ArriTal of Train., VSTHODIST PROTEST i v .ornwine change of schedule took - ETiTF " Litakcr-Cook Nuptials. . -tit me nome oi me onae s "js - .t rr. t SOUTHBOUND. Began Its WSUM W Cook, on 0 q arrives at 5.52 a in, 'i " "10 00 a in, u fo - M 7-09 pfm, JS 44 8.51pm, (flag) Church street.'4 Mr. Thomas " A- 15'. ' , 5?'7..Extended to President He. SfctSfSS"; thervOook. v - Miticipauiig SOUTHBOUND. i ? MWa; conference Methodist qeretiiy? "O? W Hob Tor 'cd J v v,-i ; v n7 arrive8 at 8 40 a (flag) - , " te? - ii ::?? ; , , 'l 1 f r CViilTlMli; V i IM i A Tli.' n Q IT AT IVl.i I - r - lUlf v i H - - i . S5 33 61 rr9.20D,m,-' Cflasr) 19 a m, : ,yem berv1899, 2:30 x,, jn., Con .4y a m, reigm) fernceBeinff 4elavpd,on acconnt No, when rupninp ahead oti o.7. .oft the strains not making conned isflaed if necessary for through travel .V , -m&Pnec SotE of charlotte and is ctopped'-f6f lonior te morning.hotit in time nLsenjrers' for Salisbury, . High. int, !Wodetf ul ; Section:'' and "nerhWs hreensboro, BeidsviUe, Danville 1 atid r n nfV V Tu ' I Spal fltitib'tf8USlween DanvillSffd XWK thaupty Washington. ,Nv37 stops -for pas Would or could Support , such a senders for regular stopping places seem to go into it with heart and annt'i of Newellsr r. Na. 38 - fctopk:.tolBtr "rjmutnltrji --rVpr''' Kienger from regular stopping ?'CTRTO .places south' of Jewells and to; 'take. q4. :tamtyeser passengers for-regular stopping places, ip'HoqnifclHv-'''" 'V : Nos. Jond f y4'top at Concord f or ,;ConferetLce cwas 'opeiiedith SA' AM relig ou-8ekerclfi-e by tho 'Prcsi other points in SoutrCarolinaGeteii ffenti-KeffiitVwto rfiSd'his nr Au-usta. jt-- --a?: lP5 ta. .th conference, fiwhich Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains was very encourasrins: and was and connect at Salisbury with i trainsof r ;'tVL-" - , w. ri. i y. division, ? Dr. L.-NrrBurlevson - is asraih v able i to r be . ter ; :,a week's ;0 sicKuess. v..;-- v , ; 36 -Inch Plaid Yenetien only 15c. yd. sR&v JZo Paris will tSreach at iporth church .tonight. ; Ser- .GOODIRieff CREAM every 0 MT eyening this week., J.v 9 FancPlaicLDreiipodsi q 10 - BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth 1 tfu - . .; , f - i . -. . . to close out at 75q. .... , . . ... . .. . . . . . . , ... . i Mrs. XX CaldweU'arid Mrs MlMi Hearne, of Albemarle, axe yisit- Misses Chitfg, of Char lotj:e, tarriyed here this morning, They are at -Dr. , D D ': Johnson's. W full sweep braided and fur IOO trimmed, orth$l. 75. " Our price 1.25. . . . . ' .GHILfiRfeK'S i ;REEFERS worth $2.00 and i For W.T Years . NP Mrs. Winslow'd ' Soothic Syrup ' has been used for joveranfty years by lions i . of mothers ior their t o hildren .... ONE LOT of Black; Kersey Capes, tailor . .made, 135 in seewp braided, plaited and plain, worth 5.00 and $8.00. 'W T7 rom ' Wtk 4TQ yAmff call t.hcTTHn.t. iRH fi anrl t ) ' " " L -'J I vi.A" .: '.