r , f iSov-in change of schedule tool e, :: Junel2, 1899. 6 . NOKTHHOUND. ,st " 12 8 arrives at ft 52 a m.. " 1U0U a m, 44 7-09 p ni, 44 8.51 p m, (flag) -9 4t p m, i 44 2 00 a in ilveu ; t) SOUTHBOUND v v- ; 7 arrived at 8 49 a m, (firtfO 11 u 4 44 11 23 a m, . 44 b .51 p m. 44 .0pm,-flos) i7 1fi .. ... I ll) c. UIj 44 8 49 a m, (freight) . tuuraveyaruienF;. .ftEW YORK MARKETS. It -was a main- graveyard and. -. 1 the fence thereof was in - a most " . cotton . disreputable condition upen mh Lo - Some of the neighbors, g ' trying to start a movement lore- May : 66 ' : 67 54 fence the' cemetery,-and it was Sugar 155J 156 - 155i mqeting with. general approval"- . . " Chicago wheat " -uwu- vyju ui o;ciiius Dec. . 641 633- f ' ....... . .. . - - J .... "JL 3a Closed 47 nj 54. patin .? tioward was aroused. What forihe4nquired. What's (the need of , fencing the May 156 68 0; toe Demand. 69 68-1 J b. i. ce v Kfisoyra I npiti!icfi ... 1 CO 4 Knn N . vhen running ahead otMo; 7. yarji r-j. here .ain't ;no . one inside? Species Increase : - 8 303 )on t -want, j.ucrease . . . . . o.DZd.4UU 7 , i Increase . . . . . 10.120.000 titST U l r- v . a ' t - K.-vifi . f ; bar! )tte, and is stopped for . nrrivjnsr irom LvncDi)urr or u.iiu &ure inerftain'ti anv rmormt; K : ,J. No. 30 stops reknlarly for Uulo 1W rnfc. : f deposits i-ys-rers for Salisbury, Point, . "wmo. w &w lu. ou . 36 -Inch Plaid V enetien only 15c. yd. Fancy Plaid Dres&G-oods only 70. ytf- And the fence was not built till Not a Burden; a ' . a. rv .ft t pritKMpai scaiions uerweeu ianyme ana w 5v.li niL'ton. No. 3Z BtoDS for v&s- ?:;,: r" comiupj from i yuchbare or folks had ceased to chuckle over p..,:; 1 beyond, and to take on' pas- t pvs for r, -.-ular stopping places the thrust of Darius. South- soutu "i xxowf u. u. oo hcopa 10 mi port cjcanaara. oil ;nssencrK inm rugniitr stopping p!;i::cs sonth of Newells and to take on ni.-sfc nereis for regular stopping places. .;--:'jhiurg or bovond. - - In consequence of insufficient .os. ana d-t biop ai uoncora tor ca,. t? t . j n -severs to or from the O. O. & A. support the Rev Dr;; Goodman l lvisiouChariofto to Augusta and had been compelled to resign and and Florida reached through Columbia was abou to accept a Call from a or Augusta church in another city. aid coiiuert at Salisbury with trains of "YOU Will Carry With you to V". N. (). Division. - : vmir now rtplrl nf laK n K L E P HONE NO. 71. said -: tha leading., elder .-of the THE tJEKT-PR! WIRTP'inrix' mo - AiUil . X N J I and fpvrr is a Wft! - . Tnoirf less OhilJ Tomb, Never fails; to cnio; VP 1 ne7i wny experiment with worthless imitation)-? Prion n) npnW Yonr uoonev back if it fails to cure. . " ; fe, Side line. Free, samples. Com on 1 following trade; trust prices cut. One earnins? $40. several $30 weekly. P. O. w.f.y 1S71; New York. . KM o BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth $1 to close out at 75c. . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . i . . . BEAVER CAPES, full sweep bra! del and fur trimmed, worth $l;7a.; Our price 1.25;. CHILDREN'S REEffERS - worth and 2. 50. Our price 1.75: . . .... . 0 August Flowers. "It is a surDrHnsr. fact ' savs Prof. Houston, 'that my travels in all parts of '3 ine woria, ior me iasi ten years, i nave mt more people havinsr used Green's j August Flower than any other remedy, rOCJiNDED liOCK, "our most earnest hopes for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom- S -LV perity." 