. .'J . i : -' 3 ' I! 13 w , & St- VsvI - - s: Wiv.-.W jr-p"3! x3- . fcf. - i - -. ITZ 1 Price: $4.00 per year. THE OIRSON MILL. TlkV (tn:scii 5?ftniifsu'turiiij? : Company Crfa;:lze(-V'ork to Cciuinciica Early j thoSyniiff-Stock Can Be Taken On th ltitlliiiont Plan. ; 0 ;v ro another year has passed Concoril will have another large Coton mill added to her present Ipj o-o list.- This new one, to be built above the Buffalo mill near the railroad, will be-known as the Gibson mill, the name of the company to be known as the ibson. ivlanuf acturing Company. Tboir tract of land, known as the Misenheimer lands, contains 65 f.erivs and is situated ' on both siaes oi. ue liiuruuu. l is a nice location for a cotton naill. ' The company has been organ- izeii viiii tne loiiowmg pincers: Prcsiaeut, .J as. VV Cannon; Sec retary and Treasurer,- Robt. E Gii)Son. The directors are: Jrno. A Earnhardt,' of Pioneer Mills; BF Cannon, Jas. C Gibson, jno. Allison, Dr. Robt. S-Young, Dr. J. V Byers, of Charlotte: Jno. McGill, of Philadelphia, and Jas. W Cannon, Robt..E Gib- At the outset it was intended to:- ari-this enterprise with a capital stock of $100,000 but its rock will be 8250,000. Of this amount s200,000 have alreadv been subscribed. Like the Cabarrus mill, there will be an installment plan clause in the subscription of stock. '.In stallments- of. fifty cents per wees ior two hundred weeks have been subscribed by num bers. A certificate of one hun dred dollars stock in the mill will be given for $89.68 cash paid in on the 6th cby of next January. All stock nubscribed is to be paid in on that date. Work .. ill commence on the building as early in the spring as possiido. As to the class of vorkimd the amount of machin ery, this has not been definitely decided yet. As an evidence of the amount of business in Concord it is enough when we say that this will be the . th i rteen th cotton mill for Concord. Fire At An Early Hour. One rover knows how near he comes to having his business was a narrow escape from fire, which might have proved seri es, that occurred about 6:30 a. a. today (Thursday). At this bme before many of the stores crp opened, Mr. b W Swink discovered a barrel, containing asio mat tor, burning rapidly dtl bo back porch of his 'iuivi jurKeu li) away - - me porcn m time to f'.lv. Jl '- r fh mni dated norch a,ud fu'" ::" f goods boxes from mgnlso. Had it been a few I """ w uuuui tuc fi0V;n Vld have had a morning 1Fej bill fortnnnrtlr u u earned. No cause is - n -ut- the fire. : V . , 51 ' J-iy Mashed. caf llle trainien of the lo ,aUreigbt train had th mkfnr. UUTlQ 4 . v " 1; LU Set one of his fingers t f.i .... morning between T -do coupling cars; r ' it vras mashed ! CONCORD, HAilRIS-HILL TODDESG. A Beautiful Carriage at the bride's Home Wednesday Evening-A Bridal Tour to Northern Cities-Many Beau tiful Presents. On Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mr. W J Hill on North Main street midst a host of friends and many beautiful decorations, the" marriage vows were given by Rev. W OvAlexan der to Mr. Chas. J Harris and Miss Lallh Hill. It was a beautiful home wed ding, to which only the intimate friends and relatives were in vited. The bride's sister, Miss Fannie Hill, preceded the bridal couple to the parlor, after which the beautiful wedding march, played by Mr. Robt. L Keesler, began. "Leaning upon the arm of the groom was the bride robed :-.,-u , . " m n uyuuuiui traveling suit ot , ; ... ? ' ashes of roses cloth; carrying in f SmeSS'llJre methiods are what u i n -, , - Ithe TDroblems that Her nana a nannsnmfi hnnnot, nfl r wuxxuuu uxi her hand a handsome boquet of bride's roses. After the m arr iage was o'er, and the many congratulations were extended by friends, the newly married coupk and friends repaired to the dining hall where an . elegant supper was served. After partaking of the pleasures of the dining hall the couple boarded the northbound vestibuled train for Washington, New York, Philadelphia and other northern cities, to be gone about two weeks. ; This marriage is the joining of two of Concord's well known! people. The groom is a promi nent business man of our town, while the bride is one of Con cord's most lovely, beautiful and popular ladies, and all will join us in extending the best ol con gratulations to the newly wedded ones. As evidences of their esteem and love, many handsome pres ents were' given to the bride, consisting especially of cut glass articles, a diamond brooch, and a pearl brooch. Mr, Jno. McDonald Back. Mr. Jno. McDonald who over twenty years ago went' from here to the West, has returned to Charlotte and will be here also to visit his brother, Capt. Chas. McDonald. Mr. McDonald has spent most of his time in Arkansas. Many are the changes that Concord has made since he left here and' no doubt he will scarcely recognizing the scenes o this boyhood days. The Building Was Insured. The dwelling of J A Lankford, colored, located out near the Coleman mill and which was burned some weeks ago one Sat urday night, was insured by the Aetna Fire Insurance Co. : The company paid; him 375. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Ohambererlain's Code, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he yas cured. I give this testimonial, hoping, some one similarly afflicted may jead it and be benefited. Thomas O -VT Glencoe, O. For sale by M L Marsh & Co. Druggist. TO GOT B 4 CUbU IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bomo Quinine Tablets. . ii J . .Zr-tr, fn-nrl mflTlfiV if it IftllS K cure. ine genuiii ua N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER THIS SESSION OF CONGRESS. Yonnger Heads Now Taking the Place of Some of the Old Landmarks The Democratic and Republican Elections. Washington, D. C jail minority assignments to com The battle of legislation is now mrttees upon the recommenda .n Tne PPsinS forces are in ; tion of the Democratic leader, line, and on Saturday night, the ! thus giving Mr. Richardson a eve of the opening of this Con-1 prominence worth much more gress, the first skirmish was ' than a mere title, fought. ; J ' Mr. Richardson is well known The Congress that meets this ( in Washington. He is a man of week is the fiffcyj-sixth of the ' magnetism, tact, and. ability, and United States, but the first of ' will make a good leader. Greater America. 'The scene of! Altogether, the position of the its work will take- in the whole Democrats will be much stronger world- v 7 ' jand more harmonious than that It will be a great Congress for : they held during the last Con young men, and 'especially for gress. young men of the: South. The last political freshet swept away a "raft" of the eld landmarks. v it -, , i ounger blood has replaced 'them, and Vfinthvnnfl vicrnrnT, fifty-sixth Congress demands. Boss rule, filibustering, ob struction, and the like, will cut no figure in this session. There is a tremendous amount W work to De aone, ana a good start has already been made. The caucus of House Republi cans brought forth nothing that was not already anticipated. Its whole proceedings were cut and! dried. . Gem D B Henderson was nominated for speaker by accla mation and the slate of minor officials went through "without a single roll-call. It had been fully expected that Col. Hep burn would oppose the adoption of the old "Reed Rules." It was hoped that a bitter fight would be waged against them. How ever, when the vote was finally taken op the resolution, which was offered by Mr. Dalzell, of the committee on rules, there wn.Q Tint n, fUcCOnti'ncr vnino T'Vio means that Republican agitationTjj against Keed7s iamous manual has been stopped? and that the House majority will have an united front against criticism of its procedure. The elections ' on the Demo cratic side were much more in teresting. Nearly .a five-hour session and six roll-calls were required to choose a leader. Jas. D Richardson, of Tennessee, was well in front all the time and was nominated on the sixth ballot, the votes of Bankhead and Sulzer then going to him. Judge De Armond, of Missouri, had a strong following, but the much touted Sulzer, of New York, was never better .than a poor last. y This nomination gives Mr: Richardson the titular leader ship of the minority, and will doubtless get . him a leading ipembership upon the committees on rules and ways and means. It is also reported that the leader THE BEST PEESCSIPTION FOB ' . CHILLS and fever is a bottle cl Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. .Never fails to cure; Then why. experiment -with worthless imitations? " Price 50 cents. Ycur money back if it fails to cure. NO CURE. NO PA? , . - That is the way all druggists sell Grove" Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children sove it. Adults refer it to bitter, fnan leating, Tonics .Price. 50c. 7, 1899. of the ninority will have more courtesy shown him in the mat- ter of committee assisrnments than has been the usual custom. Working Niht and Day. The busiest and michtipfit liffla fTiiop uai1 cfci h uiauu i jt. jinsr s i ew Life Pills. Everv ri n iq ft fintraT.finatnH . that ever was made is Dr.-'Kinar's New erlobule oi health, that chaneres weak- ness into strength, listlessness . into ; energy, brain-fag into u mental power, health. Onlv 2fr T1PT V-"V ft-l1 Vtt Fetzer's Drug store PERSONALS. Mr. R L Tate, of Charlotte, spent today here. -Mr. CH Dudley, of Char lotte, spent today here. Mr. Jno. L Freeman, of High Point, spent today here. Mr. T G Williamson, of Spartanburg, spent today here;- Mrs. Robt. Duval, of Char lotte, arrived here this morning. Miss Saide Young, of Char lotte, is expected Tier er in a few. days to visit Miss Emily Gibson. Mrs. DeWitt Swearingen, nee Miss Ethel Patterson and sister, Miss Myrtle Patterson, of China Grove, spent today here. Rev. R G Barret and wife arrived here this morning from Statesville to live at Cannon ville, where Mr. Barrett will be pastor of Epworth Methodist church. They will board at Mr. Gus Hackwelder's next door to Mr. Jno.-Parnell's. OF m iHome-mBde B AT J Ale i vv - m m mi We Do you' hear those "Wedding Bells. " They be ringing loud and clear, 1 Evidently calling you to the - Fu rn itu re! Store of Bell. where they make present a 4 Specialty "-useful as well as ornamental at prices that suits everybody. Come and see. Xmas will soon ' be here. If you want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister, or some other body's brother or sister, we are the people, so bur customers say that keep everything at prices way down.. We like you in fad; we love you; and the larger your bill the Abet ter we love you. Increase our love won't you, Residence Phone .... CO.' Single copy 5 cents. It -will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar xvith zoor! qualtties of Chamberlain's Cong u Bou. y to know niat people eve y w b er t ta e n! pi vire in iciauaiaeir exieriejce iu tne use of that splendid medicine fw.-i m U.lic of the benefit they havo received L-orn it, of bad colds it has cured, of thror.tened attacks of pneumonia it has jvfjted and of the children it Las saved rrcftn attacks of cronp aud wnoopinf?' cough. It is a errand, 'srond medicine. For saW-by M. L. Marbh 0, ompany. Beautiful glased pitchers, mettled colors, only China ment. Harris & Go.y ..12.. L Parks C Depapt Li Hi n enoLutablet