CI.EANSINGJ uHi'HRnn AND XlCALinita CAT.RARH - 23 - ly's Cream Balm Easy and Pleasant to use. -contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorvcd Gives re jef at once. It opens nd cleans 'the Nasal HtfZil Paars- Hays ln flamation. COLD N HEAD Heals and protects the membrane, restores the - 1 V . a Tv serib -s c i anu fmeii. L,are size 50c at .urug pist or by mail; Trial size ioc by mail. Kt-.V BROTHERS. 56-VVarren Street. New York ? K. L. Craven Has Eonglil 800 TONS JELICO COAL . 200 TONS BARD COAL MsoYirpa Sltani BM Eye Cannel Ceil -Est steam coal at mine prices. Good Smith Coal. Call and get what you want. v'Phone 74. Nottce to Taxpayers. The tax books for 1899 have been placed in niy hands for collec Lion, and all tax-payers are reo nested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. Ft I r wo m A t ' Urn ; I will be glacj to have the pat- in need of any -kind of cement work, placing of grates and brick work in general. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Win. C Dejouknette. 01 will be found at C B Wag oner's on West Depot street. Take It Un ! A mule something less than 75 years old. Owner can have same . . v . j by proving property, paying for this notice and damages. E. McNISH. PHONE...... ... ..- 410. LIVERY. FEED AND .ALE STABLE "Jaet- iii r ar oi St. Clotxd Hotel. Orn nibirs met all past-erger trairr OuUmb all kinds famished H roes and mules always on hand ro -aio. Brred of J oioothbie 'P' "a O 't.t.'iivus WANTED It buy 100,000 pounds df od cast-iron scrap, de livered at tre fo a odry at once, for wmco we win nay a fair price. INc l. i ; a "j uurni iron auiea. 1tf Hi vnnnn TForrxmi? CV Ft r ET3 Ega psa n em -LiAlTSS,LE 3 ISJUST AS CGOD FOFI ADULTS, .-WARRANTED.-.' PBSCE BOcts. OaLua, Iixs., Nov. 16, 1593. r . Paris Met2lcine Co. r Bt.Loui,Mo. . Gentlemen: We so?d iat year, 600 fcottlos a GBOVE'3 TASTi-U53 CUILI. TONIC and hav touj?htthTo Bro-ss!fv3-'iy tbisyear. Inallourei f erfn of 14 vftars, 'a to- drujj bnsiness. fc.iv - sv-'KiM ss,n atitic'3 f.'aAC jfti u sucii tinivcrsa? sa .. UC. ur. ;.r. i'oura truly, V. J. COAI 67, Mi m r flL , 13 LTH tin e FAT (s-i'J - u -. - uSs & .-M fci. ESS? Twenty-Tiye Yearb'JConstaiit Use With- out a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in a cb'd subject to that disease it maybe taken as a sure Bign of the approach of ' an attaek. Eollowing this hoarseness is a pecrh'ar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Bemcdy is given as soon as the child be-r comas hoarse, or even alter the croup appears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We haye yet to to learn of a siugle instance in A?hich it has--not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-five years' constat use without failure. For sale by & L JMarsh & Co. M. L. Marsh & Co. guaranteee very bottle of Chamberlain's Cough llem eciy and viH refund the money to any one who is not faii' tied. after mm? two thirds of the cont ia'. . In. ? is tUa btt remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take and prevents any tendency of a cold to i ealt in pueumonia. !IMI!-1 1 Ll ??IHE ralery of sleeplessness can only t3 n realized by these T?ho hava experi encod it. Nervousness, Eicercsancsr headaches, neuralgia and that miserable feeling c unrest, can surely be cured by Dr. Miles' " Eestorativs Nevvie. F.o certain is Dr. Miles o? this fact that all dragnets ure authorized to refund price paid for the first bottle tried, providing ic does- not benerit. Mrs. Ilaury Bruns, Trifa of the well known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says: 'I wa3 troubled with sleeplessness, nervous ness, headache and irregular inenstruntioaj suffering untold misery for years. I used various advertised remedies for female com plaints beside? being under the care of local physicians, without help. I noticed in Dr. Miles' advertise raect the tcstirnoniul of a lady cured of ilinonts si jailar to raine, and I shall never ccaso to thank that lady. Uer testimonial inuuetd iqo t; ugs Dr. I-Iilo Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, -vrhich restored rue to health. I carradt say enough for Dr.Miles'Bcmodies.M Dr. Miles' Ren-iodies ' rJ-tyM guarantee, first bottla benefits or rroney re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nervni free. Address, DP.: MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may jralckly ascertain our opinion free whether an luwnnun is prooaDiy patentaDJe. comBiumoa- wyvcuu TMtw6, wii,noui; cnarge, in tno A handsomely illustrated Treeblf. Lftrgest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a jear ; four months, f h Sold by all newsdwftlers. 