itubbers and Mackintoshes for children, women and mpir Tho blHS SiOre WJlPn Vmi "KmTm q TirYO nf ontr Mind. yui.rpuuujtt. io ifctigt? liU bieci; irom. JHL Tlx HIE . CI.KAN'SlNfJ AM 11 KALI KG CATRARH -. Ely's Cri Bali r y Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious Drug, Is quick ; ly absorvcd. Gives re ief at once. It opens " nd cleans thp " N.ical rasages. Allays In namation. CATARRH KUledllis First Bird. j A -rather good joke is told on our good old friend, Mr. R C Blackwelder. He is now 70 years bid though he hardly looks prer 60. He , sold his homestead and "machinery to relieve h im- selt of too much care. Being1 - ; ; lack's Almanac for 1900. . A copy of the Rev. rl Hicks' Almanac for' 19D0 has reached us. Mad we the fundamental knpwledgo of astronomv to fol low easily and intelligently his j iamuiar way of observmer slants ana meir positions it would be -'-"' Tf J - . uu juw Mcuu iiuiuo imaer his pCr ; sonal supervisiou since Its infanox," - --- - xxuu n w uuuu uc(;eiTe youiutliis All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitute are but E periments that trifle Vwith and cndang er "i he health Infonts ail OiiIdrei against Experiment What is o R ' " " -'v31Jlg uou VOAliVillO 1US WiUltl; ; asked what he is goinb do he j intensely delightful to make "COLD H EAD said he thought: he would go a close, study of c this , book, we xa.Lnv.y . -cxo w scan us pages we " il 1 . !''-'-''' . lOastoria is a substitute tbr Castor Oil, Part goric, Dron and Soothinff Syrups. It is Bdarmless and pleasant it contains neither, Optum9 Morphine nor oti,er Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wormi and allays Feyerisnness. It cures Diarrho&i and Wind Colic. It rclunrca Teething Constipation and ailenc toimilates Food; regulates thl Stomach and Bowels; giying healthy and natural sleen The ChlK'o Paeo-Tho ilothers Friend. K. L. Craven Has Bonjlit 800 TONS JELICO COAL 200 TONS HARD -COAL -to Yirgiia Sit ani Bird; Eye :Caimel : SbS uuair Dual mm wmi mm iifiucs. OKI Bearo the Sigiiature of ;, .namation. VULU '1 ImfmtXlJ uuvuguiruo WUU1U. go seSof .SSffSlM'fflteSSSfS UD,nins' a Pracce he laid aside Zy 'BOTHkRsT wSsSa.:ycw Yort w en .ee . siieathed his 'see mat Micks', weather prog - sword. Hn f j.taxiue. uut "Diue coats ; ne tion nor tne bit of pig. sense that CENUinTt YfT concluded the other day to try a we too often meet. but. nininn c ! Wirdl U bird. The first bird that took based on tho most scientific b wing before him was found dead servations. There's never an just after .the gun fired. He has effect without a cause and Rev. vuuvu vvj wujr mill -.a uuo new is. dug stuayingthe Jaw' of TUn. it mav be a rn-nid fi nylr-aiiso fvnm fV,rt "koc p nA!i ; gatling. Alasv for the feathery The bobk we think would be a tribft! " t.AV at , - ivipau iu txiuisu 01 a ionaness for astronomy and a curiosity for the . . A ' A-v -- A ALWAYS GrCMkS -.Tr tronomy and a curiosity for the what you.WaDt, .. 'Phone 74 I been nXSZ .Aldress & ions of mntw VL: Ji" norKSUO., ttt. Jouis. Mn au pam, cures nnd colic, and is . (1HTT,Ti the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will : ' t cjmJLiLS reheyethe poor little sufferer immedi- f nd a bottle cf Grove's Taste- 7.V' "i" Faruerists in every part r xonic. jn ever fails to cure: rr .v Awcmy.flve cents a. bot- - experiment wim worthless tie. