HY SIANDAR .JOHN D. BARRIER and SQK Editors and Proprietor. . EDITOR MANNING PUZZLED. FFKE 13 THE WOltUI.N CU1LI THE STANDARD is published every -day (feundav excepted) and delivered by riVa. Hates of Subscription : One yesr... .... .$4.00 . Six ra :d s ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Tfcri't? moDtbs yy:. . . '. . . : . ' 1 00 vOu tuoaib . '. . . . . . . .... ? -35 Single cooyv . ..... ... 05 TEE WEEKLY STANDARD is a - -our-page, eight-column paper. It has larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other,paper Price $1.00 per annum in -ftdvanotv- Adveitisins Rates: r Terms far regular advertisements taado known on application. Add- ss all communications to THE STANDARD, ; - . Concord, N. C. Concord, N. C, Dec 12, 1399 THE WORSE EVIL: THAN. THE We have for got ton if we ever lieard how the English sparrow got into America but the bird is - here in full force to stay and jnost people would rather the '"busy little pest Qhad stayed on its own side of the. briny "branch. Jno. S Palmer, says the Scientific American, has written -an essay " on the introduction of animals and birds, not natives of the land, until approved by a .government expert of the Agri cultural Department. : ;r He cites the instance of rab bits that were taken- to Austra lia and turned loose in -1864 for sporting purposes. Within 12 years they well nigh took "the land. Millions . of dollars" have -been spent in bounties, poison, etc., to get rid of them. In 1887 .no less than 19,182,539 "of V the 41 brers" were killed and the hole made is more r than filled up. They have thousands of miles of -rabbit-proof fences. ' ? Jamaica was troubled " with -ats, and for want of ; a rPied . 'Piper they introduced a little .Indian mongoos. It effectually did up the rodent tribe, but mul tiplied, and for lack of rat meat ".they took to little domestic , ani mals and poultry.' Now the gin ger producers would be glad- to : swap the remedy for the evil, i ' The Henderson Gold Leaf has a friend of the remedy; dis pensing class. Among the things dispensed is soap. Some ' half dozen cakes are thrust upon the editor every time the doctor comes to town.- The editor is puzzled and says:-- "We do not know wheiher he thinks we es pecially need it - or whether to regard it as a pointless manifes tation of simple friendship.", Our solution would be to pre sume the latter and act on the former theory. - , 'B'S" POETIC STRAIN. "We lay no claims to accom ..... M . 1 i . '" -1 i - piibtjeu criticism, inaeea. we know npt that we have aught but our likes and dislikes, butwe see "tl q world go wild over poems th a t strike u s less f avorabley than -t;,at in another ''Cglifmttlndestl iredited to 'B" in the North OaroliiiaXIniversity tMagazineL: There is d, vein of the unone- ness; of the prodigal ? in it, but thought clad in terms truly sub- lime and embellished with poetic Tbythmv We would skV he : reader not to -faiL, to jonder es pecially 'the finale of the second and fifth stanzas. " r We are proud of such talent in our University and fondly hope 'from the- basis underlying1 this -doleful but sweetly , hufiajjle Bong to see rising in the sky of worthy, distinction a star of the first mag nitude. : , i had " For Over Fi Itv T ears . '"Mrs. Winslow's Soothiwrr flvmn .been need -for over fifty z Z by mil lions of mothers for their children -while teething, -with perfect success.; It .aoothes the. chilu, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the ues remeay tor diarrhoea. It will! . reiieyf ice poor uuie sunereT'immedi att 'y. oOl'bydrugcrists in every part of the 'vorld. Jlenty-flve cents a bot . lie." R3 sure and a?A for "3fr-. Win v slows -Soothing v Syrup," end Stake no -other -kind, - - It is said '"that the National Younig Men's Republican League has declared in favor of Senator Pritchard for Vice-President for the next term. Its the very thing. Break the Mason and Dixon line with a Republican for the second place on the ticket. It will be a