4 il ? I believe you; E3roerHig- I cho. and for .constipation. I find for W - J I rnnriSTS ann Rsi Mmnn or fn-r wrsnna miing omce posiuons, wnere neaaacnes v?Xi and general bad teelings from irrigularl i.-t.2i i '11 i y t 1 i ni I liaoiia exist, mat vjreen s austist iow- v.y gersley," replied s the doctor er is a grand remedy, jit, does not in- nnfl tlnnt, i rthnnt nil T cVinll liovo ure lJQe syaiem uy irequenr, use ana is ana tnau is aoout an 1 snail nave exoellent for sour stomachs and indi- to carrv." ChlCasroTribUne. - gestion." Sample bottles free atFetzer's vjuuti nu uiicumitautcs iau a ncauij cnamDeriaiu's fain iaim urcs uiners Be Disputed; s . :: ' T Why Not You? And it. is a 1 ealityJhat we mako strictly My wife a9 been usin Chamberlain one ffraae. A larce or-hmalb;size, as Pain-Balm with-good Results, for a aeMrea, br.t only odh grade. Whybuy lame fhoulder that has pained her con- nn instrument oeeanse it is HOvettiBed tinnallfnii in-ia-' W havA itri L Ui ilOrJ iUU ULUU1U tliiAU ONE LOT of Black Kersey Capes, tailor maie 135 in seewp braided plaited and plain, worth $5.00 and $6.00. We are going to sell them at $3.50 and $5.00. AN ATTRACTIVE line of Fur Capes and Cro vat 3 from $1.00 to $2.06 Chaper than can be bought. V 0: 0: 1 1 - ........... v . - -iTAWW'W W. VZ 85.00 -to se.oo. . lis ciuo:1 all kinds of medicines and doctors with- : m .tnmts Ui-hin the ehtimation of your out receiving any. benefit from any of frienus and the Greatest iilusicians ail them. One day we saw an advertise- S3rd Series. Books are now open for sup- 1 S'ull Iiinef of i Table . Linen ; and: Naplsins. Can save you money. V V .ii il i. - jf i r: ary Society will meet Monday w r . ... t. afternoon at 4 o'clock with iMiss jr OH1 r''- lTv t x" t ".4t ment Of tnis medicine ana tnou-nt 01 Grrintirin of Rtnplr in HftTirnrrl X tone, delicate touch, etc. Injfcot a t it which WG did with the best of sorption Ot fetOCK in OOnCOrci Ccial to. the wear: and at one price v.;am the reach of allf because two For sale by M. Jj.'Marsh & Co.; -Drug payment due Saturday, 'Decern- m tye you the Middleman's Profit, and it - - f-r -J.- ; X is worth saving, too. , ... ... Jlsl ber 2nd, 1899. Call on secretary 0 Tcras accommodating, patalogue for :: Mr. and Mrs. W C Wiison, ings Bank and subscribe.- me asKing. oome oargains ; m square of charlotte- - came over - this : Robt. S Young, M. D. , mornins:. Mrs. Wilson is spend- v '. President. . n,i linn rl n tt ,nt IV'Tt Knnri 1 IJirrft I ' IT T WAArvwotTC!-! ----- - J Va. alrcaCr .rnqT1 .!2i3 r -i tvt- Sec'y and Treas. Kate Gibson; Mr TK "P1 T?.noroT rAtmrnftrl hnmo . Friday' night from a -business I See the adelsewhere of Mr. trip. . Jno. B Willeford,, who is our countv scandard'keeper.X. These Dr. J P Miinroe, ' of Davidson," matters mustbe attehdedio; says A- n p- t " - i a- 11 lil. ( spent r riaay nigni nere onvuu si- t,he law. - ; V - ness. ' ' ' - ' ' ,' '. i Mrs. Youngblood, of Char- Rev. J D .Arnold will leave lotte, and Mrs. Woods, of South next week for Lexihgtoh' ;-lobe-' Carolina,- spent n Friday with crhi irnrlr in "hid "n cwxr "fi olr ii "U.4-"U'A-iT?