Arrival at Train. The following change of schedule took Effect Deo. 11, 1899 : v K NORTHBOUND No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m., " 12 ' to " " 2.00am(Jtet, t) SOUTHBOUND , : fto. 37 arrives at" 8 49 a m, X"' COTTON " 7-18pm. o.rp ra, (uagji ts or " 1 V 11 25 & m. " 8.M p Tn " p ex, -(fog) No. 35, when running ahead oi No 7 fsfl::ed-if nec?saiy for through travel south of harlotte,-and isFtopped for beyond. - No- Btopg regularly for WTCM-iiKVi xur WUbDaiy, tiiffli Point, principal 6tation3 bete-en Danville and point beyond, . and Mo-; take on pas sengers for regular stopping, places cua. llt,. stops to let off passengers from: regular ' QtbnpiiS olaces south of NYw-na x ; liJo v ouu.tu lane on LvnchburL' or hflvond 11 n Peaces, Nos. and 34 fctop at Concord for w.vi0 w . ur ..iruin-v titer (j" C & A Division -Cuarlotto to Augutaand other points in South Carolina, Georgia Nos. 7, 8, 11 an6M2 are the' focal trninl Hon-.toPr-rra '.Vires This special sort of preserve : T Open Hirh t " m,- 7i P Cml sort"f preserve . . Jfn..; 35' ' 5T C-ei ?"ht .Pwe to beM invaluable Aftf rrinAtrri JfS-&: g- JouseboW article. dd -the many- MCipating .SBgar-ip3 139f 132 1:1 ; V CHICAGO WHEAT' .45 A 49 .138 69i G9I u1Jt,ve m the propriety ( - ymg tueir wives under- j standthe culinary an .required r . r oest .Preservation. The the Demand I Vv . . Jauu u carerdlly r-i i , i i-j i r- i ... r . "On "Stxg Their bu-rs PKAisK " A Remarkable SDeeT."" : ine passenfffir adered to, never fail ' tfvi c- 7menr officials of t iT fH?s: JSSU; the new road f the first place, wives area a record leftbehi - a . Xor aualitv accord lefr-behini; time flmn. . l: At one for. fv-.W the indica wedtbat log a. the rate of seventy-four miles per hour. ; I. - :'- ' - This was:a fino t.w -Fi 'r r'"i -. -t" wie ox- fidals and newspaper me& and'a great advertisement for the line .but, we are reliabl vinform tv,l. the new train . ended .,,:.. man's W as passed through "BarnweU"counCy;.v" 1 1 - rc.. o - - Real accordirn -rkiu i at Miss NanSS1 ' MISS HfinlnVi TToi ' , with MlSS Snri:n.T?,M, Tf , home-s5hM - Doil't miss tri'o; i ' . . , . mi" "k"a recital next - Thursday -igHt u to be given bv Miss vwck others i tv t va ;riwx- , "oiwu 6Jauu (j cents 38 -Inch Plaid Verietien only 15c. yd. Fancy PJaid Dress G-oods only 74c. yd. res a arhpur.v - -. at xa aayertised -j. " J''- J-L v t".ie. ie)ieatB touch efc " Tn t? f00"" a package of en- "te iftnt2 .cards? .J B v , t Ti Year; aDd one price "uc"y wm oraer tnem tor vou vUS of from the celebrated engraverf E i "4JrSUTLM W-..:" A Wright, of Philadelphia. ' . TSatn teSe- We a sorry to learn of the r Dt : ' ' - rP-' Ps-" J-: A: Cline was IS M. SW r,-an '!?rr""". called to her bedside today. La Po,.7 i, " J, m Mauimore au,. grippe and.pneumonia. we -learn i&'uj- Branca f areroom. v?isstK the malady. . , Otfl, Mr ' r o eX:1-L,acy Hge and Mr. Frank - 9 iyur P Smith retnrno lmmoRaf . "wiiiukjcuuuiuav night from Asheviile where thev -i- -.," 3 i.1 , . . Rei Hot From tne fin n -Was thft 1ia.11 Kof vti r -o 01. n i, , . TlKTht. fmrv, Al " Af fn.U 'vfi:i . r.- -.y."""1"" air. jno Rutledo-o eno,Vf q ;f autjvnie wnere tney Alcw.5rt icn., m. the Uiyil War dvv-n Charlotr- P ' ' S attended the Baptist convention T8 ?Tblf that no treats J 'tte- Its next session. will h S. SiSfe , 20 W -Ta Mi- P Tt i. : ,-Rloi.v. - ; . ' - - . vr1" rrr'r.rDaive. cured him. -n lS,i J?18618' -Burns, -Boils, lor quality, more wit.v, their, flavor, than? their ap pearance; which will result in f 6 agreeable surprise of tasting better than thev i should never be placed in an earthen agate warn -nnt. o old dimension" or shape, but into a generous lovin? r. ,; true heart shane. ter . judiciously flavored with pure grape sugar to keep' :them sweet and palatable. - ' ; -; : - That theymay be kept thor oughly warnisa, nlacfi tV tacla on the back of. the -stove in which must be used for heating purposestho free burning coal never gas! Bo not make the mistake or submitting the fruit to a varied temperature, as it is a tu impair its flavor and ex tract an uncertain bitterness. It may beiecessary to stir it occa sionally, but this should be done with a heart-shaped spoon. ' xLiiu vv mto tne loving cup now and again a handful of herbs: sweet violets and fragrant ma- nonette. You will be surprised at their preserving quality, and the deliciousness rf tw n,. Wnicti will nermpnto fVi pnere Will nrnvoTnncf A few gold coins dropped gentl v at the right .time into the water and allowed .to , si mmaT. tne "process' of rroovTrn4 m tmsre tne miytnrA fr taste. New York Sun. : : 300 IOO i r IOO BEAVER CAPESl fur trimmed, worth 1 to close out at 75c BEAVER CAPES, full sweep braid3d and fur trimmed, worth 1.75. Our price 1.5 CHILDREN'S REEFERS' worth $?. 