stepping 'Stone by which a good" Southern Demo crat may become president. The V ilson Times says Mr. Joe ' Vick, a farmer in Nash county brought in a load of to bacco for sale on the top of which were four fine turkeys not for sale but as premiums"" to - the buyers of so many lots of his to bacco brjng - the ' highest -prices. That plan seems calculated to take some of the stuffing out of the tobacco trust. ; ' THE AMERICAN BUFFALO. Some Enoriaous FibresHow; He Was ' We a r e taclinecl to give a good ueai oi creaiii lo wnari we -reau in the Scientific : American though it be a selection; We find, - how ever, an article by Charles iPred- erick Holden on the bison or American buffalo that is almost incredible.1 - ":;J. He is now practically extinct, and roves no more on - the prai ries of the West and South West. A few are kept in parks and p re serves. : ; -. ::. - ' " " ; The amazement is that as late as 1872 they went in dense herds that no one could fairly esti mate. ' ; - ' I - An -; army . ofiicer m 1867 '.is quoted as saying that at one time he was surrounded by . them ; and that from the top of, the hill, he could see nothing but buffaloes and was in the greatest danger of feeing caught, in al stamped, such being irresistible." : " ; ; ' Qhe 'Col. Doige: records an experience of traveling 25 miles in the brgtoups that formed one general herd. ; Sometimes, they would move put of "the ;way, but at Qthertffies they would : sweQp past and" around the.wagon when it team; and all - would have been crushed had he not -gotten them pistols. They toppled oyer cars, and one buffalo hung with his feet down through the car win dows as it lay on its side. , These great cows .weighing 1,200 and: the bulls' weighing 2,000 pounds apiece, stampeding in great herds could behead for as' much as five miles and the earth tremble'd beneath them. -It is truly - wonderful howrap idly this great family disap peared. -' - - ; In such vast herds they- some times stampeded over precipices. Two thousand were ?6st in ' the quick sands of -the Platte River in 1867, and at another: ,time a whole herd was lost by break ing through' the ice at Lac Qui Parle, in Minnesota. - But greedy, reckless, wasteful hunting has 'subdued ; and ex terminated the buffalo. ';. Here are some of the records of destruction beginni ng at about 1820: ' " -1 v -; -One gang of 620 . men- in two hunts killed 47,770. - Five expe- peditions record an average- of 118,850. Fivei others record 146, 250 ' slain. From 1835 to 1840 212,550 were destroyed. ' One Gaptr JacitHridges. hunt tngljy :Himselfinade atecord 1,142 buff albs in.six;weeks. J " : "Buffalo Bill" got his name by contracting to furnish the labor ers with buffalo meat while builds ing the Kansas pacific railroad. Iii8sm1cmt 280: ; He received $500 - per month as wages . j , . - -: " From 1872 : to 1874, 3,158,780 were slain, half of "them being wasted tilled f for- their hides , " In 1882, it was resiniated that but in 1883 -the last ;10, 009 wefe to "diy ide bycshooting? int6Kthem: Iii one 'day he killed 26, hot for sport but for f ety. ; ; ; " L TIiisTKerd was "ascertained by others to be 50 miles wide and was five dasjn :asshig afgiveh point. ;rjin bnthe. (Kansas Pacific road. in486? pe between the pfjland Sheridan, 120 miles through a continuous herd pf buffalos. r - I V They became so compact" at times that the train had to stor Cars were sometimes deaaile:! y-? their. eharges.