft VPS. smooth, velvet skin, rich com plexion. ; it will make a good looking, charminer . xvnm an tit a run down invalid. Only 50c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. Nasal In all Its stages thCre Buouia oe cieanu&sss. Ely's Crem Balm cleanfiea.Boothetni hoaTB th diBi86d ;iaeiiibtane.; It cores catarrh and away . a cola la the head Creaxn Balm Is nlaced fntr i. - . - .v-v.giuo, Bureaus over th membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is im mediate and a cure follows Tt la not producesneeztog. Large Size, 60 eenta at Drug. (Haft -l k r T 1 -.. . j AiUU olze locenta byraail. : -u. wiiuuw, w Warren Street, New York. ; GeorgeTille Looking Upward in a Busi ness and Educational WayMarriages Galore. Written for The Standard. Georgeyiixe, .Nov. 18 Every thing is lively about George ville now. We are making arrange ments for our Xmas entertain- ment. We anticipate a nice time then. " 1 Mr. Geo. Flo we will in a short i while occupy the.home recently: made vacant by Mr. . Lewis Black'. Mr. Flo we realizes the educational advantages here of fered by our high -school'. . Messrs. Shinn & Widenhouse have bought and will soon erect a roller mill at this place. -They are wording at it now with the energy well known of George- ville's citizens. The public school opened at the academy on Monday, the 13th. . The opening was very en couraging It appears that Madame Ru mor's report as to the marriages will prove .true yet. On, Thursday, the 16th. Mr. Sain Furr and Miss Laura Smith were married at the residence of Mr. Caleb Smith, J. P. We con gratulate the happy couple and wish them abundant success. We predict that there will be more marriages in this part of the county soon. About "one hundred and fifty of our citizens gave the pastor of this circuits 'pounding, "which was very much, of a success. ! Everything in the line of some thing to eat was carried in. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others Why Not You? My, wife has been usine.Chamber lam's x y --a,iiu wim gooa results, lor, a lame shoulder that ha pained her con- wuuaiiy ior nine years, we haye tried iui isinas oi medicines and doctors with out receiving any benefit from any of tnem. Une day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of tryine it, which we did with the bes to satisfaction. She has used only on bottle and her shoulder is almost weT For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Dru gist. - ' - ; r Used By Brittish Soldiers In Africa. Cant. G. G. Dfinnifinn is well tnnnm . - - ouvnu all over Africa as command of th force inai captured tne lamous rebel Galishe. burg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "'Be fore starting on the last campain I bone'ht ft nimnt.itir . nf r!VioWiVil;,-, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, i uvu a uovu jxijf oci T UCli IIUUU1BU Willi bowel Comt)lftint. and had cirpn Ia men, and in every case it proved most ! ucueuwai.,-, . jor saie Dy m, lj. Marsh WANTE1--Tft buy I00,0u0 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at-once, for 7hich we vi!l pay a fair price. No burnt irou waMd. nlGlf. Concord Fouwdby Co Offero the business public a relial'o, per manent, cbnseryatiye and accommodat ing banking instution. ' -V ; SWe solicit your patronage with 'the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If .we can serye you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us; IiIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS : ' TO CUSTOMERS. . . - . Capital ana Snrjins ' - - $70 000. u. ii uoltbanb, Chashier, J. M. Odeil, Resident, : Fancy his chagrin: He was writing to his . girl and to his -. ' ' i wasnerwoman. Got the letters mixed, y The latter was ' sur prised at the sweet missive and the other well how would she feel at reading, "If you7 don't quit wrinkling up. my shirt bosom I'll try some one else. " , Story of aSlave; ; ' To be bonnd ikrrl ryA '".i . . . 