DAILY: STAN JOHN'.D. BARRIER and SON, . Editors and Proprietors. OFFl 12 IS THE JTIOftRIS EJUILI 1HE STANDARD is published every day Sunday excepted) and delivered by rien. d ilates of Subscription: Out ur . . -pi 00 SiainiH. ...... ...... 2 00 Thnk mouths..- 1-00 One oioDth Siugio copy .05 THE . WEEKLY STANDARD is a our pte, eight-coluron paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any Other.paper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. - Advertising Rates : Terni3 for regular advertisements made nown on application. Add ress all communications to' THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. IT'S THE SHEEREST ROT Concord, N. C, Dec. 8, 1899. THAT SHAKY CONSUL. Con:e of our loading journals are particular1 y severe (but probably not uujcstly so) on United States Consul M-acrum at Pretoria. It seems be got shaky in tbo knees when he heard the rum bling of war or sniffed the battle from a far and asked per mission to "go ouV Being twice refused he snatched his hut and "made way ' for liberty," though he had on his shoulders not v the affairs of his own countrv but those of England and was charged with reciprocat ing the courtesey of that nation m Ciiba during our troubles with Spain. The son of Secretary ot State Hay is hastening to 'the post. , The Louisville Courier Journal in sarcastic vein goes for him as fallows : "It is a serious thing for him to dcfeett Pretoria at tbin juncture. 'But better be a vacuum tnan a hundred and eighty pounds of Btaropled vel. Bring Macrum home. Pack him in cotton bat tint; inject him with catnip; encase him in armor plate; stow him in ttie bowels of a battleship; escort him with the W bite Squad ron. Bring him home and lock him in c safety vault or bottle him in u.-ohol do anything with hiia rather than allow him to longer disgrace American man hood abroad.'! REQUEST TO THE SCHOOLS. The George Washington Me- mcViid Association sends out a request to all schools m the land that they suspend the program at 11 o'clock on Decem ber 14th and devote twentv min- utes in memorial services in honor ot Gen. Washington, the centennial of whose death the day 'will commemorate. We like the suggestion and hope it will be complied with in all onr schools. ' It seems supremely fcilly for the opponents to the adoption of the constitutional amendments to b charging that it is a scheme to keep the Democratic party in power beyond responsibility to tbo people for misdoings. It's the sheerest rot. Was it the class that will be disfranchised who revolted at fusion outrages mu! rung in with the Democrats to rescue' the State in '98? That evo tit shows couclusivelv that no party or combination can take the bit in its teeth and run away with the good name and interests of North Carolina without being calitd down But the devilment down from '94 to J98 shov.s whnt political schemers may do with to large. an element of vicious voters. 4 There'll be very few of the Populists and Eepublicans who voted with the Democrats in '98 disfranchieed by the amend ments and there was a goodly number of these or the De o crats would not have come into power again. The amendments are in the interestsof polticial purity and the stability of good government. Che amendments will be opposd by many whose hearts will approve the assertion.- But the amendments will still have their opposition. ? Buller Said to be Going Toward the Front, v1 It is announced that Gen. Bui-, ler is preparing to move to the relief of Ladysmith and Kitn- berley and two hard battles may . soon be reported at the same time. : - In Prepari ngior. e 01 J Ma y Not too Fast Says Richardson. The Republicans in the lower house were anxious to push the house finance bill through at once bub .Mr. -Richardson opposed it on Thursday insisting upon its going through the regular com mittee channel. ' Need Some of tkese Art Seles ao. Fourteen thousand mill operat ive s throughout Is ew England get wages, advanced 10 per cent. This Will make fin9 Republican campaign matter next year. It is is not always easy to distinguish between meritorious cause and fortuity. A dairyman is well pleased i? you call him a gentleman of the first water but he does not want the milk he offers to sell muitkd with the term. Hosiery Fire, Panic, Death. At Reading, Pa., the hosiery mill of theNonde and Nor'st company was consumed by fire on Thursday the 7th. It was a large four-story building in which 600 operatives, chiefly women and childrer, were em ployed. A panic led to the death of one and the serious in jury of many more. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation. D B John&ton of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1862- In speaking of it he say&: I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's PaiD Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me Yery much, 7but one good application of Pain Balm relieved mo. For sale by M Ii Marsh & Co. Druggist. Cubans seem quite pleased with President McKiniey's mes sage. They would like to be assured that they are to have independence ultimately. They could then strive more for nec essary attainments. 