t is ! i j I I! ! STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER And SON. y: Editors and Proprietors. OfflfE la THE JttOBBIS BUILI 1HE STANDARD is published every dajKSundav excepted) and delivered by :. riesw - Bates of Subscription : Cm venr .......... . . . . .frUX) : i Sir w&clLe.. . ... .... . . . 2 00 Thr;8 mouths. 100 Oniv'flBii jsh .35 Slnct copy. . ......... .05 OttlVapaper. ' Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates Jerms for -regular ' advertisements dado known on application. Address nil 'conimiinications to HE STANDARD, - ' Concord, N. C. Concord-, N.' (J., Dec. 5, 1899. IT AS A BAD M0?E. . The attempt to lynch Will Ed wards nd Tom Carr in Salisbury Saturday night is not a matter to be co 'ttiinplated with compla cence by the law-abiding people of the county. It is accumulated wid-w.ee that there is an element in tl.c county dangerous to the good name of the county and the safet" of citizens about whose degre . of guilt there is difference of opin'on. Not that the writer is the least bit in sympathy with the turn the c jiirts. have given to this particular case. Our under stanaing of the matter leads us to believe that both these char acters axe just what that Rowan jury said they were, murderers in the first degree, and that retributive justice as well as a healthful confidence of our people that the strong arm of the law" will protect our citi z 8ns, demanded that they be hanged on the 20th day of De cember. But in this we are aware that we may be in error, while we know positively that mobs cannot be trusted to meet out justice. Much as a righteous indigna tion demands prompt and vigor ous punishment of such outrage-; ous crimes it were better to abide fey 1- 1 courts ana elevStA the courts by public demand for only the mips t Jure and bonccientibns. When we dig to the root of these evils. we find 'it vfthe p$eo tfle themselves who commit crimes and try to erode, rather than secure justice Vwith The partiea who are to m&n ttr lynch eomebody would pay round fees for lawyers't hide .. v.- Kh6i ttthe ray totxabcjl "matter wore. A masked man cprcrcd to messensrers orf tho fior id did up & neat job of rbbtng; fiettng $lt7O0J Heisbeingjchtsed but it might ya$t fining-Draas'ii were 4Sonveyed to him cthat there -ma THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a A ' v v : - versationthe very; : sinews of car-pae, ei?ht-oohrnm paper. It lyis, delineation of that which period: virtue v T- larger oirculation in Cabarrus than any oiKr ocne fi! min - .'V Vi the truth, rob justice and eereea thetd ? f dr -toHfi Ihoui " -C8, 000 more ) inlthe car ithatyh rmigHt as-'well have gotten and OTS CESTi PRESCRIPTION SOB y; ) chills : - : v hnd f flYOT is d bottled: Orove's Taste less OhillToniai Hererfeasi to onre; Then why experiment :with worthless mifnnfc? Prioe 50 cents. Your cioney back il it fails p euro. : NOT IN TAIN. Editor Caldwell, of the Char lotto Observer, came - near.. Con fessing en last Sunday his penitence- for writing a glooniy article the. Sunday; before. 'It seems his readers expect sun shine without ; clouds from Ms editorial skies. rWe read the ar ticle and hardly feared that any body would commit suicide from its promptings. There was, we thought, a fine icallv ambitious for ideals not attained or, we might say, not attainable..! He is not an ideal man who is .sentially injured except' ty your so contented with himself and1 own acts'. vt" t f:?; ' the world as not to weary at If any one sptek&"vfl 6t you, times with excessive, burden, let your life. be so that none will What harm is it (nay is it ? not believe him. :: i.f ni .:'. " well enough) that th6se bowed Pjink no kind : of intoxicating with life's -cares and anxieties are sometimes made aware tfiat tiiey suffer not alone? It is the wicked that have no bands in their death, 'whose strength is firm, who are not plagued as other men, who have more than heart could wish. It is the wicked that speak loftily. If life to the abitious were but the living of it, then it were scarcely worth the candle. Rest is sweet only to the weary and hope is an anchor only to those tossed on life's turbulent seas. '" Who reaches forth at the sub stance of things hoped for, but he who is ready to exclaim, 4 Vanity of vanities', all is van ity?" . IT'S A DOWNRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Last Saturday was a cold dayj Two gentlemen from the cour saijj they saw a man plowing that day who had his little boy follow- ing him in the field with. a pan of 'fire by which he would warm his hands: When first een they said, he was .warming his hands by the ' 'fire. , He : 5 then started to ploying the littie hoy following with the pan 6i fire'and ajittlp-, girl: ras JbUpJ with an armfal .of i lihtopd TOlintera.