Arrivnl or Ttb!p. fhe following change of schedule took ffect Dec. 11. 1893MtS. ;y.x ' - 6 ; , NOHTHBOUN I. -.. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m. , : 36 " "10 26 a m, " 12 " 14 7-18 p m, it i 38 " u 8.rl p m, (flag) ' VA ' " 9J4Tmt" 62 " " 2.00 a m (lie4k . t) 80UTH ROUND.;. jjo 87 arrives at 8 40 a m, (flaf?) 11 " Vll?5am; m RM nm 85 33 " .iapm,-(flaer) No. 3o. when runningi ahead pt .No;? isflajrg li necessary for through travel south of v harl )ttt, - and is ptopped for nassengers "arriving from Jjyuehbnrg or beyond. No 80 stops " reprnlarly ' f or past-cngers for Salisbury, IjUgh Point, Greensboro, Reidnville, Danville and nrincipaljstationa between Danyfile and NEW -: YORK ' MARKETS. Jan..: -.34 March -43 May.. 45 Trials of a Xeiyspapert COTTon - une ot the erreatr trials of the ' - .". .. I .. - . . Open rHirfr-- t newsnaner ffo:c; members are compelled to see more ot the 38 ?9 - B0 w 40 52 44 -c ko Sugar 137 139 ' 136 136 -7. . .CHICAGO WHEAT. May. :-69f. 69f 68f 69 uuiy,. Dy. . oajr 63f 69J Original Obserrations. sna'm of the worl d I man any other profession. Through every newspaper of - uce, day alter day, go all the weaknesses of v the world all the vanities that want to be puffed; all the revenges -that! Ahtici'patih the Rim . t,i . I auu io oe roapea; au the mis- tatlebacks. takes that want to bo righted; ail v . . ' . l.llO ' flllll "brvnol-.r, 4-l-.n4- 4- Will bow-ledged men be con- be thnnhf. oif. n Vi signed to Umbo? - . !oo , ' wares . noticed in editorial 38 -Inch Plaid Venetien only 15c. yd. Fancy Plaid Dress G-oods only 71g. yd- I ' JS ,,... ... - I , waemngum. . o; . ior . pas v iy mscmating work of fiction, columns gratis to save a tax in sensrers coming from J-TncLbursr : or mi ... - . 1 . . , noiuis, and to. .take ,mi . . pas- Inc broken marriage eno-asre- tne advertising coitlmns; all the senders tor regular Etoppmgr. places on f b A i-ii . .a . r - 300 TYIOTl Txrbrv TTron-h r " Va c-4- wr-! soitfiof Newclls. No. m ".stops to let - " weuuing trip.; -Vs"-... y-"o o$ passengers from Tegular-stopping ; ' BefoVe : mttrriaft' WiWVn." " never were right; all the phrva south ot JNeweJls ami to. take ou , . -. : r a , n.rnolcort .hrni n orl ilncovo passeu-ers for re-ular stopping, places, aiLur marriage-tne real fire. . 7 .1,: V1' ." s. f and 34 ston at Concord fnr Most Orange girls are so timid - .V . . ' nassensers to or from heTT. that thev will iumn at. n. nm. S1"" as xaeir nnger- Division -Charlotte to . . "Angiisfa-aud 1 nails; all the bores who.come to stay five minutes but talk five re porter ial rooms all 'the folli es I and shams Yf thp. -world n ro. soon : ;The matrimpnial typhoon is dav after dav. and the- temuta- ragmg and ti'em is now money tion is to believe in neither God, for the ministers.- n nv.-,, Tf or.. Our bucket pf bliss is now run- prise to me that in this profes- mng over- that brilliant publi- sion there are some skeptical! ; cation, tne Uongreional Record, men; I only wonder that news- is iiuw iuaiuuK-iiB aaiiv visiis ton3at)er men ne neve anvt niiff. our sahctiim.r - BEAVER CAPES, fur. trimmed, worth $1 to close out at 75c. ... BEAVER CAPES, full sweep braided and fur trimmed, worth $1.75. Our price $l.f5. . CHILDREN'S REEFERS worth $2.00 and $2.50. Our price 81.75; j :;. . . . . other points m South Carobna, Geonria f"- and Florida, reached through Columbia V After the holiday shopnin- t W , V -or Augusta , ; - V- , pPP1 hours. - In the editorial and i :os. