Arrival 01 'jraina. The foil d wing change of schedule look effect Junel2. 1899 3 NORTHBOUND. or I . -. i 81 arrives at 5 52 a m, 10 00 a m, 7-09 p m, 8.51 p,m,(fl.ig) No. 12 88 34 it- it it ( it v. 4b r m. 2.00 a m (iuuvi t) SOUTHBOUND. No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) n " 1 a Ml 95 i m " 8.51 p n " 9.20 p m, (flag) M 7 19 a m, No, 35, whpn running ahead ol No. 7, isliairsedif necessary for through travel 'south of ( hurlotte,- aud is stopped for .passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 30 stops regularly for passengers for Sdisbnry, High Point, Gre$jpboro, Ileidsville, Danville and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas sengers coannj? from .Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping' places soutU of Newells. .No. 38 "stops to let off-piissens-ers. from regular stopping places south of Ne wells and to take on passe ugers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or bey ond. Is oh. 33 and 34 atop at Concord for oasengers to or from the C. O. fc A. Division Charlotto' to .Augusta ami other pointy in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta No. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the Jocal trains Mid concert at Salisbury with trains of W. N. ). Division. . LEPHONE NO. 71 UK. DUG III W2ITK3. ; Yes Fe Did Ship Tln;t Splritnaifst Prays.'for Concord to Be Delivered. Some rv our readers will ro- uiember our brief narration of NEW YORK MARKETS. Open Jan . . .47 March 53 COTTON '. 47 54 34 152 Low Closed!? 32 41 44 U7i 33 42 45 147f an episode in Rnloio-b i,; vi, iVlay - . o4' Mr. Duhi r1 uaiist, Dr. Schleisinger, for tell- ing him, by aid of the spirits, M" that his bouncing, hearty boy I f7 a puny little girl that needed Mr. Geo. S t.i jx. j uiia CHICAGO WHEAT. 70f.70 1 m 69 70 69f 70 70 FOUNDED v 1842 fc2 fc-Vo ft,-, sr era 'Sing Their Own Praise." Under No Circumstances Can a Reality Be Disputed; And it. U a reality that we' make strictly one grade. A larire or small size, as oesired, but only one grnde. Why buy an liistiument bfcaubo it i.s advertiaed us cheup? Purchaho au instrument that stands hh:h in the estimation1 of yonr friend- ud the Greatest Musicians all oyeribe world. A Piano with a pure t delicate touch, etc. In fact a j i no yith everv imj rovement that is b- nelicial to the wear; and at one price withm the reach of all, because we save you the Middleman's Pron; and it is w i th saving, too. Old instruments taken in exchange. Terms accommodating. Catalogue for the askiiig. Some bargains Tn ' square pitnios. Pm'- II vfl'ppf 5Innficturer, Uiij.j, 11, bliUUl, - JlHliimore t Ii'.trlotte, X. C Co H. WSlmoth, Mgr. tea, and refusing to be- Hopkins YwAvUr io ow tne tee of 1.50 on some i pared a monbafrah nn tbo ifr. cause ot charity, in as much, as ent methods of taxation hi North Carolina from the foundation of the State up to the present. It will be issued by the University at an early day. It will be an extremely interesting publication and it is hoped that a means will be found to place it in the hands of all officials in the State who are concerned with taxation. The advance proofs were sent to Auditor Ay er to verify the sta tistics. Raleigh News and Ob server. - uaxtiiii mat value was guaranteed or money to be refunded. : Now that the doctor is heading this way we are inclined to pub lish the following letter which we feel sure will better meet its purpose thereby. We feel as sured from its nature and the ab sence of any restrictions that the author will not be offended at our taking this little liberty: Raleigh, N C, Dec. 6, 1899. Mr. Editor :-tI see in your little, beautiful paper of Decem ber, 4th, 1899 a clip from the Ral eigh Tress-Visitor,' that I have slapped the spiritualist. It is true I tell you, Mr. Editor, and it was well done and the Lord spare your town from such a mean man. You have made a mistake in the bottom of your article that "Dughi was taken in the handj, of the Cops." I had J Anticipating f the Demand 5 36 -Inch Plaid Venetien only 15c. yd. Fancy Plaid Dress Goods only 7ic. yd. fa 1 O BEAVER CAPES, fur trimmed, worth $1 to close out at 75c. ... . O t BEAVER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur M 7 CHILDREN'S REEFERS worth $2.00 and 2.50. Our price 1.75. . ......... . L'nn' While There is Life There is.Kope. I was afflicted with catarrh; could neither taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely's Cream Balm, cured it. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J. The Balm reached me safely and the effect is surprising:. Mv son says the first application era ve aeciaea reiiet. Kespectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Do ver, N..H. The Balm does not irritate or him before th mncricb-ntn iolpauso sneezinsr. Sold bv drucr Play his meauess, please correct, j gjf "wS? . xviUv, ov,uu me juul paper lor jew York. three months as I like it very much and I will pay. - Yours truly, A Dughi. We learn that Mr Dughi is. the prince of fruit merchants in Raleigh. . Edwin R Ballou, of New fork, is visiting at Mi Robt. E Gus Hartsell returned home Thursday night to spend several days. - - - Rev. J A Foil, of Newton, will preach at Trinity Reformed church Sunday. ' - Mrs. Frank Chalmers, who has been