it. S lV A A l LIFE IX MANILA. Sims lVrites Heme of the Days Pass Hi in ihc Philippine Islands. Jay All arc tflad to hear from our Concord boys who are now liv ing the lives of soldiers in Ma nila. A letter has been received by his folks from Jay Sims. ; The letter was written- in La Loma church near Manila, which is a Catholic church taken by the Americans. n tne ouuamg can be plainly seen holes made by Uncle Sam's eight-inch guns. On its wall is to be seen a life size crucifix of our Saviour. The letter was written on the 7th and 8th of November. They arrived at Manila on the third and took a train .to Caloocon, five miles from the city. The soldiers have nothing to do these days but pass away their time; fighting mud und mosquitoes. The weather is hot, and though now is considered the dry sea son it has been raining every daw . . -.' Every tropical fruit grows there. The soldiers have no work to do, as JJncle Sam hires men to wait upon them. Jay says that the band alone has two men and a buffalo cart to wait on them.' " ;" - . :.- On his way to Manila on the ship he spoke of having' passed a burning volcano on one of the Caroline islands. In his letter he made mention that it was then noon of the 7th there and to us here it would be about midnight of that same date. Pay day has never yet come to the boys. All of the boys are well, though 12 there wTas much sick ness he could not write of it as news ?vo to the ' workings and condition of the army will not pass by the hands of the censor. As ia Cuba the people bury their derul in one large boneyrd. Be fore closing his letter he said thai Fletcher Foil and two oth ers had gone to the : city after a barrel of water, so it seems that water is scarce there. Almost all furniture used, there is .made of bambo o. ' . Jay's letters are always inter esting and we are always glad to hear the experiences of our far away soldier boys. Tlie Attorney-General Here. " v As noted some days: ago Mr." Jno. W Griggs, Attorney-General of the United States, is now in our county enjoying himself shooting at our game. He is ithllr. T E Smith, pur New Jersey friend, who comes here each year. They are staying at Mr. Martin Bost's at Bosts Mills. Tho attorney-general will spend i only a few days. .- ; Concord Boys Doing Well.' Principal - Gray, of Bingham School, at Mebane, reports that Concord boys, Brandon iVieans and anrdnn ' Tnhnstrn. are (working hard and doing "well at Bingham. ' . ; ; r NO CURE. NO PAY . o?&5 12 the all ' drugrgists sell !raeleps Chill Torio for rW; CONCORD, MR. R. BENTON WRITE DEAD. Passes Away at 5 A M. Tuesday, at the Age of 73-A Good Man in Every Re lation of Life. Mr. Benton White died at his home at 5 o'clock a. m.. todav (Tuesday) at the good ripe age of to years. . . He had been stricken with pa ralysis some years ago, which ended as above stated. Mr. White married Miss Martha Alexander, who pre ceded him to the grave some twelve years ago, leaving also three sons and one daughter; viz. Mrs. Tom Alexander, of Meck lenburg, Rev. Osmond White, de ceased, Mr. Ea. White of the firm of Swink & White, of this ' place, and Walter P White, who dent Davis' Memorial Associa- vite as a whole the Woman's lived with his father under the tion, in which he turned over the Missionary society. , . home roof. : funds on hand, amounting to ! An elegant meat supper will Mr. White has left a good name over $20,000, to the Daughters of be served to the guests. Mrs. B both as a citizen and member" of the Confederacy as their part E Harris was selected as manager thajchurch. ' - - ; ' towards the Jeff Davis monu- of refreshments, assisted by Though connected " with Zion ment. The Daughters are to Misses Rose Harris, Willie Rich Presbyterian church, the body raise the rest of the money for mond, ;Lida White and Nona will bo laid in . the cemetery of Rocky River church'by the side of her who was his earthly stay and comfort in life. The funeral rites will be conducted at the home Wednesday at 10 o'clock. His Plan to Fight the Tobacco Trust. ! "Mxr J F Jordan ofGreensboro 1 proposes a plan3v whichLto' M, , 4 trust that seems practical' and just. He says: "My. plan