Arrival of lrnJns, fnllowlriflr r.hftnn-ft rf BAhtwIniA tu - w - o O UiU UMIK T Ain 1 Onn NORTHBOUND. .No 8 arrives at 5 52 a m. " 3G " "1000 a m, 41 12 u " 7 09 p m, " i-SS " 8.51 p'm, (flag) V' -SJ4 " " 9.45 pm, bV . . 1 M " S.OOamliieifct) SOUTHBOUND. N,Jf. 87 arrives at 8 49 a m, fQa) if 11 " "1123a m v 35 - - 9.20 cm. ffln 7.19 a m. . 'V -1 " " 849 a m, (freight) lio, 35, when running ahead ot No. 7 f ih - ? V - , ..'"xwugu travel sontU of . hrIotte, and is stopped for beyond. JV. 30 stops. regularly for r "1 o '"nry, iiiffh . Point, Greensboro, Keidaville, Panyillo and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops for pa gen&ers. coining from i ynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas senders for rnkr sW.iVn. t ' soiitUof hewells N'o. 38 stops to let V'33 oJ passengers from regular . stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or bevond. ' Xos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the C. 0. & A. i;ivision-Chariotte to Anusta-and other points m South Carolina, Georgia .and Florida, reached through 6olumbia or Augusta. . .Nob. 7,;8, 11 and 13 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. in. i . Division. T notie from, the Salisbury " vv u Newman, tHe! ' cotton Miia miner, .is. very charitahlo f T - hm The other day as soon as he & 11 arrived on his nrmb , 43 -MU AV' to the need v somewhat as follows: paymoni of house rent for x a Wry for one year . in advance; May payment of hons M- 1 other party in pressing eircum Lances who was verv miiP.H arrears, and tlie distrihiln Uity dollars in cash amo others who applied for help. He as aignant - that same day though, over the fact- that some one had stolen a fine $85 Ivm robe. J NEW YOfiK. MARKETS. FOUNDED .1842: 1 'Sing Their "Own Pratrr : . Under No Circumstances" Can a' Reality . , . . Be Disputed; And it is tt reality that ve make 'strictly 0 jrrde. A laige or Wair as tl vrmjr Ulifc graae. wiiy buy aa instrument because it is advertised as cheap? Purchiwettii instrument that stands hlLh in- thtx nsffa?w r , , . ui your freud. nd tho Greatest MnHiVian li oyer fxic vorld. A Piano : with - a pure - . . uwioais soucu.-ew. in fact a i i-uo..with.everr'imppovemeut that -is uerjcial to tho wear; and at one price vvithm the reach of all, because- we Mveyon the Middleman's Profit, and it is w- ntsi vsaying, too. rv 0ld instrnments taken in exchange, lerms accommodating. Catalogue for the asking. Some bargains in square pl'iliOH. ' Cnas, M. stieef, aissr&,. Factory Branch f arsrooin, V;yTst Cift'arlotte, X. C C.-.H. VilrnotEi, Mgr. . ir. .Tno. Sloan, who clerks at J 'huson's drug store, is unable to bo at work today. . -'liO. Correll, wlib is manager oUhe Concord bakery, is olf for a few days on a hunting tour. Irs. A H Dreher, of Salis bury, is visiting in Mt. Pleas ant. She will return home Modiy. - ' - Tuesdav WHS n, vptp crnnrl rrf. ion day. There were 89 bales weighed. The most of it brought 7.75. Marriago license was issued Mouday to J S Archer and Mamie Johnston. Both parties live in No. 3 township. Mrs. Jas. Ervin gave a 'supper iuesday evening to a number :pf fnends complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J Ervin. Mr. Chas W Gonstantine. axadj wue ana Miss Kosa Fassler, of i uosclay night. They are friends x. ciuu mrs. 4-yies at ,tao. To Be Married This Erenine. flfe11 at"7.;tB0 o;clock lwd or concord's most popular luv ivir. Unas. .T T-f aiji o oi ' SIah ?-Vfll bemarried reoepuon Will be J e-iVnn 1, mYd ones, -after which the -SWP! will board the.nortribrmnA T n asmogton; Nmv; Yorb and vMher riortber ls. .Manyeautiful; Resents .ucuvt? uuen the bririe. To.Ocaptth6XesliolIonse About the first of next year when Mrs.7 Leslie:, and daughters move into their - beautiful new residence on West Depot street tneir present one will be occu pied by Mr. and MrsChas. Kim ball, .who now live in China Grove. It will bet remembered that Mr. Kimball recently began worK at tne depot here. Putting Up Their Lines. A number of men are camned near here now . putting up the poles and wires for the Postal Telegraph Co. Since the ending of the law suit in regard to the placing of their poles, they now place them along side the rail road with the Western Union line. Sam Sloop is among the number of workmen. ; Low Closed 30 35 38 41 41 AO ugar lo 153 . 1491 152 . ' CHICAGO WHEAT. - w ; Dec. . 