--otJiiri fcitifienf1; inc. provesv. cjcMnfii ai6.;in frinueaent -gnvjttw'; monopoly of fish and nakes4 v , As a rare for rhtumfttism , Chamber; lalhF&in -Balt jstiniaff air ride" repuMtron.a? P JhilsUli tf;lichm)iia? Ind.. haa boo troubled 7 vitii that ailment ae Xtr Cvtian of jj qbeTlaiWPa Cla Jclslik fra. Vo.C to Lii X Herch & . Co. r ti. t ... - ... IfTCb of the fed fr6m CSty, IX, says the tfor4lirdr:ol "the Reason was then rapng. Snow; wafalli ilffiffllr & isZ tot I rVpably, ttiot o!ts a kind oVMBM breves i-ll-ai rpBt iaact in etidenccef;v;r,t.?.T " ' , XThiiear is Xi ara Is Hope asjfdicUi WSicarfh; 'could neither taste Thor smell and cduld hear but little. Ely's Cr eam naim M cured it. Marcus - G. 81mutIrwaylrN I; : : .ldaMreaed'7me safely and 'x dff ect is .surprising. My, son saysuae nrst application gave decided-. .Mie.UEekieculry; Mrs. :Prajjmn ;:Ereemah: Do ver, JH. .... 7 TOe Balm does hblb ; irritate 6t cause sneezuig . Sold byrdrug . gists at 50 cents, or maUed by Ely- Brothers; ,56 Warren St., NewTork. ' - :' , ''Some Golden Grains. Keep goid?(5onipanyor none. never oe icue. i r ; I If your hands cannot be use fully emploedj.ttend to the cultivation -ofpur mind; Always-speak the truth. Make few promises.tk . v , Live upVlp yqur -engagements. Keep yonown' secrets, if you have any ' r When- y ouspealT?to a person, look him in the face.; r v Good comxianv and fireod. con- Goodr cliaractef is afiove all things else. ' " Your cMiacf er-cannot be es liajabrs. I Ever .live ,: (misfortuno ex cepted) within your income. -When you retifia-ta bed, think oyer -what you have been doing uringjheay. --j - f Ma)re no hast& jfrfr' b'e xich, if you would: prosper. - - - v y SmalL and ;steady gains , give competency!,' with; tranquility of rnind; ; -' Never play at. any game of chance . v ; -void temptation, through fear you may not withstahdy t. . 5 fearn money before you spend ti? '- . . . .' .. ever run into debt unless you see a way to get out again. Never borrow, if you can possibly avoid it. . ; : - Do not marry, until you are able to support a wife. "Never spealf evil of any one. Bo just before "you are- gen- er0U3.-.;?::; ' Save when you, are r young to 6ndn;yoirB'6ld, : : Read ,6 ver ithe" ab5 6 ve maxims atleat once a week -Ex.' ' - ; liqis fiir& Away-v. v V - to know of one cMcer ia the. jttrahd are not , afraid to r be generous to the netodfihflferinpr; rhe opfefdrs of &i- King's New IWpcery fo to. sumption, Ooughr -'and: Cold$, J hate nri van -o txto.t( nfav ion . V-"ilTi X' 1. a lbspf.b9.reai medicitae; dTBrkihe J, ),", T5i -till - J Oj. At . Iran jw -wv4 - & - --- - . k.-. un&rie xtons ana wu-irr'iifcv i lUUto niroRiUke, rrlHS 8.45W:34 p6fcitaSi tiZ . Title .oldHQPWty snppoafo be crood, opt jparchaser oaly takts said title as 1 a aathoiiled to conm raider esad mortgago - f t .v a r -This 4th day'6f 0cember,t;t89. - - cwifsacuon ox WQwinxniisAbsdMteJT m ijj ma m nniKum a wmm-w k .fnrtt SO l EXAM: inSBGO D. lAi D01S3 IS 'V- " . ??? Prpa1Eglor-?ofe Von May Bleached Table Bamask52 Cotton 5c; L'men, do., aa inches wide 47ic:; do. 72 inches wide 85c. m Towefig, . CtottoB, 'tiSti&ai I2ic. to .w BJankets 50c. per pair up to $L25. " '.'. t ... ... '. . CbuiiteinpaneS, Assorted, at '$1.15 to $I.ir'; - fiome-Mado Comfdrts $1.25 tb $1.3(i. ' ; i . . . - (. . -T ' . ' - . .; ;" .. . . . - 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 22 l-2c. per yard Lace Gurtains 68c. to $2.5,0 per pair. See our Irish' poini curtains at" $2.50 Curtain materials: Scrimrpc.; Muslins ana Swisses at mu po ipc. Printed . Nice Asrtmeb't Fancy Table Covers, Scarfs, Tillies,. Cushions, Cushion .Covers etc., ' , in stamped, prin ted and worked patterns. Embroidery Silks '.' , . ' ' at i to 3c. per skein.' Zephyr 5c. per skein. Special in , . .... Undecorated German China " . Three sizes Plates and Sauce dishes at 60c. per set. Decorated cake plates; salad bowls, berry sets, "cujfe and saucers and. plSbtes'1' ru: ' ;r . ;S'S. P I TOILET IP AT 1 TO S CIS. 1 QI bora3 5c ; Tip, ' Hair rushes 8c. up. ' f IJk. Dress 8c. up"'Liafiies Vests 15c.1 up; Undershii:tsuil8c.? up. Drawers' 25c. ' up. ' Nice lot of hoods and caps if or children. See our 10 cent line of rhosiery. About 500 Novels at L0 cents each. ill make a mistake to , buy a Cape be- Very I - . -t Tf I ' ' VkanvKMi 4 Tha Stnhdar d V m MM f ' JM?ry:. ; . vnms iaonui ana ST - If , 10? standard, r 1 Ob HfltS at S3.35. CheaDPr Drawers to match 18c. up. Men's respectfully, " I . anil 7 . 2 yod can nke it known through Sunday ex ommmivS thai AdvecrtifflBglrates'. Bostian J. 1 r x s i

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