-W W loY- Mrs. T J Wilson, -who has anAer- been visiting her pf autshere,' i Richardson and Charlie Patter- has returned to Winston. Rhn. of CaJbarrus -county. are Krft irietiihis tilace and uaujf papci w uiuoa -y Xpgricer WltH a View VJX. uuu v ai-ijo fUv AVirfn I , i..i xj. wuaixioao uouaoo ui,t"v ,y i-nere.--aiisDurytAij 4 N . ; ; 1T)r; W K Hartsell of Randle- Miss Eula WagewhQ 'hajj-'rnn, spent Thursday night here Cannon ct Fetzer Thinking oi buying a Nice Umbrella call at ; - lSn -I " Loo.ld.rg. for holi-' A H 1-- . gilts don't tan to see pur "vv'"--;: : 'SSwSl.j-.:vj;.;i-; .1:1:,.,-. ;i::-;;v :;.-i; t.u.uvL UTULLvrauwM u u VLXjL ft ft ; ft- v x ft ft THE JEWELiER, Is; a handsome,: durableUand a g q c U'S StOYet Or Ran Qfe: convenient - v - , - . r, - , r .'-.' 4 williappreciate one of 1 our hand- ? iAnrelefeaht line, of these .; oods. Just reced'Ja iiew"ilot":of ; been' visitiilg'fatMrJas.v S with his.cpusiitrMr. AlHartJ- Plaids in Soiierset:andnitian m Cook's, left, Friday-: night for. geii, aaifetutxifed hoiiie4 Friday dotsVv !:Blua fita clojlir ; Morganton. ; morning. Brown c Covert v . cloth.F v Small ; Miss Ella Belle:Shirey;cam0?m mew house. joined her sister4,' Miss 4 Almaat Spencer. Salisbury Sun'i; In CharlnttA Frndaniffht?Mrs Osmond " 'L ; Barririravef auuo compjimen cary u ysyo . iin Margaret Cannon 6ithislace.- Two ministers, -Rev; rT;f Boone and'Revr'DrA Bf will be in Concord femorVoW atid will fill pulpits m the Methodist uurches. .Mr. Chas. Boyd spent Friday - night TlPro 'n tc XrtUA Tlnhnl oyd will be an operator f or . the uunoKe Times; Mrs. P B Me.an anrl VlnTiPhter. iss Minnie, : who f have been visiting m Newport' News; are ow visiting Mrs" Galloway - in . . .... - . . . fY "II 1 I VY Y I IV 1X. H 'f.;i '.. . ' ' Xr "fT""" v ... " Miss Ella Graham,-. wlio .has 'Messrs. Gaskel & Goldberg, Plaid wool. gocam: dress' pafr. . - FlPI I been visiting Mlss'iteiidd'Bn' HrboK rao'bvahJ tei6:'.iK4:v-. U ( -rTTOCS ' 1 .'P9P; Ei5,. j boad, has returned' to' -her'-lidinbWenod a branch4 store at Kings , : ouL?rrOhwii ' - " t- in Rowan county." " . ; ' ' 'Mpuntain,. Thb..tott5m6mbpro QSK.DhOBSJl, ..... - ; -. . . . ; SM!ff,, thb" fir id vilF Kdvo 'charge of "htt v4i7,v'1wi rldleShdei SKf -:. ;.1J: tpf'1 C. .V - inButtoirandlacev--X-&t foi ffiVeiltKeUpeple'thlswin Xl nfinnr thanksto the v A1-v;:TSmife i;tf3ti ' We nit L:AMi fi W Tho exOTCiTOift cons happens is xux . 7"-. - 1 v - 9 Orcsc'0inIes Hd3 5 -v Prompyatlentio 1 'the; f l ! OTestsfctlie it .1 1 - - Bake Cakes to order,aiid6uid,be atrial order ber we have fresh 3 .oysters, bread, rolls, etc. every day. ; Concord .Bakery. , v Jos Fisher, Proprietor. . PH0NES i2aV"- T?able supieaifrotn the best ; otf iADMIiaSTBAfrOROP:r market. . Polite - servants.- SSaWmast mak, prompt payment, :l y, T . - ; MTS.!!! A, WMlUjk ildMpi. c han. clwmsT againt-saia estate -. a - dulyv thenti(teapn ;beejthe ; -HatSEtC 2nd of Deioember.,19QOxOir this no- ty . . :t:6' buying.. ForJdover Seed Tye - A. W. Moose, . . Seed Rye, andIlcckSalt:gorto : ' ' ' J.A..PECK, L , . . - . , - r., : . . Administrators. ' . . , , -. peo. ist, 1899. Aff - .U.vvv. rauerson b. 1 WANTED Tt buy l00,(XX) pounds oi nia oaavirou 3uiop4 u Uvrvd at ibe .oQDdry at ;on$e, for whibb we will tay a fair price. No borbt 'Sroh'rtfitecL 1 nietf. v CONCOBD FOXJHDBY 00.

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