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains fo pocketbooks -Will be able to and connect at Salisbury ylth trains t of stand a loan. W. N. Division. - 1 . .. ... KLE PHONE Or 71? ONE LOT of Black Kersey Capes, tailor male, 135 in., seewp braided plaited and plain, .worth 5.00 and $6.00; We are going to sell them at 3.50 and $5.00. Air ATTRACTIVE line :of Pur Capes and Cr o vats from $1.00 to $2.06 Chaper than can be bought. ; POUNDED. .......1842 'if 3 Ladies' Tailor Made Suits $5.00 to $6.00. -Sing Their OwPraise;,J: kServer:l2lIL VMttW " ,la "ij, -piwiAA iICa: . -Wastheballthathita B. ' ue . insputea; - . T; Wuo wj the. CiyU: ona it. is a reality mat ue make jstrictlv ttir.Yiits;Jwa.niiie iiiexanaer s. it nxntA b.irriblA tbt Red Hot From trie Gun. S tad man War treat- 0 years. Then - - Full Line of cue srraue. A larero ur hiuu.ii ri7.a an I (mnnf vi.. desired, but only one grade. Why buv Mr. Dolph Mauhey, of Gold! Bncklftn's Arnica. Sal fttiredhim uu iustrument because' it is ttdTettisedhaill. whrt wa 'lastAfit 'sHni 'in flns 'fltits; Briiisft. Tliirna, 'Boils. aa cheap? Parchase aa instrument that face from ambush is able to Felons, Corns, Skin Ernptiohs. Best stands hiuhiu tbe estimation of your rfTri T,? 25cts.abox: Crire friend arid the Greatest f Musicians-all " LU u wuriti again. - guaranteed. Sold at . Fetzer's Drug jyei iu worm. ,a riauo ffim a pure a-- -. , , store - , ., tone, delicate touch, etc. In fact a Don't miss the musical recital li-.n . . . - - c ri ino with every imiurovement, that is next Tuesday night to be ' " b, ueficial to the;weax;ADd ajt .one. price given by Miss Van-Wagner and I U'! X'4-irv'S r nALi Sthers in the Opera House. Ad- I fl X IStmaS a, Table; and ;'apkhi's. Can- save ybu money. Cannon & f etzer Terms aocommodatiug. Catalogue Jor - JV1.1SS "LUra W neCler, wno ne asking, some bargains ; in square for some weeKS nas; been nere pianos. ' v ; Uf?c?fwr TmlMT. ;,,nri Um M, Sneet."" " meelOT,,lias .returnedto fWU Frnfnrv Rrannh -Wapfirnnm 'i" been staying at ' Mr. Will Par neirs, has gone to Bessemer where he will work in a cotton mill. : i u- ' - t IArlotte, N. C Walter Hopkins returned home Monday night from Gold Hill. Real accordion plaiting "'"done J R Page and family of Til Miss Nannie Alexander's. ; Biscoe, arrived hereMonday night to visit Mr. and Mrs. J no. Attorney .Morrison Caldwell Hatchett." ;Mr. Page ! has re was attending court at Albemarle turned home. this week. . ; ' . . RING No. . 38 or 6 and order Miss Mamie Ury is spending pure aerated milk and cream, i. bis week with her friend, Miss ; Now is the time to order cream Sad'e Bencini. " - for Sunday ."Prompt delivery. " "-Jrrt ' tf. Riviera Dairy Co. Notice change in Miss Van Warner's recital to next Tuesday Archey Cannon, ; who is at account of a severe cold. Richmond undergoing a treat- - :;: ment for his throat, will return Miss Mary Hendrix, who. has home next week to spend Christ been unwell at Mont Amcena mas .. , - ; Seminary, has returned Home. - v V . J . . -Rev. Walter Lingle, of Dai- Miss Kate Garrett, who . has tn Ga. . and Miss Merle Dupuy, been visiting at Mr.