- One instance is noted wlien they nade a charge in Jront while the mass approached in the rear. ..The engineer. stopped and blew :the whistle while all fired into them with guns and Prbrjer ' leeral restraint ; would have perpetuated a great j source of f bod " supply, and much -of marketable products. " The .de struction of .buffaloes, is well called the crime of the century. To accommodate those wh o are partial to the use ; of atomi zers in applying liquids' into the nasal . passages for - catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Ely's IMquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists - or by mail. The liquid embodies the medici nal properties of rthe solid prepr aration. t Gream: Balm is quickly absorbed 'by the ; jnembrane and does not dry up the secretions, but changes them to a : natural and -f healthy character." - Ely Brothers; 56 -Warren St., N. Y. '. ' : 1 K . j . . . Lient. Brnmby Dangerously 111, -; Dispatches .have been noting the : rather alarming illness of Lieut. Prumby. ,: A ' W&shington dispatch of thed 1th says: ; ' J : "The condition of Lieutenant Brumby, , Admiral Dewey's . flag lieutenant, changed for the worse late tonight. ' He became uncon .scibus ntoWard ,ridriiglitan"a" consultation ,the: J physicians was held and a " telegram sent summoning; aBalttmbr"phyi canwhbisa;"ip ofthe kiud frbm;w ,tenanisapfferm is threatoned MrsHayod, , aVistei;pf the sick officer,; is'at . iiis . bedside. -A- Night - pi Terror: - ' 'Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias, Me. ," when the doctor Bard' she could hot live till morning - "writes 'Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her 'that fearf id uight. 1 soon die frdm Pnettmonia; butrshe begged for. Dr. King's New Discovery ; nay-Jig it hud rhoie than once - saved her, life; and had cured her of Consumption After three rmall doses she BlepV easily all night, and its further use complelelv eared her'; I This afvelonah taedicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest S Sisease.: Only 6O0 and $1.00. Trial bottles free at TFetzer's droug fctore. . ... . 1 IB1 Ann may : Need - Some of tlhiege rtlckg Bleacned Table Damask 52 Cotton 25c.;. Linen, . . (0 Ro - - .inches wide 47ic.; do. 72 inches wide 85c. " 0J " - - Good- AssdrtmesTit:df Towels, Cotton,' unbleached, 5c;'Bleache J up to i2c.; Linen t 37k 55 ' CO 1 - Blankets 50c; perrpair up to $! ' 5, Courite'irpfflinies, "Assorted", -.at $n.H5 to Si. . . Home-Made Comforts $1.25 to 81.30. 10-4;: jBleched Sheeting 22 l-2c. per yard. uace vuriams uou- LU vP'JU Pe' pair. See. our Irish point, curtains at $2.50. Curtain nritena!: . ' , " Silkolines 61 to 12c. Nice Assortment Fancy Table Covers, Scarfs, Tidilsi CushioiiSv Giishion Covers, etc., s - : r in stamped, printed and worked patterns. Embroidery Silks .. :. t .:r ! . - - - - at' J to 3c.per skein. Zephyr 5c. per skein. Special in S - r .u. , J ; f .Uhdecorated Germ an Ch i n a : ctiid' dishes at 60c. per set. Decorated cake plates, salad bowls, berry - sets, cups and saucers iiiiuu ur luiLLi uuiii: .U- . ' f : l I Ifl.l HIS. PFR llf up. .1 . ... ..f".2 .lEKjMWSSMTOiatl, Cheaper ones 98c.;up- Ladies vests 15c. upvj Drawers; tematch 18c. up. Men's Undershir;il8c. up. Drawers 25c. up; :icelot, of hoods and caps for children. See our 10 cent litie of hosiery. ;f ore seeing btoiline.: yjj' ' Very respectfully; - . . A. i 1 T If you a : i ' 1 il 1.1 A , u juu aru uuta uuuburiur 10 The Standard .... ... ' -.. U ' 4. now Is the time ta subscribe. X ' 4.aam.'i' 4 v y',,. . . f J If you have anything to sell 4. you can make it known through $ J - 4 V r ...... . , 44j.44mJ.444mJ 4. 4.4.4 44'4 4..4 The Standard. ..4M.."i'4' TIE 4 ,4 4 S: w published every day . (Sunday ex ? T cepted) and delivered at your door or oZy 10c . per week or 35 g- per month : 4 4 , THE STflfJDARD J " prints home and other hews that is ? w- interest to our readers and to make 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "4 4 4 4- $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. 4 4.- . ' , 4 - 4 grow better we must have Me pat- ronage of the people. . 'v -J ' ...'--.1...., . - Gi?e us a trial when you make ybux next order for.... ...... .V.. Job Work. 4 4 4 4 - 4 : 4 . 4. 4. i 4 4 -4. . or& reaav.when:Dromised ; '--. - 4- W f . 44-4-544444": fS5? W 4 ..- . ' t 4 4 If you wanfto.;buy anythinsT ; J you can call foOt ; lhrough '.-' i ; , , 4 -4 - , ,j Adyertismgrates' Ji n . 4 -M. - 5f ;. v y - -- r . i,. V -s.

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