contemplates the or ganization of a company . to buy the entire crop of bright tobacco ' grown in the States of -North Carolina, South Carolina, Vir ginia and Tennessee, and all the farmers will have to do is to en ter into an iron-clad agreement, refusing to allow the American Tobacco Company to have the chance to purchase a single leaf of their product for five years. Instead of selling at public auc tion in warehouses, as they now do, they will bring their tobacco to the warehouses in the several markets and it will e priced by a committee consisting of two farmers elected by themselves and two leaf men, to be selected uy uuo v r, - every farmer is to i eceive tne -, price for the same grade. same After being priced in this way it is to be appointed out to the various dealers " on each market, who have f actilities for rehand ling it and putting it in through keeping order, and then storeo in storage warehouses, S Thus all the markets; including ware house men, leaf dealers, inde pendent factories and storage houses, can be kept intact and nobody will suffer save a few salaried buyers now on the mar kets "f or the trusts. And even they can have employment if they desire it." - We see little hope of thwart- ing the trusts with litigation whilA fastered by our tariff sys- i . and we long to see the day when the frugal producers win cooperate and themselues reap the benefits of an unvarying price for; their products. TO CUBE A CoVii) IH ONE DAY , .il diuffgists refund mony. if it fg to o?rt The srenuin xuw aj. 25c. Tne genum N. CM TUESDAY, DECEMBER -VT" , "r. THE U, D. C. I An Interesting Meeting--The Report of Their President Read to the Members. Written for The Standard,, The Daughters of the Confed eracy were called together Fri day afternoon, Dec. 8th, to hear their president give a report of the proceedings of the U. D C. held in Richmond three weeks previous. "' This the president did in a most charming and entertaining j style, and was listened to with great enjoyment by all present. Among other things she told of a letter received and read be- Monday afternoon all arrange fore the assembled U. D. C. from cnts were completed for the Col. Ellyson, mayor of Rich- .evening's enjoyment, mond, also president of Presi-! These means are taken to in- the monument. The immediate work of the' The committee on invitation is Dodscn Ramseur Chapter is the Misses Janie Richmond, Agnes i 4! "Mnss Kate Gibson, and Mrs. S i ittiL&iu ivo uai b ui vxiKj lunus lui ' this monument to our beloved President Davis.. : "A soliciting: committee was ar pointed to get what it could, also o TY.Hton r arTifro fr on aitn hfi riT -cnmft WA. I" UJ. V V vv w J Vu V . time in the near future. Some-other business was dis- posed of . After the closing of this very interesting meeting re- freshments were handed, served in the hostess' delightful man ner. ; V ' : ".. . The meeting adjourned, each member leaving with her heart fired with fresh enthusiasm and with renewed determination to do everything in her power to assist in this sacred cause. Organization Should Begin. Chairman Simmons has called a meeting of the Democratic State Executive Committee for December, 11th. This meeting at this time is wise. In fact, we can depend on Chairman Sim mons to do the right thing at the rieht time. . There can be ' but , . , , result in the meet- i v" rv J . . . , ' inff. and that is to lay the plans im.u.. i . the State in the interest of, the amendment and good govern ment. The committee should proceed at once on the work of the next campaign. It is true that the State convention vail name a committee and there may be a new chairman though we think not and hope not ; yet there is work for the present chairman and his able -assistants. They must hand over to the. State con vention the white voters of the State as a Solid mass ior me amendment. In no way can this be done so well as in club organi zation. The unions in the last campaign were the most power ful factors inthe greatrwork that was done. There must be per fect precinct organization. The name of every white man must I be at hand and each individual f h 1 i teratur e on tne m uiuiuxo . Windsor Ledger. amendment. T?