51UNH & Co.36,Bree4a'-fl8V York Branch Off fi25 V St.. Waskingtoa. D4 C, Trustee's Sale. By authority vested in me by a deed of, trust or mortgage executed by Charles Long and wife, Mary Long, "on the 18th day of-January, 1897, which mortgage or deed in trusts is duly rec orded in the Eegister Office for Cabar rus county, N. C, in Book No. 11, pages 04 and 205, 1 will sell at public auction at the court house door in Con- cord. N. C- nn MondftV-:lfit rfnv of J anuary, 1900, to the highest bidder ior cash,-a house and lot situated in Cabarrus county, N. C, and bounded as follows: Lying near the railroad bridge on Buffalo creek, on northwest side of Bocky River road, beginnina at a l&rge stone on N. E. side Of Rocky iiver road, and runs S. C E. 4 poles t a stake; thence b.' 80 K. 7 poles, 19 l?nks to an iron slake, a corner of land claimed by Railroad company; thence N.s fll W. 26 poles to ah iron stake, ReedTs corner; thence with Reed's line 8. 16 W. 23i poles to the beginning, containing one ace more or le3. Title of said propeity is supposed to be good, but the parchaser only takes said title as I am anthorized to convey under said mortgage. This 4th day of December, 1699. . ; : . Ikl. J. Conii, Trustee. . - buy woq? Btricxiy eonn aentiaL iandbooS on Patents sent free. Oldest aeency for securing patents. Hnt Pnt,. t flR-an t h prai rrTi Mnnn . - Laying np a Competence. Thore are some men of ge nius," said Mr. Nippingly, "who accumulate great fortunes by great strokes, but by far the greater number of fortunes, in cluding those of moderate dimen sion and these form the great majority of all are made by the very simple process of I'ving within one's income and invest ing the - surplus, with more " or less wisdom , but always where it will be safe. . 4 'The older I grow the more amazed I am that more people don't lay up a competence for themselves, as almost anybody can do, by beginning early in life to live within their income, and sticking to that course faithfully. Did I do this faithfully? No! Am I, however, having learned .the wisdom of this course, now making a begining? I am obliged to say, 'No; I am still spending all I get and laying by nothing.' "There are some lessons that we all easily acquire, but never turn to our own advantage; one of these is of the benefits that arise from the exercise of self denial. We get from this, at once, the direct benefit of what we save, and self-denial nour- jishes, strengthens and broadens the w-Il, and enables a 1 man con stantlv to do and to earn more and more. v -4 'There's simply riotliiijg like self-denial; it is the key to every one of life's treasures; and every body has one of those golden keys in his possession, eager toJ help him, and waiting only for him to y ring it into use." Ex. For vr rtitv Tms Mrs. Winslow'e Soothir f? Syrup has been uBed for over lifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the -child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieye the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every, part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for f'Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind Aguinaldo May Surrender. A cable dispatch of the 5th from Hong Kong, says: "In American circles in this city the statement is freely made that Aguinaldo has offered his sur render, his only condition being that Consul Wildman and not General Otis will receive it. The Filipino chief would prefer to surrender to Admiral r Dewey, but as he cannot do that he has selected Consul" "Wildman, of whom he was once a close per sonal friend. The Filipino junta here has urged him to surrender and throw himself on the mercy of the United States go vernment. . s A Night ol Terror; . 1 'Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave , -General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the doctor said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln; who attended her that fearful night. All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it naa moie man once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption! After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further "use completely cured her." This maivelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Disease. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free afFetzer's droug store. : August Flowers. ; ' "It is a surprising fact,' says Prof. Houston, 'that my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more pdople having used Green's August Flower than any other, remedy, for dyspepsia; deranged liver land 'stom ache, and for constipation. I find fnr tourists and salesmen, or for uersons nnmg omce positions, where headaches and general bad leelinsrs fmm habits exist, that Green's August Flow er is a grand rem etjr. Jt does not in 3nre the Fvc-m hy -frccjv.ent. use and is j??:r.-f frr ol f nuachs and indi- -. h . r' o I cities free at Fetzr' fcia by dealers in all civil- izid ccunhies. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS T DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, was the originator of " C has borne and does now Dear ynj? szS,7-4i- 071 mrU the fac -simile signature ; of QMck wrapper. This is the original "C A ST OR I A " which has been mod in the homes cf the years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see thai it the kind you have always bought and has the signature of wrap per. No one hm authority my name except The Centaur Company, of which Ciias.H. Fletcher is President Do Not Be Deceived, Do not endanger the life of your child by accepnnrr a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few mora pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. " The '.SAWsi vTOys" Boughb - ? BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF 1 The Kind That ' THE CtNTAMH OOUPAttY. TT FINE Gingliams: Plaids, It ass AND- Outing Cloths. DEALER IN General Merchandise ;-. : BUYERS OF- C'QUNTRV; PRODUCE Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Best . "-;J , Frice for same. - X; . ' - - . We inyite arjnspection ot all thegoods ... wemannfacture . . . laileti w Si, Joncord N. c. ODELL Ill'RE lli CO. THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND UUK i KAJJIS MAKK. of Hyannis, Massach useit IO r A ST 0 R IA " the same thai Never Failed Ton MURRAY BTflCST. Hf.HI YORK CIT outhern ailway- vv ; SCHEDU T7 j lit N EFFECT JULY THE 1CTH, 1199. This condensed schedule is pub j lished as information, and is to the public : - 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Rich, mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury tor Asheville, Knoxyille and points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33, tho New York ui u Florida Express, carries Fnllman Sleep ing Cars between New York and Au gusta, New York and Tampa, Fla., t Norfolk to Charlotte. 8;49 A. M. No. 37. daily, Wash ington and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, - aDd all points South and. Southwesl. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. -1 0:00 A. M. No. 36, daily, for Wash ington. Richmond, Raleigh and all points N OTtb. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New Yoik; - Jacksonville to New York: Pullman tourist cars from Sru Francisco via New Orleans and South er n Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11 3 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Soutn. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. : . 7:09 P; M. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Rich aiond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selraa, Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. " 8: 51 P.M. No 38, dailv, Washington and Southwestern , limited, for Wash- ington and all points North. ( Through Pullman car. Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibuled coach ad dining car. "CI connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. ... 9.20 P. M. No. 35, daily, foi Ailflnta and New Orleans, carries Pulltuan sleeper New York to New Orleans. New York ,to J acksonville and Charlotte to Atlanta; dinning , car. Also Pull iian tourist car Washington to San Francis co, via New Orleans Tuesday and Fri days. ' , . 9.45 P. M. No. 34, daily, the New York and Florida-Express, carries Pull and New York. Tampa, Fla,-affd New York Car- I ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk via weensDoro. - First sections nf rpo-nlfir throuffh or Ideal freight trains cany passengers oniy to points where they stop accorum io scneauie. ' Frank S. Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Ms- - Washington, Is. C. John M. Culp, Traffic Manager, - s. Washington, D, O. W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington, D. C. Uowan Dasenbery,' Local Agent, - - Concoid.N.0

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