1ES i i i " i m in i ; want in M .! : ' i! " ! : I Rubbers 1 ana men. ft i fiT''?. 1 T. ?. kind. nd Mackintos hes for children, ine ranees are verv --moaera:r.e. Our stock is large to select from. b women Think of any 93 CATARRH iir; CUKE FOK CATR1R is ra? Easy and Pleasant tof&, iurious Drug. Is quick- ly aosorvta. Lrives re ief at once. It opens nd cleans th 'acoi Passages. Allays In- namation. 1 : . . , 7 KVVWh. IN IS jMrs. WinslowV Soothitf? Syrup ha ueeu usea ior over mty years uy mil lions . of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieye the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot- tlf T? A cnro art3 oolr tV 4'Mnn TXTi. v uu UOIi , IU ip. If ill" slows Soothing Syrup," and take no " other kind . . , ti. "i j t t .i,vn'r minions Given Away. Heals and protects the membrane, restores the TA . '. , senses of taste and smell. Lartre size oc at Drutr- It IS certamlv oratvinor tr th needy and suffering, fhe proprietors of iJr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have CIVOT) Q 1X70 TT niTQV t-a-n milKnn 1 i ties of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely uvuoauJo ui liupuiees castas. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all COLD !n HEAD COAL! 800 Craven Has BomM K. L TONS JELICO COAL 200 'tons hard coal Also Virgins Sf lit m Bird: Eye "Camel. uoaL uesi sieani coaiai mine prices. , Good Smith Coal. Call and get what you want. 'Phone 74. Knows How to Raise Them Too. Mr. A L Castor is also in the ring for fine turnips, having pre sented us one today (Tuesday) good for five formidable attacks ana one mild case of colic allowing one pound to each. We share xne turnips as we do not want to monopolize.the consequencess. j ine real pleasure comes, from seeing the success attendning the efforts at scientific agriculture. for even big turnips do not grow iur inose mat doiiot know turnip culture. Til A "KTlTlfl "Wvri TTo.ita ATnrntra Tn.T- x "3 . . in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature f y fT and lias been made under his p (a( sonal snpervisiou since its infancy" All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but v periments that . trifle with and endanger Ihe health r Infants and Children-Ihcperieiico against Experiment w hat, is GASTG Smallpox Not Gone Yet. .liiixia,, ixujLiumnB, xioarseness ana all j- iiv'io occuxs uu uownillff oi are surely iC..TfOT !?n,lllP?- We See " stated that store ana get a iree trial bottle, wwiisuuroiias 10 cases at the SSeSy bt- Pest house and that fully 200 i nonn ft k o tt t . , HOW8 THIS? '"Zir". -W08ea to it. Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dmn. and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotii substance. Its agro,is its gruarantee. It des?oys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Winli Col,lcr , " reheyes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It. assimilates the Food, regulates tim Sl0mSnd,B27els' fi healiy and natural sw The ChUdrens Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE GiKl"(riPliK ALWav, Sears the Signature of Winter is Coming, I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal And have ten more'ear loads on the war. It is time for you to lav in a nrTlvfnr t the winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. ' J. A. C. Blackwelder. Wa r, u a 1 - a n waiy mua cases aresaid to ve. ofler one hundred dollars hP it tho Tmn reward for any caee of catarrh -Pamona terracotta that can not by cured by Hail'a works' about three miles from Catarrh Core. Greensboro. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., At Uniontown, Kentucky, j T?Ied Ohio- there are 500 cases in a popula We the undersigned, have tion of about 1 8C3 years, and believe him nWfW.fl J 11 lsllable to break out as a reliable in all business transac- smouldering fire, at any point, uuub nuu-nnanciaiiy able to carry au au.x ll"ie. ie KM Ywi Have ilwavs Mm In Use For" Over 30 Years. TM CCWTAUW COIIHWT. TT MUHIUff STHCET. NEW YORK CITY ( West Depot St. at Store. JG'Phone 68. Take It Up ! A mule something less than 75 years old. Owner can have same by proving property, paying for this notice and damages. E. McNISH. 'PHONE...... ... ........410. Miss Carr to be Married. ; It has been announced that ivps iala Carr is engaged to yv rfc TIT TTTn " ' 1 xxici.y ivir. winiam F Patton, a prominent vnnrVr ' lnIi' js r ii v learneia, a. Miss Carr is the I will be glad to have the . pat ronage of Concord's people when mneed of any kind of cement work, placing of grates and brick WOrk hV on vr si . O Satisfaction guaranteed, rrr .Jn' 0 OEJOURNETTE. iI will be found at C B Was oner's on West Depot street. but any obligations made by their firm. v ; West & Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldmg, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drugffists. Hall's Catarrh. Cure is taken in- only remaming single daughter xijai.y, auis uirecuy upon the "x arr, and has had the blood and mucous surface of the highest advantages by which she nials free. , ' J' CTE BEST PRESgRIPTJON FOB OHILL and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Tflfit ; 'S" I I QUO flK-ill m -r- . . """v- UfferflthAhnsir.pr.Kl; k.ki r xuiuuic. never fails to onr. TWW - icuauie, per- inen why experiment with worthless "'"" vvuobiiahivn 21 1 1 1 1 HPf!nmmftrtn I "".immwuoi i I Jl-.M ru 1 ss-r-ti V i t.-i.. . .. ' ui ....7 . .w ww... iuur it 4 - nAnrFAOTtrneca of 444 (S-ingltains, I Concord ft kiit Plaids, money back if it fails to enre. IflSI CflLLFOR TAXES. ' A JL v Section 5; of the school law of North , , ouciiAi Hxiau set tle the schooltax for his ;connty on or before December 31st, of each year and the4ilawva1 that the sheriff shall tvjv"w khiach uy me nrst Jay of January in each year. TV I v zr uw tAlAa x win nave to wmjx uui in Bona iacts that are looking us sauarelv in tVio . o K coming in and settling nR but if yon haven t paid votir tAT thfH : ii that you must do so at once. If Thave a 7 1 . . " your expense t eo pleapo attend to it at once and save ! finer. f : ' "Very respectf ally, J- Peck, Sheriff. Notice to TaxPayers. The tax books for 1899 have been placed hr my ' hands for collection and all- tax-payers ; ar rn n PSted to COlhft fn-rxrryX j pay their taxes at once. j IWe solicit vour rmtrr.nftim -u" assurance of honorable treatment and -UUBEJ'A COLP IN ONE DAY due appreciation of your patronage. a ?1 Irn ?VV6 ?ro? Qtdnine Tablets. JJ we can serve von anv tim -n be glad to hayexpu come and see us. f T .TTT7r at a rflt. . ifT flTTOmmirni-nn . , . SnrjlDS" - $70 000. f -t vJoiiTrane, Ohashier, T. M: OpeiTj. Wesident. .i, i . , ,v -yxvxuw quinine x a Diets. AU druggists refund mnn if u oYi : cure. -25n. Th I-rif "?V it1 n each tablet T fc u uf a V Capital 1,.' Brown & BRo. LIVELY, FEED AND 8 ALE ' STABLES. Jnst in rear oi Bt. Cloud Hotel; Oio nibuse8 meet ail passer ger train?. Outfits -o) all kind fxiu ' .