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win- imifcataonB? Price 50 cents. Your lil , . '"" oyrup, ana ttaKe no 1 " " iaus to cure. The Kin You Have Always Bought Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CAIS OF Jellico Coal And have ten morecar loads on the way. It is time for you to lay in a Mipplyvf or the winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best pf antracite coal. - . - J. A. C Blackwelder. 1n U8e For O tmk etrnjAvm oomwht, tt mumat wntcrtwyoiw city. West Depot St. at Store. JB"Phone 68. - Take It Up ! A mule something less than 75 years old. Owner can have same by proving property, paying for this notice and damages, f - E. McNISH. ' phone... ... ... ;4io. Ground Under Car Wheels. A young unknown white ' man was ground into shreds and un recognizable bits" on the'railroad track in Charlotte Saturday night. . ' No clew to his identitv seemfs i tu exist save that he had. sandy uyciiu. ms lace was an irrecog- TO?0UBE A GOLD IIS ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All fl m CTCTl cf Q rafntiJ ! i r i luuuvy n ii i a US to care. zoo. TDfl cflnn n Viqd T. t r liFSC lURIi CO. K - I will be glad to have the pat ronage of Concord's people when in need of any . kind of cement work, - placing of grates" and brick work in general. -Satisfaction guaranteed. " ' Wm. C Dejournette. ' .'JI Will be ffmnd af; n "R .oner's on West Depot street; ... Good Fanning. Mr. W M Sapp, Iwho crons on Mr. John Allison's farm just across tne Yadkin river in David son COUnt v. rai eoJ J1 An W i, i 1 L V ,. .. . 7 I 1 -"vv j.v vuoxieis uj j - io'-ouu3 xiis neart lay wm on 10 rows this year The away from the nth 7 . v.t.,-"Mugicu 4w"o woxo yaras"' lonsr Sal. Parts Of Kishndxr rpi,rt . - J UU' 03,1 " , . , 47 t eHt!UU OI lSDury oun. "monoJ'; aoout, it is said, auuu iair to Dresiimft iliQf nntirVt mrTTn w CaUSe f e untimefy We offr ; one-hnndred dollars death. jHe was nrobablv reward frtyVd-- .""aaoaar.8 i ,. ,i t ij-Lf, . -r : 1 ; . "j oacoui catarrh oy the shifting enerine: ' that can, not bv enrd ;mhl . t NO CUKE. KO PAI . - ,. ' TP. J. Cheney & Co., Props., . : . r ,wr. " uruergists sell . . xoiertn. f ESTK M' Tonio for chilU We the 1anderian,-fV ." r i a . 4 nAnrrACTtncna o 44 PINE Gingii ams, J?laids, and Malaria.; It ia Tin f1 .aersigned,. have a tasteless form'. Children Kuuwn nJ ,ey for the last 15 ultsreferit to bitter. no.lJears; and believa him-n Quinine in s T GALL FOR 1 IS; Jo TC TAr rr ; vABABEUS CoUNTT:' Section T - - eeLool law of North ' garohua sa; 3 thauhe 6heriff shall set tie the school tax for his .county, on or before December 31st, of each year and -Si Yi. ?? 8ays that "sheriff shall settle the State taxes by the -first Jay of January in each year, .- ? r. '.-- ,v ' Now in order to do thw' l wiil n-are to collect abpnt $25,000 between - thia l Pecf mber, 'xhis Js no idle talk but it is solid factstjial; are looking " laue. come are coming in and settling up but if you .. haven t paid your tax this is to tell von :inat you must doiso at once. If I have j y w ye ai your expense bo please attend Jo it at once and save Vry. respectfully, ; J. L. Peck, Sheriff. Sis i V Notice to Tax-Payers. . . The tax books , fbr 1899' live been placed in my hands - for collection and all iji l requested to come forward and .foj tueir Luxes at once. y ' v . Cjty.TaCbllector. Offers the business PulblicVreliable: manent conservative and accommodat es banking instution. SWe solicit youf rpatrcna&e with assurance of honorabl a i . 