1 Babyette. The tiniest baby in existence celebrated its birthday in Rome, Ga. j Wednesday. It is a month old. A prominent young physi cian weighed it and found it tipped the delicate scales at one pound and a half. Its head is the size of a turkey egg, a cop per cent covers the palm of Its hand its arms are the size of a" lead pencil. It could easily be hidden in a half gallon coffee pot. Henry and Ida Plumber, both mulattos, are the parents of this remarkable girl baby, which takes nourishment and cries like any other infant. Selected. CHOICE Vegetables will always find a ready market but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well balanced fertilizers. No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8 Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Gen. Otis telegraphs that Gen. "iLoung has not been heard from In a week. Wo confidently ex- peot to hear something good of V him when news does come. .The presumption is that he is on a warm trail of Agninaldo. Anyhow it-can't be said that Gen. Otis sends him out one day to get a foundation for a censored stereo typed report of yictory and the ucij cans uim uuck to "Malik. Later: We note that Gen. Young nas trrnrvl up o. k. but A Honstcr Devil Fish. Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this - mur derous malady is felt on organs and nerves and brain. There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr Kings New Life Pills are a safe " and ' certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, .Liver, Kidnevs and B,owels. Only 25 cents at Fetzer's Drug Store. Red Hot From tne Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Stadmn of Newark, Mich., in the Ciyii ' It caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns. Skin Eruptions. Beet Pile cure on earth, 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Fetzer's Drug store - )-! 1 "Reached Table Damask 52 Cotton 25c. ; Linen, : inches wide 47ic; do. 72 inches wide 85c. - : Good Assdrtmemt of Towels, Cotton, unbleached, 5o; Bieachoi up to 13c; Linou 12V". t Blankets 50c. per pair up to $!.2i', Coiuimite.rpaees, Assorted, at 5.15 to $1.?,, Home-fttaSe (Jpmfcrts ijl.u to ijl.iJO. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 22 1-ge. per - rO Lace . Curtains 68c. to $2,50 per pair, See our Irish point curtains at $2.50. Curtain malci .;: Scrim 5c; Muslins and Swisses at 10 to ICc. Printed Silkolines 61 to 12c. Nice AssortmeBt Fancy TableXJovers, Scans, Tidies, Cushions, Cushion Covers, etc., in stamped, printed and worked patterns. Embroidery Silks at to 3c. per skein. Zephyr 5c. per skein. Special in Undecorated German China Three sizes Plates and Sauce dishes at 60c'. per set. Decorated cake plates, salad bowls, berry sets, cups and saucers and plates. 5 .n in n I 1UU Ui luiLL Combs 5c: up. Silk Dress ptq did nasf fir ni i iu u uio. rLP.-una Hair Brushes 8c. up. QfilsD uu kfirtS at 3.35.- Cheaper ones 98c. up. Ladies vests 15c. up. Drawers to match 18c. up. Men's Undershirts .18c. up. Drawers 25c. up. Nice lot of hoods and caps for children. See our 10 cent line of hosiery. v.. . About 500 Novels at 10 cents each. You will make a mistake to buy 'a Cape be fore seeing; our line. Very respectfully, D ostian. J If you are not a subscriber to 4. The Standarfl Ws . ' ' - J Tt I i. Jl 4 5. now Is the time to subscribe. -v-. jpr. mz - l'ou can make it knowi The Standard. ough 5- 1 4.4.4.vj.4v.l'v' T QM Time 4SJ Nodd:V, . . a re euralgla. Get Dr. Mile It jrist "One cecJ a dosa.. In making LILEDOUN MUSLIN w use the bKt modern machinery and old-tlmo "onesty. Eery thread in LILEDOUN MUSLIN la pure cotton which A r boy in the seed from the planter. We Rln, card, spin and weave It and Bell the finished mnnlln Airm. to the retaU merchant. Wn you haUVa-dozen proflta of com mission men, speculators and jouDecs ? lOlLEUdDtHM has the name on very ardV i i 1 I' joat dealer hasn't LJLEDOTJH and ! won't get it. send to the mill. Will Mnd direct, carrlageprepaid, In 60 yd. bolt or fl w6, ,AX-UN button bag fwe.. Il MOORE C0TT0M WlLUJtrtormileJt.C. IO0 '.reaji.-.."-! tins overate over again proT'Cfl... i5 its enre ?hn all other pip- r,..,-,., f?,?ej; 5 8 5 II li t 1 is published every day Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c per week or 85 c- per month.. . . . . . .. THE TliM" prints home and other news thai is of interest to our readers and to make it grow tetter we must have the pat ronage of the peopier... ........ .ire us a trial when you make Si Jpxa nQxi order lor.............. Job Work Work ready. whenTpromisedt 5 X11 youantJto Ibuy. anjthinff , T you! can call for fit tHrougS$ I The Standard, t Advertisingrates ,in The Standard made known: on RPpHciti- v

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