--a I finnmag-riha Anil1 cu-kfforia t Vi a rrn m a r?rl". . i?-l rr 4- ?CI AG m,.. 4-'Un-M Vnm "U Vmnrvtif ... r.r -. . . aiiaya;au,pam cures macoiio, ana-za l. i ..... Z," ; ..i . ; 7irr...; ; .Conference "then proceeded to to best ;teh ''Cv5!s : Ar, i ; 'T--n reueveher poorUtuefBimerer.'immedi- . : E7.7 -Z ua,A uuuw, i x ately. Sold bv druseists in every, part mP "i rUUnfJCD. . ..Vvi,s..v....l t Austin, ri reporter' ol the Ashe- of thaworldi twenty-five centsa bbt- m 0 c V Vllle CltiZienvwas. invited to a dowa Soothing Syru' and take ,no " 'i 'SW' seat Ain.., the birr" Dr.V Lewis, other kind . v v - -? - -: President of estermMaryland 1t4wk A (fa TELEPHONE NO I Laaies? !J?ailor i Made Suits s5.oo to moo. 5l mH:aiH!m:1 1 , m ,irt jrn,. , ii t- 1 uuuioxouLiC email, mviicu wj ooaiu TT ,.n. ' i rmlihbar. 2The! conference ser- And if is a realityHlt ni ake tn "request Con- united in prayer in be tifS State Noririai School." as cheap? Purchase aa instrument that VC t tIa oo ,tand hic?h in the? estimation ? of your led by Rev Johnson, ;pas: fr onds and the Greatest" MusicianJall tor - of - Q-racechurch; Oreens- . yer the world. A Piano with a pure , , tone, delicate t6uohf etc; Iu fact a POro- T riano witn ever ynmprpverneni .inai ia ; Alter trie conierence sermon r one srrjiae. a jaise or sruuii size, as,Pft desired; but onlyone grade. . Why buy ierence an instniiQeht:because-it "is : advertised rhalf Of n fe O.U s E One Night, ! .. ... I. if ''x Table OLiinen W s Can saveyou money. .10 : -' BIG CITY- MINSTREL-4 " -d Cannon Jc iietzer I ... ..-!:: ..(...-ij..,.trJ., ..! , i . . ,V;. . :,r.- . , m umeirta taken in exchanisre.' amerent committees. UT. ljewis, It , yJ o w1 M nr" OfftVi mrnodatmgr. Catalogue. for of Maryland, presented the UeSuay, NOV. ZOLll. claims of ministerial education. , n ' ; v . M. SlleCf "ano:Jw. Resolutions of sympathy for Dr. : AA Ji, MUl lhMMu U ' I-T "IT. Jfl J 3 J. Tv.i n ttt - r .. , onuw.i w e. vfir ann ms amiRifia sluubuls taciory craiicii warero m : t7-" : 1 - satin Co' H. :W"fflOtfiiMgK(4 Woptedby the conference. Thus; 1 : See change in-; CorrelPa j ew- t elry ad j closed the mgnt session. , MUnMTPAT. FIP.WF.Y'S PilP.PTinN!! . ' Li J, ' Watch f o irMidday Parade at Mr Chas J Harris-is spending FOJJNpdyte.cape. on the :u:S0 a. m. , ; sireeu vau at imo uiuvc. l w i AT 7si5 urana ooncert -p.m. the afternoon in Charlotte. I -r T71 1 Jl T 1 1 u 1 Note in'another ColunUiEield's ivusses oameixvm. iu iwu , Hansoh' 5 - : f ' iT i ' cJ - ----.