(W. J C Davis returned borne last night from Lexington. 12, 1899. TO GITE A HIGH TEA. I The Tonng Ladies Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church to Have an Evening at Mr. Elam King's. On Thursday evening from the hours of 5 to 9 o'clock at Mr. Elam King's; the Young Ladies' Missionary Society will give a high tea to at least 150 invited friends. At a conspicuous place there j will be a basket in which the in- vited ones can contribute a free will offering. At Miss Willie Richmond's Boyd. ' ' - J JLrvm j Committee on decorations Misses Cassia Watson, Catherine Morrison and Alice Sims. At the' table the following la- dies will; serve supper : Misses ' t . , v v . ...... Hurvey and Goss, Mrs. - J as. Hurley, Misses Julia McConnell, Janie Ervin, Rosa Mund, Lena Leslie, Margaret Cannon, Mary Johnson and Lucy Lore. Pay Only for What You Take An old Scotchman, not feelin well, called upon a doctor. The doctor gave him some verbal in &tructions as to how to' regulate his diet, advising him, among other things, tcrdrink no spirits for a time. The Scotchman rose to leave, when the doctor said: "I am in the way of charging for my advice. I will trouble you for half a crown." 4Oh. maybe," said the patient, "but I'm noe gaun to-tak' yer ad- vice ! ' London Telegraph; Fine Health at Bingham School. In fourteen years there' has been no serious case of sickness, and in a hundred years no case of fever at the location of the Bingham School, Orange county, near Mebane, N. C. 'v Rev. W H L McLaurin spent today here on his way to Mocks ville.. - v. ' v" "' We ay ; Do you hear those- "Wedding Belb They be ringing loud and clear, - Evidently calling you to the. f-umiturei Store of C Bel H where they make present a ' specialty"-useful as well as ornamental at prices that suits everybody. Come and see. Xmas will soon be here. If you want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister, or some other body's brother or sister, we are the people, so our customers say that keep everything at prices way down. I We like you in fad; we love you; and the larger your bill the bet- (ter we jove you Increase our love won't you, ft. , Vs. A!- Residence LPhone. . . Single copy. 5 cents. JNO. PROPST FREE. A Telesrrani Conies from 31 iV Asking That" He be Rclc.i:;:! H: Brother Held at Salisbury. The negro, John Propst, who was brought here to jail from Gold Hill on the charge of shoot ing Mr. Dolph Mauney, is now at liberty. A telegram - was re ceived Monday from Mr. MauDy himself asking that John Propst be released.' Postelle Propst, John's brother, is confined in j air at Salisbury, both on sus picion of being! the one who shot. Mr. Mauney and also because he had a pair of brass knucks when arrested. Strong School Faculty. There are more-college and' university graduates in the fac ulty of Bingham School, Orange county, near Mebane, than in any high school in North Caro lina. PERSONALS. Mr. Will Peden returned hero Monday night from Albemarle. Prof. Preston Lewis Gray, principal of the-Mebane High School, is here for a few days. ", -Miss Mary Bernhardt and Messrs Arthur Reynolds and Harold ShemwCll returned to Salisbury this morning. . Miss Lena Wade, a student of the seminary at Mt. Pleasant, is spending today at: Rev. W B Oney'sbn her return to David son county. l ice tne OF ; Brave Men Fall - Victims to stomach, lier and kidney trouoles as -well aswomeil," and hU feel the results in loss of appetite.oisons in thl) i blood, 'backlich , nervonnegJs headache anc tired, listless, run-down feeling. .But mere's, no need to' leel like that. Listen to; J. W. Gardner, Idayille, Tnd . Ho -. says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't caro whether he lives or die3 It did more to give me new strength an good appetite than anything J could take. I can, now eat anything and have a new lease on life. " Only 50 cents, at 1 ctzer 's Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. .90. fctoie 'Phone?. . .12. iHome-madel iMinceMeatsS . AT - V 0 1 I! ' V 1 1. ii ill in r. ice. J50o. n eaoU. tablet o

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