1W .years oy chains of disease is the worst form of 1&7'.?WI?, ? .. Williams, of iu.ttuoneBiert ouicn,? tens now such a uiaye was made iree. He says: "Mv .weu wuwiuHH ior nve years that she could not -turn, oyer in bed .Ui'. "er using, two bottles of Jijlecurio Bitters, she is wonderfully im proved and ablei to do her own work ' This supreme, remedy for female di's- .CWDO y uures nervousness, sleeD lessness, melancholy, headache, back- -v.v,v4nu& wuwuo ia a godsend to-weak, sickly, run down people. aAiAr uWou cents fmnimHMiiwiiMitmiwuJtMt)imiiiu)iauuiMUMt fnVRffil - o - - - -t r. ting thcS tnTTdis audBcggela of tiess and HsstCkmfains nd to Ctoum;lorpuin0 nor rltnerat Not Nakc o tic. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, SourStomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .GonvnlsionsTeverishr ncss andLoss OF SLEER TacSim3e Sigrtunroff NEW "YORK. ill'-" "-Ml 1 ii 1 1 ;U Mllli life OJIll 3 u- c5 For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Bought Bears the Signatuld 0 7. SEXACT C0TV ffP VHAEFCQ. OD ELL lllUflCllMHIG CO. FINE Gingh ams, Plaids, . ' t y .' V . ' -: Salt Bags AND Outing Cloths. DEALER IN General MerehaKdise BUYERS 0IV-, COUNTRY PRODUCE I .. ." Preyented a Tragedy. . limely information given - Mrs Georfi"e Lonsr ' of AwStroi'tjn. m - preyented a dreadful tragody and sayed two-liycd. . AJrightful cough had lonS kept her awake very night. She had "t-1 ::;r""-y iCi"euies and doctors but fife? IlITT rr-po-ttr n.l.'l . : "V urged to try Dr. Bine's New Dijmvwow n r. . 2 , V .x uiouiwuo oiso cured Mr Long of a severe attack ot Pneumonia! ouch cures are nnni matcUess merit of this grand remedy - v 7 - " wjtoo iijuu inner 1 - vf njjU qji.uu. Jiiverv : 6-vCcu. xnai ooiue free at of all kind.- i.O . . . ... Fonr-foot Wood always WanteLSBe6 . ' - ; - . . ' . f v y ' - Pricejor same. - -: .'.....o. ....... We invito ar inspection of all tiergobda manufacture . - c fflftihrinri ii . concord N. c. outhern w aiay SCHEDULE. N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1899. This condensea schedule is tub lished as information, end i3 subject to change-without notict to the public: Trains leave uonoord N. C. 5.52 A. M.-No 8, daily, for Eicb. JKaleiffh anrl fnl?oV.rt.r. ..1 , ux and tiomta TT-fV. oi- , Asherille, KnoS and pos wit ' 7. 19 A. MM 09 t, xt tt , ' . lfiAri T'r OW ew xorK and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleetv ins Oars betwfin vfl r. . gusfcv NewTork and Tampa, Fla., acd Norfolk to Charlotte. ' -8:49 A. M. f "NT . inton and SonthwesteVn 1ked te Atlanta. BirTninor "i". 101 TnT oy and Southwest. New 1' dTeplr' New Orieaas to Yorii- jn. J.k80IvilIe to New iorK. oilman tounet oars from San SSaSffin? Now Orleans and g.ntg and an iNo4J ". daily for AtLu 7 .-09 P. icy j.i, . JMorfolk, and aU points North. umnd wr17' Rich. .: SleS ngtun' Golboro, Selma, liV. " - ' - Washinon wwi,xxvr.; warn .J , fOP wash. PuaniW 2?cSw5 FP New York; vet7ilfcit0uNe Tork carries StnnC0fnh dining car. Close Jep. sleeper 9.20 P. M jsr o -i ..... an? xr A w ou, aauy, ior Atlanta Jfe .Parrs Pullman tSF to Jii2fff X Orleans. New Atlanta, vii YUie and Charlotte to 00 v Sf'Sgton to San Fracis dayI N W rieai18 Tesdayt and Err To9rfa?dr ew man cnJT.- -press, carries run , Sf feP1-55..C8 Between Ansntta Hfl CTQ V,VU , 10 -rvicnmond. c 31- G?eenS 0l0tte. t0 Noriolk . ia loSf8???1! '- resntar throngh' or aSvirf t : il.ama cariy passengers TTiiwi tt Gannon, third Vice-Pres. and Genl. Man. , , Washington, D. C. John M. Culp; Traffin. UfAnr. W. A. Turk, Genl. Pass. Agent, - Washington, D. C. lowan Dasenbery, Local .-Agent, - ' ConcordN.O -ft

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