7. Mniiucub UHQ .uu appreciation of your patronage. -, If w? can serve you any time we will Oe slad to havn vrkn j : ' - wxiAo uu see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS- Capital anfllSnn)lns - - $70000. t! W Vteane, Chashier,, ; JM. OiEii4esident. f4 t uvery;b:ed and sale ' . v): ' v'; STABLES. . lKU-" 3J?llD arP'.St. Cloud Ho'ti.6ra- uibosee meat all ni00- A . - Hoand ;mnlesalwaya 6n banc ' "fef rfeis of iroS ' ' WANTKT)'!'. ' X pounds Of oM yearsand believe hini perfectly . r v uuoiueijs transac tions and financially able id carry out any obligations made by their .Ul 4X1 . . ' - ; p":Wes; Truaf;-" if .liolesae'Drnggist TI7 . .. Toledo, O." Waldmg, Kiunan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, rr n - Toledo, O. Hail S CJatarrh: tercally, acts directly upon the 23S5 : :ifep bie- General.! . j " v.rDh s . Testimo nials freet. ; AND -"- Outing Cloths ?iercnacd Or -BUYERS OF- COUNTRY PRODTinR "It IS A Rnrrti-JtjJT..' ' L - v ol ten years- 1 havo AWnc4T"r:ru"ttV "sea ureens, fmS- kttU ther remedv acne? and for constipation I find fnr tounit.R and Min. 5 . V A mwu ior and feennral hl-;rri1i "i."s ueaioaes SCREDTTI N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1899. .. This condensed schedule is fcub ' lished as information subject to change without notice to the public- Trains leave concord N. C 5,52 A. M. No R. M mond connects at r Greensboro foi f - xt it . A l omsDoro and ...ixnnta North, at Salisbury for f -rr-' "v mu jMiuia west. 7' lft Ar-TVT- fir QO "k. XT-il. Tr. i ni 'i Vi v UU i-ew jtorK and moriaa rjT nr ftfi ? Mt-iifoe "Dn m.. maOars between Xew Xork and An- SSKSS S.outestern limited for AtlantavBirjoiingham,-Iemphist Mont, gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all s nmnfn Qnn j n tXb t ttUU oouinwesi. HrOnXn Fnllman elAnn. T -r i , KrTrTi weeper bw iotk to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dinins.rftr Trnatill -i. i , 1 v Washington andAtlahta- ' ' 10:00 A TIT oo r .-' . , ir,w rr:"-, "y ior vvasn- -,.-ftv Aviuuuiona, 7; itaieiffh and all ; v i ix ew urieans to SbM?i?nst cars from San Prn Po Q j - Urle&ns and South. em. pacific Sundavs ahr? Wrcnn - 11:23 A. M Tj -ii .m . hnj oll ;T o , u uuuy ior Atlanta H 7-09 PTlT"NrvVf j?., - ' . . Norfolk, and aU points North. Asueyille to CIuAiotte. ;f. C. 8i 5l P. M. a.; urc4 Tw Uffi C!r' - Sin .-im Orleans to Nv 1, S?WB:r0-'35 lyffoi Atlanta Oceans, carries, Pullman drug storeT T fzed nr,r,fVirTjrJAWB m Civil. r. : '"- -t rioe.ior same. 1 v.- 4 ' HE FOOLED THE UHGEON All dofttTB frT tt ... west of months from Eectfti S! ? die unless .mmZ:ZZZJ:m y-tl 'tS' Balv0 the World2S KZi ai ,'i.'lff7'fe . 7-1 t, . '.(V', ' , ;7: . 7.. "... 'J fr' ooncom V .-.rT Weutf, carries Pullman 01 mi kind. , I Atlanta; dinninii .oa-- Al, Pnii.,-. cS? WUngteii to San ncw- OrleanTnesday and Fn- ToAad rr,-,' dai'y. the New Richmo.. Car- eebo180 y'm ioScs of Vegular' through or toXhtd ? heretheyfitop accord111 Z "ThM rr- S. Gannon. .tnxaioe-Prea, ana Gen1. Man. wiV- ioncCiTwlniigton, D. C. -CuIpvTraffi, Manager, oTran. Pasenberj, C Local gent We iwtion r6f thergbods 7- v v I 7- -rvuuvry9 iiocai Agenf. 7. " ' I it7 5.' i 7 5-

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