00. and $2.50. Our price $1:75.. . .... We are go,ng to sU Item ,53.50 SdJob 5 M ' Tailor Made Suits S5.00: to 00 . iiinen sins. ave you money. 1 Full Table and Can ISFap " . 1 -4 :"t - I . . CaiihbiV & Fietzer - J- nexi session .will be heu v Mr. p B Fetzer. has gone to iRaleiSh- : H .H "Q i f "'!vV 1 ork on trin ' "C"' " onrt t . . . ' J - Merrill is the Concord jee change in Craven Bros, ad agent for the well known en- Real accordion nlqifinr, aelphia, and if you want en- ?t Miss nSaiS116 graVed I WedPn . Citations, Alexander s. announcements, visiting cards, , protracted meeti is beinc' tc., . hand him the order. ' He oi wnite Hall this week bv , ypur only, vyright's au x"resion. -;r. p A Sey more ' and Miss M ,1' ief weie "granted marriage accordion plaiting ; done at Miss iSTanniV: 'Ai5 -y:?., Guy Barrier spent Sunday - at fi0I110 With "hie mfl,rt. f Ttirx S xxxvuxxoi. XX tJ iOl L j lot Atlanta. 1 IWVjU, Mrs nutoan,.;of Sali"sbury,;,is tt j - 1 "a: aister. : mrs. U louser. 5pun glass :;'iajii cents per vard. " rf.Vi- 9ni cents. " Nice asmbr ..Air ahsbury , has .taken o steps to ave every house mvr umDered. Concord -wXlL::0M mZ ? 6 i6 and i pure 'aeited5,Tlr:?i- 1 for 7- Mtpmerream 153 IThinkinb: : - .. :yierpIairQp visningrsa!! Bi; nowyisitingt ard'sat Sprays -yi -vs. r ... - - . r. ' -.- - - - " ' i4 o ilere will ' be a regular v T n X IULl OX OtOKeS WL y mght- "Deo. 1 1th, - at loek. r. H. Griffin, - ' Secretary. ' "Bake Cakes to order and would be glad to have a trial nrrlor frrnri xrr T? v. AX VIII j J M . XVylXXXlX. l.bread, rolls, etc. every day. Concord Bakery. Joe Fishery Woprietor. 17,1 X ' xjurua, lions. Melons Corns.,r8kin ErupUons. Best - wu ci tu. cis. a dox. (jure guaranteed. ; Sold - at- Fetzer's Drue Gh ristmas December is thinking time jtrith everybooly. The selecting n ; Goods bur line ' is hrtantifni large and ' well assorted. For Holiday and Bridal presents, we are thepeople. Please !- do us the favor , to call and look them oVef: we are proud to show them and vou don't have to hnir- bufwd'findHat folks !ff en erallv do buy after seeing our; goods in styie, : Goodness in aualitv ahd Lowes ihupricthese are the; strong points in. our : stock. r? Fetzer's Drug Store. r-P nM'ffo'nf rmrr Virion -'ill iinimin aiiu XIUU lUU . woiav ouuii cxxuo ov i lt3iyUxlCi'VJVfVxiio Xl UUU MkJ Ull ! Just leed'neWiot of waios,iniiSOEa;erseianci- venitlan Small- ' j v , W-UM - . lLncnisr tiWinter is Comino- . , - , o - w.-w vwiu wxxxo TT XXX better barer ainshari -n sri al i n i kinds of V. ' u ?M -, r v - .. T-""i's At wholeslttraiiarretail: It will pay youiwjeoiiraarge : atocK? .";"..: ,v-"' JOt -f'.;; ?-?jh?3 vnn dn vour thinkiriflr. : ) . ,1 , pay you: toe Oim Jtrsre : Stock? rfrT7T" " auiiT'iine oi acnes' , onoes i of x--.rTAtHrv. r5 - x (Keep youfffisflarertanuour snow, tjuihd x 11: . jfCS.t--' --cT' -vf' txxxvxvtt,. it ; V. .,ri.i, rn; . 'Ujr .' v- ,VT. la." , : . t-. ' ."- - " GbrreiTs, THE JEWELER 1 . - - . x -9 . 1 - 'iieayamd Fancy ;.n. orocerje X. utupwuww ' ' VV1UVUI UXU combs. iLadies' pocket books. . ! Oome and see ns. -We :-w?ll do 1 1 ... . ,,,-,- .. : 0Or7'& 6drsap&jil Jtt lias oer aiS h over agaiu mj t-f j r'i "T 7hsMlotterp (jlIDSOll oiir best t6t;pleaso yoa in. ! prices andStyles f" v - :r :v -- &: Morrison. :Mats,Etci; before buying. For Clover Seed Seed Rye, and RockSalfTgo to ' (3gW. Patterson's. - Jeiiicp Coal And bayo tea iriore car loads on the'wdy. fKIKXPP for tnd ihWMst khW?f i West LjS5mKP&t8ic fisy&ge 6S. M; L; Brown &:?iBR0, L1VERY- PEED AND SALE - i i -1' ui I .u1 : Just in rear of St fUnniTTTntiiv "- .WMM . VX Omnibuspj; m ppf. nl I nociKTAi.' trains.. t. nf nil Viio uu xx&XXVLO AlXX- ' nished promptly and at reason- ,. X " -vx AiA UiUlCd always on hand for sale. Breed- xo wx Luuiuuuuieu r oiancu China Hogs.