- H M Bar: 0f Davidson, " will ; niarried row's, - has : returned to Kings January 2nd. The groom is -Mountain. v : ; t known by a numoer nere The poles of the -Postal Tele Mrs. S E Allen v who was called graph Co. here in the business here by the eath' 'Of her mother, part of town have "been- paintied Mrs. AnnvinkrMs nicelv. Wlnnf Her MaSighter, Mrs. St; M kc TMoViTiia A avanrior'fi loO, iotuiuou v , , . . , v , ; t r mother. The Standard has on its bbbks jjev v Hendersc one subscriotion; paid ito -BaS, cxhUAM Wf ' 1 on 1901. He is a c&hsub been atthe WG ( : iitiA ne fxinTi ws. ris fSteadily im- Kev. J E Thompson and :fam, manv 'friends will ilv havfl-VnnA StatJeSViW Pro?V-:hS -KTn- here Mri Thompson wiU.M be giaa to leaxu.-. Goods our line is beautiful, lara and well assorted. For Holiday and Bridal presents, we are the people Please do us the favor to call and loolc them over ; we are proud - to J show them and ybu don't have to buy but we find, that folks ; generally J do buy after -seeing pur:? goods and knowing the prices. Beauty in style, Goodness in quality and Lowest in price these are the strong points in our stock. Fetzer's Drug Store. Thinking Times . . . December is thinking timei with everybody. - The selecting ... !.- f I of gilts at once-Deauuiui, unique j and not too costly confronts eV: eryone. Come in and let us help von do1 vour thinking. (Keep your eye on our buuw window). : v GorreJI s, THK JEVbr,ER. '. LOOK I .-IHI - i f to "T las A number of friends were en tertained at Mrs: : R A Brown's iviCTi mcrht n.nm-nlimentarV to - vOni nlos to 4ary Bernhardt, ot . bai- wnnld be srlad to have UlUOi " . -..-.Dhtnfl'mi t ..... t T3Ytr. i.. tttto bavft irebu J. I 4 M.llll I 1 I I I in J - I I IHL J . . . i . who have been attending bread, roUs, etcevery aay. hool at Mont; Amoena: Semi- rfd RakefV. a , - I . w w w r f . u to Rowan county on account I vi me uiness of their lather. rWeare -orepared A '4 tW eoDle.'this wintex Just received U new lot -of better bargainsthan all Plalds in ' Somerset and Venitian kinds of . t . j rlbtns: ; - tBluel "Vemfian cloth, w -' J ' -' - 4 ' ' covert cidu, : smau fieavy and Faiicy Plaid wool' goods in. Jdress; pat- , " - -T Q f OCSIFfleS' terns. No two; alike. ...QhnPR! .Shoes!! r..: PHONE 122 . . A fulr lme"oiauie& uu, of : . ,,T- Tinware, Wcjodwane ; CombsEmpire : Glassware,' wrocKery, combs; Lailies' pocket books. : ; . . : .v-. -HatsEtc. ;'V'oti caoric:. We Will do " , .C , . ; , bufi'to'-please you .in prices SK and'styles. - ; - - .- .. Gibson & Morrison. GgW. Patterson's Winteris I ALREADY HAVE -ON HAND THItEE CARS Ot e(ii0oa:l And baTe ien taorQ car loads on the way. It la time forypfttb lay in 'ropply.for , the Zcir:'PAy - jA: CyBidckw0dcrn ; West Depot Sty at Store. JDPhone 63. ' fv M.'L. Brown & Bro. LIVERY, PEED AND SALE ;5--::-TABLES.. ;&vvV Just hi rea of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses ra eet all passenger trains. Outfits' of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. , Horses and mules al way son hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs, . I! I !

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