-! ioutov proinptly and at reasonable prices. -c! aiaye on band '4, watch W barm it'6iT mkt&te: fh& ; aietf; J ' ' W m t r Tfarir Minv ACTOIia Rftnrtfncr a .VM.i. j . . .. imfekiT MOftToirT 1 , u-ae8criPtl0n may WOta strictly confidant K.S?TiP?n freewhetheran ;s Bent iraa n i raaJ.iilVLlu "w on t'atenta riSf 9Ifleat agency for BecmiTii? nntoAc --,T1 3t"J nycientlflc Journal. Term i iS TW 1 NO CUBE. NO PAT . n1. S?1? waX all druggists eeU Grove a Toafolooa niv,-ii m i hP andi Malarm. Tf. Y-mu? &e ?i5..fe9. form, Chfldren wj ni w reier it to bitter, nau leatinft ToDiea Price. 50o. oiuiejLiuxium wiri.uies. -Miss Susie Ivie, one of thelafp students at the. State Normal; died at her home in Leaksvill last Friday night of fever. s 1 . . neetm ( 8' Salt B ouv AND Outing Cloths GL0BI0US15WS , " es of Electric Bmamed Mra Brewer nf sr.fnln .uj.l i urH Huca naa caused reat suffer ng foryars. ITerrS sores would hrnV Wnt ' C t vzrvV1? fe' ?n,J ?e best d.ootors c"ld giVe no wj if"? her c,?ro is complete, aid her n wv - - J-ms snows that tiiousands have, . proved, that Electno Bitters is the hAst i Stlff6??1' eczeml tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils rd ran! Sl 14 tes liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help SJ idn budds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold at Fetzer'g Drnj Sto?e HE FOOLED THKauBQEONS All donfnra f r1A Tti-i- n-' ... . topqi r xxamuton, of die nnlrr r ne ould r C r . ""-y operation Wa3 ner. Salve in ,h wij7r3 -an." tte.best . DEALER IN General Mereteirfdise COUNTRY, EE0DUCE of all kind. .0. outhern ailway SCHEDTTT N EFFECT JULY TBE 16TH, 1899. This cohdensea schrini ic ki Iisned as informatinn subject to change without notice to the public :;; s $.52 A; M. NO '8. rfnilxr T:,r- Ealeigh and Goldsboro; at Qoldsboro for Norfnllr- at. Hol l J nr -1.7 . and nmntst IMf Vi t aut.. ft Ashevdle, Kndxyille and points West. toi" r.v, - - - " -w xoric and .Fiorina HiTnreoa nnyfinn T)ti 01 - -- tv, vaiiicu x uimjanoieeD- r-r?.wu" uot"oou jow iotk and An. Ar7? S.otlte8tern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham,xM0mphis, Mont omery, Mobile'and New Orleans, and rrr,wu u tV uu ooutnwest. ahrough Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New YorMo Memphis, 'SSSff ve8ed coach, between Washington and Atlanta. irH ry' Ail Wash- ',."r -"Aeign ana an ?'-9rae8:Plllh drawing leT v B1ePef. -New Orleans to i rancisoovia New Orleans and South era Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M N7 11 SSftfSS?: S?M train, Rich- -7:09P M "M 10 jj;i - . t.. , nA a i: ua"y ior mcn- xrfiv j if' "nooga, xtaieign, Norfolk, and all points North. l!fw??7i; Rich Q Washington, Goldsboro, Selm 777-p.r' -uwwu jvnoxviue ana Ashfevdle to. Charlotte. N. G. ana SonthwfiRiHTT. 7 j ttt i ggton and all points North. Through PuUman car. Memphis to New York; New Orleans tn at -v t i. ... ,7 w juuxii. aibo carries , - . X" ttUU uinmg car. uiose foy Norfolk . ooro wiin sieeper T9.20 P. M xr or j.ji ..ill. onj v A . w 00 uaiiy, 101 quanta anxi f New Orleans, carries Pullman leleX9to l!iew Orleans. New :AiTijjr owuyxno ana unanotte 10 1 '-r 7"& . y- AiBO x uiniHii tourist car WftoiiriAx r,i davl1 0rlans Tuesday and Err tt7 ".ir. A,u- i aaijy. tne iew iour-foot Wood always Wanted-SBest -2? rtda -Express, iarriesPall- : r - 5 -to Sleeping Cars between Augufita p. , " York. Tampa, Fla, and New . 0. xorK and Charlotte to Richmond. Car IICN K PfinOM f Ikn.l .11. -k-r 11 Greensboro " TO -worioiK Firsf. 1 . - vwuuo kji ri32Tiiar tnrnnsrn or wui-A tt. "U?' o .urannon, ; Ixurd Tice-Prs. atto! GeH'L Man. TaIim HI , rim . l" ' ; -wxi iu. vuip, UTaffi6 'Manager, 1 'fWasliuigton, DO, W A., Tnrk, .aenUi, Pass. Agent, 1 Washington, D. a Ooron Dasenbery, Local Aent. weAmaxinxactTir( it t I 1 IcUO. L j