65 aai ar.r on r uuj uyj 69J 70 09i 69 To Attend the Baptist Conveatioa. Rev. B Lacy Hoge, and Messrs. Frank B Smith and J CT Rnhin. sod; together with Mr. Hoge's little daughter, Miss Annie, have gone to Asheville to attend the Baptist Stata convention M'cc nnie Hoge goes as a delegate Irom the Childrens Missionary a mi f ucieiy. -i-ney will return Satur day. m w e a - icipatirig and 36-Inch Plaid Venetien only 15c. yd. Fancy Plaid Dress Goods only 75c. yd. PERSONALS. ; Mr. Grav Rarho. nu. iotte, is expected this evening to o,uteixu tue Jtiarris-Jtlall wedding. Mr. D J Bostian spent ves- cxyu ill , reensDoro and re turned homelast night; Mrs. Daisv Ffnrlorinc nffiol bury r arrived . hern t, h i to attend the marriage of her mena, Miss Lallah Hill, this wv eiiiug. - - lice liie sr onie- MiriceI AT maae Meats! k Ji ill ugh Parks returned, , honl -u,y mgnt :txtom Aii?emai'ie; aey werebbthfempj6yfir-ifi0. store of Parks & Peden, which store was burned down' Monday LOSTatemaniaeFoui; ;an pen. Suitable reward all at this office, ; tt. for Colliers Weeklyi' 'kittles in two volumes ( trjxch subscriber. ' Kip ooiiict Works,, 3 volumes, l'es, protuselv illus lings 1500 tr.,fr 1 fovo, jjroiuseiy liius- p' ii :lr?e to each subscriber to fillers Weekly. E Legallais, . Concord. Rev. and Mrs. J D Arnold left Tuesd ay night for Lexington where they will live. Numbers regretted to see Concord lose this family. Wadsworth Sons, of Char lotte, have received their new locomobile. It was tested on the streets there Tuesday. This -is the only one in Charlotte.. Mr. Howard Cosby, of No. 3 township, has secured a posi tion as a clerk atSwink & White's during ! the' busy season which is now coming on. Mr. Cosby has clerked there before. v Mrs. Alfred Marsjb, of Ral eigh, nee Miss Margaret Robinson- :of . Jacksonville.! . arrived here L Tuesday night 'to "attend jbhe Harris-Hill wedding. Mr. crnrl Mvo TVTfi.TcVi "drill ninvo f.n iJacksonville he ' first of next year. . . ; - - i - If you fail to get your milk or ceam ordered or find that you want more, phone r or send aiid .yon wUl."te - supplied 23rd Series. Books nrfi nnw rmon frv VVi4 -L A. OU scriDtion of - Stork i J. -VV-IUVA. V4. Perpetual Building and Loan Association, 23rd series, first payment due Saturday, Decem ber 2nd, 1899. Call on secretary and treasurer at Cabarrus Sav ings Bank and subscribe. ROBT. S Yocjng.M. D. President. H I Woodhouse, Sec'y and Treas." do O O m m BEAVER CAPES, f ur trimmed, worth 1 to close out at 75c. .. . . BEARER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur trimmed, worth $1.75. Our price $1.25... . CHILDREN'S REEFERS worth $2. 00 and $2.50. Our price $1.75. . ...... ONE LOT of Black Kersey Capes, tailor male, 135 in seewp braided plaited.andai..worth-$5.00 ana 6 00 We are going to" sell them,at 3.50 and $5 00. imtim Crovats from i.W to sa.Ou Ohaper than can bo bought. " o o 0 e i' ,Tailc?r.Maae Suits I S5.00 to S6f00. . Full Line of ISM Table and Juineii ins. Can- save you money. Canhbri & Fetzer 0 iJIAaiIiT3 When Looking for holw day erifts don't fail to soo our .lino of - . Library and H LOOK HERE! jgV Just received a new lot of Plaids in Somerset and Yenitian cloths. Blue Venitian cloth Brown Covert .cloth. Small Plaid wool goods in dress pat terns. No two alikel Shoes! Shoes! ! f ) is. ---7 v ' ;( -V A-f ull line; of .Ladies'. Shoes 4 ' t all Lemps. Is a handsome -durable ?f and RiiLr0 0 r convenient : puck s btove ox Range lie will appreciate one of our hand some and artistic Dinn e S a D s -An elegant line of these 33 1 s." pro u. order and would be glad to have a trial order from you. 'Remem ber wo have fresh oysters, bread, rolls, etc. every day. Concord Bakery. "-Jo'e'FIsherf Proprietor. JPHONE 1223" ihfjBnttbnnd lace. f 'Pompadour f Comb l Empire ItP onfif and styles. Gibson.&. Morrison 1 le.tter,argains ;thn usual 4n all Thinking ; of buying a Nice Umbrella xallat Correirs, THE JEWELER. At6resaija and. retail; : It will pay you to see our Tiarge Stock of v.: y;;::;. :;; V'v Tl nwre, Wood ware, ; , : n Glassware, Crockery, - , . Hats,-Etc. before buying. For Clover Seed Seed Rye, andRockSalt go. to GgW.lPattersorr's. rOffera the business public a reliable, per- I raftnnnl nT DQtrrrn v-n 3 - A --"7 vwiwoi r obi r c nil i ni l" Till illtn lri SWe Solicit VOTir natron arro villi ihn. pesnranc of .QnprWetjeatmeDi'ana u,uo tvi euiuuon oi your patronage, ji W9 a sejye.ypa any time we will tje jglad to haye you come and na. ! " IEBERAL AOGOllMODATION'si TO OTJSTOSIEES: : - - - -Capital ani Snrclns . , : $70 000L ' : , V. 3 Coltakb, piashier, ; J. M. Odeiu President, ' Winter is Cbmingv I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS O .'..! 'wi I lCO C03.I . And have ; n more.'car loads on the way. It is tirao for yon to lay in a'aupplyfor' the winter, isn't it? Ialsohayeoa hand the best of antracite coal. J . A. C Blackwelderr West Depot St. at Store. J8"'Phone68. I. . 1'Hat lbaiiKz ' uz. van 03 crerf vim t Miles feiYB riA81Si Ouiy25c