--- :-...; '"'" ':v;4to Charlotte f this .imornmg to Prices :: , 75q. o 50c. Vand iScv Mrs'.B C rRegister;;.6f : .Char- spend a fewdSysV v 4 tSeats on. sale at Gibson.s ; lotte, is at Judge aMontgomerysr f T . nfara . . Drug Store; toaay- i .V .f :':;i- :L:il tor Thanksgiving at Boger's The'date bf ' one bf :'Concord-a Restauraij. i ; marriages has; now een, definite-: Mrst WrBaysf md 'Misses Once More The seasons brings us to (Christmas tide and once v more we re searching for gifts ; -for our relatives and f rif nds. a; i' Pictures;; Chairs ;i-.Here:-;-----'-';-- Are a few, handsome ones you -will find in our store; V These will make hand some gifts at moderate : ' ! Nannie Dowd and Minnie At- Rev; A A Crater is sick at the water, of Charlotte, arrived here "Kimball -house.-, He : is !'sonpe" this mpniito attd.nfer better today.' U 'lh- ' ' , Mrs. G A Gray arrived last ! Miss Annie Furgeson, who is night from Gastohia to visit;: at a trained nurse, left Thursday Mr: R A Brown's.- ' 'VX. night for the Greensbore State vMrs WD Sheoaker andaittl cfemick. ' '' -child; nf Raliahn'rv are . VlSltinfiT ; Mrs; Willefors. U - - por nice, "fresh, select Oysters if you iff- T 1" Mrs Library LamPs - 1 r H Til n VI QT SiOTQ f Thinkuofi buyiug a : i Nice mo r.ei 1 a .J, -gT4 ttl"1 call at ' Correll's, f3?HB;JEEDER. f . ri ' t ,? rs- r--' .1 1 I- 1 i o Till 1 mi'M m m fw fi t li i . i - p 1 . 'fjsi ,sxp"?KyirM'Vi.i i'ji m fi .j h 1 1 .i i soar of day n;ght at ? cclock.: ' :tlr; way ypujvamen f Sialic mi- -1 ";pLci2HO ..... e,are prepared coverer returned to ms n . v davs with Mrs. P B Pet- opananourg xnis ..mormiig... - . - "CPill rofnvn tiicrnf ' 4Ci . . -Btttnie'-'Oiiittle wUl piaids -j. .-.. orive the ueoDle this winter, I JtistAtecet' newQlb of better bargait nids iff Sdinlel W1U return Sunday mg v., -rvH ---,BIub- Vcnfcan tJl6tH; R. , .T " j?r'Wi2 r ' RJ? John 'Phmip;SoiK6:r)jtoall UlsdJiclho guest ot Mrs.Bf.. rver t- lbtK. ' Small Heavy aeO . JT ae Rockingham - county,- w& Mr. FE Field, d vand .agent 1 IS ,s Plaid wool goous-m uiwa "vrflrOCrHl&S ternKoliwdkiB; V 1 - ; 'i If I " :: 1;' f r'Qko cM At.wHbUa!8 an retail; ; It fwill Bake Cakes to ."V iii j-. v';i i 'it li Large- spent laftt niffrAher-rThelTniri: . . f V" r. r,. r- . . ct i " iTrZ TZi?' ao and would j).e ,giaa w yo muttonana uauo. p t tuwaijc9 v,y wmii . guests oi tne sirels willbeyherejth .t; ,T.t :rj: - ou 3 r 1 r a trial order irom yuu., , . roaaowjicjomos,.-i.4,i!iiiipii - j . uuuswoijvJr i -' .TTsnnn "IHFA4Il - Arrangements have been made for we ; iave. frehoysters, jsiesketbddks., flliniOailll1 OOlteil.' " for the vestita iiread, rolls, etc. every day. . , and seeois" We lldo i its tmrtteV iiirmwl "Jo .tJHJ Table supplied from the best on We at 8;12 a;;m ;tp stppaSCpii- ;j t:,:r !ra sicfv ,c5nnflfi bef orebuying Foi! Clover Seed ; the market. Polite : servants. wiu ounaay. ms is ior4fb8inei: V V ConcOfd oaKery.-- rrI njuZ. - SW-ifr Seed KyeJSUia-JKpcauu garo-u Rates: ;,TJOi.-o.u.per.- cu,;. dccommodationv of .vthpv.aumbej : ' 7. . xrJ2tf - .. aaaw' ..vtl.,! - -vv ..l yjyrn, A PT ,rr,. ij.ifiri7TTntgr Al rates to regular boarders- , - Salisbury.'SunC-Vr ;' ' "