visiting at Mr. B F Rogers, has returned to, Salem; Va. John Cope has gone to Rock Hill to secure a position in the Highland Park mill, No. 2. Mr. J W Toney anjl family have returned home .after spen ding a week in Rutherford county. Mrs. H A Graeber has re turned home from Rowan county where she has been visiting her relatives. Mrs. Kate Noel, who lias been spending some time .wthV Mrs, Dusenbery, has returhedv,to "her home at Elkin. Clerk of court Cook is having carpet put on his cement floor in the court house. This is not an expense to the county. Watch the advertisements in these columns each day as our advertisers always have some thing .advertised that you will want very probably. The printers in Charlotte, with U ntion of those in the :r departments, are on a . The cause of the strike is the nine hour system. - RING No. 38 or 6 and order .pure aereated milk and cream. Tow is the time to order cream Sunday. Prompt delivery. : tJ- . Riviera Dairy Co. Cold Steel Or Death; "There is but one small chance to save your lif 5 and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect set before Mrs I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ride, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stom ach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Electric Bitters to cure btomach and Liyer troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly curd, avoided surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's positively guaranteed to cure Stomache, Liver and Kiduey troubles and never disap points. Price 50c at Fetzer's drug store. A Fri;ritful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or bruise, Bucklens Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old So es, Fever Sores, Ulcers Boils Felons, Corns, all Skin' Eruptions. Dest Pile cure on earth. Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by P B Fetzer, Druggist, Mr. Ruf us Phillips has moved, into his new residence on the east end of Corbin street two doors below Mr. Wash Earn hardt's home. Dr. W H Wakefield, of Char lotte, has gone to New York to spend some time visiting the various hospitals. He will re turn about Christmas. LOST A brown sheppherd dog with long hair. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to John Alexander at Standard office. 23rd Series. Books are, now orjen for sud scr '-ption of Stock in Concord -an lual Building and-"Loan A ssoO ion, 23rd series, first pa vlq ' 1 Saturday. Decem bers o Call on secretary and trei t j ci at Cabarrus Sav ings BanA and subscribe. Robt. S Yoqng.M. D. President H I WOODHOlfsE, Sec'y and Treas. LOOK HER Just received a new lot of Plaids in Somerset and Venitian cloths.' Blue1 Venitian. cloth, Brown Covert cloth. Small Plaid wool goods in dress pat terns. No two alike. Shoes! Shoes!! .A full line of Ladies' Shoes' in Button and lace. . Pompadour Combs, Empire combs, Ladies' pocket books. Come and see us. VV e will do our best to please you iriji prices and styles. Gibson & Mfrisbn. m At ONE LOT of Black Kersey Capes, tailor malo. 135 in seewp braided plaited and plain, worth $5.00 and $6.00. We are going to sell them at 83.50 and 5.00. x AN ATTRACTIVE line of Fur Capes and Crovats from $1.00 to $2.06 Chaper. than can be bought. i i w Laaies' Tailor Made Suits S5.00 to S6.00. Full Line of Table Linen and Napkins. Can save you money. Cannon & Fet zer 4 w 0 a m as Comes But Once Year! bo don t deny youTself the pie ism o of giving yonr friends anT relatives some" token of good-will. Tfcia store ia running over with handsome and attractive gifts at a small cost. We invite you to call and see them all. HANDSOME GIFTS in our Furniture Department. Parlor stands and kasy Chairs. )THINQ more acceptable thaa a fino Picture, Rug, Hall or LibrarayXamp. Our prices are the lowest. Bake Cakes to order and would be glad to have a trial order from you." Remem ber we have fresh oysters, bread, rolls, etc. every day. Concord Bakery. JoePisher,--Proprietor.--. PHONE 122 A tf ff aoubs ami rcFTLTmTTSM rentJT? t If You Thinking of buying Nice Umbrella call at Correll's THE. JEWELER. MORKISON H. CALDWELL ATTOBN1Y AT LiW, CONCORD, N, a OSire in Morris baUding, z?cy. Court iiouae. cyjcyL iea B to give the Deot)le this winter better bargains than usual in all kinds of . Heavy and Fancy Groceries At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock oi - Tinware, Voodware, Glassware, Crockery, Hats, Etc. before buying. For' Clover Seed Seed Rye, andRockSalt goto G W. Patterson's. Offer the business public a reliable, per- manenfc, conservative and accommodate ing banking instation. " We Bolicit your patronage with the ' assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. . If we can serye yon any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACOOMMODATIONSJ TO CUSTOMEBS. - - - - - - Capital ani Snrplns - - $70000. D. B Goltbake, Ohashier, J. 31. Odtox President. Winter is Coming, I ALREADY HAVE ON ' HAND THREE CARS Oh -if ! . :o uai And have tea moro'car loads on the way. It Js time for yon;to lay in aiupplyfo1r the Twinter, isn't it? I also haye' on hand the best ofantracite coal. J. A. C Black welder. West Depot St. at Store. t-5T'Phone 63. x r. t JLame n can' oa uref

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